def advisory_lock_by_relation_name(self, cursor, rel_name: str): """ Try acquiring a PG advisory lock by an integer identifier matching the specified relation name and exit immediately. This is equal locking by table name until the transaction ends. :param cursor: :param rel_name: :return: """ sql = SQLClause('''select pg_try_advisory_xact_lock( (select c.oid id from pg_class c where c.relname = %s limit 1)::integer )''', [rel_name]) return fetch_bool(cursor, sql)
def _send_digest_scheduled(run_date: datetime) -> bool: with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql = '''select exists(select id from task_task where name = %s and (kwargs->>'run_date')::timestamptz = %s)''' return fetch_bool(cursor, SQLClause(sql, [, run_date]))