def test_info_popup(): global i alignment = {'LeftVTop': appuifw.EHLeftVTop, 'LeftVCenter': appuifw.EHLeftVCenter, 'LeftVBottom': appuifw.EHLeftVBottom, 'CenterVTop': appuifw.EHCenterVTop, 'CenterVCenter': appuifw.EHCenterVCenter, 'CenterVBottom': appuifw.EHCenterVBottom, 'RightVTop': appuifw.EHRightVTop, 'RightVCenter': appuifw.EHRightVCenter, 'RightVBottom': appuifw.EHRightVBottom} i = appuifw.InfoPopup() for x, item in enumerate(alignment):"Tip position: " + item, (50, 50), 5000, 0, alignment[item]) e32.ao_sleep(6)
def menu_reset_sensor(self): ''' Start sensor zero level reset ''' global running, sensor_stab, s_zero1, s_zero2 if not SENSOR_ACC: return old_run = running running = ~RUN_PLAY sensor_stab = 10 s_zero1 = s_zero2 = 0 sensor_acc.connect(self.sensor_stabilizer) running = old_run i = appuifw.InfoPopup()"Ready") e32.ao_yield()
import appuifw i = appuifw.InfoPopup()"Here is the tip.", (0, 0), 5000, 0, appuifw.EHRightVCenter) ''' EHLeftVTop水平方向左对齐,垂直方向顶端对齐EHLeftVCenter水平方向左对齐,垂直方向居中EHLeftVBottom水平方向左对齐,垂直方向底端对齐EHCenterVTop水平方向居中,垂直方向顶端对齐EHCenterVCenter水平方向居中,垂直方向居中EHCenterVBottom水平方向居中,垂直方向底端对齐EHRightVTop水平方向右对齐,垂直方向顶端对齐EHRightVCenter水平方向右对齐,垂直方向居中EHRightVBottom水平方向右对齐,垂直方向底端对齐 hide()立即隐藏弹出窗体 '''
UI_flag = 0 elif UI_flag == 3 : scroll(1) UI_flag = 2 elif UI_flag == 7 : longimgRead() paint_all() UI_flag = 0 won = 0 global UI_flag, won import appuifw as ap canvas = ap.Canvas(redraw_callback = redraw, event_callback = execute) showLoading() info = ap.InfoPopup() t01 = Tile(1) t02 = Tile(2) t03 = Tile(3) t04 = Tile(4) t05 = Tile(5) t06 = Tile(6) t07 = Tile(7) t08 = Tile(8) t09 = Tile(9) t10 = Tile(10) t11 = Tile(11) t12 = Tile(12) t13 = Tile(13) t14 = Tile(14) t15 = Tile(15)
import httplib import urllib import socket try: import appuifw2 as appuifw import appuifw as appuifw_ import e32 import audio except: pass import time from util import * infoPopup = appuifw_.InfoPopup() progress = 0 writeprogress = 0 def downProg(n,s,t): global progress pc = n*s*100/t if pc > 100: pc=100 if pc != progress:'↓ ') + u'%s %%' % pc,(0,0), 1000,0, appuifw_.EHCenterVTop) progress = pc e32.ao_yield() def writeProg(n,s,t): global writeprogress pc = n*s*100/t
def _send_request(self, msg): i = appuifw.InfoPopup()'Please wait, sending is ongoing.'), (0, 0), 60000, 0, appuifw.EHRightVCenter) SMS.send(msg) i.hide()
def post_txt(self, tpye='sj'): #发送文章 if self.setting[2]: #检测SID是否有 if tpye == 'sj': #检测发帖区域为手机高手 if self.setting[3]: #检测高手区论坛ID是否设置好 p_ = self.setting[3].split(',') #从配置中获取论坛ID设置 p_id = [i.split(':')[0] for i in p_] #获取论坛ID列表 p_tx = [i.split(':')[1] for i in p_] #获取论坛名称列表 x = ui.popup_menu(p_tx, cn('选择目的论坛')) if x != None: if self.t.len() > 9: t = ui.query(cn('定个题目哦(^m^)'), 'text') if t and len(t) > 3: cid = ui.popup_menu( [cn('默认'), cn('综合'), cn('提问'), cn('原创')], cn('选择帖子类型')) if cid == 1: cid = '5' elif cid == 2: cid = '1' elif cid == 3: cid = '11' else: cid = '0' score = ui.query(cn('要设悬赏分吗?'), 'text', u'10') if score == None: score = "0" note = ui.InfoPopup()'正在发送文章...\n请稍后'), (10, 100), 100000, 0, ui.EHCenterVCenter) pid = p_id[x] url = '' % ( self.setting[2], pid) from urllib import urlencode self.rep() s = self.t.get() self.rerep() data = urlencode({ 'Content': en(s), 'Title': en(t), 'cid': en(cid), 'score': en(score) }) res = self.send(data, url) if res[0] == 200: if res[2].find('成功') != -1: note.hide() ui.note(cn('文章成功发布!')) else: note.hide() ui.note(cn('文章发布失败!原因可能是权限和屏蔽问题!')) else: note.hide() ui.note(cn('文章发布失败!原因可能是网络中断!')) else: ui.note(cn('标题太短')) else: ui.note(cn('正文字数不够9个'), 'info') else: ui.note(cn('操作已取消'), 'info') else: ui.note(cn('你没有设置论坛ID'), 'info') elif tpye == 'bbs': #检测发帖区域为社区论坛 if self.setting[4]: #检测高手区论坛ID是否设置好 p_ = self.setting[4].split(',') #从配置中获取论坛ID设置 p_id = [i.split(':')[0] for i in p_] #获取论坛ID列表 p_tx = [i.split(':')[1] for i in p_] #获取论坛名称列表 x = ui.popup_menu(p_tx, cn('选择目的论坛')) if x != None: if self.t.len() > 9: t = ui.query(cn('必须定个题目哦(^m^)'), 'text') if t and len(t) > 3: note = ui.InfoPopup()'正在发送文章...\n请稍后'), (10, 100), 100000, 0, ui.EHCenterVCenter) pid = p_id[x] url = '' % ( self.setting[2], pid) from urllib import urlencode self.rep() s = self.t.get() self.rerep() data = urlencode({ 'Content': en(s), 'Title': en(t) }) res = self.send(data, url) if res[0] == 200: if res[2].find('成功') != -1: note.hide() ui.note(cn('文章成功发布!')) else: note.hide() ui.note(cn('文章发布失败!原因可能是权限和屏蔽问题!')) else: note.hide() ui.note(cn('文章发布失败!原因可能是网络中断!')) else: ui.note(cn('标题太短')) else: ui.note(cn('正文字数不够9个'), 'info') else: ui.note(cn('操作已取消'), 'info') else: ui.note(cn('你没有设置论坛ID'), 'info') else: pass else: #没有SID的时候提示设置SID ui.note(cn('请先设置帐号LXT值和论坛ID值'), 'info') if ui.query(cn('需要联网获取LXT值吗?'), 'query'): self.get_sid()