def add_booking(): form = request.form booking_id = form.get("bookingID") first_name = form.get("firstName") last_name = form.get("lastName") query = """ SELECT * FROM booking WHERE booking_id=%s and first_name=%s and last_name=%s """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (booking_id, first_name, last_name)) booking = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() cnx.close() if booking is None: flash("The booking you are trying to add doesn't exists!", "error") return redirect(url_for("my_bookings")) if booking_exists(booking_id, last_name): flash("The booking you are trying to add already exists!", "error") return redirect(url_for("my_bookings")) cnx = create_connection() booking["customer_id"] = session["customer_id"] fields = [] values = [] for key in booking.keys(): fields.append(key) values.append("%({key})s".format(key=key)) fields = ", ".join(fields) values = ", ".join(values) query = "INSERT INTO booking ({fields}) VALUES ({values})".format( fields=fields, values=values) cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, booking) cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close() flash("The booking has been successfully added to your account", "success") return redirect(url_for("my_bookings"))
def edit_info(): form = request.form first_name = form.get("firstName") last_name = form.get("lastName") mobile = form.get("mobile") query = """ UPDATE customer SET first_name=%s, last_name=%s, mobile=%s WHERE customer_id=%s and email=%s """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute( query, ( first_name, last_name, mobile, session.get("customer_id"), session.get("email"), ), ) cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() flash("Profile updated successfully", "success") return redirect(url_for("profile"))
def confirm_email(token=""): next_url = request.args.get("next") email = confirm_token(token) query = """ UPDATE customer SET status="Confirmed" WHERE email=%s """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (email)) cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() recipient = "{fullname} <{email}>".format( fullname=get_user_fullname(email), email=email, ) data = { "recipient": recipient, "subject": "Welcome on board!", "template": "welcome", "action_url": url_for("sign_in", _external=True), } send_email_mailgun(data=data) flash("Your account has been confirmed. Thanks!", "success") return redirect(url_for("sign_in", next=next_url))
def return_airports(): def _format_string(city, code): return "{city} ({code})".format(city=city, code=code) airports = get_airports() airport = str(request.args.get("airport")) if not airport: return "OK" airports = {airport["code"]: airport["city"] for airport in airports} query = """ SELECT DISTINCT from_airport, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT to_airport ORDER BY to_airport SEPARATOR ",") as to_airport FROM flight WHERE from_airport=%s GROUP BY from_airport """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, airport) route = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() cnx.close() destinations = [{ "value": code, "text": _format_string(airports[code], code) } for code in route["to_airport"].split(",")] return jsonify(result=destinations)
def my_bookings(): customer_id = get_customer_id() query = """ SELECT b.booking_id as id, b.last_name as last_name, as from_city, as to_city, DATE_FORMAT(b.booking_date, "%%d %%b %%Y") as date, b.flight_type as flight_type, b.status as status FROM booking as b, flight as f, airport as a1, airport as a2 WHERE b.customer_id=%s and b.status in (%s, %s) and f.flight_id=b.depart_flight_id and f.dep_date=b.depart_flight_date and f.class=b.flight_class and a1.airport_code=f.from_airport and a2.airport_code=f.to_airport ORDER BY date DESC """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (customer_id, "Active", "Upcoming")) upcoming_bookings = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (customer_id, "Passed", "Canceled")) passed_bookings = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() cnx.close() return render_template( "customer/my-bookings.html", upcoming_bookings=upcoming_bookings, passed_bookings=passed_bookings, )
def delete_account(): form = request.form current_password = form.get("currentDeletePassword") query = """ SELECT password FROM customer WHERE customer_id=%s """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (session.get("customer_id"))) db_password = cursor.fetchone()["password"] cursor.close() if not chk_pw_hash(db_password, current_password): cnx.close() flash("You have entered a wrong password!", "error") return redirect(url_for("profile")) query = """ DELETE FROM customer WHERE customer_id=%s and email=%s """ cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (session.get("customer_id"), session.get("email"))) cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() clear_session_user() return redirect(url_for("index"))
