Пример #1
def PurgeDeprecatedTaxon():
    # purge les stat sur des instances supprimées
        "delete from ecotaxainststat where id_instance not in (select id from ecotaxainst)"
    # purge ceux qui ont été déclaré D avant toutes les synchro UP (normalement précédée d'un down)
    # et qui n'ont pas d'enfants (d'ou le fait de l'executer 20 fois pour purger une branche entière)
    for i in range(20):
        rowcount = ExecSQL("""delete
            from taxonomy t
            where taxostatus='D'
            and lastupdate_datetime<(select min(laststatupdate_datetime) from ecotaxainst)
            and not exists (select 1 from ecotaxainststat s where s.id_taxon=t.id)
            and not exists (select 1 from taxonomy c where c.parent_id=t.id)
        if rowcount == 0:
Пример #2
def RefreshAllProjectsStat():
    # Tout les objets validés sans classifications sont repassés en non validés
        "update obj_head oh set classif_qual=NULL where classif_qual='V' and classif_id is null "
        "UPDATE projects SET  objcount=Null,pctclassified=null,pctvalidated=NULL"
    ExecSQL("""UPDATE projects
     SET  objcount=q.nbr,pctclassified=100.0*nbrclassified/q.nbr,pctvalidated=100.0*nbrvalidated/q.nbr
     from (SELECT  projid,sum(nbr) nbr,sum(case when id>0 then nbr end) nbrclassified,sum(nbr_v) nbrvalidated
          from projects_taxo_stat
          group by projid  )q
     where projects.projid=q.projid""")
    ExecSQL("""delete from samples s
              where not exists (select 1 from objects o where o.sampleid=s.sampleid )
              and not exists (select 1 from part_samples o where o.sampleid=s.sampleid ) """
Пример #3
def dbadmin_merge2taxon():
    if gvg("src","")=="" or gvg("dest","")=="":
        txt="Select source Taxon (will be deleted after merge) :"
        txt+="<br>Select Target Taxon :"
        return render_template('search/merge2taxo.html')
    N1=ExecSQL("update obj_head set classif_id=%(dest)s where  classif_id=%(src)s",{"src":TaxoSrc.id,"dest":TaxoDest.id})
    N2=ExecSQL("update obj_head set classif_auto_id=%(dest)s where  classif_auto_id=%(src)s",{"src":TaxoSrc.id,"dest":TaxoDest.id})
    N3=ExecSQL("update objectsclassifhisto set classif_id=%(dest)s where  classif_id=%(src)s",{"src":TaxoSrc.id,"dest":TaxoDest.id})
    N4=ExecSQL("update taxonomy set parent_id=%(dest)s where  parent_id=%(src)s",{"src":TaxoSrc.id,"dest":TaxoDest.id})
    N5=ExecSQL("delete from taxonomy where id=%(src)s",{"src":TaxoSrc.id,"dest":TaxoDest.id})
    return PrintInCharte("""Merge of '%s' in '%s' done
    <br>%d Objects Manuel classification  updated
    <br>%d Objects Automatic classification  updated
    <br>%d Objects classification historical updated
    <br>%d Taxonomy child updated
    <br>%d Taxonomy Node deleted
Пример #4
def RefreshTaxoStat():
    n = ExecSQL(
        "UPDATE taxonomy SET  nbrobj=Null,nbrobjcum=null where nbrobj is NOT NULL or nbrobjcum is not null"
    print("RefreshTaxoStat cleaned %d taxo" % n)

    print("Refresh projects_taxo_stat")
    for r in GetAll('select projid from projects'):

    n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy
                SET  nbrobj=q.nbr
                from (select id classif_id, sum(nbr_v) nbr 
                from projects_taxo_stat pts
                        join projects p on pts.projid=p.projid and p.visible=true
                        where nbr_v>0 group by id )q
                where taxonomy.id=q.classif_id""")
    print("RefreshTaxoStat updated %d 1st level taxo" % (n))

    n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy
                SET  nbrobjcum=q.nbr
                from (select parent_id,sum(nbrobj) nbr from taxonomy
                      where nbrobj is NOT NULL
                      group by parent_id ) q
                where taxonomy.id=q.parent_id""")
    print("RefreshTaxoStat updated %d 2st level taxo" % (n))
    for i in range(50):
        n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy
                    SET  nbrobjcum=q.nbr
                    from (select parent_id,sum(nbrobjcum+coalesce(nbrobj,0)) nbr from taxonomy
                          where nbrobjcum is NOT NULL
                          group by parent_id  ) q
                    where taxonomy.id=q.parent_id
                    and coalesce(taxonomy.nbrobjcum,0)<>q.nbr""")
        print("RefreshTaxoStat updated %d level %d taxo" % (n, i))
        if n == 0:
Пример #5
def RefreshTaxoStat():
    n = ExecSQL(
        "UPDATE taxonomy SET  nbrobj=Null,nbrobjcum=null where nbrobj is NOT NULL or nbrobjcum is not null"
    app.logger.info("RefreshTaxoStat cleaned %d taxo" % n)

    app.logger.info("Refresh projects_taxo_stat")
    # for r in GetAll('select projid from projects'):
    #     RecalcProjectTaxoStat(r['projid'])

    n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy
                SET  nbrobj=q.nbr
                from (select id_taxon classif_id, sum(nbr) nbr 
                      from ecotaxainststat pts
                       group by id_taxon)q
                where taxonomy.id=q.classif_id""")
    app.logger.info("RefreshTaxoStat updated %d 1st level taxo" % (n))

    n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy
                SET  nbrobjcum=q.nbr
                from (select parent_id,sum(nbrobj) nbr from taxonomy
                      where nbrobj is NOT NULL
                      group by parent_id ) q
                where taxonomy.id=q.parent_id""")
    app.logger.info("RefreshTaxoStat updated %d 2st level taxo" % (n))
    for i in range(50):
        n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy
                    SET  nbrobjcum=q.nbr
                    from (select parent_id,sum(nbrobjcum+coalesce(nbrobj,0)) nbr from taxonomy
                          where nbrobjcum is NOT NULL
                          group by parent_id  ) q
                    where taxonomy.id=q.parent_id
                    and coalesce(taxonomy.nbrobjcum,0)<>q.nbr""")
        print("RefreshTaxoStat updated %d level %d taxo" % (n, i))
        if n == 0:
Пример #6
def DoTaskClean(TaskID):
    task = LoadTask(TaskID)
    ProjectID = getattr(task.param, 'ProjectId', None)
    WorkingDir = task.GetWorkingDir()
    Msg = "Erasing Task %d <br>" % TaskID
        ExecSQL("DROP SCHEMA  IF EXISTS  task%06d CASCADE" % TaskID)
        if os.path.exists(WorkingDir):
            Msg += "Temp Folder Erased (%s)<br>" % WorkingDir
        Msg += "DB Record Erased<br>"
        flash("Error While erasing " + str(sys.exc_info()), 'error')
    if ProjectID:
        Msg += "<a href='/prj/%s'>Back to project</a><br>" % ProjectID
    CustomReturnURL = getattr(task.param, 'CustomReturnURL', None)
    CustomReturnLabel = getattr(task.param, 'CustomReturnLabel', None)
    if CustomReturnLabel and CustomReturnURL:
        Msg += "<a href='{0}'>{1}</a><br>".format(CustomReturnURL,
    return Msg
Пример #7
def ComputeOldestSampleDateOnProject():
        "update part_projects pp  set oldestsampledate=(select min(sampledate) from part_samples ps where ps.pprojid=pp.pprojid)"
Пример #8
def PrjEditAnnot(PrjId):
    Prj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=PrjId).first()
    g.headcenter = "<h4><a href='/prj/{0}'>{1}</a></h4>".format(
        Prj.projid, Prj.title)
    if Prj is None:
        flash("Project doesn't exists", 'error')
        return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>")
    if not Prj.CheckRight(2):  # Level 0 = Read, 1 = Annotate, 2 = Admin
        flash('You cannot edit settings for this project', 'error')
        return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>")

