def test_handle_command_lyrics(): app.test_mode() # msg = {} # msg['text'] = '/lyrics the art of dying by gojira' # msg['from'] = {} # msg['message_id'] = 0 # msg['chat'] = {'id' : 0} app.handle('/lyrics the art of dying by gojira', 0, 0)
def test_handle_translate2(): app.test_mode() # msg = {} # msg['text'] = '没有人 overnight 的' # msg['from'] = {} # msg['message_id'] = 0 # msg['chat'] = {'id' : 0} app.handle('没有人 overnight 的', 0, 0)
def test_handle_translate1(): app.test_mode() # msg = {} # msg['text'] = 'dui you ne?' # msg['from'] = {} # msg['message_id'] = 0 # msg['chat'] = {'id' : 0} app.handle('dui you ne?', 0, 0)
def test_start(self): """ Mock Using Local Json """ with open("fixtures/start.json") as json_data: data = json.load(json_data) output = app.handle(data) self.assertEqual(output['response'], "/start")
def test_parse_jason_response(self): """ Mock Using Local Json """ with open("fixtures/basic.json") as json_data: data = json.load(json_data) output = app.handle(data) self.assertEqual(output['content_type'], 'text') self.assertEqual(output['chat_id'], 22959774) self.assertEqual(output['response'], "_NOACTION_")
def receive(body): """ Simple Hug Server """ output = handle(body) return output
def test_handle_back(): # msg = {'date' : 0} app.handle('', 0, 0, datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0))
def test_handle(): # msg = {} # msg['text'] = 'Fake message' # msg['from'] = {} # msg['chat'] = {'id' : 0} app.handle('Fake message', 0, 0)
# Read lines printed by Arduino line = ser.readline() print line # Ignore account balance messages #if line[:16] == '+CMT: "78108858"': # ser.readline() if line[:4] == '+CMT': #print line ph_num = line[8:19] print ph_num text = ser.readline() print text out_msg = handle(text) print out_msg ser.write('o') ser.write(str(ph_num)) ser.write(str(out_msg)) # Request new data incoming from Arduino, # where "i" is a case initializer in the Arduino code. # ser.write("i") # Pass commands and data to the Arduino #ser.write("o"+str(ph_num)+"\r"+str(outgoingMessage))