def render(self, session, logger, city, country, fullname, comments, timezone, campus, **arguments): if country: dbparent = Country.get_unique(session, country, compel=True) else: dbparent = Campus.get_unique(session, campus, compel=True) dbcity = add_location(session, City, city, dbparent, fullname=fullname, comments=comments, timezone=timezone) session.flush() plenary = Plenary.get_plenary(dbcity, logger=logger) with plenary.get_key(): try: plenary.write(locked=True) dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.add_city(city,, fullname) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback() except: plenary.restore_stash() raise return
def render(self, session, logger, fqdn, dns_environment, target, comments, **kwargs): dbdns_env = DnsEnvironment.get_unique_or_default(session, dns_environment) dbalias = Alias.get_unique(session, fqdn=fqdn, dns_environment=dbdns_env, compel=True) old_target_fqdn = str( old_comments = dbalias.comments if target: old_target = = create_target_if_needed(session, logger, target, dbdns_env) if != old_target: delete_target_if_needed(session, old_target) if comments is not None: dbalias.comments = comments session.flush() if dbdns_env.is_default and == "": dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_alias(fqdn,, dbalias.comments, old_target_fqdn, old_comments) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not update alias in DSDB") return
def render(self, session, logger, city, timezone, campus, default_dns_domain, comments, **arguments): dbcity = get_location(session, city=city) # Updating machine templates is expensive, so only do that if needed update_machines = False if timezone is not None: dbcity.timezone = timezone if comments is not None: dbcity.comments = comments if default_dns_domain is not None: if default_dns_domain: dbdns_domain = DnsDomain.get_unique(session, default_dns_domain, compel=True) dbcity.default_dns_domain = dbdns_domain else: dbcity.default_dns_domain = None prev_campus = None dsdb_runner = None dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) if campus is not None: dbcampus = get_location(session, campus=campus) # This one would change the template's locations hence forbidden if dbcampus.hub != dbcity.hub: # Doing this both to reduce user error and to limit # testing required. raise ArgumentError("Cannot change campus. {0} is in {1:l}, " "while {2:l} is in {3:l}.".format( dbcampus, dbcampus.hub, dbcity, dbcity.hub)) if dbcity.campus: prev_campus = dbcity.campus dbcity.update_parent(parent=dbcampus) update_machines = True session.flush() if campus is not None: if prev_campus: prev_name = else: prev_name = None dsdb_runner.update_city(city,, prev_name) plenaries = PlenaryCollection(logger=logger) plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbcity)) if update_machines: q = session.query(Machine) q = q.filter(Machine.location_id.in_(dbcity.offspring_ids())) logger.client_info("Updating %d machines..." % q.count()) for dbmachine in q: plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbmachine)) count = plenaries.write() dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback() logger.client_info("Flushed %d templates." % count)
def render(self, session, logger, hostname, osname, osversion, **kwargs): # Pull relevant info out of dsdb... dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) try: fields = dsdb_runner.show_host(hostname) except ProcessException, e: raise ArgumentError("Could not find %s in DSDB: %s" % (hostname, e))
def del_dynamic_stubs(self, session, logger, dbstubs): dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) for stub in dbstubs: dsdb_runner.delete_host_details(str(stub.fqdn), stub.ip) delete_dns_record(stub) session.flush() # This may take some time if the range is big, so be verbose dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback(verbose=True)
def render(self, session, logger, network_device, label, model, type, ip, interface, iftype, mac, vendor, serial, comments, **arguments): dbmodel = Model.get_unique(session, name=model, vendor=vendor, compel=True) if not dbmodel.model_type.isNetworkDeviceType(): raise ArgumentError("This command can only be used to " "add network devices.") dblocation = get_location(session, compel=True, **arguments) dbdns_rec, newly_created = grab_address(session, network_device, ip, allow_restricted_domain=True, allow_reserved=True, preclude=True) if not label: label = try: NetworkDevice.check_label(label) except ArgumentError: raise ArgumentError("Could not deduce a valid hardware label " "from the network device name. Please specify " "--label.") # FIXME: What do the error messages for an invalid enum (switch_type) # look like? dbnetdev = NetworkDevice(label=label, switch_type=type, location=dblocation, model=dbmodel, serial_no=serial, comments=comments) session.add(dbnetdev) dbnetdev.primary_name = dbdns_rec check_netdev_iftype(iftype) dbinterface = get_or_create_interface(session, dbnetdev, name=interface, mac=mac, interface_type=iftype) dbnetwork = get_net_id_from_ip(session, ip) # TODO: should we call check_ip_restrictions() here? assign_address(dbinterface, ip, dbnetwork, logger=logger) session.flush() plenary = Plenary.get_plenary(dbnetdev, logger=logger) with plenary.get_key(): plenary.stash() try: plenary.write(locked=True) dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbnetdev, None) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not add network device to DSDB") except: plenary.restore_stash() raise return
def render(self, session, logger, network_device, **arguments): dbnetdev = NetworkDevice.get_unique(session, network_device, compel=True) # Check and complain if the network device has any other addresses than its # primary address addrs = [] for addr in dbnetdev.all_addresses(): if addr.ip == dbnetdev.primary_ip: continue addrs.append(str(addr.ip)) if addrs: raise ArgumentError("{0} still provides the following addresses, " "delete them first: {1}.".format (dbnetdev, ", ".join(addrs))) dbdns_rec = dbnetdev.primary_name ip = dbnetdev.primary_ip old_fqdn = str(dbnetdev.primary_name.fqdn) old_comments = dbnetdev.comments session.delete(dbnetdev) if dbdns_rec: delete_dns_record(dbdns_rec) session.flush() # Any network device ports hanging off this network device should be deleted with # the cascade delete of the network device. netdev_plenary = Plenary.get_plenary(dbnetdev, logger=logger) # clusters connected to this network device plenaries = PlenaryCollection(logger=logger) for dbcluster in dbnetdev.esx_clusters: plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbcluster)) with CompileKey.merge([netdev_plenary.get_key(), plenaries.get_key()]): netdev_plenary.stash() try: plenaries.write(locked=True) netdev_plenary.remove(locked=True) if ip: dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) # FIXME: restore interface name/MAC on rollback dsdb_runner.delete_host_details(old_fqdn, ip, comments=old_comments) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not remove network device " "from DSDB") except: plenaries.restore_stash() netdev_plenary.restore_stash() raise return
