Пример #1
    def delete_count(self):
        """Return the number of packages marked for deletion."""
        return self._depcache.del_count

    def install_count(self):
        """Return the number of packages marked for installation."""
        return self._depcache.inst_count

    def keep_count(self):
        """Return the number of packages marked as keep."""
        return self._depcache.keep_count

    if apt_pkg._COMPAT_0_7:
        _runCallbacks = function_deprecated_by(_run_callbacks)
        getChanges = function_deprecated_by(get_changes)
        requiredDownload = AttributeDeprecatedBy('required_download')
        additionalRequiredSpace = AttributeDeprecatedBy('required_space')
        reqReinstallPkgs = AttributeDeprecatedBy('req_reinstall_pkgs')
        _runFetcher = function_deprecated_by(_run_fetcher)
        _fetchArchives = function_deprecated_by(_fetch_archives)
        isVirtualPackage = function_deprecated_by(is_virtual_package)
        getProvidingPackages = function_deprecated_by(get_providing_packages)
        installArchives = function_deprecated_by(install_archives)
        cachePostChange = function_deprecated_by(cache_post_change)
        cachePreChange = function_deprecated_by(cache_pre_change)

class ProblemResolver(object):
    """Resolve problems due to dependencies and conflicts.
Пример #2
class Package(object):
    """Representation of a package in a cache.

    This class provides methods and properties for working with a package. It
    lets you mark the package for installation, check if it is installed, and
    much more.
    def __init__(self, pcache, pkgiter):
        """ Init the Package object """
        self._pkg = pkgiter
        self._pcache = pcache  # python cache in cache.py
        self._changelog = ""  # Cached changelog

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Package: name:%r architecture=%r id:%r>' % (
            self._pkg.name, self._pkg.architecture, self._pkg.id)

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.name < other.name

    def candidate(self):
        """Return the candidate version of the package.

        This property is writeable to allow you to set the candidate version
        of the package. Just assign a Version() object, and it will be set as
        the candidate version.
        cand = self._pcache._depcache.get_candidate_ver(self._pkg)
        if cand is not None:
            return Version(self, cand)

    def __set_candidate(self, version):
        """Set the candidate version of the package."""
        self._pcache._depcache.set_candidate_ver(self._pkg, version._cand)

    candidate = property(candidate, __set_candidate)

    def installed(self):
        """Return the currently installed version of the package.

        .. versionadded:: 0.7.9
        if self._pkg.current_ver is not None:
            return Version(self, self._pkg.current_ver)

    def name(self):
        """Return the name of the package, possibly including architecture.

        If the package is not part of the system's preferred architecture,
        return the same as :attr:`fullname`, otherwise return the same
        as :attr:`shortname`

        .. versionchanged::
        As part of multi-arch, this field now may include architecture
        return self._pkg.get_fullname(True)

    def fullname(self):
        """Return the name of the package, including architecture.

        .. versionadded::"""
        return self._pkg.get_fullname(False)

    def shortname(self):
        """Return the name of the package, without architecture.

        .. versionadded::"""
        return self._pkg.name

    def id(self):
        """Return a uniq ID for the package.

        This can be used eg. to store additional information about the pkg."""
        return self._pkg.id

    def __hash__(self):
        """Return the hash of the object.

        This returns the same value as ID, which is unique."""
        return self._pkg.id

    def essential(self):
        """Return True if the package is an essential part of the system."""
        return self._pkg.essential

    def installedVersion(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return the installed version as string.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9"""
        return getattr(self.installed, 'version', None)

    def candidateVersion(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return the candidate version as string.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9"""
        return getattr(self.candidate, "version", None)

    def candidateDependencies(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return a list of candidate dependencies.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
        return getattr(self.candidate, "dependencies", None)

    def installedDependencies(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return a list of installed dependencies.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
        return getattr(self.installed, 'dependencies', [])

    def architecture(self):
        """Return the Architecture of the package.

        .. versionchanged::
            This is now the package's architecture in the multi-arch sense,
            previously it was the architecture of the candidate version
            and deprecated.
        return self._pkg.architecture

    def candidateDownloadable(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return ``True`` if the candidate is downloadable.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
        return getattr(self.candidate, "downloadable", None)

    def installedDownloadable(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return ``True`` if the installed version is downloadable.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
        return getattr(self.installed, 'downloadable', False)

    def sourcePackageName(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return the source package name as string.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
            return self.candidate._records.source_pkg or self._pkg.name
        except AttributeError:
                return self.installed._records.source_pkg or self._pkg.name
            except AttributeError:
                return self._pkg.name

    def homepage(self):
        """Return the homepage field as string.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
        return getattr(self.candidate, "homepage", None)

    def section(self):
        """Return the section of the package."""
        return self._pkg.section

    def priority(self):
        """Return the priority (of the candidate version).

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
        return getattr(self.candidate, "priority", None)

    def installedPriority(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return the priority (of the installed version).

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
        return getattr(self.installed, 'priority', None)

    def summary(self):
        """Return the short description (one line summary).

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
        return getattr(self.candidate, "summary", None)

    def description(self):
        """Return the formatted long description.

