Пример #1
 def verify_expired(self):
         not self.is_expired(),
         message = "OAuth access token is expired",
         code = 403,
         exception = appier.OperationalError
Пример #2
 def assert_redirect_uri(self, redirect_uri):
         redirect_uri == self.redirect_uri,
         message = "The provided redirect URI is not valid",
         exception = appier.SecurityError,
         code = 403
Пример #3
 def verify_code(self, code, grant_type = "authorization_code"):
     cls = self.__class__
     appier.verify(not self.authorization_code == None)
     appier.verify(not self.authorization_code_date == None)
     appier.verify(self.authorization_code == code)
     appier.verify(time.time() - self.authorization_code_date < cls.CODE_DURATION)
     appier.verify(grant_type, "authorization_code")
Пример #4
 def assert_scope(self, scope):
     if not self.scope: return
     invalid = [token for token in scope if not token in self.scope]
     appier.verify(not invalid,
                   message="The provided scope is not valid",
Пример #5
 def verify_code(self, code, grant_type = "authorization_code"):
     cls = self.__class__
     appier.verify(not self.authorization_code == None)
     appier.verify(not self.authorization_code_date == None)
     appier.verify(self.authorization_code == code)
     appier.verify(time.time() - self.authorization_code_date < cls.CODE_DURATION)
     appier.verify(grant_type, "authorization_code")
Пример #6
 def verify_expired(self):
         not self.is_expired(),
         message = "OAuth access token is expired",
         code = 403,
         exception = appier.OperationalError
Пример #7
 def assert_scope(self, scope):
     if not self.scope: return
     invalid = [token for token in scope if not token in self.scope]
         not invalid,
         message = "The provided scope is not valid",
         exception = appier.SecurityError,
         code = 403
Пример #8
 def oauth(self):
     oauth_verifier = self.field("oauth_verifier")
                   message="Invalid OAuth response",
     api = self.get_api()
     oauth_token, oauth_token_secret = api.oauth_access(oauth_verifier)
     self.tokens(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, temporary=False)
     return self.redirect(self.url_for("twitter.index"))
Пример #9
 def oauth(self):
     code = self.field("code")
     error = self.field("error")
     appier.verify(not error,
                   message="Invalid OAuth response (%s)" % error,
     api = self.get_api()
     access_token = api.oauth_access(code)
     self.session["shopify.access_token"] = access_token
     return self.redirect(self.url_for("shopify.index"))
Пример #10
 def _build_script(self, action):
     recaptcha_key = appier.conf("RECAPTCHA_KEY", None)
     appier.verify(recaptcha_key, message="No reCAPTCHA site key provided")
     return "<script type=\"application/javascript\" src=\"https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=%s\"></script>" % recaptcha_key +\
         "<script type=\"application/javascript\">window.genRecaptcha = function() { grecaptcha.ready(function() {" +\
         "document.getElementById(\"recaptcha-token\") && grecaptcha.execute(\"%s\", {action: \"%s\"}).then(function(token) {" % (recaptcha_key, action) +\
         "document.getElementById(\"recaptcha-token\").value = token;" +\
         "});" +\
         "});" +\
         "};" +\
         "window.genRecaptcha();" +\
Пример #11
    def test_verify(self):
        result = appier.verify(1 == 1)
        self.assertEqual(result, None)

        result = appier.verify("hello" == "hello")
        self.assertEqual(result, None)

        self.assertRaises(appier.AssertionError, lambda: appier.verify(1 == 2))

            lambda: appier.verify(1 == 2, exception=appier.OperationalError))
Пример #12
    def test_verify(self):
        result = appier.verify(1 == 1)
        self.assertEqual(result, None)

        result = appier.verify("hello" == "hello")
        self.assertEqual(result, None)

        self.assertRaises(appier.AssertionError, lambda: appier.verify(1 == 2))