    txt = "<h3>Project Edit / Erase annotation massively </h3>"
    ################ 1er Ecran
    if not gvg('NewAuthor') or not gvg('OldAuthor'):
        LstUser = GetAssoc2Col(
            "select id,name from users order by lower(name)")
        LstUserOld = OrderedDict({'anyuser': "******"})
        for k, v in LstUser.items():
            LstUserOld[k] = v
        LstUserNew = OrderedDict({
            "Previous Annotation available, or prediction, or Nothing"
        for k, v in LstUser.items():
            LstUserNew[k] = v
        LBOld = MakeHTMLSelect("OldAuthor", LstUserOld, AddEmptyLineFirst=True)
        LBNew = MakeHTMLSelect("NewAuthor", LstUserNew, AddEmptyLineFirst=True)
        txt += """<form method=get>
                  <tr><td>Replace the identification done by : </td><td>{0}</td></tr>
                  <tr><td>By the identification done by : </td><td>{1}</td></tr>
                  <tr><td>Since the (optionnal) :</td><td> <input type="text" style="width: 80px" id="filt_date" name="filt_date" autocomplete="off">
                                    at <input type="text" style="width: 25px" id="filt_hour" name="filt_hour" autocomplete="off"> h
                                    <input type="text" style="width: 25px" id="filt_min" name="filt_min" autocomplete="off"> m
                  <input type=submit class='btn btn-primary' value="Compute an estimation of the impact"><br>
                    On the next screen you will be able to apply the change only on some categories
<div class='panel panel-default' style="width:1000px;margin-left:10px;">
This correction tool permits to erase the validation jobs for selected categories, selected Annotators and period of time and replace it by the one of a selected Annotator<br>
EXAMPLES of possibilities :<br>
<li>Replace validation done by Mr X for all Copepoda by the validation done by Mrs. Y whos is well known specialist of this group
<li>Replace validation done by Mr W before 2015 November, 15th (which is the date of his taxonomy training course) by prediction or validation by anyone else

$(document).ready(function() {{
      $( "#filt_fromdate,#filt_date" ).datepicker({{
      showButtonPanel: true,changeMonth: true,changeYear: true,dateFormat:"yy-mm-dd",
                """.format(LBOld, LBNew)
        return PrintInCharte(txt)

    sqlclause = {
        "projid": Prj.projid,
        'retrictsq': "",
        'retrictq': "",
        'jointype': ""
    if gvg('OldAuthor') == "anyuser":
        OldAuthor = None
        txt += "Replace all classification<br>"
        OldAuthor = database.users.query.filter_by(
        if OldAuthor is None:
            flash("Invalid new author", 'error')
            return PrintInCharte("URL Hacking ?")
        sqlclause['retrictsq'] += " and och.classif_who!=%s " % gvg(
        sqlclause['retrictq'] += " and o.classif_who=%s " % gvg('OldAuthor')
        txt += "Replace classification done by <b>%s</b><br>" % OldAuthor.name
    if gvg('NewAuthor') == "lastannot":
        NewAuthor = None
        txt += "By the last classification of any other author<br>"
        sqlclause['jointype'] = 'left'
        NewAuthor = database.users.query.filter_by(
        if NewAuthor is None:
            flash("Invalid new author", 'error')
            return PrintInCharte("URL Hacking ?")
        sqlclause['retrictsq'] += " and och.classif_who=%s " % gvg('NewAuthor')
        sqlclause['retrictq'] += " and o.classif_who!=%s " % gvg('NewAuthor')
        txt += "By classification done by <b>%s</b><br>" % NewAuthor.name

    if gvg('filt_date'):
        sqlclause['retrictq'] += " and o.classif_when>=to_date('" + gvg(
        if gvg('filt_hour'):
            sqlclause['retrictq'] += " " + gvg('filt_hour')
        if gvg('filt_min'):
            sqlclause['retrictq'] += ":" + gvg('filt_min')
        sqlclause['retrictq'] += " ','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI')"

    # Protection désactivé en V1.1
    # if OldAuthor is None and NewAuthor is None:
    #     flash("This request doesn't make sense, you want replace the last classification of every one by the last classification",'error')
    #     return PrintInCharte("Invalid Request")

    ################ 2nd Ecran, affichage liste des categories & estimations
    if not gvg('Process'):
        txt += """<form method=post action=?OldAuthor={0}&NewAuthor={1}&filt_date={2}&filt_hour={3}&filt_min={4}&Process=Y>
        """.format(gvg('OldAuthor'), gvg('NewAuthor'), gvg('filt_date'),
                   gvg('filt_hour'), gvg('filt_min'))
        sql = """
        select t.id,concat(t.name,' (',t2.name,')') as name, count(*) Nbr
        from obj_head o
        {jointype} join (select rank() over(PARTITION BY och.objid order by och.classif_date desc) ochrank,och.*
              from objectsclassifhisto och
              join obj_head ooch on ooch.objid=och.objid and ooch.projid={projid}
        where och.classif_type='M' {retrictsq}) newclassif on newclassif.objid=o.objid and newclassif.ochrank=1
        join taxonomy t on o.classif_id=t.id
        left join taxonomy t2 on t.parent_id=t2.id
        where o.projid={projid} {retrictq}
        GROUP BY t.id,concat(t.name,' (',t2.name,')')
        order BY t.name
        data = GetAll(sql, debug=False)
        txt += """
        <input type=submit class='btn btn-warning' value="Process the replacement. WARNING : It's irreversible !!!!"><br>
        Bellow the estimation of each impacted categories, select categories you want replace on theses source categories list<br>
Select <a name="tbltop" href="#tbltop" onclick="$('#TblTaxo input').prop( 'checked', true )">All</a>
    / <a href="#tbltop" onclick="$('#TblTaxo input').prop( 'checked', false );">None</a>
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed" style="width: auto" id="TblTaxo">
    <tr><th >Select</th><th width="200">Name</th><th >Nbr</th></tr>
        for r in data:
            txt += "<tr><td><input type='checkbox' value='Y' name='taxo{0}' ></td><td>{1}</td><td class='rightfixedfont'>{2}</td></tr>".format(
        txt += "</table>"
        return PrintInCharte(txt)

    ################ 3eme Ecran Execution Requetes
    if gvg('Process') == 'Y':
        sqlclause['taxoin'] = ",".join(
            (x[4:] for x in request.form if x[0:4] == "taxo"))
        if sqlclause['taxoin'] == "":
                "You must select at least one categorie to do the replacement",
            return PrintInCharte(
                "<a href='#' onclick='history.back();'>Back</a>")
        sql = """
        update obj_head as ou
            set classif_who=newclassif.classif_who,
            classif_qual=case when newclassif.classif_qual is not null then newclassif.classif_qual
                                 when ou.classif_auto_id is not null then 'P'
                                 else null end
        from obj_head o {jointype} join
        (select rank() over(PARTITION BY och.objid order by och.classif_date desc) ochrank,och.*
              from objectsclassifhisto och
              join obj_head ooch on ooch.objid=och.objid and ooch.projid={projid}
        where och.classif_type='M' {retrictsq}) newclassif on newclassif.objid=o.objid and newclassif.ochrank=1
        join taxonomy t on o.classif_id=t.id
        where  o.projid={projid} {retrictq} and o.classif_id in ({taxoin})
        and o.objid=ou.objid

        RowCount = ExecSQL(sql, debug=True)
        txt += "<div class='alert alert-success' role='alert'>Annotation replacement Done successfully. Updated %d Row</div>" % RowCount
        txt += "<br><a class='btn btn-lg btn-primary' href='/prj/%s'>Back to target project</a>" % Prj.projid
        return PrintInCharte(txt)
Пример #9
def PrjResetToPredicted(PrjId):
    request.form  # Force la lecture des données POST sinon il y a une erreur 504
    Prj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=PrjId).first()
    if Prj is None:
        flash("Project doesn't exists", 'error')
        return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>")
    if not Prj.CheckRight(2):  # Level 0 = Read, 1 = Annotate, 2 = Admin
        flash('You cannot edit settings for this project', 'error')
        return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>")
    g.headcenter = "<h4><a href='/prj/{0}'>{1}</a></h4>".format(
        Prj.projid, XSSEscape(Prj.title))
    txt = "<h3>Reset status to predicted</h3>"
    sqlparam = {}
    filtres = {}
    for k in sharedfilter.FilterList:
        if gvg(k):
            filtres[k] = gvg(k, "")
    process = gvp('process')
    if process == 'Y':
        sqlhisto = """insert into objectsclassifhisto(objid,classif_date,classif_type,classif_id,classif_qual,classif_who)
                      select objid,classif_when,'M', classif_id,classif_qual,classif_who
                        from objects o
                        where projid=""" + str(
        ) + """ and classif_when is not null and classif_qual in ('V','D')
                         and not exists(select 1 from objectsclassifhisto och where och.objid=o.objid and och.classif_date=o.classif_when)
        sqlhisto += sharedfilter.GetSQLFilter(filtres, sqlparam,
        ExecSQL(sqlhisto, sqlparam)

        sqlhisto = """update obj_head set classif_qual='P'
                        where projid={0} and objid in (select objid from objects o   
                                              where projid={0} and classif_qual in ('V','D') {1})
            sharedfilter.GetSQLFilter(filtres, sqlparam, str(current_user.id)))
        ExecSQL(sqlhisto, sqlparam)