        Return the formatted long description according to the Debian policy
        (Chapter 5.6.13).
        See http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html
        for more information.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
        return getattr(self.candidate, "description", None)

    def rawDescription(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """return the long description (raw).

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9"""
        return getattr(self.candidate, "raw_description", None)

    def candidateRecord(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return the Record of the candidate version of the package.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9"""
        return getattr(self.candidate, "record", None)

    def installedRecord(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return the Record of the candidate version of the package.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9"""
        return getattr(self.installed, 'record', '')

    # depcache states

    def marked_install(self):
        """Return ``True`` if the package is marked for install."""
        return self._pcache._depcache.marked_install(self._pkg)

    def marked_upgrade(self):
        """Return ``True`` if the package is marked for upgrade."""
        return self._pcache._depcache.marked_upgrade(self._pkg)

    def marked_delete(self):
        """Return ``True`` if the package is marked for delete."""
        return self._pcache._depcache.marked_delete(self._pkg)

    def marked_keep(self):
        """Return ``True`` if the package is marked for keep."""
        return self._pcache._depcache.marked_keep(self._pkg)

    def marked_downgrade(self):
        """ Package is marked for downgrade """
        return self._pcache._depcache.marked_downgrade(self._pkg)

    def marked_reinstall(self):
        """Return ``True`` if the package is marked for reinstall."""
        return self._pcache._depcache.marked_reinstall(self._pkg)

    def is_installed(self):
        """Return ``True`` if the package is installed."""
        return (self._pkg.current_ver is not None)

    def is_upgradable(self):
        """Return ``True`` if the package is upgradable."""
        return (self.is_installed
                and self._pcache._depcache.is_upgradable(self._pkg))

    def is_auto_removable(self):
        """Return ``True`` if the package is no longer required.

        If the package has been installed automatically as a dependency of
        another package, and if no packages depend on it anymore, the package
        is no longer required.
        return ((self.is_installed or self.marked_install)
                and self._pcache._depcache.is_garbage(self._pkg))

    def is_auto_installed(self):
        """Return whether the package is marked as automatically installed."""
        return self._pcache._depcache.is_auto_installed(self._pkg)

    # sizes

    def packageSize(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return the size of the candidate deb package.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
        return getattr(self.candidate, "size", None)

    def installedPackageSize(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return the size of the installed deb package.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
        return getattr(self.installed, 'size', 0)

    def candidateInstalledSize(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return the size of the candidate installed package.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
        return getattr(self.candidate, "installed_size", None)

    def installedSize(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return the size of the currently installed package.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
        return getattr(self.installed, 'installed_size', 0)

    def installed_files(self):
        """Return a list of files installed by the package.

        Return a list of unicode names of the files which have
        been installed by this package
        for name in self.shortname, self.fullname:
            path = "/var/lib/dpkg/info/%s.list" % name
                with open(path, "rb") as file_list:
                    return file_list.read().decode("utf-8").split(u"\n")
            except EnvironmentError:

        return []

    def get_changelog(self, uri=None, cancel_lock=None):
        Download the changelog of the package and return it as unicode

        The parameter *uri* refers to the uri of the changelog file. It may
        contain multiple named variables which will be substitued. These
        variables are (src_section, prefix, src_pkg, src_ver). An example is
        the Ubuntu changelog::

            "http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool" \\
                "/%(src_section)s/%(prefix)s/%(src_pkg)s" \\

        The parameter *cancel_lock* refers to an instance of threading.Lock,
        which if set, prevents the download.
        # Return a cached changelog if available
        if self._changelog != u"":
            return self._changelog

        if uri is None:
            if not self.candidate:
            if self.candidate.origins[0].origin == "Debian":
                uri = "http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool" \
                      "/%(src_section)s/%(prefix)s/%(src_pkg)s" \
            elif self.candidate.origins[0].origin == "Ubuntu":
                uri = "http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool" \
                      "/%(src_section)s/%(prefix)s/%(src_pkg)s" \
                res = _("The list of changes is not available")
                return res if isinstance(res, unicode) else res.decode("utf-8")

        # get the src package name
        src_pkg = self.candidate.source_name

        # assume "main" section
        src_section = "main"
        # use the section of the candidate as a starting point
        section = self.candidate.section

        # get the source version
        src_ver = self.candidate.source_version

            # try to get the source version of the pkg, this differs
            # for some (e.g. libnspr4 on ubuntu)
            # this feature only works if the correct deb-src are in the
            # sources.list otherwise we fall back to the binary version number
            src_records = apt_pkg.SourceRecords()
        except SystemError:
            while src_records.lookup(src_pkg):
                if not src_records.version:
                if self.candidate.source_version == src_records.version:
                    # Direct match, use it and do not do more lookups.
                    src_ver = src_records.version
                    section = src_records.section
                if apt_pkg.version_compare(src_records.version, src_ver) > 0:
                    # The version is higher, it seems to match.
                    src_ver = src_records.version
                    section = src_records.section

        section_split = section.split("/", 1)
        if len(section_split) > 1:
            src_section = section_split[0]
        del section_split

        # lib is handled special
        prefix = src_pkg[0]
        if src_pkg.startswith("lib"):
            prefix = "lib" + src_pkg[3]