            lambda: appier.verify(1 == 2, exception = appier.OperationalError)
Пример #13
 def oauth(self):
     oauth_verifier = self.field("oauth_verifier")
         message = "Invalid OAuth response",
         exception = appier.OperationalError
     api = self.get_api()
     oauth_token, oauth_token_secret = api.oauth_access(oauth_verifier)
     self.tokens(oauth_token, oauth_token_secret, temporary = False)
     return self.redirect(
Пример #14
 def oauth(self):
     code = self.field("code")
     error = self.field("error")
         not error,
         message = "Invalid OAuth response (%s)" % error,
         exception = appier.OperationalError
     api = self.get_api()
     access_token = api.oauth_access(code)
     self.session["gh.access_token"] = access_token
     return self.redirect(
Пример #15
    def retrieve(self, name):
        # ensures proper authentication for the retrieval of
        # the package contents

        # tries to retrieve the optional version and tag fields
        # that if present will add an extra level of filtering
        version = self.field("version")
        branch = self.field("branch")
        tag = self.field("tag")

        # tries to retrieve the value of the current artifact
        # it can be either a local file tuple or remote URL
        result = repos.Artifact.retrieve(
            name = name,
            version = version,
            branch = branch,
            tag = tag

        # in case the resulting value is a string it's assumed
        # that it should be an URL and proper redirect is ensured
        if appier.legacy.is_string(result): return self.redirect(result)

        # otherwise the result should be a tuple and we must unpack
        # it to check for proper contents
        data, file_name, content_type = result
            not data == None,
            message = "No data available in the package",
            exception = appier.OperationalError
        content_type = content_type or "application/octet-stream"
        return self.send_file(
            name = file_name,
            content_type = content_type
Пример #16
 def issue_reference_s(self, easypay, force = False):
     self.logger.debug("Generating reference for order '%s'" % self.s_name)
         not hasattr(self, "entity") or not self.entity or force,
         message = "There's an entity already set"
         not hasattr(self, "reference") or not self.reference or force,
         message = "There's a reference already set"
         not hasattr(self, "reference_id") or not self.reference_id or force,
         message = "There's a reference ID already set"
     amount = float(self.s_total_price)
     reference = easypay.generate_mb(amount)
     self.entity = reference["entity"]
     self.reference = reference["reference"]
     self.reference_id = reference["identifier"]
     self.payment = Order.ISSUED
     self.logger.debug("Issued reference for order '%s'" % self.s_name)
Пример #17
 def verify_g(cls, identifier, key, app=None):
     entity = cls.get(identifier=identifier, app=app)
     appier.verify(entity.key == key, message="Missmatch in key")
Пример #18
 def verify_refresh(self, refresh_token, grant_type = "refresh_token"):
     appier.verify(not self.refresh_token == None)
     appier.verify(not self.refresh_token == None)
     appier.verify(self.refresh_token == refresh_token)
     appier.verify(grant_type, "refresh_token")
Пример #19
 def assert_redirect_uri(self, redirect_uri):
     appier.verify(redirect_uri == self.redirect_uri,
                   message="The provided redirect URI is not valid",
Пример #20
 def ensure_valid(self):
Пример #21
    def _contentful_value(self,
        # retrieves the reference to the parent class value to be used
        # to access class level methods
        cls = self.__class__

        # runs a series of assertions for the provided key, raising exceptions
        # in case one of the pre-conditions is not met
            "." in key,
            message="Malformed key '%s', must include both content type and key"
            % key,

        # splits the provided key around the dot value (namespace oriented)
        # to obtain the content type and the field id
        content_type, field_id = key.split(".", 1)

        # retrieves the complete set of items that meet the content type
        # criteria and selects the first one, default to an empty dictionary
        # in case no items exist for such content type
            entries = self.contentful_api.list_entries(
                content_type=content_type, include=include, *args, **
                kwargs) or dict()
        except Exception as exception:
            self.logger.warning("Problem while accessing Contentful: %s" %
            return default