        # flash('Data updated', 'success')
        txt += "<a href='/prj/%s' class='btn btn-primary'>Back to project</a> " % (
        return PrintInCharte(txt)
    sql = "select objid FROM objects o where projid=" + str(Prj.projid)
    if len(filtres):
        sql += sharedfilter.GetSQLFilter(filtres, sqlparam,
        ObjList = GetAll(sql, sqlparam)
        ObjListTxt = "\n".join((str(r['objid']) for r in ObjList))
        txt += "<span style='color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size:large;'>USING Active Project Filters, {0} objects</span>".format(
        txt += "<span style='color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size:large;'>Apply to ALL OBJETS OF THE PROJECT (NO Active Filters)</span>"
    Lst = GetFieldList(Prj)
    # txt+="%s"%(Lst,)

    return PrintInCharte(
Пример #10
def DoFullSync():
    txt = ""
        UpdatableCols = [
            'parent_id', 'name', 'taxotype', 'taxostatus', 'id_source',
            'id_instance', 'rename_to', 'display_name', 'source_desc',
            'source_url', 'creation_datetime', 'creator_email'
        MaxUpdate = database.GetAll(
            "select coalesce(max(lastupdate_datetime),to_timestamp('2000-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')) lastupdate from taxonomy"
        MaxUpdateDate = MaxUpdate[0]['lastupdate']

        j = request_withinstanceinfo("/gettaxon/", {
            'filtertype': 'since',
            'startdate': MaxUpdateDate
        if 'msg' in j:
            return appli.ErrorFormat("Sync Error :" + j['msg'])
        NbrRow = len(j)
        NbrUpdate = NbrInsert = 0
        txt += "Received {} rows<br>".format(NbrRow)
        if (NbrRow > 0):
            txt += "Taxo 0 = {}<br>".format(j[0])
        for jtaxon in j:
            taxon = database.Taxonomy.query.filter_by(
            lastupdate_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(
                jtaxon['lastupdate_datetime'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
            if taxon:
                if taxon.lastupdate_datetime == lastupdate_datetime:
                    continue  #already up to date
                NbrUpdate += 1
                if ntcv(jtaxon['rename_to']) != '':
                    continue  # don't insert taxon that should be renamed
                if ntcv(jtaxon['taxostatus']) == 'D':
                    continue  # don't insert taxon that are deprecated and planned to be deleted
                NbrInsert += 1
                taxon = database.Taxonomy()
                taxon.id = int(jtaxon['id'])

            for c in UpdatableCols:
                setattr(taxon, c, jtaxon[c])
            taxon.lastupdate_datetime = lastupdate_datetime
        # Manage rename_to
        sqlbase = "with taxorename as (select id,rename_to from taxonomy where rename_to is not null) "
        sql = sqlbase + """select distinct projid from obj_head o join taxorename tr  on o.classif_id=tr.id """
        ProjetsToRecalc = database.GetAll(sql)
        sql = sqlbase + """update obj_head o set classif_id=tr.rename_to 
              from taxorename tr  where o.classif_id=tr.id """
        NbrRenamedObjects = ExecSQL(sql)
        sql = sqlbase + """update obj_head o set classif_auto_id=tr.rename_to 
              from taxorename tr  where o.classif_auto_id=tr.id """
        sql = sqlbase + """update objectsclassifhisto o set classif_id=tr.rename_to 
              from taxorename tr  where o.classif_id=tr.id """
        # on efface les taxon qui doivent être renomé car ils l'ont normalement été
        sql = """delete from taxonomy where rename_to is not null """
        sql = """delete from taxonomy t where taxostatus='D' 
                  and not exists(select 1 from projects_taxo_stat where id=t.id) """
        # il faut recalculer projects_taxo_stat et part_histocat,part_histocat_lst pour ceux qui referencaient un
        # taxon renomé et donc disparu
        if NbrRenamedObjects > 0:
            # cron.RefreshTaxoStat() operation trés longue (env 5 minutes en prod, il faut être plus selectif)
            # permet de recalculer projects_taxo_stat
            for Projet in ProjetsToRecalc:
            #recalcul part_histocat,part_histocat_lst

            "Received {} rows,Insertion : {} Update :{}".format(
                NbrRow, NbrInsert, NbrUpdate), "success")
        if gvp('updatestat') == 'Y':
            msg = DoSyncStatUpdate()
            flash("Taxon statistics update : " + msg,
                  "success" if msg == 'ok' else 'error')

        # txt="<script>location.reload(true);</script>" # non car ça reprovoque le post de l'arrivée initiale
        txt = "<script>window.location=window.location;</script>"
        msg = "Error while syncing {}".format(sys.exc_info())
        txt += appli.ErrorFormat(msg)

    return txt
Пример #11
    def SPStep1(self):
        logging.info("Input Param = %s" % (self.param.__dict__, ))
        logging.info("Start Step 1")
        zfile = ZipFile(self.param.InData, 'r', allowZip64=True)
        # self.param.IntraStep=1
        newschema = self.GetWorkingSchema()
        if getattr(self.param, 'IntraStep', 0) == 0:
            logging.info("Extract schema")
            with open("schema.sql", "r") as schemainfile:
                with open("schemapatched.sql", "w") as schemaoutfile:
                    for l in schemainfile:
                            l.replace('public', newschema) + "\n")
            # purge le schema s'il y a eu un import échoué de la DB
            logging.info("Create schema " + newschema)
            ExecSQL("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS " + newschema + " CASCADE")
            ExecSQL("CREATE SCHEMA " + newschema)

            toolsdir = GetDBToolsDir()
            os.environ["PGPASSWORD"] = app.config['DB_PASSWORD']
            cmd = os.path.join(toolsdir, "psql")
            cmd += " -h " + app.config['DB_HOST'] + " -U " + app.config[
                'DB_USER'] + " -p " + app.config.get(
                    '5432') + " --file=schemapatched.sql " + app.config[
                        'DB_DATABASE'] + " >createschemaout.txt"
            logging.info("Import Schema : %s", cmd)

            Constraints = GetAll(
                """select tbl.relname,c.conname from pg_namespace ns
                                join pg_constraint c on  connamespace=ns.oid join pg_class tbl on c.conrelid=tbl.oid
                                where ns.nspname='%s' and contype='f' """ %
                (newschema, ))
            logging.info("Drop foreign key")
            for r in Constraints:
                ExecSQL('alter table {0}.{1} drop CONSTRAINT {2}'.format(
                    newschema, *r),
                "Drop Index")  # for faster insert and not needed for DB Merge
            for t in ("is_objectssample", "is_objectslatlong",
                      "is_objectsdepth", "is_objectsdate", "is_objectstime",
                      "is_objectfieldsorigid", "is_objectsprojrandom",
                ExecSQL('drop index IF EXISTS {0}."{1}" '.format(newschema, t),

            logging.info("Restore data")
            for t in table_list:
                ColList = GetColsForTable(newschema, t)
                logging.info("Restore table %s " % (t, ))
                    zfile.extract(t + ".copy")
                    with open(t + ".copy", "r", encoding='latin_1') as f:
                                             newschema + "." + t,
                    logging.error("Error while data restoration %s",

            logging.info("Add newid columns")
            for t in ("process", "acquisitions", "samples", "obj_head",
                      "images", "users", "taxonomy"):
                ExecSQL("alter table {0}.{1} add column newid bigint".format(
                    newschema, t),