def render(self, session, logger, campus, country, fullname, comments, **arguments): dbcountry = Country.get_unique(session, country, compel=True) add_location(session, Campus, campus, dbcountry, fullname=fullname, comments=comments) session.flush() dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.add_campus(campus, comments) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback() return
def add_srv_dsdb_callback(session, logger, dbsrv, real_holder=None, oldinfo=None, newly_created=None, comments=None): dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) if not newly_created: dsdb_runner.delete_host_details(dbsrv.dns_record.fqdn, dbsrv.dns_record.ip) if isinstance(real_holder, Host): dsdb_runner.update_host(real_holder.machine, oldinfo) else: dsdb_runner.add_host_details(dbsrv.dns_record.fqdn, dbsrv.dns_record.ip, comments=comments) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not add host to DSDB")
def del_srv_dsdb_callback(session, logger, holder, dbsrv_addr, oldinfo, keep_dns): dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) toplevel_holder = holder.toplevel_holder_object if isinstance(toplevel_holder, Host): dsdb_runner.update_host(toplevel_holder.hardware_entity, oldinfo) if keep_dns: dsdb_runner.add_host_details( dbsrv_addr.dns_record.fqdn, dbsrv_addr.dns_record.ip, comments=dbsrv_addr.dns_record.comments ) elif not keep_dns: dsdb_runner.delete_host_details(str(dbsrv_addr.dns_record.fqdn), dbsrv_addr.dns_record.ip) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not delete host from DSDB")
def render(self, session, logger, chassis, label, rack, model, vendor, ip, interface, mac, serial, comments, **arguments): dbdns_rec, newly_created = grab_address(session, chassis, ip, allow_restricted_domain=True, allow_reserved=True, preclude=True) if not label: label = try: Chassis.check_label(label) except ArgumentError: raise ArgumentError("Could not deduce a valid hardware label " "from the chassis name. Please specify " "--label.") dblocation = get_location(session, rack=rack) dbmodel = Model.get_unique(session, name=model, vendor=vendor, machine_type='chassis', compel=True) # FIXME: Precreate chassis slots? dbchassis = Chassis(label=label, location=dblocation, model=dbmodel, serial_no=serial, comments=comments) session.add(dbchassis) dbchassis.primary_name = dbdns_rec # FIXME: get default name from the model if not interface: interface = "oa" ifcomments = "Created automatically by add_chassis" else: ifcomments = None dbinterface = get_or_create_interface(session, dbchassis, name=interface, mac=mac, interface_type="oa", comments=ifcomments) if ip: dbnetwork = get_net_id_from_ip(session, ip) check_ip_restrictions(dbnetwork, ip) assign_address(dbinterface, ip, dbnetwork) session.flush() if ip: dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbchassis, None) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not add chassis to DSDB") return
def render(self, session, logger, interface, switch, mac, type, comments, **arguments): if type and type not in self.valid_interface_types: raise ArgumentError("Interface type %s is not allowed for " "switches." % type) if not type: if interface.lower().startswith("lo"): type = "loopback" else: type = "oa" for arg in self.invalid_parameters: if arguments.get(arg) is not None: raise ArgumentError("Cannot use argument --%s when adding an " "interface to a switch." % arg) dbswitch = Switch.get_unique(session, switch, compel=True) oldinfo = DSDBRunner.snapshot_hw(dbswitch) dbinterface = get_or_create_interface(session, dbswitch, name=interface, mac=mac, interface_type=type, comments=comments, preclude=True) session.flush() dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbswitch, oldinfo) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not update switch in DSDB") return
def render(self, session, logger, interface, chassis, mac, type, comments, **arguments): if type and type != "oa": raise ArgumentError("Only 'oa' is allowed as the interface type " "for chassis.") for arg in self.invalid_parameters: if arguments.get(arg) is not None: raise ArgumentError("Cannot use argument --%s when adding an " "interface to a chassis." % arg) dbchassis = Chassis.get_unique(session, chassis, compel=True) oldinfo = DSDBRunner.snapshot_hw(dbchassis) dbinterface = get_or_create_interface(session, dbchassis, name=interface, mac=mac, interface_type='oa', comments=comments, preclude=True) session.flush() dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbchassis, oldinfo) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not update chassis in DSDB") return
def render(self, session, logger, interface, chassis, mac, comments, rename_to, **arguments): for arg in self.invalid_parameters: if arguments.get(arg) is not None: raise UnimplementedError("update_interface --chassis cannot use " "the --%s option." % arg) dbchassis = Chassis.get_unique(session, chassis, compel=True) dbinterface = Interface.get_unique(session, hardware_entity=dbchassis, name=interface, compel=True) oldinfo = DSDBRunner.snapshot_hw(dbchassis) if comments: dbinterface.comments = comments if mac: dbinterface.mac = mac if rename_to: rename_interface(session, dbinterface, rename_to) session.flush() dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbchassis, oldinfo) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not update chassis in DSDB") return
def render(self, session, logger, chassis, model, rack, ip, vendor, serial, comments, **arguments): dbchassis = Chassis.get_unique(session, chassis, compel=True) oldinfo = DSDBRunner.snapshot_hw(dbchassis) if vendor and not model: model = if model: dbmodel = Model.get_unique(session, name=model, vendor=vendor, machine_type='chassis', compel=True) dbchassis.model = dbmodel dblocation = get_location(session, rack=rack) if dblocation: dbchassis.location = dblocation if serial is not None: dbchassis.serial_no = serial if ip: update_primary_ip(session, dbchassis, ip) if comments is not None: dbchassis.comments = comments session.add(dbchassis) session.flush() dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbchassis, oldinfo) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not update chassis in DSDB") return