def sign_up_post(): use_mailgun = os.getenv("MAILGUN_ENABLED", False) == "True" form = request.form first_name = form.get("firstName") last_name = form.get("lastName") mobile = form.get("mobile") gender = form.get("gender") email = form.get("email") password = gen_pw_hash(form.get("password")) next_url = request.args.get("next") current_date = cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT email FROM customer WHERE email=%s", (email)) result = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() if result is not None: flash("The user already exists", "error") return redirect(url_for("sign_up", next=next_url)) query = """ INSERT INTO customer (first_name, last_name, email, password, mobile, gender, joined_date, status, customer_type) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, "USER") """ cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute( query, ( first_name, last_name, email, password, mobile, gender, current_date, "Unconfirmed" if use_mailgun else "Confirmed", ), ) cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() if use_mailgun: send_confirm_account_email(email=email, next_url=next_url) token = generate_token(email=email, TIMED=False) return redirect(url_for("unconfirmed", token=token, next=next_url)) return redirect(url_for("sign_in", next=next_url))
def sign_in_post(): email = request.form.get("email") password = request.form.get("password") next_url = request.args.get("next") query = """ SELECT customer_id, first_name, last_name, password, customer_type FROM customer WHERE email=%s """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (email)) result = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() cnx.close() if result is None: flash("The user does not exist!", "error") return redirect(url_for("sign_in", next=next_url)) if not chk_pw_hash(result["password"], password): flash("You have entered a wrong password!", "error") return redirect(url_for("sign_in", next=next_url)) if not user_is_confirmed(email): send_confirm_account_email(email=email, next_url=next_url) flash( "Your account needs to be confirmed first. A new email has been sent!", "error", ) return redirect(url_for("unconfirmed", email=email, next=next_url)) full_name = "{fname} {lname}".format(fname=result["first_name"], lname=result["last_name"]) info = { "customer_id": result["customer_id"], "email": email, "customer_type": result["customer_type"], "first_name": result["first_name"], "last_name": result["last_name"], "full_name": full_name, } set_session_user(info) return redirect( urllib.parse.quote(next_url ) if next_url is not None else url_for("index"))
def return_date(): query = """ SELECT MAX(arr_date) as date FROM flight """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query) date = cursor.fetchone()["date"] cursor.close() cnx.close() return jsonify(date=str(date))
def cancel_booking(booking_id="", booking_last_name=""): customer_type = get_customer_type() query = """ UPDATE booking SET status=%s WHERE booking_id=%s and last_name=%s """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, ("Canceled", booking_id, booking_last_name)) cursor.close() query = """ SELECT depart_flight_id, return_flight_id, total_passengers, flight_type FROM booking WHERE booking_id=%s and last_name=%s """ cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (booking_id, booking_last_name)) booking_info = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() query = """ UPDATE flight SET occupied_capacity=occupied_capacity-%s WHERE flight_id=%s """ cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute( query, (booking_info["total_passengers"], booking_info["depart_flight_id"])) if booking_info["flight_type"] == "Roundtrip": cursor.execute(query, (booking_info["total_passengers"], booking_info["return_flight_id"])) cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() if customer_type == "GUEST": session["success"] = "canceled" else: flash("The booking has been successfully canceled", "success") return redirect( url_for("manage_booking_page") if customer_type == "GUEST" else url_for("my_bookings"))
def profile(): query = """ SELECT first_name, last_name, email, mobile, gender, DATE_FORMAT(joined_date, "%%d %%b %%Y") as joined_date FROM customer WHERE customer_id=%s """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (session.get("customer_id"))) user_info = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() cnx.close() return render_template("customer/user-profile.html", user_info=user_info)
def reset_password(token=""): use_mailgun = os.getenv("MAILGUN_ENABLED") == "True" email = confirm_token(token) if not email: flash( "The reset link is invalid or has expired!", "error", ) return redirect(url_for("index")) if request.method == "GET": return render_template("customer/reset-password.html") password = gen_pw_hash(request.form.get("password")) query = """ UPDATE customer SET password=%s WHERE email=%s """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (password, email)) cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() if use_mailgun: recipient = "{fullname} <{email}>".format( fullname=get_user_fullname(email), email=email, ) data = { "recipient": recipient, "subject": "Your password has been updated!", "template": "updated_password", "action_url": url_for("sign_in", _external=True), } send_email_mailgun(data=data) flash("Your password has been updated! Please sign in.", "success") return redirect(url_for("sign_in"))