        self.task.taskstate = "Question"
        self.UpdateProgress(5, "Import of temporary Database Done")
Пример #12
    def SPStep2(self):
        logging.info("Start Step 2 : Effective data import")
        logging.info("Taxo Mapping = %s", self.param.TaxoFound)
        logging.info("Users Mapping = %s", self.param.UserFound)
        newschema = self.GetWorkingSchema()
        if getattr(self.param, 'IntraStep', 1) == 1:
            logging.info("SubStep 1 : Create Sample, process & Acquisition")
            self.UpdateProgress(6, "Create Sample, process & Acquisition")
            Ids = {
                "acq": {
                    "tbl": "acquisitions",
                    "pk": "acquisid"
                "sample": {
                    "tbl": "samples",
                    "pk": "sampleid"
                "process": {
                    "tbl": "process",
                    "pk": "processid"
            #Creation des lignes des tables
            for r in Ids.values():
                # Creation des ID dans la colonne New ID
                    "UPDATE {0}.{1} set newid=nextval('seq_{1}') where projid={2}"
                    .format(newschema, r["tbl"], self.param.ProjectSrcId))
                TblSrc = GetColsForTable(newschema, r["tbl"])
                TblDst = GetColsForTable('public', r["tbl"])
                InsClause = [r["pk"], "projid"]
                SelClause = ['newid', str(self.param.ProjectId)]
                for c in TblSrc:
                    if c != r['pk'] and c != 'projid' and c in TblDst:
                sql = "insert into public.%s (%s)" % (r["tbl"],
                sql += " select %s from %s.%s where projid=%s" % (",".join(
                    SelClause), newschema, r['tbl'], self.param.ProjectSrcId)
                N = ExecSQL(sql)
                logging.info("Create %s %s", N, r["tbl"])
            self.param.IntraStep = 2

        if self.param.IntraStep == 2:
            logging.info("SubStep 2 : Assign NewId to users")
            for k, v in self.param.UserFound.items():
                logging.info("Assign NewId to user %s" % (k, ))
                    "Update {0}.users set newid={1} where lower(name)=(%s)".
                    format(newschema, v['id']), (k, ),
            logging.info("SubStep 2 : Assign NewId to Taxo")
            for k, v in self.param.TaxoFound.items():
                logging.info("Assign Taxo  %s/%s" % (k, v['name']))
                    "Update {0}.taxonomy set newid={1} where id=(%s)".format(
                        newschema, v['newid']), (k, ),

            logging.info("SubStep 2 : Import privileges on project")
            ExecSQL("""Insert into projectspriv (id,projid,member,privilege)
                      SELECT nextval('seq_projectspriv'),{1},u.newid,min(privilege)
                      FROM {0}.projectspriv pp join {0}.users u on pp.member=u.id
                      WHERE pp.projid={2} and u.newid is not null
                      and u.newid not in (select member from projectspriv where projid={1})
                      group by u.newid
                      """.format(newschema, self.param.ProjectId,

            logging.info("SubStep 2 : Create Objects")
            self.UpdateProgress(10, "Create Objects")
                "UPDATE {0}.obj_head set newid=nextval('seq_objects') where projid={1}"
                .format(newschema, self.param.ProjectSrcId))
            TblSrc = GetColsForTable(newschema, 'obj_head')
            TblDst = GetColsForTable('public', 'obj_head')
            CustomMapping = {
                "objid": "o.newid",
                "projid": str(self.param.ProjectId),
                "sampleid": "samples.newid",
                "processid": "process.newid",
                "acquisid": "acquisitions.newid",
                "classif_who": "users.newid",
                "classif_id": "t1.newid",
                "classif_auto_id": "t2.newid"
            InsClause = []
            SelClause = []
            for c in TblSrc:
                if c in TblDst:
                    SelClause.append(CustomMapping.get(c, "o." + c))
            sql = "insert into public.obj_head (%s)" % (",".join(InsClause), )
            sql += """ select {0} from {1}.obj_head o
             left join {1}.samples on o.sampleid=samples.sampleid
             left join {1}.process on o.processid=process.processid
             left join {1}.acquisitions on o.acquisid=acquisitions.acquisid
             left join {1}.users on o.classif_who=users.id
             left join {1}.taxonomy t1 on o.classif_id=t1.id
             left join {1}.taxonomy t2 on o.classif_auto_id=t2.id
            where o.projid={2}""".format(",".join(SelClause), newschema,
            N = ExecSQL(sql)
            logging.info("Created %s Objects Phase 1", N)
            # Traitement table obj_field
            TblSrc = GetColsForTable(newschema, 'obj_field')
            TblDst = GetColsForTable('public', 'obj_field')
            CustomMapping = {"objfid": "obj_head.newid"}
            InsClause = []
            SelClause = []
            for c in TblSrc:
                if c in TblDst:
                    SelClause.append(CustomMapping.get(c, "o." + c))

            sql = "insert into public.obj_field (%s)" % (",".join(InsClause), )
            sql += """ select {0} from {1}.obj_field o
             left join {1}.obj_head on o.objfid=obj_head.objid
            where obj_head.projid={2}""".format(",".join(SelClause), newschema,
            N = ExecSQL(sql)
            logging.info("Created %s Objects Phase 2", N)
            self.param.IntraStep = 3

        if self.param.IntraStep == 3:
            logging.info("SubStep 3 : Create Images")
            self.UpdateProgress(40, "Import Images")
            PrevPct = 40
            NbrProcessed = 0
            NbrToProcess = ExecSQL(
                """UPDATE {0}.images set newid=nextval('seq_images') from {0}.obj_head o
                    where images.objid=o.objid and o.projid={1}""".format(
                    newschema, self.param.ProjectSrcId))
            TblSrc = GetColsForTable(newschema, 'images')
            TblDst = GetColsForTable('public', 'images')
            zfile = ZipFile(self.param.InData, 'r', allowZip64=True)
            vaultroot = Path("../../vault")
            cur = db.engine.raw_connection().cursor(
                "select images.*,o.newid newobjid from {0}.images join {0}.obj_head o on images.objid=o.objid where o.projid={1} "
                .format(newschema, self.param.ProjectSrcId), )
            for r in cur:
                Img = database.Images()
                Img.imgid = r['newid']
                Img.objid = r['newobjid']
                if r['file_name']:
                    zipimagefile = "images/%s.img" % r['imgid']
                    SrcImg = r['file_name']
                    SrcImgMini = r['thumb_file_name']
                    VaultFolder = "%04d" % (Img.imgid // 10000)
                    #creation du repertoire contenant les images si necessaire
                    Img.file_name = "%s/%04d%s" % (VaultFolder, Img.imgid %
                                                   10000, Path(SrcImg).suffix)
                    if r['thumb_file_name']:
                        zipimagefile = "images/%s.thumb" % r['imgid']
                        Img.thumb_file_name = "%s/%04d_mini%s" % (
                            VaultFolder, Img.imgid % 10000,
                for c in TblSrc:
                    if c in TblDst:
                        if c not in ('imgid', 'objid', 'file_name',
                                     'thumb_file_name') and c in TblDst:
                            setattr(Img, c, r[c])
                NbrProcessed += 1
                NewPct = int(40 + 59 * (NbrProcessed / NbrToProcess))
                if NewPct != PrevPct:
                        "Import Images %d/%d" % (NbrProcessed, NbrToProcess))
            # Recalcule les valeurs de Img0
            self.UpdateProgress(99, "Remap Images")
            self.pgcur.execute("""update obj_head o
                                set imgcount=(select count(*) from images where objid=o.objid)
                                ,img0id=(select imgid from images where objid=o.objid order by imgrank asc limit 1 )
                                where projid=""" + str(self.param.ProjectId))
        # self.task.taskstate="Done"
        # self.UpdateProgress(100,"Processing done")
        self.task.taskstate = "Question"
            "Processing done, Answer question to import another project from the same database"
Пример #13
    def SPStep1(self):
        logging.info("Input Param = %s" % (self.param.__dict__))
        logging.info("Start Step 1")

        # self.param.IntraStep=0
        if getattr(self.param, 'IntraStep', 0) == 0:
            fichier = os.path.join(self.GetWorkingDir(), "uploaded.txt")
            logging.info("Analyzing file %s" % (fichier))
            with open(fichier, encoding='latin_1') as csvfile:
                # lecture en mode dictionnaire basé sur la premiere ligne
                rdr = csv.reader(
                #lecture la la ligne des titre
                LType = rdr.__next__()
                # Lecture du contenu du fichier
                RowCount = 0
                ExecSQL("truncate table temp_taxo")
                sqlinsert = "INSERT INTO temp_taxo(idparent,idtaxo,name,status,typetaxo) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
                for lig in rdr:
                    if lig[0].strip() == '':  # Ligne vide
                        (lig[0].strip(), lig[1].strip(), lig[2].replace(
                            '+', ' ').replace('_', ' ').strip(),
                         lig[3].strip(), lig[4].strip()))
                    if RowCount > 0 and RowCount % 1000 == 0:
                        logging.info("Inserted %s lines" % RowCount)