        # retrieves the complete set of items and in case there's at least
        # one returns the first one of it otherwise returns an empty dictionary
        items = entries.get("items", [])
        item = items[0] if items else dict()

        # retrieves the complete set of field for the item and tries to retrieve
        # the requested field (by its identifier)
        field = item.get("fields", {})

        # verifies if the requested field exists raising an exception otherwise
        # this should ensure that the value exists in contentful
        if verify:
            appier.verify(field_id in field,
                          message="'%s' not found" % field_id,

        # retrieves the value of the field requested with the provided identifier
        # defaulting to the provided default value in case it does not exists
        field_value = field.get(field_id, default)

        # tries to determine if the value of the field is a link one (wither
        # a dictionary or a list) if that's not the case returns immediately
        is_link = isinstance(field_value, (dict, list, tuple))
        if not is_link: return field_value

        # determines if the provided field value is a sequence or a dictionary
        # and converts the the value from the link accordingly
        is_sequence = isinstance(field_value, (list, tuple))
        if is_sequence:
            field_value = [
                cls._contentful_deref(entry, entries) for entry in field_value
            field_value = cls._contentful_deref(field_value, entries)

        # returns the final dereferenced value to the caller method
        # this can be both a plain value or a sequence
        return field_value
Пример #22
 def shopify_url(self, absolute = False):
     shopify_store = appier.conf("SHOPIFY_STORE", None)
     return "https://%s/admin/orders/%d" % (shopify_store, self.s_id)
Пример #23
    def _prismic_objects(
        limit = 10,
        default = [],
        verify = False,
        # retrieves the reference to the parent class value to be used
        # to access class level methods
        cls = self.__class__

        # runs a series of assertions for the provided key, raising exceptions
        # in case one of the pre-conditions is not met
            not "." in key,
            message = "Malformed key '%s', must include both document type and key" % key,
            code = 400

        # filters the keyword arguments based arguments retrieving only the valid
        # parameters to be used in the filters extension process
        params = cls._filter_params(kwargs)

        # sets the document type value as the provided key as we're trying
        # to retrieve an object instead of a field
        document_type = key

        # retrieves the complete set of items that meet the document type
        # criteria and selects the first one, default to an empty dictionary
        # in case no items exist for such content type
            query = ["[[at(document.type,\"%s\")]]" % document_type]
            query.extend(["[[at(my.%s.%s,\"%s\")]]" % (document_type, key, value) for\
                key, value in appier.legacy.iteritems(params)])
            entries = self.prismic_api.search_documents(
                q = query,
                page_size = limit,
            ) or []
        except Exception as exception:
            self.logger.warning("Problem while accessing prismic: %s" % exception)
            return default

        # creates the list that is going to hold the multiple entry
        # maps/objects that are going to store the dereferenced
        # prismic entries (after the filtering)
        entries_m = []

        # iterates over the complete set of entries, to be able to
        # creates the map/object with the dereferenced values
        for entry in entries:
            # creates the entry object/map that is going to be
            # populated with the complete set of dereferenced fields
            entry_m = dict()

            # retrieves the data part of the entry and the
            # field itself according to the document type
            data = entry.get("data", {})
            field = data.get(document_type, {})

            # iterates over the complete set of fields identifiers
            # and values and dereferences the values setting them
            # then in the current entry map/object
            for field_id, field_value in appier.legacy.iteritems(field):
                field_value = cls._prismic_deref(field_value)
                entry_m[field_id] = field_value

            # adds the entry map/object to the current list of entries,
            # this list should represent a simplified structure

        # returns the final processed list of entry objects with
        # the complete set of dereferenced values
        return entries_m
Пример #24
    def _contentful_value(
        include = 10,
        default = None,
        verify = False,
        # retrieves the reference to the parent class value to be used
        # to access class level methods
        cls = self.__class__