        # stip epoch
        src_ver_split = src_ver.split(":", 1)
        if len(src_ver_split) > 1:
            src_ver = "".join(src_ver_split[1:])
        del src_ver_split

        uri = uri % {
            "src_section": src_section,
            "prefix": prefix,
            "src_pkg": src_pkg,
            "src_ver": src_ver

        timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout()

        # FIXME: when python2.4 vanishes from the archive,
        #        merge this into a single try..finally block (pep 341)
                # Set a timeout for the changelog download

                # Check if the download was canceled
                if cancel_lock and cancel_lock.isSet():
                    return u""
                # FIXME: python3.2: Should be closed manually
                changelog_file = urllib2.urlopen(uri)
                # do only get the lines that are new
                changelog = u""
                regexp = "^%s \((.*)\)(.*)$" % (re.escape(src_pkg))
                while True:
                    # Check if the download was canceled
                    if cancel_lock and cancel_lock.isSet():
                        return u""
                    # Read changelog line by line
                    line_raw = changelog_file.readline()
                    if not line_raw:
                    # The changelog is encoded in utf-8, but since there isn't
                    # any http header, urllib2 seems to treat it as ascii
                    line = line_raw.decode("utf-8")

                    #print line.encode('utf-8')
                    match = re.match(regexp, line)
                    if match:
                        # strip epoch from installed version
                        # and from changelog too
                        installed = getattr(self.installed, 'version', None)
                        if installed and ":" in installed:
                            installed = installed.split(":", 1)[1]
                        changelog_ver = match.group(1)
                        if changelog_ver and ":" in changelog_ver:
                            changelog_ver = changelog_ver.split(":", 1)[1]

                        if (installed and apt_pkg.version_compare(
                                changelog_ver, installed) <= 0):
                    # EOF (shouldn't really happen)
                    changelog += line

                # Print an error if we failed to extract a changelog
                if len(changelog) == 0:
                    changelog = _("The list of changes is not available")
                    if not isinstance(changelog, unicode):
                        changelog = changelog.decode("utf-8")
                self._changelog = changelog

            except urllib2.HTTPError:
                res = _("The list of changes is not available yet.\n\n"
                        "Please use http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/%s/"
                        "until the changes become available or try again "
                        "later.") % (src_pkg, src_ver)
                return res if isinstance(res, unicode) else res.decode("utf-8")
            except (IOError, httplib.BadStatusLine):
                res = _("Failed to download the list of changes. \nPlease "
                        "check your Internet connection.")
                return res if isinstance(res, unicode) else res.decode("utf-8")
        return self._changelog

    def candidateOrigin(self):  #pylint: disable-msg=C0103
        """Return a list of `Origin()` objects for the candidate version.

        .. deprecated:: 0.7.9
        return getattr(self.candidate, "origins", None)

    def versions(self):
        """Return a VersionList() object for all available versions.

        .. versionadded:: 0.7.9
        return VersionList(self)

    def is_inst_broken(self):
        """Return True if the to-be-installed package is broken."""
        return self._pcache._depcache.is_inst_broken(self._pkg)

    def is_now_broken(self):
        """Return True if the installed package is broken."""
        return self._pcache._depcache.is_now_broken(self._pkg)

    # depcache actions

    def mark_keep(self):
        """Mark a package for keep."""

    def mark_delete(self, auto_fix=True, purge=False):
        """Mark a package for deletion.

        If *auto_fix* is ``True``, the resolver will be run, trying to fix
        broken packages.  This is the default.

        If *purge* is ``True``, remove the configuration files of the package
        as well.  The default is to keep the configuration.
        self._pcache._depcache.mark_delete(self._pkg, purge)
        # try to fix broken stuffsta
        if auto_fix and self._pcache._depcache.broken_count > 0:
            fix = apt_pkg.ProblemResolver(self._pcache._depcache)

    def mark_install(self, auto_fix=True, auto_inst=True, from_user=True):
        """Mark a package for install.

        If *autoFix* is ``True``, the resolver will be run, trying to fix
        broken packages.  This is the default.

        If *autoInst* is ``True``, the dependencies of the packages will be
        installed automatically.  This is the default.

        If *fromUser* is ``True``, this package will not be marked as
        automatically installed. This is the default. Set it to False if you
        want to be able to automatically remove the package at a later stage
        when no other package depends on it.
        self._pcache._depcache.mark_install(self._pkg, auto_inst, from_user)
        # try to fix broken stuff
        if auto_fix and self._pcache._depcache.broken_count > 0:
            fixer = apt_pkg.ProblemResolver(self._pcache._depcache)

    def mark_upgrade(self):
        """Mark a package for upgrade."""
        if self.is_upgradable:
            from_user = not self._pcache._depcache.is_auto_installed(self._pkg)
            # FIXME: we may want to throw a exception here
            sys.stderr.write(("MarkUpgrade() called on a non-upgrable pkg: "
                              "'%s'\n") % self._pkg.name)

    def mark_auto(self, auto=True):
        """Mark a package as automatically installed.