                    RowCount += 1
                logging.info("count=%d" % RowCount)
            self.param.IntraStep = 1
        if self.param.IntraStep == 1:

            # MAJ des IDFinal dans la table temp pour tout ce qui existe.
            n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set idfinal=tf.id
                        from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo or (lower(tf.name)=lower(tt.name) and tf.id_source is null)"""
            logging.info("%d Nodes already exists " % n)

            # insertion des nouveaux noeud racines
            n = ExecSQL(
                """INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source)
            select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),NULL,t.name,t.idtaxo from temp_taxo t where idparent='-1' and idfinal is null and status='1'"""
            logging.info("Inserted %d Root Nodes" % n)

            # MAJ de la table import existante
            n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set idfinal=tf.id
                        from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                        and tt.idfinal is null and idparent='-1'""")
            logging.info("Updated %d inserted Root Nodes" % n)

            while True:
                # insertion des nouveaux noeud enfants à partir des parents deja insérés
                # n=ExecSQL("""INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source)
                #     select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),ttp.idfinal,tt.name,tt.idtaxo from temp_taxo tt join temp_taxo ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.idtaxo
                #     where tt.idfinal is null and ttp.idfinal is not null and status='1'""")
                n = ExecSQL(
                    """INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source)
                    select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),ttp.id,tt.name,tt.idtaxo
                    from temp_taxo tt join taxonomy ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.id_source
                    where tt.idfinal is null and status='1'""")
                if n == 0:
                    logging.info("No more data to import")
                    logging.info("Inserted %d Child Nodes" % n)

                # MAJ de la table import existante
                n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set idfinal=tf.id
                            from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                            and tt.idfinal is null """)
                logging.info("Updated %d inserted Child Nodes" % n)

            n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy tf set name=tt.name
                        from temp_taxo tt where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                        and tt.status='1' and tf.name!=tt.name""")
            logging.info("Updated %d Nodes names" % n)

            n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy tfu set parent_id=sq.idfinal
                        from (select tf.id, ttp.idfinal from taxonomy tf
                        ,temp_taxo tt LEFT JOIN temp_taxo ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.idtaxo  where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                        and tt.status='1' and coalesce(tf.parent_id,-1)!=coalesce(ttp.idfinal,-1)
                        and (ttp.idfinal is not null or tt.idparent='-1' )) sq where tfu.id=sq.id"""
            logging.info("Updated %d Nodes Parents" % n)

            while True:
                n = ExecSQL("""delete from taxonomy t
                        using temp_taxo tt
                        where t.id=tt.idfinal and tt.status='0'
                        and not exists (select 1 from taxonomy where parent_id=t.id )
                        and not exists (select 1 from objects where classif_id=t.id or classif_auto_id=t.id)"""
                if n == 0:
                    logging.info("No more data to delete")
                    logging.info("Deleted %d Nodes" % n)

            Lst = GetAll("""select t.name from taxonomy t,temp_taxo tt
                        where t.id=tt.idfinal and tt.status='0'
                        and (exists (select 1 from taxonomy where parent_id=t.id )
                        or exists (select 1 from objects where classif_id=t.id or classif_auto_id=t.id))"""
            for r in Lst:
                logging.info("Can't Delete '%s' because it's used " % r[0])

        self.task.taskstate = "Done"
        self.UpdateProgress(100, "Processing done")
Пример #14
def PrjManualClassif(PrjId):
    request.form  # Force la lecture des données POST sinon il y a une erreur 504
    if not Prj.CheckRight(1): # Level 0 = Read, 1 = Annotate, 2 = Admin
        return '<span class="label label-danger">You cannot Annotate this project</span>'

    changes={k[8:-1]:v for k,v in request.form.items() if k[0:7]=="changes"}
    if len(changes)==0:
        return '<span class="label label-warning">No pending change to update</span>'

    sql="""select o.objid,o.classif_auto_id,o.classif_auto_when,o.classif_auto_score,o.classif_id,o.classif_qual,o.classif_when,o.classif_who
          from obj_head o
          where o.objid in ("""+",".join(changes.keys())+")"
    prev={r['objid']:r for r in GetAll(sql,debug=False)}
    sql="update obj_head set classif_id=%(classif_id)s,classif_qual=%(classif_qual)s,classif_who=%(classif_who)s,classif_when=now() where objid=%(objid)s "
    # sqli="""INSERT INTO objectsclassifhisto (objid, classif_date, classif_type, classif_id, classif_qual, classif_who)
    #         VALUES (%(objid)s,%(classif_when)s,'M',%(classif_id)s,%(classif_qual)s,%(classif_who)s )"""
    # Traitement global de l'historisation afin de réduire les commandes SQL + test qu'il n'y a pas de doublons
    sqli="""INSERT INTO objectsclassifhisto(objid, classif_date, classif_type, classif_id, classif_qual, classif_who, classif_score)
            SELECT  objid, classif_when, 'M' classif_type, classif_id, classif_qual, classif_who, null classif_score
            from obj_head oh
            where objid= any(%s)
            and classif_when is not null
            and not exists(select 1 from objectsclassifhisto och where oh.objid=och.objid and oh.classif_when=och.classif_date )"""
        params=[[int(x) for x in changes.keys()] ]
        ExecSQL(sqli, params, True)
        app.logger.warning("Unable to add historical information, non-blocking %s" % (sys.exc_info(),))
    for k,v in changes.items():
        if v=="-1" or v=="" : # utilisé dans validate all
        if prev[ki]['classif_qual']!=gvp('qual') or prev[ki]['classif_who']!=current_user.id or prev[ki]['classif_id']!=int(v):
            # il y a eu au moins un changement
            # ExecSQL(sql,params,False)
            # params={'objid':k,'classif_id':prev[ki]['classif_id'],'classif_who':prev[ki]['classif_who']
            #     ,'classif_qual':prev[ki]['classif_qual'],'classif_when':prev[ki]['classif_when']}
            # try:
            #     if ntcv(params['classif_when']) !="" : # si pas de date, violation PK
            #         ExecSQL(sqli,params,True)
            # except:
            #     app.logger.warning("Unable to add historical information, non-blocking %s"%(prev,))
            if prev[ki]['classif_id']!=int(v): # il y a eu un changement de classif on maintient la liste des classifs MRU
                with app.MRUClassif_lock:
                    for i,t in enumerate(tbl):
                        if t["id"]==int(v):
                            if i>0: # on met cet item au début pour gérer un MRU
                    else: # si pas trouvé dans la liste des MRU on l'ajoute au début si on trouve bien son nom dans la taxo
                        Taxon=GetAll("""select tf.display_name as name
                            from taxonomy tf
                             left join taxonomy p1 on tf.parent_id=p1.id
                            where tf.id=%(id)s """,{"id":v})
                        if len(Taxon)==1:
                            Taxon=Taxon[0].get('name', "")
                            tbl.insert(0,{"id": int(v), "pr": 0, "text": Taxon})
                            if len(tbl)>10:
    if len(BatchParam)>0:
        upcur = db.engine.raw_connection().cursor()
            upcur.executemany(sql, BatchParam)
            app.logger.warning("Unable to save changes %s" % (sys.exc_info(),))
            return '<span class="label label-danger">Unable to save changes</span>'