def del_srv_dsdb_callback(session, logger, holder, dbsrv_addr, oldinfo, keep_dns): real_holder = holder.holder_object if isinstance(real_holder, ResourceGroup): real_holder = real_holder.holder.holder_object dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) if isinstance(real_holder, Host): dsdb_runner.update_host(real_holder.machine, oldinfo) if keep_dns: dsdb_runner.add_host_details( dbsrv_addr.dns_record.fqdn, dbsrv_addr.dns_record.ip, comments=dbsrv_addr.dns_record.comments) elif not keep_dns: dsdb_runner.delete_host_details(str(dbsrv_addr.dns_record.fqdn), dbsrv_addr.dns_record.ip) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not delete host from DSDB")
def render(self, session, logger, fqdn, dns_environment, **kwargs): dbdns_env = DnsEnvironment.get_unique_or_default(session, dns_environment) dbdns_rec = Alias.get_unique(session, fqdn=fqdn, dns_environment=dbdns_env, compel=True) domain = old_target_fqdn = str( old_comments = dbdns_rec.comments target_is_restricted = delete_dns_record(dbdns_rec) session.flush() if dbdns_env.is_default and domain == "" and not target_is_restricted: dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.del_alias(fqdn, old_target_fqdn, old_comments) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not delete alias from DSDB") return
def render(self, session, logger, fqdn, dns_environment, target, comments, **kwargs): dbdns_env = DnsEnvironment.get_unique_or_default(session, dns_environment) dbalias = Alias.get_unique(session, fqdn=fqdn, dns_environment=dbdns_env, compel=True) old_target_fqdn = str( old_comments = dbalias.comments if target: old_target = = create_target_if_needed(session, logger, target, dbdns_env) # TODO: at some day we should verify that the new target is also # bound as a server, and modify the ServiceInstanceServer bindings # accordingly for srv in dbalias.services_provided: if or srv.cluster: provider = or srv.cluster logger.client_info("Warning: {0} provides {1:l}, and is " "bound to {2:l}. Updating the target of " "the alias may leave that server " "binding in an inconsistent state." .format(dbalias, srv.service_instance, provider)) if != old_target: delete_target_if_needed(session, old_target) if comments is not None: dbalias.comments = comments session.flush() if dbdns_env.is_default and == "": dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_alias(fqdn,, dbalias.comments, old_target_fqdn, old_comments) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not update alias in DSDB") return
def del_srv_dsdb_callback(session, logger, holder, dbsrv_addr, oldinfo, keep_dns): real_holder = holder.holder_object if isinstance(real_holder, ResourceGroup): real_holder = real_holder.holder.holder_object dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) if isinstance(real_holder, Host): dsdb_runner.update_host(real_holder.machine, oldinfo) if keep_dns: dsdb_runner.add_host_details(dbsrv_addr.dns_record.fqdn, dbsrv_addr.dns_record.ip, comments=dbsrv_addr.dns_record.comments) elif not keep_dns: dsdb_runner.delete_host_details(str(dbsrv_addr.dns_record.fqdn), dbsrv_addr.dns_record.ip) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not delete host from DSDB")
def render(self, session, logger, city, **arguments): dbcity = get_location(session, city=city) name = country = fullname = dbcity.fullname plenary = PlenaryCity(dbcity, logger=logger) CommandDelLocation.render(self, session=session, name=city, type='city', **arguments) session.flush() key = plenary.get_remove_key() try: lock_queue.acquire(key) plenary.remove(locked=True) dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.del_city(name, country, fullname) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback() except: plenary.restore_stash() raise finally: lock_queue.release(key) return
def render(self, session, logger, city, country, fullname, comments, timezone, campus, **arguments): if country: dbparent = Country.get_unique(session, country, compel=True) else: dbparent = Campus.get_unique(session, campus, compel=True) dbcity = add_location(session, City, city, dbparent, fullname=fullname, comments=comments, timezone=timezone) session.flush() plenary = PlenaryCity(dbcity, logger=logger) key = plenary.get_write_key() try: lock_queue.acquire(key) plenary.write(locked=True) dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.add_city(city,, fullname) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback() except: plenary.restore_stash() raise finally: lock_queue.release(key)
def render(self, session, logger, chassis, model, rack, ip, vendor, serial, comments, **arguments): dbchassis = Chassis.get_unique(session, chassis, compel=True) oldinfo = DSDBRunner.snapshot_hw(dbchassis) if vendor and not model: model = if model: dbmodel = Model.get_unique(session, name=model, vendor=vendor, model_type=ChassisType.Chassis, compel=True) dbchassis.model = dbmodel dblocation = get_location(session, rack=rack) if dblocation: dbchassis.location = dblocation if serial is not None: dbchassis.serial_no = serial if ip: update_primary_ip(session, logger, dbchassis, ip) if comments is not None: dbchassis.comments = comments session.flush() dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbchassis, oldinfo) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not update chassis in DSDB") return
def render(self, session, logger, fqdn, dns_environment, target, comments, **kwargs): dbdns_env = DnsEnvironment.get_unique_or_default( session, dns_environment) dbalias = Alias.get_unique(session, fqdn=fqdn, dns_environment=dbdns_env, compel=True) old_target_fqdn = str( old_comments = dbalias.comments if target: old_target = = create_target_if_needed(session, logger, target, dbdns_env) if != old_target: delete_target_if_needed(session, old_target) if comments is not None: dbalias.comments = comments session.flush() if dbdns_env.is_default and == "": dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_alias(fqdn,, dbalias.comments, old_target_fqdn, old_comments) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not update alias in DSDB") return
def render(self, session, logger, fqdn, dns_environment, network_environment, reverse_ptr, comments, **arguments): dbnet_env, dbdns_env = get_net_dns_env(session, network_environment, dns_environment) audit_results = [] ip = generate_ip(session, logger, compel=True, dbinterface=None, network_environment=dbnet_env, audit_results=audit_results, **arguments) # TODO: add allow_multi=True dbdns_rec, newly_created = grab_address(session, fqdn, ip, dbnet_env, dbdns_env, comments=comments, preclude=True) if reverse_ptr: set_reverse_ptr(session, logger, dbdns_rec, reverse_ptr) session.flush() if dbdns_rec.fqdn.dns_environment.is_default: dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.add_host_details(dbdns_rec.fqdn, ip, comments=comments) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not add address to DSDB") for name, value in audit_results: self.audit_result(session, name, value, **arguments) return