        # runs a series of assertions for the provided key, raising exceptions
        # in case one of the pre-conditions is not met
            "." in key,
            message = "Malformed key '%s', must include both content type and key" % key,
            code = 400

        # splits the provided key around the dot value (namespace oriented)
        # to obtain the content type and the field id
        content_type, field_id = key.split(".", 1)

        # retrieves the complete set of items that meet the content type
        # criteria and selects the first one, default to an empty dictionary
        # in case no items exist for such content type
            entries = self.contentful_api.list_entries(
                content_type = content_type,
                include = include,
            ) or dict()
        except Exception as exception:
            self.logger.warning("Problem while accessing Contentful: %s" % exception)
            return default

        # retrieves the complete set of items and in case there's at least
        # one returns the first one of it otherwise returns an empty dictionary
        items = entries.get("items", [])
        item = items[0] if items else dict()

        # retrieves the complete set of field for the item and tries to retrieve
        # the requested field (by its identifier)
        field = item.get("fields", {})

        # verifies if the requested field exists raising an exception otherwise
        # this should ensure that the value exists in contentful
        if verify:
                field_id in field,
                message = "'%s' not found" % field_id,
                exception = appier.NotFoundError

        # retrieves the value of the field requested with the provided identifier
        # defaulting to the provided default value in case it does not exists
        field_value = field.get(field_id, default)

        # tries to determine if the value of the field is a link one (wither
        # a dictionary or a list) if that's not the case returns immediately
        is_link = isinstance(field_value, (dict, list, tuple))
        if not is_link: return field_value

        # determines if the provided field value is a sequence or a dictionary
        # and converts the the value from the link accordingly
        is_sequence = isinstance(field_value, (list, tuple))
        if is_sequence: field_value = [
            cls._contentful_deref(entry, entries) for entry in field_value
        else: field_value = cls._contentful_deref(field_value, entries)

        # returns the final dereferenced value to the caller method
        # this can be both a plain value or a sequence
        return field_value
Пример #25
    def ensure_views(cls, object, ensure_set = True, views = None, owner = None):
        # tries to retrieve the reference to the owner of the current
        # context or uses the global one otherwise (fallback)
        owner = owner or appier.get_app()

        # in case no views are explicitly provided via parameter, then
        # the views must be retrieved from the current session
        if views == None:
            # verifies if there are any views defined under the current
            # session if that's not the case returns immediately as there's
            # nothing left to be filtered, otherwise retrieves the views to
            # be used to filter the current object context
            if not "views" in owner.session: return object
            views = owner.session["views"]

        # iterates over the complete set of views defined under the current
        # session to be able to update the object accordingly, validating
        # the context of resolution of that object (less results)
        for view in views:
            # resolves the current view, obtaining the proper map
            # object, ready to be used in the update process
            view = cls._resolve_view(view, resolve_name = "view_l")

            # in case there's no view (invalid value) then continues
            # the loop as no validation needed for the object
            if not view: continue

            # iterates over the complete set of views elements to
            # make sure the associated model attributes are defined
            # accordingly raising exceptions otherwise
            for name, values in appier.legacy.iteritems(view):
                # in case the element is not required to be set
                # at the object and it's not set the skips the
                # current iteration loop no verification needed
                if not ensure_set and not name in object:

                    name in object,
                    message = "Attribute '%s' not set in object" % name,
                    exception = appier.SecurityError

                # in case the defined value for the view attribute is not
                # a sequence converts it to be able to run normalized operations
                if not isinstance(values, (list, tuple)):
                    values = [values]

                # computes the proper error message that is going to be sent
                # as part of the security error to be raised
                if appier.is_devel():
                    message = "Attribute '%s' ('%s') not valid according to view ('%s')" %\
                        (name, str(object[name]), str(values))

                # in case the production mode is enable the message is defined
                # as a simpler one, avoiding confidential data leak
                    message = "Attribute '%s' not valid according to view" % name