    app.logger.info("Changement = %s",Changement)
    # applique les changements dans projects_taxo_stat
    Empty = {'n': 0, 'V': 0, 'P': 0, 'D': 0}
    Changes = {}
    for c in Changement:
        if c['prev_id'] is None: c['prev_id'] = -1
        if c['prev_id'] not in Changes: Changes[c['prev_id']] = Empty.copy()
        if c['id'] is None: c['id'] = -1
        if c['id'] not in Changes: Changes[c['id']] = Empty.copy()
        Changes[c['prev_id']]['n'] -= 1
        Changes[c['id']]['n'] += 1
        if c['prev_qual'] in ('V', 'P', 'D'):
            Changes[c['prev_id']][c['prev_qual']] -= 1
        if c['qual'] in ('V', 'P', 'D'):
            Changes[c['id']][c['qual']] += 1
    LstIdInDB=[x[0] for x in database.GetAll("select id from projects_taxo_stat where projid=%s",[PrjId])]
    for k,c in Changes.items():
        if k not in LstIdInDB:
            database.ExecSQL("insert into projects_taxo_stat(projid, id, nbr, nbr_v, nbr_d, nbr_p) values (%s,%s,0,0,0,0)",[PrjId,k])
        database.ExecSQL("""update projects_taxo_stat set 
                              nbr=nbr+%(n)s, nbr_v=nbr_v+%(v)s, nbr_d=nbr_d+%(d)s, nbr_p=nbr_p+%(p)s 
                              where projid=%(projid)s and id=%(id)s""",sqlparam)

    return '<span class="label label-success">Database update Successfull</span>'
Пример #15
def doimporttext():
    # test avec D:\temp\Downloads\taxoexport_20181228_101007.tsv
    uploadfile = request.files.get("uploadfile")
    if uploadfile is None:
        return PrintInCharte(FormatError("You must send a file"))
    Desctxt="{0} on {1:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S} ".format(uploadfile.filename,datetime.datetime.now())
    app.logger.info('Load file {} by {}'.format(uploadfile.filename,current_user))
    #creation d'un fichier temporaire qui s'efface automatiquement
    tmpfile =tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode='w+b')
    # app.logger.info('TMP file is {}'.format(tmpfile.name))
    uploadfile.save(tmpfile) # on copie le contenu dedants
    tmpfile.seek(0) # on se remet au debut
    fichier= TextIOWrapper(tmpfile, encoding = 'latin_1', errors = 'replace') # conversion du format binaire au format texte

    app.logger.info("Analyzing file %s" % (fichier))
    # lecture en mode dictionnaire basé sur la premiere ligne
    rdr = csv.reader(fichier, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"', )
    # lecture la la ligne des titre
    LType = rdr.__next__()
    # Lecture du contenu du fichier
    RowCount = 0
    ExecSQL("truncate table temp_taxo")
    sqlinsert = "INSERT INTO temp_taxo(idparent,idtaxo,name,status,typetaxo) values(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"
    for lig in rdr:
        if lig[0].strip() == '':  # Ligne vide
        database.ExecSQL(sqlinsert, (
        lig[0].strip(), lig[1].strip(), lig[2].replace('+', ' ').replace('_', ' ').strip(), lig[3].strip(),
        if RowCount > 0 and RowCount % 1000 == 0:
            app.logger.info("Inserted %s lines" % RowCount)

        RowCount += 1
    app.logger.info("count=%d" % RowCount)

        # app.logger.info(str(r))
    # if len(UpdatedTaxon)>0:
    #     ComputeDisplayName(UpdatedTaxon)
    txt+="<p style='color: green'> %s taxon loaded </p> "%(RowCount)

    # MAJ des IDFinal dans la table temp pour tout ce qui existe.
    n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set idfinal=tf.id
                from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo or (lower(tf.name)=lower(tt.name) and tf.id_source is null)""")
    app.logger.info("%d Nodes already exists " % n)

    TSVal="to_timestamp('{}','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')".format(datetime.datetime.utcnow().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
    # insertion des nouveaux noeud racines
    n = ExecSQL("""INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source,lastupdate_datetime,source_desc)
    select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),NULL,t.name,t.idtaxo,{} ,%s
    from temp_taxo t where idparent='-1' and idfinal is null and status='1'""".format(TSVal),["Created by "+Desctxt])
    app.logger.info("Inserted %d Root Nodes" % n)

    # MAJ de la table import existante
    n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set idfinal=tf.id 
                from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                and tt.idfinal is null and idparent='-1'""")
    app.logger.info("Updated %d inserted Root Nodes" % n)

    while True:
        # insertion des nouveaux noeud enfants à partir des parents deja insérés
        # n=ExecSQL("""INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source)
        #     select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),ttp.idfinal,tt.name,tt.idtaxo from temp_taxo tt join temp_taxo ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.idtaxo
        #     where tt.idfinal is null and ttp.idfinal is not null and status='1'""")
        n = ExecSQL("""INSERT INTO taxonomy (id, parent_id, name, id_source,taxotype,lastupdate_datetime,source_desc)
            select nextval('seq_taxonomy'),ttp.id,tt.name,tt.idtaxo,case when lower(tt.typetaxo)='taxa' then 'P' else 'M' end,{},%s
            from temp_taxo tt join taxonomy ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.id_source
            where tt.idfinal is null and status='1'""".format(TSVal),["Created by "+Desctxt])
        if n == 0:
            app.logger.info("No more data to import")
            app.logger.info("Inserted %d Child Nodes" % n)

        # MAJ de la table import existante
        n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE temp_taxo tt set idfinal=tf.id
                    from taxonomy tf where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                    and tt.idfinal is null """)
        app.logger.info("Updated %d inserted Child Nodes" % n)

    n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy tf set name=tt.name,{},taxotype=case when lower(tt.typetaxo)='taxa' then 'P' else 'M' end
                from temp_taxo tt where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                and tt.status='1' and  (tf.name!=tt.name
                  or tf.taxotype!=case when lower(tt.typetaxo)='taxa' then 'P' else 'M' end )
                """.format(TSUpdate),["Updated by "+Desctxt])
    app.logger.info("Updated %d Nodes names" % n)

    n = ExecSQL("""UPDATE taxonomy tfu set parent_id=sq.idfinal,{},source_desc=%s
                from (select tf.id, ttp.idfinal from taxonomy tf
                ,temp_taxo tt LEFT JOIN temp_taxo ttp on tt.idparent=ttp.idtaxo  where tf.id_source=tt.idtaxo
                and tt.status='1' and coalesce(tf.parent_id,-1)!=coalesce(ttp.idfinal,-1)
                and (ttp.idfinal is not null or tt.idparent='-1' )) sq where tfu.id=sq.id""".format(TSUpdate),["Updated by "+Desctxt])
    app.logger.info("Updated %d Nodes Parents" % n)

    # while True:
    #     n = ExecSQL("""delete from taxonomy t
    #             using temp_taxo tt
    #             where t.id=tt.idfinal and tt.status='0'
    #             and not exists (select 1 from taxonomy where parent_id=t.id )
    #             and not exists (select 1 from objects where classif_id=t.id or classif_auto_id=t.id)""")
    #     if n == 0:
    #         app.logger.info("No more data to delete")
    #         break
    #     else:
    #         app.logger.info("Deleted %d Nodes" % n)

    # Lst = GetAll("""select t.name from taxonomy t,temp_taxo tt
    #             where t.id=tt.idfinal and tt.status='0'
    #             and (exists (select 1 from taxonomy where parent_id=t.id )
    #             or exists (select 1 from objects where classif_id=t.id or classif_auto_id=t.id))""")
    # for r in Lst:
    #     app.logger.info("Can't Delete '%s' because it's used " % r[0])
    txt+="<br><a href='/browsetaxo/' class='btn btn-primary'><i class='fas fa-arrow-left'></i> Back to taxonomy</a>"
    LstId=[x['idfinal'] for x in GetAll("select idfinal from temp_taxo where idfinal is not null")]
    app.logger.info("Updated Display name" )