def render(self, session, logger, interface, chassis, mac, iftype, type, comments, **arguments): if type: self.deprecated_option("type", "Please use --iftype " "instead.", logger=logger, **arguments) if not iftype: iftype = type if iftype and iftype != "oa": raise ArgumentError("Only 'oa' is allowed as the interface type " "for chassis.") for arg in self.invalid_parameters: if arguments.get(arg) is not None: raise ArgumentError("Cannot use argument --%s when adding an " "interface to a chassis." % arg) dbchassis = Chassis.get_unique(session, chassis, compel=True) oldinfo = DSDBRunner.snapshot_hw(dbchassis) get_or_create_interface(session, dbchassis, name=interface, mac=mac, interface_type='oa', comments=comments, preclude=True) session.flush() dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbchassis, oldinfo) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not update chassis in DSDB") return
def render(self, session, logger, switch, label, model, rack, type, ip, interface, mac, vendor, serial, comments, **arguments): dbmodel = Model.get_unique(session, name=model, vendor=vendor, machine_type='switch', compel=True) dblocation = get_location(session, rack=rack) dbdns_rec, newly_created = grab_address(session, switch, ip, allow_restricted_domain=True, allow_reserved=True, preclude=True) if not label: label = try: Switch.check_label(label) except ArgumentError: raise ArgumentError("Could not deduce a valid hardware label " "from the switch name. Please specify " "--label.") # FIXME: What do the error messages for an invalid enum (switch_type) # look like? dbswitch = Switch(label=label, switch_type=type, location=dblocation, model=dbmodel, serial_no=serial, comments=comments) session.add(dbswitch) dbswitch.primary_name = dbdns_rec # FIXME: get default name from the model iftype = "oa" if not interface: interface = "xge" ifcomments = "Created automatically by add_switch" else: ifcomments = None if interface.lower().startswith("lo"): iftype = "loopback" dbinterface = get_or_create_interface(session, dbswitch, name=interface, mac=mac, interface_type=iftype, comments=ifcomments) dbnetwork = get_net_id_from_ip(session, ip) # TODO: should we call check_ip_restrictions() here? assign_address(dbinterface, ip, dbnetwork) session.flush() plenary = PlenarySwitch(dbswitch, logger=logger) with plenary.get_write_key() as key: plenary.stash() try: plenary.write(locked=True) dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbswitch, None) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not add switch to DSDB") except: plenary.restore_stash() raise return
def render(self, session, logger, dns_domain, **arguments): dbdns_domain = DnsDomain.get_unique(session, dns_domain, compel=True) q = session.query(Fqdn) q = q.filter_by(dns_domain=dbdns_domain) if q.first(): raise ArgumentError("DNS domain %s cannot be deleted while still " "in use." % dns_domain) if dbdns_domain.dns_maps: raise ArgumentError("{0} is still mapped to locations and cannot " "be deleted.".format(dbdns_domain)) comments = dbdns_domain.comments session.delete(dbdns_domain) session.flush() dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.delete_dns_domain(dns_domain, comments) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback() return
def render(self, session, logger, name, hostname, cluster, resourcegroup, keep_dns, **arguments): validate_basic("name", name) if name == "hostname": raise ArgumentError("The primary address of the host cannot " "be deleted.") holder = get_resource_holder(session, hostname, cluster, resourcegroup, compel=False) dbsrv = ServiceAddress.get_unique(session, name=name, holder=holder, compel=True) if isinstance(holder.holder_object, Host): oldinfo = DSDBRunner.snapshot_hw(holder.holder_object.machine) else: oldinfo = None dbdns_rec = dbsrv.dns_record for addr in dbsrv.assignments: addr.interface.assignments.remove(addr) session.expire(dbsrv, ['assignments']) session.flush() # Check if the address was assigned to multiple interfaces, and remove # the DNS entries if this was the last use q = session.query(AddressAssignment) q = q.filter_by( q = q.filter_by(ip=dbdns_rec.ip) other_uses = q.all() del_resource(session, logger, dbsrv, dsdb_callback=del_srv_dsdb_callback, oldinfo=oldinfo, keep_dns=other_uses or keep_dns) if not other_uses and not keep_dns: delete_dns_record(dbdns_rec) return
def render(self, session, logger, switch, **arguments): dbswitch = Switch.get_unique(session, switch, compel=True) # Check and complain if the switch has any other addresses than its # primary address addrs = [] for addr in dbswitch.all_addresses(): if addr.ip == dbswitch.primary_ip: continue addrs.append(str(addr.ip)) if addrs: raise ArgumentError("{0} still provides the following addresses, " "delete them first: {1}.".format (dbswitch, ", ".join(addrs))) dbdns_rec = dbswitch.primary_name ip = dbswitch.primary_ip old_fqdn = str(dbswitch.primary_name.fqdn) old_comments = dbswitch.comments session.delete(dbswitch) if dbdns_rec: delete_dns_record(dbdns_rec) session.flush() # Any switch ports hanging off this switch should be deleted with # the cascade delete of the switch. switch_plenary = Plenary.get_plenary(dbswitch, logger=logger) # clusters connected to this switch plenaries = PlenaryCollection(logger=logger) for dbcluster in dbswitch.esx_clusters: plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbcluster)) key = CompileKey.merge([switch_plenary.get_remove_key(), plenaries.get_write_key()]) try: lock_queue.acquire(key) switch_plenary.stash() plenaries.write(locked=True) switch_plenary.remove(locked=True) if ip: dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) # FIXME: restore interface name/MAC on rollback dsdb_runner.delete_host_details(old_fqdn, ip, comments=old_comments) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not remove switch from DSDB") return except: plenaries.restore_stash() switch_plenary.restore_stash() raise finally: lock_queue.release(key)
def render(self, session, logger, city, **arguments): dbcity = get_location(session, city=city) name = country = fullname = dbcity.fullname plenary = Plenary.get_plenary(dbcity, logger=logger) CommandDelLocation.render(self, session=session, name=city, type='city', **arguments) session.flush() with plenary.get_key(): try: plenary.remove(locked=True) dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.del_city(name, country, fullname) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback() except: plenary.restore_stash() raise return
