def test_unreachable_pose():
    urdf_path = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "kuka_lbr.urdf")
    base_link = "kuka_lbr_l_link_0"
    ee_link = "kuka_lbr_l_link_7"

    aik = ApproxInvKin(urdf_path, base_link, ee_link, 1.0, 1.0, verbose=0)
    eik = ExactInvKin(urdf_path, base_link, ee_link, 1e-6, 1000, verbose=0)

    n_joints = aik.get_n_joints()
    q = 0.3 * np.ones(n_joints)
    p = np.empty(7)
    p[:] = np.nan
    eik.jnt_to_cart(q, p)
    p[2] += 0.1

    q_result = np.zeros(n_joints)
    p_result_exact = np.zeros(7)
    success = eik.cart_to_jnt(p, q_result)
    eik.jnt_to_cart(q_result, p_result_exact)

    q_result = np.zeros(n_joints)
    p_result_approx = np.zeros(7)
    success = aik.cart_to_jnt(p, q_result)
    aik.jnt_to_cart(q_result, p_result_approx)

    exact_dist = np.linalg.norm(p - p_result_exact)
    approx_dist = np.linalg.norm(p - p_result_approx)
    assert_less(approx_dist, exact_dist)
Пример #2
def make_exact_cart_dmp(x0, g, execution_time, dt):
    ik = ExactInvKin("../data/kuka_lbr.urdf", "kuka_lbr_l_link_0",
                     "kuka_lbr_l_link_7", 1e-5, 150)

    p = np.empty(7)
    ik.jnt_to_cart(x0, p)
    x0_pos = p[:3].copy()
    x0_rot = p[3:].copy()
    ik.jnt_to_cart(g, p)
    g_pos = p[:3].copy()
    g_rot = p[3:].copy()
    cart_mp_values = [x0_pos, x0_rot, g_pos, g_rot]

    beh = IKCartesianDMPBehavior(ik, execution_time, dt)
    return ik, beh, cart_mp_keys, cart_mp_values
def test_reachable_path():
    urdf_path = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "kuka_lbr.urdf")
    base_link = "kuka_lbr_l_link_0"
    ee_link = "kuka_lbr_l_link_7"

    aik = ApproxInvKin(urdf_path, base_link, ee_link, 1.0, 1.0, verbose=0)
    eik = ExactInvKin(urdf_path, base_link, ee_link, 1e-10, 1000, verbose=0)

    n_joints = aik.get_n_joints()
    n_steps = 101
    Q = np.empty((n_steps, n_joints))
    for i in range(n_joints):
        Q[:, i] = np.linspace(-0.5, 0.5, n_steps)

    p1 = np.empty(7)
    p1[:] = np.nan
    p2 = np.empty(7)
    p2[:] = np.nan
    qe = np.empty(n_joints)
    qe[:] = Q[0]
    qa = np.empty(n_joints)
    qa[:] = Q[0]
    for t in range(n_steps):
        if t > 0:
            qe[:] = Q[t - 1]
            qa[:] = Q[t - 1]

        # Exact IK seems to be closer in Cartesian space
        eik.jnt_to_cart(Q[t], p1)
        eik.cart_to_jnt(p1, qe)
        eik.jnt_to_cart(qe, p2)
        assert_array_almost_equal(p1, p2, decimal=6)
        assert_array_almost_equal(qe, Q[t], decimal=0)

        # Approximate IK seems to be closer in joint space
        aik.jnt_to_cart(Q[t], p1)
        aik.cart_to_jnt(p1, qa)
        aik.jnt_to_cart(qa, p2)
        assert_array_almost_equal(p1, p2, decimal=3)
        assert_array_almost_equal(qa, Q[t], decimal=2)
Пример #4
import numpy as np
from approxik import ApproxInvKin, ExactInvKin
from ik_cartesian_dmp_behavior import (IKCartesianDMPBehavior,
from dmp_behavior import DMPBehavior, DMPBehaviorWithGoalParams
from bolero.representation import CartesianDMPBehavior

x0j = np.array([0.0, -0.5, -0.5, 0.0, -0.5, 0.0])
gj = np.array([0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0])

ik = ExactInvKin("../data/compi.urdf", "linkmount", "linkkelle", 1e-5, 150)

x0 = np.zeros(7)
ik.jnt_to_cart(x0j, x0)
g = np.zeros(7)
ik.jnt_to_cart(gj, g)
execution_time = 0.5
dt = 0.001

cart_mp_keys = ["x0", "q0", "g", "qg"]
cart_mp_values = [x0[:3], x0[3:], g[:3], g[3:]]

def _initial_cart_params(ik):
    joint_dmp = DMPBehavior(execution_time, dt)
    n_joints = ik.get_n_joints()
    joint_dmp.init(n_joints, n_joints)
    joint_dmp.set_meta_parameters(["x0", "g"], [x0j, gj])
    Q = joint_dmp.trajectory()[0]
    P = np.empty((Q.shape[0], 7))
    for t in range(Q.shape[0]):