    # if len(Errors):
    #     txt += "<p style='color: red'> %s errors <ul> " % (len(Errors))
    #     txt += "\n".join("<li>%s</li>"%x for x in Errors)
    #     txt += "</ul></p> "

    return PrintInCharte(txt)
Пример #16
def PrjEditDataMass(PrjId):
    request.form  # Force la lecture des données POST sinon il y a une erreur 504
    Prj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=PrjId).first()
    if Prj is None:
        flash("Project doesn't exists", 'error')
        return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>")
    if not Prj.CheckRight(2):  # Level 0 = Read, 1 = Annotate, 2 = Admin
        flash('You cannot edit settings for this project', 'error')
        return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>")
    g.headcenter = "<h4><a href='/prj/{0}'>{1}</a></h4>".format(
        Prj.projid, XSSEscape(Prj.title))
    txt = "<h3>Project Mass data edition </h3>"
    sqlparam = {}
    filtres = {}
    for k in sharedfilter.FilterList:
        if gvg(k):
            filtres[k] = gvg(k, "")
    field = gvp('field')
    if field and gvp('newvalue'):
        tables = {
            'f': 'obj_field',
            'h': 'obj_head',
            's': 'samples',
            'a': 'acquisitions',
            'p': 'process'
        tablecode = field[0]
        table = tables[
            tablecode]  # on extrait la table à partir de la premiere lettre de field
        field = field[
            1:]  # on supprime la premiere lettre qui contenait le nom de la table
        sql = "update " + table + " set " + field + "=%(newvalue)s  "
        if field == 'classif_id':
            sql += " ,classif_when=current_timestamp,classif_who=" + str(
        sql += " where "
        if tablecode == "h": sql += " objid in ( select objid from objects o "
        elif tablecode == "f":
            sql += " objfid in ( select objid from objects o "
        elif tablecode == "s":
            sql += " sampleid in ( select distinct sampleid from objects o "
        elif tablecode == "a":
            sql += " acquisid in ( select distinct acquisid from objects o "
        elif tablecode == "p":
            sql += " processid in ( select distinct processid from objects o "
        sql += "  where projid=" + str(Prj.projid)
        sqlparam['newvalue'] = gvp('newvalue')
        if len(filtres):
            sql += " " + sharedfilter.GetSQLFilter(filtres, sqlparam,
        sql += ")"
        if field == 'classif_id':
            sqlhisto = """insert into objectsclassifhisto(objid,classif_date,classif_type,classif_id,classif_qual,classif_who)
                          select objid,classif_when,'M', classif_id,classif_qual,classif_who
                            from objects o
                            where projid=""" + str(
                Prj.projid) + " and classif_when is not null "
            sqlhisto += sharedfilter.GetSQLFilter(filtres, sqlparam,
            ExecSQL(sqlhisto, sqlparam)
        ExecSQL(sql, sqlparam)
        flash('Data updated', 'success')
    if field == 'latitude' or field == 'longitude' or gvp('recompute') == 'Y':
            """update samples s set latitude=sll.latitude,longitude=sll.longitude
              from (select o.sampleid,min(o.latitude) latitude,min(o.longitude) longitude
              from obj_head o
              where projid=%(projid)s and o.latitude is not null and o.longitude is not null
              group by o.sampleid) sll where s.sampleid=sll.sampleid and projid=%(projid)s """,
            {'projid': Prj.projid})
        flash('sample latitude and longitude updated', 'success')
    sql = "select objid FROM objects o where projid=" + str(Prj.projid)
    if len(filtres):
        sql += sharedfilter.GetSQLFilter(filtres, sqlparam,
        ObjList = GetAll(sql, sqlparam)
        ObjListTxt = "\n".join((str(r['objid']) for r in ObjList))
        txt += "<span style='color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size:large;'>USING Active Project Filters, {0} objects</span>".format(
        txt += "<span style='color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size:large;'>Apply to ALL OBJETS OF THE PROJECT (NO Active Filters)</span>"
    Lst = GetFieldList(Prj)
    # txt+="%s"%(Lst,)

    return PrintInCharte(
        render_template("project/prjeditdatamass.html", Lst=Lst, header=txt))
Пример #17
def PrjMerge(PrjId):
    Prj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=PrjId).first()
    if Prj is None:
        flash("Project doesn't exists", 'error')
        return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>")
    if not Prj.CheckRight(2):  # Level 0 = Read, 1 = Annotate, 2 = Admin
        flash('You cannot edit settings for this project', 'error')
        return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>")
    g.headcenter = "<h4><a href='/prj/{0}'>{1}</a></h4>".format(
        Prj.projid, XSSEscape(Prj.title))
    txt = "<h3>Project Merge / Fusion </h3>"

    if not gvg('src'):
        txt += """<ul><li>You are allowed to merge projects that you are allowed to manage
<li>User privileges from both projects will be added
<li>This tool allow to merge two projects in a single projet (called Current project). The added project will then be automatically deleted. If object data are not consistent between both projects :
<ul><li>New data fields are added to the Current project
    <li>The resulting project will thus contain partially documented datafields.
</ul><li>Note : Next screen will indicate compatibility issues (if exists) and allow you to Confirm the merging operation.
        sql = "select p.projid,title,status,coalesce(objcount,0) objcount,coalesce(pctvalidated,0) pctvalidated,coalesce(pctclassified,0) pctclassified from projects p"
        if not current_user.has_role(database.AdministratorLabel):
            sql += " Join projectspriv pp on p.projid = pp.projid and pp.member=%d" % (
                current_user.id, )
        sql += " where p.projid!=%d order by title" % Prj.projid
        res = GetAll(sql, doXSSEscape=True)  #,debug=True
        txt += """<table class='table table-bordered table-hover table-verycondensed'>
                <tr><th width=120>ID</td><th>Title</td><th width=100>Status</th><th width=100>Nbr Obj</th>
            <th width=100>% Validated</th><th width=100>% Classified</th></tr>"""
        for r in res:
            txt += """<tr><td><a class="btn btn-primary" href='/prj/merge/{activeproject}?src={projid}'>Select</a> {projid}</td>
            </tr>""".format(activeproject=Prj.projid, **r)
        txt += "</table>"
        return PrintInCharte(txt)

    PrjSrc = database.Projects.query.filter_by(projid=int(gvg('src'))).first()
    if PrjSrc is None:
        flash("Source project doesn't exists", 'error')
        return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>")
    if not PrjSrc.CheckRight(2):  # Level 0 = Read, 1 = Annotate, 2 = Admin
        flash('You cannot merge for this project', 'error')
        return PrintInCharte("<a href=/prj/>Select another project</a>")
    txt += """<h4>Source Project : {0} - {1} (This project will be destroyed)</h4>
            """.format(PrjSrc.projid, XSSEscape(PrjSrc.title))
    if not gvg('merge'):  # Ici la src à été choisie et vérifiée
        if PrjSrc.mappingobj != Prj.mappingobj:
            flash("Object mapping differ With source project ", "warning")
        if PrjSrc.mappingsample != Prj.mappingsample:
            flash("Sample mapping differ With source project ", "warning")
        if PrjSrc.mappingacq != Prj.mappingacq:
            flash("Acquisition mapping differ With source project ", "warning")
        if PrjSrc.mappingprocess != Prj.mappingprocess:
            flash("Process mapping differ With source project ", "warning")
        txt += FormatError(
            """ <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-warning-sign'></span>
        Warning project {1} - {2}<br>
        Will be destroyed, its content will be transfered in the target project.<br>
        This operation is irreversible</p>
        <br><a class='btn btn-lg btn-warning' href='/prj/merge/{0}?src={1}&merge=Y'>Start Project Fusion</a>        
        return PrintInCharte(txt)

    if gvg('merge') == 'Y':
        ExecSQL("update acquisitions set projid={0} where projid={1}".format(
            Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid))
        ExecSQL("update process set projid={0} where projid={1}".format(
            Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid))
        ExecSQL("update samples set projid={0} where projid={1}".format(
            Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid))
        ExecSQL("update obj_head set projid={0} where projid={1}".format(
            Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid))
        ExecSQL("update part_projects set projid={0} where projid={1}".format(
            Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid))
        # garde le privilege le plus elevé des 2 projets
        ExecSQL("""UPDATE projectspriv ppdst
                  set privilege=case when 'Manage' in (ppsrc.privilege,ppdst.privilege) then 'Manage'
                        when 'Annotate' in (ppsrc.privilege,ppdst.privilege) then 'Annotate'
                        else 'View' end
                from projectspriv  ppsrc
                where ppsrc.projid={1} and ppdst.projid={0} and ppsrc.member=ppdst.member"""
                .format(Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid),
        # Transfere les privilege depuis le projet source
        ExecSQL("""update projectspriv
                set projid={0}
                where projid={1} and member not in (select member from projectspriv where projid={0})"""
                .format(Prj.projid, PrjSrc.projid))
        # Efface ceux qui etait des 2 cotés
        ExecSQL("delete from projectspriv where projid={0}".format(
        ExecSQL("delete from projects where projid={0}".format(PrjSrc.projid))

