class DatasetRepo: def __init__(self): self.model = Dataset self.resource = "Dataset" self.response = Response(self.resource) def create(self, data: dict): try: return self.model(**data).save() except NotUniqueError as e: raise e except ValidationError as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise e def by_id(self, object_id): try: return self.model.objects.get(id=object_id) except Exception as e: return self.response.exception(description=e.__str__()) def by_criteria(self, criteria: dict, order: str = "created", items: int = None, status=None): try: if status: dataset = self.model.objects(status, **criteria).order_by(order) else: dataset = self.model.objects(**criteria).order_by(order) if items: return dataset[:items] return dataset except Exception as e: return self.response.exception(description=e.__str__()) def paginate(self, criteria: dict, page, per_page, order: str = "created"): try: return (self.model.objects(**criteria).order_by(order).paginate( page, per_page)) except Exception as e: raise e
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): resource = "Dataset" response = Response(resource) repo = repositories.DatasetRepo() schema = schemas.DetailDataSetSchema() dataset = repo.by_id(kwargs["dataset_id"]) if isinstance(dataset, FlaskResponse): return dataset result = schema.dump(dataset) return response.ok( Messages.RESOURCE_FETCHED.value.format(resource), )
def test_should_response_correctly_when_it_is_called(self, client): error = "Some description" response = Response("Auth").exception(description=error) res = response.json assert response.status_code == 500 assert res["message"] == "Ocorreu um erro no servidor. Contate o administrador." assert res["resource"] == "Auth"
def test_should_response_correctly_when_it_is_called(self, client): error = "Some description" response = Response("Auth").does_not_exist(error) res = response.json assert response.status_code == 404 assert res["message"] == f"Este(a) {error} não existe." assert res["resource"] == "Auth"
def test_should_response_raises_an_error_when_msg_parameter_is_not_str( self, client ): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: Response("Auth").notallowed_user(None) assert e.value.__str__() == "O parâmetro msg precisa ser um string"
def test_should_response_correctly_when_it_is_called(self, client): msg = "Success" response = Response("Auth").ok(message=msg) res = response.json assert response.status_code == 200 assert res["message"] == msg assert res["resource"] == "Auth"
def test_should_response_correctly_when_it_is_called(self, client): error = "Some description" response = Response("Auth").already_exists(description=error) res = response.json assert response.status_code == 409 assert res["message"] == f"Já existe um(a) {error} com estes dados." assert res["resource"] == "Auth"
def test_should_response_correctly_when_it_is_called(self, client): error = {"some-field": "some error"} response = Response("Auth").data_invalid(error) res = response.json assert response.status_code == 400 assert res["message"] == "Ocorreu um erro nos campos informados." assert res["resource"] == "Auth" assert res["errors"] == error
def test_should_response_correctly_with_list_data_argument(self): msg = "Success" data = [{"foo": "bar"}] response = Response("Auth").ok(message=msg, data=data) res = response.json assert response.status_code == 200 assert res["message"] == msg assert res["resource"] == "Auth" assert res["data"] == data
def test_should_response_correctly_with_extra_argument(self): msg = "Success" data = {"foo": "bar"} extra = {"ping": "pong"} response = Response("Auth").ok(message=msg, data=data, **extra) res = response.json assert response.status_code == 200 assert res["message"] == msg assert res["resource"] == "Auth" assert res["data"] == data assert res["ping"] == "pong"
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): resource = "Logs from dataset" response = Response(resource) repo = repositories.LogRepo() schema = schemas.ListLogSchema(many=True) parser = reqparse.RequestParser() parser.add_argument( "per_page", type=int, required=False, default=10, location="args" ) args = parser.parse_args() schema = schemas.ListLogSchema(many=True) page = kwargs["page_id"] page_size = args["per_page"] criteria = {"dataset_id": kwargs["dataset_id"]} try: logs = repo.paginate(criteria, page, page_size) except Exception as e: return response.exception(description=e.__str__()) # criamos dados extras a serem respondidos extra = { "page":, "pages": logs.pages, "total":, "params": {"page_size": page_size}, } # fazemos um dump dos objetos pesquisados result = schema.dump(logs.items) return response.ok( Messages.RESOURCE_FETCHED_PAGINATED.value.format(resource),, **extra, )
def post(self, *args, **kwargs): resource = "Dataset upload" response = Response(resource) repo = repositories.DatasetRepo() parse = reqparse.RequestParser() parse.add_argument("dataset_file", type=FileStorage, location="files") parse.add_argument("kind", type=str, location="form") args = parse.parse_args() file = args["dataset_file"] kind = args["kind"] if file: extension = os.path.splitext(file.filename)[1] filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + extension # TODO: Improve it to save the file on s3 bucket # TODO: The file is too large to upload, so the best choice is: # TODO: - save the zipped file # TODO: - put the file directly on s3 from FRONT END path = os.path.join(current_app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], filename) try: payload = { "filename": filename, "path": current_app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER"], } dataset = repo.create(payload) # TODO: If the upload was did directly to s3 we can send the create event # to rabbitmq or sqs to process this file uploaded instead use celery tasks.process.delay(f"{}", kind) except (NotUniqueError, ValidationError, Exception) as e: response.exception(description=e.__str__()) return response.ok( Messages.RESOURCE_CREATED.value.format(resource), data={"id": f"{}"}, ) return response.data_invalid( {"file": "Não encontramos um arquivo a ser carregado"} )
def test_should_raises_an_error_when_status_parameter_is_not_int(self, client): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: Response("Auth").ok(message="Some message", status="Some status error") assert e.value.__str__() == "O parâmetro status precisa ser um int"
def test_should_response_correctly_when_it_is_called(self, client): response = Response("Auth").notallowed_user() res = response.json assert response.status_code == 401 assert res["message"] == "Este usuário não possui permissões necessárias." assert res["resource"] == "Auth"
def test_should_raises_an_error_when_description_parameter_is_not_str(self, client): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: Response("Auth").already_exists(None) assert e.value.__str__() == "O parâmetro description precisa ser um string"
def __init__(self): self.model = Dataset self.resource = "Dataset" self.response = Response(self.resource)
def test_should_raises_an_error_when_msg_parameter_is_not_str(self, client): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: Response("Auth").exception(None, "some description") assert e.value.__str__() == "O parâmetro msg precisa ser um string"
def test_should_response_raises_an_error_when_resource_is_not_str(self, client): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: Response(None) assert e.value.__str__() == "O parâmetro resource precisa ser um string"
def test_should_raises_an_error_when_message_parameter_is_not_str(self, client): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: Response("Auth").ok(message=None) assert e.value.__str__() == "O parâmetro message precisa ser um string"
def __init__(self): self.model = Log self.resource = "Log" self.response = Response(self.resource)
def test_should_raises_an_error_when_error_parameter_is_not_dict(self, client): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: Response("Auth").data_invalid(None, "Some text") assert e.value.__str__() == "O parâmetro errors precisa ser um dict"