def render(self, session, logger, auxiliary, **arguments): dbmachine = None with DeleteKey("system", logger=logger): # Check dependencies, translate into user-friendly message dbauxiliary = ARecord.get_unique(session, fqdn=auxiliary, compel=True) is_aux = True if not dbauxiliary.assignments or len(dbauxiliary.assignments) > 1: is_aux = False else: assignment = dbauxiliary.assignments[0] dbmachine = assignment.interface.hardware_entity if assignment.ip == dbmachine.primary_ip: is_aux = False if assignment.interface.interface_type == 'management': is_aux = False if not is_aux: raise ArgumentError( "{0:a} is not an auxiliary.".format(dbauxiliary)) # FIXME: Look for dependencies... oldinfo = DSDBRunner.snapshot_hw(dbmachine) session.delete(assignment) delete_dns_record(dbauxiliary) session.flush() session.expire(dbmachine) dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbmachine, oldinfo) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback( "Could not remove host %s from DSDB" % auxiliary) # Past the point of no return here (DSDB has been updated)... # probably not much of an issue if writing the plenary failed. # Commit the session so that we can free the delete lock. session.commit() if dbmachine: plenary_info = PlenaryMachineInfo(dbmachine, logger=logger) # This may create a new lock, so we free first above. plenary_info.write() if # FIXME: Reconfigure pass return
def render(self, session, logger, hostname, manager, interface, mac, comments, **arguments): dbhost = hostname_to_host(session, hostname) dbmachine = dbhost.machine oldinfo = DSDBRunner.snapshot_hw(dbmachine) if not manager: manager = "%sr.%s" % (, dbinterface = get_or_create_interface(session, dbmachine, name=interface, mac=mac, interface_type='management') addrs = ", ".join(["%s [%s]" % (addr.logical_name, addr.ip) for addr in dbinterface.assignments]) if addrs: raise ArgumentError("{0} already has the following addresses: " "{1}.".format(dbinterface, addrs)) audit_results = [] ip = generate_ip(session, logger, dbinterface, compel=True, audit_results=audit_results, **arguments) dbdns_rec, newly_created = grab_address(session, manager, ip, comments=comments, preclude=True) assign_address(dbinterface, ip, session.flush() plenary_info = PlenaryMachineInfo(dbmachine, logger=logger) key = plenary_info.get_write_key() try: lock_queue.acquire(key) plenary_info.write(locked=True) dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbmachine, oldinfo) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not add host to DSDB") except: plenary_info.restore_stash() raise finally: lock_queue.release(key) if # XXX: Host needs to be reconfigured. pass for name, value in audit_results: self.audit_result(session, name, value, **arguments) return
def render(self, session, logger, building, city, fullname, comments, address, **arguments): dbcity = City.get_unique(session, city, compel=True) add_location(session, Building, building, dbcity, fullname=fullname, address=address, comments=comments) session.flush() dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.add_building(building, city, address) if dbcity.campus: dsdb_runner.add_campus_building(dbcity.campus, building) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback() return
def render(self, session, logger, campus, **arguments): dbcampus = get_location(session, campus=campus) name = result = CommandDelLocation.render(self, session=session, name=name, type='campus', **arguments) session.flush() dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.del_campus(name) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback() return result
def render(self, session, logger, dns_domain, restricted, comments, **arguments): DnsDomain.get_unique(session, dns_domain, preclude=True) dbdns_domain = DnsDomain(name=dns_domain, comments=comments) if restricted: dbdns_domain.restricted = True session.add(dbdns_domain) session.flush() dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.add_dns_domain(, comments) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback() return
def render(self, session, logger, building, **arguments): dbbuilding = get_location(session, building=building) city = address = dbbuilding.address campus = dbbuilding.campus result = CommandDelLocation.render(self, session=session, name=building, type='building', **arguments) session.flush() dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) if campus: dsdb_runner.del_campus_building(, building) dsdb_runner.del_building(building,, address) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback() return result
def render(self, session, logger, auxiliary, **arguments): dbmachine = None with DeleteKey("system", logger=logger): # Check dependencies, translate into user-friendly message dbauxiliary = ARecord.get_unique(session, fqdn=auxiliary, compel=True) is_aux = True if not dbauxiliary.assignments or len(dbauxiliary.assignments) > 1: is_aux = False else: assignment = dbauxiliary.assignments[0] dbmachine = assignment.interface.hardware_entity if assignment.ip == dbmachine.primary_ip: is_aux = False if assignment.interface.interface_type == "management": is_aux = False if not is_aux: raise ArgumentError("{0:a} is not an auxiliary.".format(dbauxiliary)) # FIXME: Look for dependencies... oldinfo = DSDBRunner.snapshot_hw(dbmachine) session.delete(assignment) delete_dns_record(dbauxiliary) session.flush() session.expire(dbmachine) dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbmachine, oldinfo) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not remove host %s from DSDB" % auxiliary) # Past the point of no return here (DSDB has been updated)... # probably not much of an issue if writing the plenary failed. # Commit the session so that we can free the delete lock. session.commit() if dbmachine: plenary_info = PlenaryMachineInfo(dbmachine, logger=logger) # This may create a new lock, so we free first above. plenary_info.write() if # FIXME: Reconfigure pass return
class CommandAddAlias(BrokerCommand): required_parameters = ["fqdn", "target"] def render(self, session, logger, fqdn, dns_environment, target, comments, **kwargs): dbdns_env = DnsEnvironment.get_unique_or_default( session, dns_environment) dbfqdn = Fqdn.get_or_create(session, dns_environment=dbdns_env, fqdn=fqdn) if dbfqdn.dns_domain.restricted: raise ArgumentError( "{0} is restricted, aliases are not allowed.".format( dbfqdn.dns_domain)) DnsRecord.get_unique(session, fqdn=dbfqdn, preclude=True) dbtarget = create_target_if_needed(session, logger, target, dbdns_env) try: db_record = Alias(fqdn=dbfqdn, target=dbtarget, comments=comments) session.add(db_record) except ValueError, err: raise ArgumentError(err.message) session.flush() if dbdns_env.is_default and == "" and \ not dbtarget.dns_domain.restricted: dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.add_alias(fqdn, target, comments) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not add alias to DSDB") return