                # runs the verify operation that will raise a security error
                # in case the attribute is not valid according to the view
                    object[name] in values,
                    message = message,
                    exception = appier.SecurityError
Пример #26
 def _verify_scope(self):
     scope_s = set(self.scope)
     appier.verify(len(self.scope) == len(scope_s))
Пример #27
 def verify_refresh(self, refresh_token, grant_type = "refresh_token"):
     appier.verify(not self.refresh_token == None)
     appier.verify(not self.refresh_token == None)
     appier.verify(self.refresh_token == refresh_token)
     appier.verify(grant_type, "refresh_token")
Пример #28
    def _prismic_objects(
        limit = 10,
        default = [],
        verify = False,
        # retrieves the reference to the parent class value to be used
        # to access class level methods
        cls = self.__class__

        # runs a series of assertions for the provided key, raising exceptions
        # in case one of the pre-conditions is not met
            not "." in key,
            message = "Malformed key '%s', must include both document type and key" % key,
            code = 400

        # filters the keyword arguments based arguments retrieving only the valid
        # parameters to be used in the filters extension process
        params = cls._filter_params(kwargs)

        # sets the document type value as the provided key as we're trying
        # to retrieve an object instead of a field
        document_type = key

        # retrieves the complete set of items that meet the document type
        # criteria and selects the first one, default to an empty dictionary
        # in case no items exist for such content type
            query = ["[[at(document.type,\"%s\")]]" % document_type]
            query.extend(["[[at(my.%s.%s,\"%s\")]]" % (document_type, key, value) for\
                key, value in appier.legacy.iteritems(params)])
            entries = self.prismic_api.search_documents(
                q = query,
                page_size = limit,
            ) or []
        except Exception as exception:
            self.logger.warning("Problem while accessing prismic: %s" % exception)
            return default

        # creates the list that is going to hold the multiple entry
        # maps/objects that are going to store the dereferenced
        # prismic entries (after the filtering)
        entries_m = []

        # iterates over the complete set of entries, to be able to
        # creates the map/object with the dereferenced values
        for entry in entries:
            # creates the entry object/map that is going to be
            # populated with the complete set of dereferenced fields
            entry_m = dict()

            # retrieves the data part of the entry and the
            # field itself according to the document type
            data = entry.get("data", {})
            field = data.get(document_type, {})

            # iterates over the complete set of fields identifiers
            # and values and dereferences the values setting them
            # then in the current entry map/object
            for field_id, field_value in appier.legacy.iteritems(field):
                field_value = cls._prismic_deref(field_value)
                entry_m[field_id] = field_value

            # adds the entry map/object to the current list of entries,
            # this list should represent a simplified structure

        # returns the final processed list of entry objects with
        # the complete set of dereferenced values
        return entries_m
Пример #29
 def update_meta_s(self, meta = None, **kwargs):
     meta = kwargs if meta == None else meta
     appier.verify(isinstance(meta, dict))
     if not self.meta: self.meta = meta
     else: self.meta.update(meta)
Пример #30
 def update_meta_s(self, meta=None, **kwargs):
     meta = kwargs if meta == None else meta
     appier.verify(isinstance(meta, dict))
     if not self.meta: self.meta = meta
     else: self.meta.update(meta)
Пример #31
    def _prismic_value(
        limit = 1,
        default = None,
        verify = False,
        # retrieves the reference to the parent class value to be used
        # to access class level methods
        cls = self.__class__

        # runs a series of assertions for the provided key, raising exceptions
        # in case one of the pre-conditions is not met
            "." in key,
            message = "Malformed key '%s', must include both document type and key" % key,
            code = 400

        # filters the keyword arguments based arguments retrieving only the valid
        # parameters to be used in the filters extension process
        params = cls._filter_params(kwargs)

        # splits the provided key around the dot value (namespace oriented)
        # to obtain the document type and the field id
        document_type, field_id = key.split(".", 1)

