Пример #1
def _precompute_subaddr(state: State, account: int, indices):
    Precomputes subaddresses for account (major) and list of indices (minors)
    Subaddresses have to be stored in encoded form - unique representation.
    Single point can have multiple extended coordinates representation - would not match during subaddress search.
    monero.compute_subaddresses(state.creds, account, indices, state.subaddresses)
Пример #2
async def _init_step(s, ctx, msg):
    s.creds = await misc.get_creds(ctx, msg.address_n, msg.network_type)

    await confirms.require_confirm_keyimage_sync(ctx)

    s.num_outputs = msg.num
    s.expected_hash = msg.hash
    s.enc_key = crypto.random_bytes(32)

    for sub in msg.subs:
        monero.compute_subaddresses(s.creds, sub.account, sub.minor_indices,

    return MoneroKeyImageExportInitAck()