def render(self, session, logger, chassis, clear_slots, **arguments): dbchassis = Chassis.get_unique(session, chassis, compel=True) # Check and complain if the chassis has any other addresses than its # primary address addrs = [] for addr in dbchassis.all_addresses(): if addr.ip == dbchassis.primary_ip: continue addrs.append(str(addr.ip)) if addrs: raise ArgumentError("{0} still provides the following addresses, " "delete them first: {1}.".format (dbchassis, ", ".join(addrs))) q = session.query(ChassisSlot) q = q.filter_by(chassis=dbchassis) q = q.filter(ChassisSlot.machine_id != None) machine_count = q.count() if machine_count > 0 and not clear_slots: raise ArgumentError("{0} is still in use by {1} machines. Use " "--clear_slots if you really want to delete " "it.".format(dbchassis, machine_count)) # Order matters here dbdns_rec = dbchassis.primary_name ip = dbchassis.primary_ip old_fqdn = str(dbchassis.primary_name.fqdn) old_comments = dbchassis.primary_name.comments session.delete(dbchassis) if dbdns_rec: delete_dns_record(dbdns_rec) session.flush() if ip: dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.delete_host_details(old_fqdn, ip, comments=old_comments) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not remove chassis from DSDB") return
def render(self, session, logger, fqdn, dns_environment, **kwargs): dbdns_env = DnsEnvironment.get_unique_or_default( session, dns_environment) dbdns_rec = Alias.get_unique(session, fqdn=fqdn, dns_environment=dbdns_env, compel=True) domain = old_target_fqdn = str( old_comments = dbdns_rec.comments target_is_restricted = delete_dns_record(dbdns_rec) session.flush() if dbdns_env.is_default and domain == "" and not target_is_restricted: dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.del_alias(fqdn, old_target_fqdn, old_comments) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not delete alias from DSDB") return
def render(self, session, logger, hostname, machine, archetype, domain, sandbox, osname, osversion, buildstatus, personality, comments, zebra_interfaces, grn, eon_id, skip_dsdb_check=False, **arguments): dbarchetype = Archetype.get_unique(session, archetype, compel=True) section = "archetype_" + # This is for the various add_*_host commands if not domain and not sandbox: domain = self.config.get(section, "host_domain") (dbbranch, dbauthor) = get_branch_and_author(session, logger, domain=domain, sandbox=sandbox, compel=True) if hasattr(dbbranch, "allow_manage") and not dbbranch.allow_manage: raise ArgumentError( "Adding hosts to {0:l} is not allowed.".format(dbbranch)) if not buildstatus: buildstatus = 'build' dbstatus = HostLifecycle.get_unique(session, buildstatus, compel=True) dbmachine = Machine.get_unique(session, machine, compel=True) oldinfo = DSDBRunner.snapshot_hw(dbmachine) if not personality: if self.config.has_option(section, "default_personality"): personality = self.config.get(section, "default_personality") else: personality = 'generic' dbpersonality = Personality.get_unique(session, name=personality, archetype=dbarchetype, compel=True) if not osname: if self.config.has_option(section, "default_osname"): osname = self.config.get(section, "default_osname") if not osversion: if self.config.has_option(section, "default_osversion"): osversion = self.config.get(section, "default_osversion") if not osname or not osversion: raise ArgumentError("Can not determine a sensible default OS " "for archetype %s. Please use the " "--osname and --osversion parameters." % ( dbos = OperatingSystem.get_unique(session, name=osname, version=osversion, archetype=dbarchetype, compel=True) if (dbmachine.model.machine_type == 'aurora_node' and != 'aurora'): raise ArgumentError("Machines of type aurora_node can only be " "added with archetype aurora.") if raise ArgumentError("{0:c} {0.label} is already allocated to " "{1:l}.".format(dbmachine, if grn or eon_id: dbgrn = lookup_grn(session, grn, eon_id, logger=logger, config=self.config) else: dbgrn = dbpersonality.owner_grn dbhost = Host(machine=dbmachine, branch=dbbranch, owner_grn=dbgrn, sandbox_author=dbauthor, personality=dbpersonality, status=dbstatus, operating_system=dbos, comments=comments) session.add(dbhost) if self.config.has_option("archetype_" + archetype, "default_grn_target"): dbhost.grns.append((dbhost, dbgrn, self.config.get("archetype_" + archetype, "default_grn_target"))) if zebra_interfaces: # --autoip does not make sense for Zebra (at least not the way it's # implemented currently) dbinterface = None else: dbinterface = get_boot_interface(dbmachine) # This method is allowed to return None. This can only happen # (currently) using add_aurora_host, add_windows_host, or possibly by # bypassing the aq client and posting a request directly. audit_results = [] ip = generate_ip(session, logger, dbinterface, audit_results=audit_results, **arguments) dbdns_rec, newly_created = grab_address(session, hostname, ip, allow_restricted_domain=True, allow_reserved=True, preclude=True) dbmachine.primary_name = dbdns_rec # Fix up auxiliary addresses to point to the primary name by default if ip: dns_env = dbdns_rec.fqdn.dns_environment for addr in dbmachine.all_addresses(): if addr.interface.interface_type == "management": continue if addr.service_address_id: # pragma: no cover continue for rec in addr.dns_records: if rec.fqdn.dns_environment == dns_env: rec.reverse_ptr = dbdns_rec.fqdn if zebra_interfaces: if not ip: raise ArgumentError( "Zebra configuration requires an IP address.") dbsrv_addr = self.assign_zebra_address(session, dbmachine, dbdns_rec, zebra_interfaces) else: if ip: if not dbinterface: raise ArgumentError( "You have specified an IP address for the " "host, but {0:l} does not have a bootable " "interface.".format(dbmachine)) assign_address(dbinterface, ip, dbsrv_addr = None session.flush() plenaries = PlenaryCollection(logger=logger) plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbmachine)) if dbmachine.vm_container: plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbmachine.vm_container)) if dbsrv_addr: plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbsrv_addr)) key = plenaries.get_write_key() try: lock_queue.acquire(key) plenaries.write(locked=True) # XXX: This (and some of the code above) is horrible. There # should be a generic/configurable hook here that could kick # in based on archetype and/or domain. dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) if == 'aurora': # For aurora, check that DSDB has a record of the host. if not skip_dsdb_check: try: dsdb_runner.show_host(hostname) except ProcessException, e: raise ArgumentError("Could not find host in DSDB: %s" % e) elif not dbmachine.primary_ip:"No IP for %s, not adding to DSDB." % dbmachine.fqdn)