        Call this function to mark a package as automatically installed. If the
        optional parameter *auto* is set to ``False``, the package will not be
        marked as automatically installed anymore. The default is ``True``.
        self._pcache._depcache.mark_auto(self._pkg, auto)

    def commit(self, fprogress, iprogress):
        """Commit the changes.

        The parameter *fprogress* refers to a apt_pkg.AcquireProgress() object,
        like apt.progress.text.AcquireProgress().

        The parameter *iprogress* refers to an InstallProgress() object, as
        found in apt.progress.base.
        self._pcache._depcache.commit(fprogress, iprogress)

    if not apt_pkg._COMPAT_0_7:
        del installedVersion
        del candidateVersion
        del candidateDependencies
        del installedDependencies
        del architecture
        del candidateDownloadable
        del installedDownloadable
        del sourcePackageName
        del homepage
        del priority
        del installedPriority
        del summary
        del description
        del rawDescription
        del candidateRecord
        del installedRecord
        del packageSize
        del installedPackageSize
        del candidateInstalledSize
        del installedSize
        del candidateOrigin
        markedInstalled = AttributeDeprecatedBy('marked_installed')
        markedInstall = AttributeDeprecatedBy('marked_install')
        markedUpgrade = AttributeDeprecatedBy('marked_upgrade')
        markedDelete = AttributeDeprecatedBy('marked_delete')
        markedKeep = AttributeDeprecatedBy('marked_keep')
        markedDowngrade = AttributeDeprecatedBy('marked_downgrade')
        markedReinstall = AttributeDeprecatedBy('marked_reinstall')
        isInstalled = AttributeDeprecatedBy('is_installed')
        isUpgradable = AttributeDeprecatedBy('is_upgradable')
        isAutoRemovable = AttributeDeprecatedBy('is_auto_removable')
        installedFiles = AttributeDeprecatedBy('installed_files')
        getChangelog = function_deprecated_by(get_changelog)
        markDelete = function_deprecated_by(mark_delete)
        markInstall = function_deprecated_by(mark_install)
        markKeep = function_deprecated_by(mark_keep)
        markUpgrade = function_deprecated_by(mark_upgrade)
Пример #3
class SourcesList(object):
    """ represents the full sources.list + sources.list.d file """
    def __init__(self,
        self.list = []  # the actual SourceEntries Type
        if withMatcher:
            self.matcher = SourceEntryMatcher(matcherPath)
            self.matcher = NullMatcher()

    def refresh(self):
        """ update the list of known entries """
        self.list = []
        # read sources.list
        file = apt_pkg.config.find_file("Dir::Etc::sourcelist")
        # read sources.list.d
        partsdir = apt_pkg.config.find_dir("Dir::Etc::sourceparts")
        for file in glob.glob("%s/*.list" % partsdir):
        # check if the source item fits a predefined template
        for source in self.list:
            if not source.invalid:

    def __iter__(self):
        """ simple iterator to go over self.list, returns SourceEntry
            types """
        for entry in self.list:
            yield entry
        raise StopIteration

    def add(self, type, uri, dist, orig_comps, comment="", pos=-1, file=None):
        Add a new source to the sources.list.
        The method will search for existing matching repos and will try to
        reuse them as far as possible
        # create a working copy of the component list so that
        # we can modify it later
        comps = orig_comps[:]
        # check if we have this source already in the sources.list
        for source in self.list:
            if not source.disabled and not source.invalid and \
               source.type == type and uri == source.uri and \
               source.dist == dist:
                for new_comp in comps:
                    if new_comp in source.comps:
                        # we have this component already, delete it
                        # from the new_comps list
                        del comps[comps.index(new_comp)]
                        if len(comps) == 0:
                            return source
        for source in self.list:
            # if there is a repo with the same (type, uri, dist) just add the
            # components
            if not source.disabled and not source.invalid and \
               source.type == type and uri == source.uri and \
               source.dist == dist:
                comps = uniq(source.comps + comps)
                source.comps = comps
                return source
            # if there is a corresponding repo which is disabled, enable it
            elif source.disabled and not source.invalid and \
                 source.type == type and uri == source.uri and \
                 source.dist == dist and \
                 len(set(source.comps) & set(comps)) == len(comps):
                source.disabled = False
                return source
        # there isn't any matching source, so create a new line and parse it
        line = "%s %s %s" % (type, uri, dist)
        for c in comps:
            line = line + " " + c
        if comment != "":
            line = "%s #%s\n" % (line, comment)
        line = line + "\n"
        new_entry = SourceEntry(line)
        if file is not None:
            new_entry.file = file
        self.list.insert(pos, new_entry)
        return new_entry

    def remove(self, source_entry):
        """ remove the specified entry from the sources.list """

    def restore_backup(self, backup_ext):
        " restore sources.list files based on the backup extension "
        file = apt_pkg.config.find_file("Dir::Etc::sourcelist")
        if os.path.exists(file+backup_ext) and \
            shutil.copy(file + backup_ext, file)
        # now sources.list.d
        partsdir = apt_pkg.config.find_dir("Dir::Etc::sourceparts")
        for file in glob.glob("%s/*.list" % partsdir):
            if os.path.exists(file + backup_ext):
                shutil.copy(file + backup_ext, file)

    if apt_pkg._COMPAT_0_7:
        restoreBackup = function_deprecated_by(restore_backup)