        txt += "<div class='alert alert-success' role='alert'>Fusion Done successfully</div>"
        txt += "<br><a class='btn btn-lg btn-primary' href='/prj/%s'>Back to target project</a>" % Prj.projid
        return PrintInCharte(txt)
Пример #18
    def SPStep1(self):
        logging.info("Input Param = %s" % (self.param.__dict__, ))
        logging.info("Start Step 1")
        self.UpdateProgress(1, "Retrieve Data from Learning Set")
        TInit = time.time()
        Prj = database.Projects.query.filter_by(
        PrjBase = database.Projects.query.filter_by(
        MapPrj = self.GetReverseObjMap(Prj)
        MapPrjBase = self.GetReverseObjMap(PrjBase)
        logging.info("MapPrj %s", MapPrj)
        logging.info("MapPrjBase %s", MapPrjBase)
        CritVar = self.param.CritVar.split(",")
        ColsPrj = [
        ]  # contient les colonnes communes au deux projets dans le même ordre
        ColsPrjBase = []
        MapColTargetToBase = {}
        PostTaxoMapping = {}
        if 'posttaxomapping' in self.param.CustSettings:
            PostTaxoMapping = {
                int(el[0].strip()): int(el[1].strip())
                for el in [
                    el.split(':') for el in
            logging.info("PostTaxoMapping = %s ", PostTaxoMapping)
        if self.param.learninglimit:
            self.param.learninglimit = int(self.param.learninglimit)  # convert
        for c in CritVar:
            if c not in MapPrj:
                    "Variable %s not available in the classified project", c)
            elif c not in MapPrjBase:
                logging.info("Variable %s not available in the base project",
                MapColTargetToBase[MapPrj[c]] = MapPrjBase[c]
        sql = "select 1"
        for c in ColsPrjBase:
            sql += ",coalesce(percentile_cont(0.5) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY {0}),-9999) as {0}".format(
        sql += " from objects where projid={0} and classif_id is not null and classif_qual='V'".format(
        if self.param.learninglimit:
            sql += """ and objid in ( select objid from (
                        select objid,row_number() over(PARTITION BY classif_id order by random_value) rang
                        from obj_head
                        where projid={0} and classif_id is not null
                        and classif_qual='V' ) q where rang <={1} ) """.format(
                PrjBase.projid, self.param.learninglimit)
        DefVal = GetAll(sql)[0]
        sql = "select objid,classif_id"
        for c in ColsPrjBase:
            sql += ",coalesce({0},{1}) ".format(c, DefVal[c])
        sql += """ from objects
                    where classif_id is not null and classif_qual='V'
                    and projid={0}
                    and classif_id in ({1}) """.format(
            PrjBase.projid, self.param.Taxo, self.param.learninglimit)
        if self.param.learninglimit:
            sql += """ and objid in ( select objid from (
                        select objid,row_number() over(PARTITION BY classif_id order by random_value) rang
                        from obj_head
                        where projid={0} and classif_id is not null
                        and classif_qual='V' ) q where rang <={1} ) """.format(
                PrjBase.projid, self.param.learninglimit)
        sql += " order by objid "
        DBRes = np.array(GetAll(sql))
        # Ids = DBRes[:,0] # Que l'objid
        learn_cat = DBRes[:, 1]  # Que la classif
        learn_var = DBRes[:, 2:]  # exclu l'objid & la classif
        DBRes = None  # libere la mémoire
        logging.info('DB Conversion to NP : %0.3f s', time.time() - TInit)
        logging.info("Variable shape %d Row, %d Col", *learn_var.shape)
        # Note : La multiplication des jobs n'est pas forcement plus performante, en tous cas sur un petit ensemble.
        if self.param.Methode == 'randomforest':
            Classifier = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=300,
        elif self.param.Methode == 'svm':
            Classifier = svm.SVC()
            raise Exception("Classifier '%s' not implemented " %
        if self.param.Perimeter != 'all':
            PerimeterWhere = " and ( classif_qual='P' or classif_qual is null)  "
            PerimeterWhere = ""
        if self.param.TargetTaxo != "":
            PerimeterWhere += " and classif_id in (%s) " % (
                self.param.TargetTaxo, )
        if self.param.resetpredicted == "ResetToPredicted" and self.param.TargetTaxo != "":
            sqlhisto = """insert into objectsclassifhisto(objid,classif_date,classif_type,classif_id,classif_qual,classif_who)
                          select objid,classif_when,'M', classif_id,classif_qual,classif_who
                            from obj_head o
                            where projid={0} and classif_when is not null and classif_qual='V'
                            and classif_id in ({1})""".format(
                Prj.projid, self.param.TargetTaxo)
            sqlhisto = """update obj_head set classif_qual=null
                            where projid={0} and classif_when is not null and classif_qual='V'
                            and classif_id in ({1}) """.format(
                Prj.projid, self.param.TargetTaxo)

        # TStep = time.time()
        # cette solution ne convient pas, car lorsqu'on l'applique par bloc de 100 parfois il n'y a pas de valeur dans
        # toute la colonne et du coup la colonne est supprimé car on ne peut pas calculer la moyenne.
        # learn_var = Imputer().fit_transform(learn_var)
        #learn_var[learn_var==np.nan] = -99999 Les Nan sont des NULL dans la base traités parle coalesce
        # logging.info('Clean input variables :  %0.3f s', time.time() - TStep)
        TStep = time.time()
        Classifier.fit(learn_var, learn_cat)
        logging.info('Model fit duration :  %0.3f s', time.time() - TStep)
        NbrItem = GetAll(
            "select count(*) from obj_head where projid={0} {1} ".format(
                Prj.projid, PerimeterWhere))[0][0]
        if NbrItem == 0:
            raise Exception(
                "No object to classify, perhaps all object already classified or you should adjust the perimeter settings as it was probably set to 'Not Validated' "
        sql = "select objid"
        for c in ColsPrj:
            sql += ",coalesce({0},{1}) ".format(c,
        sql += """ from objects
                    where projid={0} {1}
                    order by objid""".format(Prj.projid, PerimeterWhere)
        upcur = db.engine.raw_connection().cursor()
        ProcessedRows = 0
        while True:
            self.UpdateProgress(15 + 85 * (ProcessedRows / NbrItem),
                                "Processed %d/%d" % (ProcessedRows, NbrItem))
            TStep = time.time()
            # recupère les variables des objets à classifier
            DBRes = np.array(self.pgcur.fetchmany(100))
            if len(DBRes) == 0:
            ProcessedRows += len(DBRes)
            Tget_Ids = DBRes[:, 0]  # Que l'objid
            Tget_var = DBRes[:, 1:]  # exclu l'objid
            TStep2 = time.time()
            # Tget_var= Imputer().fit_transform(Tget_var) # voir commentaire sur learn_var
            # Tget_var[Tget_var==np.nan] = -99999
            Result = Classifier.predict_proba(Tget_var)
            ResultMaxCol = np.argmax(Result, axis=1)
            # Typage important pour les perf postgresql
            SqlParam = [{
                'cat': int(Classifier.classes_[mc]),
                'p': r[mc],
                'id': int(i)
            } for i, mc, r in zip(Tget_Ids, ResultMaxCol, Result)]
            for i, v in enumerate(SqlParam):
                if v['cat'] in PostTaxoMapping:
                    SqlParam[i]['cat'] = PostTaxoMapping[v['cat']]
            TStep3 = time.time()
            # MAJ dans la base, Si pas de classif devient predicted , Si vide ou predicted, MAJ de la classif
            if self.param.keeplog:
                    """insert into objectsclassifhisto(objid,classif_date,classif_type,classif_id,classif_qual,classif_score)
                                      select objid,classif_auto_when,'A', classif_auto_id,classif_qual,classif_auto_score
                                        from obj_head
                                        where objid=%(id)s and classif_auto_id!=%(cat)s and classif_auto_id is not null
                                        and classif_auto_when is not null """,
                """update obj_head set classif_auto_id=%(cat)s,classif_auto_score=%(p)s,classif_auto_when=now()
                                    ,classif_qual=case when classif_qual in ('D','V') then  classif_qual else 'P'  END
                                    ,classif_id=case when classif_qual in ('D','V') then classif_id  else %(cat)s end
                                    where objid=%(id)s""", SqlParam)
                'Chunk Db Extract %d/%d, Classification and Db Save :  %0.3f s %0.3f+%0.3f+%0.3f',
                ProcessedRows, NbrItem,
                time.time() - TStep, TStep2 - TStep, TStep3 - TStep2,
                time.time() - TStep3)

        self.task.taskstate = "Done"
        self.UpdateProgress(100, "Classified %d objects" % ProcessedRows)