        # retrieves the complete set of items that meet the document type
        # criteria and selects the first one, default to an empty dictionary
        # in case no items exist for such content type
            query = ["[[at(document.type,\"%s\")]]" % document_type]
            query.extend(["[[at(my.%s.%s,\"%s\")]]" % (document_type, key, value) for\
                key, value in appier.legacy.iteritems(params)])
            entries = self.prismic_api.search_documents(
                q = query,
                page_size = limit,
            ) or []
        except Exception as exception:
            self.logger.warning("Problem while accessing prismic: %s" % exception)
            return default

        # retrieves the complete set of items and in case there's at least
        # one returns the first one of it otherwise returns an empty dictionary
        entry = entries[0] if entries else dict()

        # retrieves the complete set of field for the entry and tries to retrieve
        # the requested field (by its identifier)
        data = entry.get("data", {})
        field = data.get(document_type, {})

        # verifies if the requested field exists raising an exception otherwise
        # this should ensure that the value exists in prismic
        if verify:
                field_id in field,
                message = "'%s' not found" % field_id,
                exception = appier.NotFoundError

        # retrieves the value of the field requested with the provided identifier
        # defaulting to the provided default value in case it does not exists
        field_value = field.get(field_id, default)

        # runs the dereferencing process for the field value that is going to
        # be retrieved so the proper (expected) value may be returned to caller
        field_value = cls._prismic_deref(field_value)

        # returns the final dereferenced value to the caller method
        # this can be both a plain value or a sequence
        return field_value
Пример #32
 def _verify_scope(self):
     scope_s = set(self.scope)
     appier.verify(len(self.scope) == len(scope_s))
Пример #33
 def pre_save(self):
     appier.verify(not "mid" in self.data)
     appier.verify(not "timestamp" in self.data)
Пример #34
    def _prismic_value(
        limit = 1,
        default = None,
        verify = False,
        # retrieves the reference to the parent class value to be used
        # to access class level methods
        cls = self.__class__

        # runs a series of assertions for the provided key, raising exceptions
        # in case one of the pre-conditions is not met
            "." in key,
            message = "Malformed key '%s', must include both document type and key" % key,
            code = 400

        # filters the keyword arguments based arguments retrieving only the valid
        # parameters to be used in the filters extension process
        params = cls._filter_params(kwargs)

        # splits the provided key around the dot value (namespace oriented)
        # to obtain the document type and the field id
        document_type, field_id = key.split(".", 1)

        # retrieves the complete set of items that meet the document type
        # criteria and selects the first one, default to an empty dictionary
        # in case no items exist for such content type
            query = ["[[at(document.type,\"%s\")]]" % document_type]
            query.extend(["[[at(my.%s.%s,\"%s\")]]" % (document_type, key, value) for\
                key, value in appier.legacy.iteritems(params)])
            entries = self.prismic_api.search_documents(
                q = query,
                page_size = limit,
            ) or []
        except Exception as exception:
            self.logger.warning("Problem while accessing prismic: %s" % exception)
            return default

        # retrieves the complete set of items and in case there's at least
        # one returns the first one of it otherwise returns an empty dictionary
        entry = entries[0] if entries else dict()

        # retrieves the complete set of field for the entry and tries to retrieve
        # the requested field (by its identifier)
        data = entry.get("data", {})
        field = data.get(document_type, {})

        # verifies if the requested field exists raising an exception otherwise
        # this should ensure that the value exists in prismic
        if verify:
                field_id in field,
                message = "'%s' not found" % field_id,
                exception = appier.NotFoundError

        # retrieves the value of the field requested with the provided identifier
        # defaulting to the provided default value in case it does not exists
        field_value = field.get(field_id, default)

        # runs the dereferencing process for the field value that is going to
        # be retrieved so the proper (expected) value may be returned to caller
        field_value = cls._prismic_deref(field_value)

        # returns the final dereferenced value to the caller method
        # this can be both a plain value or a sequence
        return field_value