    def backup(self, backup_ext=None):
        """ make a backup of the current source files, if no backup extension
            is given, the current date/time is used (and returned) """
        already_backuped = set()
        if backup_ext is None:
            backup_ext = time.strftime("%y%m%d.%H%M")
        for source in self.list:
            if not source.file in already_backuped \
                and os.path.exists(source.file):
                shutil.copy(source.file, "%s%s" % (source.file, backup_ext))
        return backup_ext

    def load(self, file):
        """ (re)load the current sources """
            f = open(file, "r")
            lines = f.readlines()
            for line in lines:
                source = SourceEntry(line, file)
            print "could not open file '%s'" % file

    def save(self):
        """ save the current sources """
        files = {}
        # write an empty default config file if there aren't any sources
        if len(self.list) == 0:
            path = apt_pkg.config.find_file("Dir::Etc::sourcelist")
            header = (
                "## See sources.list(5) for more information, especialy\n"
                "# Remember that you can only use http, ftp or file URIs\n"
                "# CDROMs are managed through the apt-cdrom tool.\n")
            open(path, "w").write(header)
        for source in self.list:
            if source.file not in files:
                files[source.file] = open(source.file, "w")
        for f in files:

    def check_for_relations(self, sources_list):
        """get all parent and child channels in the sources list"""
        parents = []
        used_child_templates = {}
        for source in sources_list:
            # try to avoid checking uninterressting sources
            if source.template is None:
            # set up a dict with all used child templates and corresponding
            # source entries
            if source.template.child:
                key = source.template
                if key not in used_child_templates:
                    used_child_templates[key] = []
                temp = used_child_templates[key]
                # store each source with children aka. a parent :)
                if len(source.template.children) > 0:
        #print self.used_child_templates
        #print self.parents
        return (parents, used_child_templates)
Пример #4
class GInstallProgress(gobject.GObject, base.InstallProgress):
    """Installation progress with GObject signals.


        * status-changed(str: status, int: percent)
        * status-started()
        * status-finished()
        * status-timeout()
        * status-error()
        * status-conffile()

    # Seconds until a maintainer script will be regarded as hanging
    INSTALL_TIMEOUT = 5 * 60

    __gsignals__ = {
        "status-changed": mksig((str, int)),
        "status-started": mksig(),
        "status-timeout": mksig(),
        "status-error": mksig(),
        "status-conffile": mksig(),
        "status-finished": mksig()

    def __init__(self, term):
        self.finished = False
        self.apt_status = -1
        self.time_last_update = time.time()
        self.term = term
        self.term.connect("child-exited", self.child_exited)
        self.env = [
            "VTE_PTY_KEEP_FD=%s" % self.writefd, "DEBIAN_FRONTEND=gnome",
        self._context = glib.main_context_default()

    def child_exited(self, term):
        """Called when a child process exits"""
        self.apt_status = term.get_child_exit_status()
        self.finished = True

    def error(self, pkg, errormsg):
        """Called when an error happens.

        Emits: status-error()

    def conffile(self, current, new):
        """Called during conffile.

        Emits: status-conffile()

    def start_update(self):
        """Called when the update starts.

        Emits: status-started()

    def run(self, obj):
        self.finished = False
        return base.InstallProgress.run(self, obj)

    def finish_update(self):
        """Called when the update finished.

        Emits: status-finished()

    def processing(self, pkg, stage):
        """Called when entering a new stage in dpkg."""
        # We have no percentage or alike, send -1 to let the bar pulse.
        self.emit("status-changed", ("Installing %s...") % pkg, -1)

    def status_change(self, pkg, percent, status):
        """Called when the status changed.

        Emits: status-changed(status, percent)
        self.time_last_update = time.time()
        self.emit("status-changed", status, percent)

    def update_interface(self):
        """Called periodically to update the interface.

        Emits: status-timeout() [When a timeout happens]
        while self._context.pending():
        if self.time_last_update + self.INSTALL_TIMEOUT < time.time():

    def fork(self):
        """Fork the process."""
        return self.term.forkpty(envv=self.env)

    def wait_child(self):
        """Wait for the child process to exit."""
        while not self.finished:
        return self.apt_status

    if apt_pkg._COMPAT_0_7:
        updateInterface = function_deprecated_by(update_interface)
        startUpdate = function_deprecated_by(start_update)
        finishUpdate = function_deprecated_by(finish_update)
        statusChange = function_deprecated_by(status_change)
        waitChild = function_deprecated_by(wait_child)
        childExited = function_deprecated_by(child_exited)
Пример #5
class FilteredCache(object):
    """ A package cache that is filtered.