def render(self, session, logger, machine, chassis, switch, interface, fqdn, ip, label, keep_dns, network_environment, **kwargs): if machine: hwtype = 'machine' hwname = machine elif chassis: hwtype = 'chassis' hwname = chassis elif switch: hwtype = 'switch' hwname = switch dbhw_ent = HardwareEntity.get_unique(session, hwname, hardware_type=hwtype, compel=True) dbinterface = Interface.get_unique(session, hardware_entity=dbhw_ent, name=interface, compel=True) dbnet_env = NetworkEnvironment.get_unique_or_default( session, network_environment) oldinfo = DSDBRunner.snapshot_hw(dbhw_ent) if fqdn: dbdns_rec = ARecord.get_unique( session, fqdn=fqdn, dns_environment=dbnet_env.dns_environment, compel=True) ip = dbdns_rec.ip addr = None if ip: addr = first_of(dbinterface.assignments, lambda x: x.ip == ip) if not addr: raise ArgumentError( "{0} does not have IP address {1} assigned to " "it.".format(dbinterface, ip)) elif label is not None: addr = first_of(dbinterface.assignments, lambda x: x.label == label) if not addr: raise ArgumentError("{0} does not have an address with label " "{1}.".format(dbinterface, label)) if not addr: raise ArgumentError("Please specify the address to be removed " "using either --ip, --label, or --fqdn.") dbnetwork = ip = addr.ip if dbnetwork.network_environment != dbnet_env: raise ArgumentError("The specified address lives in {0:l}, not in " "{1:l}. Use the --network_environment option " "to select the correct environment.".format( dbnetwork.network_environment, dbnet_env)) # Forbid removing the primary name if ip == dbhw_ent.primary_ip: raise ArgumentError("The primary IP address of a hardware entity " "cannot be removed.") dbinterface.assignments.remove(addr) # Check if the address was assigned to multiple interfaces, and remove # the DNS entries if this was the last use q = session.query(AddressAssignment) q = q.filter_by(network=dbnetwork) q = q.filter_by(ip=ip) other_uses = q.all() if not other_uses and not keep_dns: q = session.query(ARecord) q = q.filter_by(network=dbnetwork) q = q.filter_by(ip=ip) q = q.join(ARecord.fqdn) q = q.filter_by(dns_environment=dbnet_env.dns_environment) map(delete_dns_record, q.all()) session.flush() dbhost = getattr(dbhw_ent, "host", None) if dbhost: plenary_info = PlenaryHost(dbhost, logger=logger) key = plenary_info.get_write_key() try: lock_queue.acquire(key) try: plenary_info.write(locked=True) except IncompleteError: # FIXME: if this command is used after "add host" but before # "make", then writing out the template will fail due to # required services not being assigned. Ignore this error # for now. plenary_info.restore_stash() dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbhw_ent, oldinfo) if not other_uses and keep_dns: q = session.query(ARecord) q = q.filter_by(network=dbnetwork) q = q.filter_by(ip=ip) dbdns_rec = q.first() dsdb_runner.add_host_details(dbdns_rec.fqdn, ip) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not add host to DSDB") except: plenary_info.restore_stash() raise finally: lock_queue.release(key) else: dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbhw_ent, oldinfo) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not add host to DSDB") return
def render(self, session, logger, machine, model, vendor, serial, chassis, slot, clearchassis, multislot, vmhost, cluster, allow_metacluster_change, cpuname, cpuvendor, cpuspeed, cpucount, memory, ip, **arguments): dbmachine = Machine.get_unique(session, machine, compel=True) plenaries = PlenaryCollection(logger=logger) oldinfo = DSDBRunner.snapshot_hw(dbmachine) if clearchassis: del dbmachine.chassis_slot[:] remove_plenaries = PlenaryCollection(logger=logger) if chassis: dbchassis = Chassis.get_unique(session, chassis, compel=True) if machine_plenary_will_move(old=dbmachine.location, new=dbchassis.location): remove_plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbmachine)) dbmachine.location = dbchassis.location if slot is None: raise ArgumentError("Option --chassis requires --slot " "information.") self.adjust_slot(session, logger, dbmachine, dbchassis, slot, multislot) elif slot is not None: dbchassis = None for dbslot in dbmachine.chassis_slot: if dbchassis and dbslot.chassis != dbchassis: raise ArgumentError("Machine in multiple chassis, please " "use --chassis argument.") dbchassis = dbslot.chassis if not dbchassis: raise ArgumentError("Option --slot requires --chassis " "information.") self.adjust_slot(session, logger, dbmachine, dbchassis, slot, multislot) dblocation = get_location(session, **arguments) if dblocation: loc_clear_chassis = False for dbslot in dbmachine.chassis_slot: dbcl = dbslot.chassis.location if dbcl != dblocation: if chassis or slot is not None: raise ArgumentError("{0} conflicts with chassis {1!s} " "location {2}.".format(dblocation, dbslot.chassis, dbcl)) else: loc_clear_chassis = True if loc_clear_chassis: del dbmachine.chassis_slot[:] if machine_plenary_will_move(old=dbmachine.location, new=dblocation): remove_plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbmachine)) dbmachine.location = dblocation if model or vendor: # If overriding model, should probably overwrite default # machine specs as well. if not model: model = if not vendor: vendor = dbmodel = Model.get_unique(session, name=model, vendor=vendor, compel=True) if dbmodel.machine_type not in ['blade', 'rackmount', 'workstation', 'aurora_node', 'virtual_machine']: raise ArgumentError("The update_machine command cannot update " "machines of type %s." % dbmodel.machine_type) # We probably could do this by forcing either cluster or # location data to be available as appropriate, but really? # Failing seems reasonable. if dbmodel.machine_type != dbmachine.model.machine_type and \ 'virtual_machine' in [dbmodel.machine_type, dbmachine.model.machine_type]: raise ArgumentError("Cannot change machine from %s to %s." % (dbmachine.model.machine_type, dbmodel.machine_type)) old_nic_model = dbmachine.model.nic_model new_nic_model = dbmodel.nic_model if old_nic_model != new_nic_model: for iface in dbmachine.interfaces: if iface.model == old_nic_model: iface.model = new_nic_model dbmachine.model = dbmodel if