def return_seats(): depart_flight_id = request.args.get("departFlightID") return_flight_id = request.args.get("returnFlightID") depart_flight_id = depart_flight_id if depart_flight_id is not None else "" return_flight_id = return_flight_id if return_flight_id is not None else "" query = """ SELECT as id FROM booking as b, pass_has_booking as phb WHERE (b.depart_flight_id=%s or b.return_flight_id=%s) and phb.booking_id=b.booking_id """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (depart_flight_id, return_flight_id)) seats = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() cnx.close() return jsonify(result=seats)
def change_password(): form = request.form current_password = form.get("currentPassword") new_password = gen_pw_hash(form.get("newPassword")) query = """ SELECT password FROM customer WHERE customer_id=%s """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (session.get("customer_id"))) db_password = cursor.fetchone()["password"] cursor.close() if not chk_pw_hash(db_password, current_password): cnx.close() flash("You have entered a wrong password!", "error") return redirect(url_for("profile")) query = """ UPDATE customer SET password=%s WHERE customer_id=%s and email=%s """ cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute( query, (new_password, session.get("customer_id"), session.get("email"))) cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() return redirect(url_for("sign_out"))
def picked_flight( depart_flight_id="", return_flight_id="", depart_date="", return_date="", passenger_num=0, price=0, flight_class="", is_roundtrip=False, ): session.pop("is_guest", None) customer_id = get_customer_id() customer_type = get_customer_type() is_roundtrip = is_roundtrip == "True" if customer_type == "USER": query = """ SELECT status FROM booking WHERE customer_id=%s and depart_flight_id=%s and status in ("Active", "Upcoming") """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, (customer_id, depart_flight_id)) result = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() cnx.close() if result is not None: flash("You have already booked this flight route!", "error") return redirect(url_for("index")) WHERE = """ f.flight_id=%s and f.dep_date=%s and f.class=%s and al.airline_code=f.airline and ap.airplane_model=f.airplane and aprt1.airport_code=f.from_airport and aprt2.airport_code=f.to_airport """ params = ( depart_flight_id, depart_date, flight_class, ) if is_roundtrip: WHERE = """ f1.flight_id=%s and f1.dep_date=%s and f1.class=%s and f2.flight_id=%s and f2.dep_date=%s and f2.class=%s and al1.airline_code=f1.airline and ap1.airplane_model=f1.airplane and aprt1.airport_code=f1.from_airport and aprt2.airport_code=f1.to_airport and al2.airline_code=f2.airline and ap2.airplane_model=f2.airplane and aprt3.airport_code=f2.from_airport and aprt4.airport_code=f2.to_airport """ params += ( return_flight_id, return_date, flight_class, ) _, flight = get_flights( is_roundtrip=is_roundtrip, params=params, WHERE=WHERE, FETCH_ALL=False ) price = int(price) passenger_num = int(passenger_num) total_price = price * passenger_num depart_flight, return_flight = build_selected_flights( flight=flight, is_roundtrip=is_roundtrip ) picked_flight = depart_flight if return_flight is not None: picked_flight += '<hr class="my-2">' picked_flight += return_flight return render_template( "booking/new-booking.html", picked_flight=picked_flight, flight_class=flight_class, num_passenger=passenger_num, price=price, total_price=total_price, is_roundtrip=is_roundtrip, )
def new_booking(): customer_id = get_customer_id() form = request.form is_roundtrip = form.get("isRoundtrip") == "True" flight_info = { "depart_flight_id": form.get("DepartFlightID"), "return_flight_id": form.get("ReturnFlightID", None), "depart_flight_date": form.get("DepartDate"), "return_flight_date": form.get("ReturnDate", None), "flight_class": form.get("flightClass"), "type": "Roundtrip" if is_roundtrip else "Oneway", "total_passengers": int(form.get("numPassenger")), "price_per_passenger": form.get("pricePerPassenger"), "total_price": form.get("totalPrice"), } flight_info["depart_flight_date"] = datetime.strptime( flight_info["depart_flight_date"], "%d %b %Y").date() if flight_info["return_flight_date"]: flight_info["return_flight_date"] = datetime.strptime( flight_info["return_flight_date"], "%d %b %Y").date() query = """ SELECT booking_id FROM booking WHERE booking_id=%s""" cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() booking_id = fake.lexify(text="??????", letters="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789") cursor.execute(query, booking_id) result = cursor.fetchone() while result is not None: booking_id = fake.lexify( text="??????", letters="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789") cursor.execute(query, booking_id) result = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() current_date = passenger_info = [] for i in range(flight_info["total_passengers"]): first_name = "firstNamePassenger-{num}".format(num=i + 1) last_name = "lastNamePassenger-{num}".format(num=i + 1) identifier = "idPassenger-{num}".format(num=i + 1) seat = "seatPassenger-{num}".format(num=i + 1) seat_class = "seatClassPassenger-{num}".format(num=i + 1) seat_price = "seatPricePassenger-{num}".format(num=i + 1) passenger = { "id": form.get(identifier), "first_name": form.get(first_name), "last_name": form.get(last_name), "seat": form.get(seat), "seat_class": form.get(seat_class), "seat_price": form.get(seat_price), } passenger_info.append(passenger) contact_info = { "first_name": form.get("contactFirstName"), "last_name": form.get("contactLastName"), "email": form.get("contactEmail"), "mobile": form.get("contactMobile"), } booking = { "booking_id": booking_id, "customer_id": customer_id, "depart_flight_id": flight_info["depart_flight_id"], "return_flight_id": flight_info["return_flight_id"], "depart_flight_date": flight_info["depart_flight_date"], "return_flight_date": flight_info["return_flight_date"], "flight_class": flight_info["flight_class"], "first_name": contact_info["first_name"], "last_name": contact_info["last_name"], "email": contact_info["email"], "mobile": contact_info["mobile"], "booking_date": current_date, "last_modify_date": current_date, "total_passengers": flight_info["total_passengers"], "price_per_passenger": flight_info["price_per_passenger"], "total_price": flight_info["total_price"], "flight_type": flight_info["type"], "status": "Upcoming", } fields = [] values = [] for key in booking.keys(): fields.append(key) values.append("%({key})s".format(key=key)) fields = ", ".join(fields) values = ", ".join(values) query = "INSERT INTO booking ({fields}) VALUES ({values})".format( fields=fields, values=values) cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute(query, booking) cursor.close() query = """ UPDATE flight SET occupied_capacity=occupied_capacity+%s WHERE flight_id=%s """ cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute( query, (flight_info["total_passengers"], flight_info["depart_flight_id"])) if is_roundtrip: cursor.execute( query, (flight_info["total_passengers"], flight_info["return_flight_id"])) cursor.close() query_p = """ INSERT INTO passenger (passenger_id, first_name, last_name) VALUE(%s, %s, %s) """ query_pb = """ INSERT INTO pass_has_booking (passenger_id, booking_id, seat, seat_class, seat_price) VALUE(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s) """ for passenger in passenger_info: try: cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute( query_p, (passenger["id"], passenger["first_name"], passenger["last_name"]), ) cursor.close() except: print("Passenger with id={id} exists".format(id=passenger["id"])) cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute( query_pb, ( passenger["id"], booking_id, passenger["seat"], passenger["seat_class"], passenger["seat_price"], ), ) cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() return redirect( url_for( "view_booking", booking_id=booking_id, booking_last_name=contact_info["last_name"], go_back=False, ))
def modify_booking_post(): form = request.form booking_id = form.get("bookingID") total_passengers = int(form.get("numPassengers")) first_name = form.get("contactFirstName") last_name = form.get("contactLastName") email = form.get("contactEmail") mobile = form.get("contactMobile") old_last_name = form.get("oldContactLastName") addtional_price = int(form.get("totalPrice")) customer_type = get_customer_type() passenger_info = [] for i in range(total_passengers): identifier = "idPassenger-{num}".format(num=i + 1) seat = "seatPassenger-{num}".format(num=i + 1) seat_class = "seatClassPassenger-{num}".format(num=i + 1) seat_price = "seatPricePassenger-{num}".format(num=i + 1) passenger = { "id": form.get(identifier), "seat": form.get(seat), "seat_class": form.get(seat_class), "seat_price": form.get(seat_price), } passenger_info.append(passenger) query = """ UPDATE booking SET first_name=%s, last_name=%s, email=%s, mobile=%s, total_price=total_price+%s, last_modify_date=CURRENT_DATE WHERE booking_id=%s and last_name=%s """ cnx = create_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute( query, ( first_name, last_name, email, mobile, addtional_price, booking_id, old_last_name, ), ) cursor.close() query = """ UPDATE pass_has_booking SET seat=%s, seat_class=%s, seat_price=%s WHERE passenger_id=%s and booking_id=%s """ for passenger in passenger_info: cursor = cnx.cursor() cursor.execute( query, ( passenger["seat"], passenger["seat_class"], passenger["seat_price"], passenger["id"], booking_id, ), ) cursor.close() cnx.commit() cnx.close() go_back = False if customer_type == "GUEST" else True return redirect( url_for( "view_booking", booking_id=booking_id, booking_last_name=last_name, go_back=go_back, ))
import app """ Utility to add a new URL field to the Track table in the db """ table_name = 'Track' # name of the table new_column = 'url' # name of the new column column_type = 'TEXT' default_val = '' # Connecting to the database file conn = app.create_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() # Adding a new column with a default row value cursor.execute("ALTER TABLE {tn} ADD COLUMN '{cn}' {ct} DEFAULT '{df}'".format( tn=table_name, cn=new_column, ct=column_type, df=default_val)) # Committing changes and closing the connection to the database file conn.commit() conn.close()