        Can work on a existing cache or create a new one
    def __init__(self, cache=None, progress=None):
        if cache is None:
            self.cache = Cache(progress)
            self.cache = cache
        self.cache.connect("cache_post_change", self.filter_cache_post_change)
        self.cache.connect("cache_post_open", self.filter_cache_post_change)
        self._filtered = {}
        self._filters = []

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._filtered)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.cache[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        for pkgname in self._filtered:
            yield self.cache[pkgname]

    def keys(self):
        return self._filtered.keys()

    def has_key(self, key):
        return (key in self._filtered)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return (key in self._filtered)

    def _reapply_filter(self):
        " internal helper to refilter "
        self._filtered = {}
        for pkg in self.cache:
            for f in self._filters:
                if f.apply(pkg):
                    self._filtered[pkg.name] = 1

    def set_filter(self, filter):
        """Set the current active filter."""
        self._filters = []
        # force a cache-change event that will result in a refiltering

    def filter_cache_post_change(self):
        """Called internally if the cache changes, emit a signal then."""
        #print "filterCachePostChange()"

#    def connect(self, name, callback):
#        self.cache.connect(name, callback)

    def __getattr__(self, key):
        """we try to look exactly like a real cache."""
        #print "getattr: %s " % key
        return getattr(self.cache, key)

    if apt_pkg._COMPAT_0_7:
        _reapplyFilter = function_deprecated_by(_reapply_filter)
        setFilter = function_deprecated_by(set_filter)
        filterCachePostChange = function_deprecated_by(\
Пример #6
class Cache(object):
    """Dictionary-like package cache.

    The APT cache file contains a hash table mapping names of binary
    packages to their metadata. A Cache object is the in-core
    representation of the same. It provides access to APTs idea of the
    list of available packages.

    The cache can be used like a mapping from package names to Package
    objects (although only getting items is supported). 

    Keyword arguments:
    progress -- a OpProgress object
    rootdir -- a alternative root directory. if that is given
               the system sources.list and system lists/ files are
               not read, only files relative to the given rootdir
    memonly -- build the cache in memory only
    def __init__(self, progress=None, rootdir=None, memonly=False):
        self._cache = None
        self._depcache = None
        self._records = None
        self._list = None
        self._callbacks = {}
        self._weakref = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
        self._set = set()
        self._fullnameset = set()
        self._changes_count = -1
        self._sorted_set = None

        self.connect("cache_post_open", self._inc_changes_count)
        self.connect("cache_post_change", self._inc_changes_count)
        if memonly:
            # force apt to build its caches in memory
            apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::Cache::pkgcache", "")
        if rootdir:
            if os.path.exists(rootdir + "/etc/apt/apt.conf"):
                                         rootdir + "/etc/apt/apt.conf")
            if os.path.isdir(rootdir + "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d"):
                                        rootdir + "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d")
            apt_pkg.config.set("Dir", rootdir)
                               rootdir + "/var/lib/dpkg/status")
            # also set dpkg to the rootdir path so that its called for the
            # --print-foreign-architectures call
                               os.path.join(rootdir, "usr", "bin", "dpkg"))
            # create required dirs/files when run with special rootdir
            # automatically
            # Call InitSystem so the change to Dir::State::Status is actually
            # recognized (LP: #320665)

    def _inc_changes_count(self):
        """Increase the number of changes"""
        self._changes_count += 1

    def _check_and_create_required_dirs(self, rootdir):
        check if the required apt directories/files are there and if
        not create them
        files = [
        dirs = [
        for d in dirs:
            if not os.path.exists(rootdir + d):
                #print "creating: ", rootdir + d
                os.makedirs(rootdir + d)
        for f in files:
            if not os.path.exists(rootdir + f):
                open(rootdir + f, "w").close()

    def _run_callbacks(self, name):
        """ internal helper to run a callback """
        if name in self._callbacks:
            for callback in self._callbacks[name]:

    def open(self, progress=None):
        """ Open the package cache, after that it can be used like
            a dictionary
        if progress is None:
            progress = apt.progress.base.OpProgress()
        self.op_progress = progress

        self._cache = apt_pkg.Cache(progress)
        self._depcache = apt_pkg.DepCache(self._cache)
        self._records = apt_pkg.PackageRecords(self._cache)
        self._list = apt_pkg.SourceList()
        self._sorted_set = None

        self._have_multi_arch = len(apt_pkg.get_architectures()) > 1

        progress.op = _("Building data structures")
        i = last = 0
        size = len(self._cache.packages)
        for pkg in self._cache.packages:
            if progress is not None and last + 100 < i:
                progress.update(i / float(size) * 100)
                last = i
            # drop stuff with no versions (cruft)
            if pkg.has_versions:
                if self._have_multi_arch:

            i += 1


    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """ look like a dictionary (get key) """
            return self._weakref[key]
        except KeyError:
            if key in self._set or key in self._fullnameset:
                key = str(key)
                pkg = self._weakref[key] = Package(self, self._cache[key])
                return pkg
                raise KeyError('The cache has no package named %r' % key)

    def __iter__(self):
        # We iterate sorted over package names here. With this we read the
        # package lists linearly if we need to access the package records,
        # instead of having to do thousands of random seeks; the latter
        # is disastrous if we use compressed package indexes, and slower than
        # necessary for uncompressed indexes.
        if self._sorted_set is None:
            self._sorted_set = sorted(self._set)

        for pkgname in self._sorted_set:
            yield self[pkgname]
        raise StopIteration

    def has_key(self, key):
        return (key in self._set or key in self._fullnameset)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return (key in self._set or key in self._fullnameset)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._set)

    def keys(self):
        return list(self._set)

    def get_changes(self):
        """ Get the marked changes """
        changes = []
        marked_keep = self._depcache.marked_keep
        for pkg in self._cache.packages:
            if not marked_keep(pkg):
                name = pkg.get_fullname(pretty=True)
                except KeyError:
                    package = self._weakref[name] = Package(self, pkg)
        return changes

    def upgrade(self, dist_upgrade=False):
        """Upgrade all packages.

        If the parameter *dist_upgrade* is True, new dependencies will be
        installed as well (and conflicting packages may be removed). The
        default value is False.

    def required_download(self):
        """Get the size of the packages that are required to download."""
        pm = apt_pkg.PackageManager(self._depcache)
        fetcher = apt_pkg.Acquire()
        pm.get_archives(fetcher, self._list, self._records)
        return fetcher.fetch_needed

    def required_space(self):
        """Get the size of the additional required space on the fs."""
        return self._depcache.usr_size

    def req_reinstall_pkgs(self):
        """Return the packages not downloadable packages in reqreinst state."""
        reqreinst = set()
        get_candidate_ver = self._depcache.get_candidate_ver
        states = frozenset(
        for pkg in self._cache.packages:
            cand = get_candidate_ver(pkg)
            if cand and not cand.downloadable and pkg.inst_state in states:
        return reqreinst

    def _run_fetcher(self, fetcher):
        # do the actual fetching
        res = fetcher.run()

        # now check the result (this is the code from apt-get.cc)
        failed = False
        transient = False
        err_msg = ""
        for item in fetcher.items:
            if item.status == item.STAT_DONE:
            if item.STAT_IDLE:
                transient = True
            err_msg += "Failed to fetch %s %s\n" % (item.desc_uri,
            failed = True

        # we raise a exception if the download failed or it was cancelt
        if res == fetcher.RESULT_CANCELLED:
            raise FetchCancelledException(err_msg)
        elif failed:
            raise FetchFailedException(err_msg)
        return res

    def _fetch_archives(self, fetcher, pm):
        """ fetch the needed archives """

        # get lock
        lockfile = apt_pkg.config.find_dir("Dir::Cache::Archives") + "lock"
        lock = apt_pkg.get_lock(lockfile)
        if lock < 0:
            raise LockFailedException("Failed to lock %s" % lockfile)

            # this may as well throw a SystemError exception
            if not pm.get_archives(fetcher, self._list, self._records):
                return False
            # now run the fetcher, throw exception if something fails to be
            # fetched
            return self._run_fetcher(fetcher)

    def fetch_archives(self, progress=None, fetcher=None):
        """Fetch the archives for all packages marked for install/upgrade.

        You can specify either an :class:`apt.progress.base.AcquireProgress()`
        object for the parameter *progress*, or specify an already
        existing :class:`apt_pkg.Acquire` object for the parameter *fetcher*.

        The return value of the function is undefined. If an error occured,
        an exception of type :class:`FetchFailedException` or
        :class:`FetchCancelledException` is raised.

        .. versionadded:: 0.8.0
        if progress is not None and fetcher is not None:
            raise ValueError("Takes a progress or a an Acquire object")
        if progress is None:
            progress = apt.progress.text.AcquireProgress()
        if fetcher is None:
            fetcher = apt_pkg.Acquire(progress)

        return self._fetch_archives(fetcher,

    def is_virtual_package(self, pkgname):
        """Return whether the package is a virtual package."""
            pkg = self._cache[pkgname]
        except KeyError:
            return False
            return bool(pkg.has_provides and not pkg.has_versions)

    def get_providing_packages(self,
        """Return a list of all packages providing a package.
        Return a list of packages which provide the virtual package of the
        specified name. 

        If 'candidate_only' is False, return all packages with at
        least one version providing the virtual package. Otherwise,
        return only those packages where the candidate version
        provides the virtual package.

        If 'include_nonvirtual' is True then it will search for all
        packages providing pkgname, even if pkgname is not itself
        a virtual pkg.

        providers = set()
        get_candidate_ver = self._depcache.get_candidate_ver
            vp = self._cache[pkgname]
            if vp.has_versions and not include_nonvirtual:
                return list(providers)
        except KeyError:
            return list(providers)

        for provides, providesver, version in vp.provides_list:
            pkg = version.parent_pkg
            if not candidate_only or (version == get_candidate_ver(pkg)):
                name = pkg.get_fullname(pretty=True)
                except KeyError:
                    package = self._weakref[name] = Package(self, pkg)
        return list(providers)

    def update(self,
        """Run the equivalent of apt-get update.

        You probably want to call open() afterwards, in order to utilise the
        new cache. Otherwise, the old cache will be used which can lead to
        strange bugs.

        The first parameter *fetch_progress* may be set to an instance of
        apt.progress.FetchProgress, the default is apt.progress.FetchProgress()
        sources_list -- Update a alternative sources.list than the default.
         Note that the sources.list.d directory is ignored in this case
        lockfile = apt_pkg.config.find_dir("Dir::State::Lists") + "lock"
        lock = apt_pkg.get_lock(lockfile)

        if lock < 0:
            raise LockFailedException("Failed to lock %s" % lockfile)

        if sources_list:
            old_sources_list = apt_pkg.config.find("Dir::Etc::sourcelist")
            old_sources_list_d = apt_pkg.config.find("Dir::Etc::sourceparts")
            old_cleanup = apt_pkg.config.find("APT::List-Cleanup")
            apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::Etc::sourceparts", "xxx")
            apt_pkg.config.set("APT::List-Cleanup", "0")
            slist = apt_pkg.SourceList()
            slist = self._list

            if fetch_progress is None:
                fetch_progress = apt.progress.base.AcquireProgress()
                res = self._cache.update(fetch_progress, slist, pulse_interval)
            except SystemError as e:
                raise FetchFailedException(e)
            if not res and raise_on_error:
                raise FetchFailedException()
                return res
            if sources_list:
                apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::Etc::sourcelist", old_sources_list)
                apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::Etc::sourceparts", old_sources_list_d)
                apt_pkg.config.set("APT::List-Cleanup", old_cleanup)

    def install_archives(self, pm, install_progress):
        The first parameter *pm* refers to an object returned by

        The second parameter *install_progress* refers to an InstallProgress()
        object of the module apt.progress.
        # compat with older API
        except AttributeError:
        res = install_progress.run(pm)
        except AttributeError:
        return res

    def commit(self, fetch_progress=None, install_progress=None):
        """Apply the marked changes to the cache.

        The first parameter, *fetch_progress*, refers to a FetchProgress()
        object as found in apt.progress, the default being

        The second parameter, *install_progress*, is a
        apt.progress.InstallProgress() object.
        # FIXME:
        # use the new acquire/pkgmanager interface here,
        # raise exceptions when a download or install fails
        # and send proper error strings to the application.
        # Current a failed download will just display "error"
        # which is less than optimal!

        if fetch_progress is None:
            fetch_progress = apt.progress.base.AcquireProgress()
        if install_progress is None:
            install_progress = apt.progress.base.InstallProgress()

        pm = apt_pkg.PackageManager(self._depcache)
        fetcher = apt_pkg.Acquire(fetch_progress)
        while True:
            # fetch archives first
            res = self._fetch_archives(fetcher, pm)

            # then install
            res = self.install_archives(pm, install_progress)
            if res == pm.RESULT_COMPLETED:
            elif res == pm.RESULT_FAILED:
                raise SystemError("installArchives() failed")
            elif res == pm.RESULT_INCOMPLETE:
                raise SystemError("internal-error: unknown result code "
                                  "from InstallArchives: %s" % res)
            # reload the fetcher for media swaping
        return (res == pm.RESULT_COMPLETED)

    def clear(self):
        """ Unmark all changes """

    # cache changes

    def cache_post_change(self):
        " called internally if the cache has changed, emit a signal then "

    def cache_pre_change(self):
        """ called internally if the cache is about to change, emit
            a signal then """

    def connect(self, name, callback):
        """ connect to a signal, currently only used for
            cache_{post,pre}_{changed,open} """
        if not name in self._callbacks:
            self._callbacks[name] = []

    def actiongroup(self):
        """Return an `ActionGroup` object for the current cache.

        Action groups can be used to speedup actions. The action group is
        active as soon as it is created, and disabled when the object is
        deleted or when release() is called.

        You can use the action group as a context manager, this is the
        recommended way::

            with cache.actiongroup():
                for package in my_selected_packages:

        This way, the action group is automatically released as soon as the
        with statement block is left. It also has the benefit of making it
        clear which parts of the code run with a action group and which
        return apt_pkg.ActionGroup(self._depcache)

    def dpkg_journal_dirty(self):
        """Return True if the dpkg was interrupted
        All dpkg operations will fail until this is fixed, the action to
        fix the system if dpkg got interrupted is to run 
        'dpkg --configure -a' as root.
        dpkg_status_dir = os.path.dirname(
        for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(dpkg_status_dir, "updates")):
            if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, "[0-9]*"):
                return True
        return False

    def broken_count(self):
        """Return the number of packages with broken dependencies."""
        return self._depcache.broken_count

    def delete_count(self):
        """Return the number of packages marked for deletion."""
        return self._depcache.del_count

    def install_count(self):
        """Return the number of packages marked for installation."""
        return self._depcache.inst_count

    def keep_count(self):
        """Return the number of packages marked as keep."""
        return self._depcache.keep_count

    if apt_pkg._COMPAT_0_7:
        _runCallbacks = function_deprecated_by(_run_callbacks)
        getChanges = function_deprecated_by(get_changes)
        requiredDownload = AttributeDeprecatedBy('required_download')
        additionalRequiredSpace = AttributeDeprecatedBy('required_space')
        reqReinstallPkgs = AttributeDeprecatedBy('req_reinstall_pkgs')
        _runFetcher = function_deprecated_by(_run_fetcher)
        _fetchArchives = function_deprecated_by(_fetch_archives)
        isVirtualPackage = function_deprecated_by(is_virtual_package)
        getProvidingPackages = function_deprecated_by(get_providing_packages)
        installArchives = function_deprecated_by(install_archives)
        cachePostChange = function_deprecated_by(cache_post_change)
        cachePreChange = function_deprecated_by(cache_pre_change)