cpuname or cpuvendor or cpuspeed is not None: dbcpu = Cpu.get_unique(session, name=cpuname, vendor=cpuvendor, speed=cpuspeed, compel=True) dbmachine.cpu = dbcpu if cpucount is not None: dbmachine.cpu_quantity = cpucount if memory is not None: dbmachine.memory = memory if serial: dbmachine.serial_no = serial if ip: update_primary_ip(session, dbmachine, ip) # FIXME: For now, if a machine has its interface(s) in a portgroup # this command will need to be followed by an update_interface to # re-evaluate the portgroup for overflow. # It would be better to have --pg and --autopg options to let it # happen at this point. if cluster or vmhost: if not dbmachine.vm_container: raise ArgumentError("Cannot convert a physical machine to " "virtual.") old_holder = dbmachine.vm_container.holder.holder_object resholder = get_resource_holder(session, hostname=vmhost, cluster=cluster, compel=False) new_holder = resholder.holder_object # TODO: do we want to allow moving machines between the cluster and # metacluster level? if new_holder.__class__ != old_holder.__class__: raise ArgumentError("Cannot move a VM between a cluster and a " "stand-alone host.") if cluster: if new_holder.metacluster != old_holder.metacluster \ and not allow_metacluster_change: raise ArgumentError("Current {0:l} does not match " "new {1:l}." .format(old_holder.metacluster, new_holder.metacluster)) remove_plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbmachine.vm_container)) dbmachine.vm_container.holder = resholder for dbdisk in dbmachine.disks: if not isinstance(dbdisk, VirtualDisk): continue old_share = dbdisk.share if isinstance(old_share.holder, BundleResource): resourcegroup = else: resourcegroup = None new_share = find_share(new_holder, resourcegroup,, error=ArgumentError) # If the shares are registered at the metacluster level and both # clusters are in the same metacluster, then there will be no # real change here if new_share != old_share: old_share.disks.remove(dbdisk) new_share.disks.append(dbdisk) if isinstance(new_holder, Cluster): dbmachine.location = new_holder.location_constraint else: dbmachine.location = new_holder.location session.flush() plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(old_holder)) plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(new_holder)) if dbmachine.vm_container: plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbmachine.vm_container)) session.flush() # Check if the changed parameters still meet cluster capacity # requiremets if dbmachine.cluster: dbmachine.cluster.validate() if allow_metacluster_change: dbmachine.cluster.metacluster.validate() if and # The check to make sure a plenary file is not written out for # dummy aurora hardware is within the call to write(). This way # it is consistent without altering (and forgetting to alter) # all the calls to the method. plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbmachine)) if remove_plenaries.plenaries and plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary( key = CompileKey.merge([plenaries.get_write_key(), remove_plenaries.get_remove_key()]) try: lock_queue.acquire(key) remove_plenaries.stash() plenaries.write(locked=True) remove_plenaries.remove(locked=True) if # XXX: May need to reconfigure. pass dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbmachine, oldinfo) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not update machine in DSDB") except: plenaries.restore_stash() remove_plenaries.restore_stash() raise finally: lock_queue.release(key) return
def render(self, session, logger, interface, machine, mac, automac, model, vendor, pg, autopg, type, comments, **arguments): dbmachine = Machine.get_unique(session, machine, compel=True) oldinfo = DSDBRunner.snapshot_hw(dbmachine) audit_results = [] q = session.query(Interface) q = q.filter_by(name=interface, hardware_entity=dbmachine) if q.first(): raise ArgumentError( "Machine %s already has an interface named %s." % (machine, interface)) if not type: type = 'public' management_types = ['bmc', 'ilo', 'ipmi'] for mtype in management_types: if interface.startswith(mtype): type = 'management' break if interface.startswith("bond"): type = 'bonding' elif interface.startswith("br"): type = 'bridge' # Test it last, VLANs can be added on top of almost anything if '.' in interface: type = 'vlan' if type == "oa" or type == "loopback": raise ArgumentError("Interface type '%s' is not valid for " "machines." % type) bootable = None if type == 'public': if interface == 'eth0': bootable = True else: bootable = False dbmanager = None pending_removals = PlenaryCollection() dsdb_runner = DSDBRunner(logger=logger) if mac: prev = session.query(Interface).filter_by(mac=mac).first() if prev and prev.hardware_entity == dbmachine: raise ArgumentError("{0} already has an interface with MAC " "address {1}.".format(dbmachine, mac)) # Is the conflicting interface something that can be # removed? It is if: # - we are currently attempting to add a management interface # - the old interface belongs to a machine # - the old interface is associated with a host # - that host was blindly created, and thus can be removed safely if prev and type == 'management' and \ prev.hardware_entity.hardware_type == 'machine' and \ and \ == 'blind': # FIXME: Is this just always allowed? Maybe restrict # to only aqd-admin and the host itself? dummy_machine = prev.hardware_entity dummy_ip = dummy_machine.primary_ip old_fqdn = str(dummy_machine.primary_name) old_iface = old_mac = prev.mac old_network = get_net_id_from_ip(session, dummy_ip) self.remove_prev(session, logger, prev, pending_removals) session.flush() dsdb_runner.delete_host_details(old_fqdn, dummy_ip, old_iface, old_mac) self.consolidate_names(session, logger, dbmachine, dummy_machine.label, pending_removals) # It seems like a shame to throw away the IP address that # had been allocated for the blind host. Try to use it # as it should be used... dbmanager = self.add_manager(session, logger, dbmachine, dummy_ip, old_network) elif prev: msg = describe_interface(session, prev) raise ArgumentError("MAC address %s is already in use: %s." % (mac, msg)) elif automac: mac = self.generate_mac(session, dbmachine) audit_results.append(('mac', mac)) else: #Ignore now that Mac Address can be null pass if pg is not None: port_group = verify_port_group(dbmachine, pg) elif autopg: port_group = choose_port_group(session, logger, dbmachine) audit_results.append(('pg', port_group)) else: port_group = None dbinterface = get_or_create_interface(session, dbmachine, name=interface, vendor=vendor, model=model, interface_type=type, mac=mac, bootable=bootable, port_group=port_group, comments=comments, preclude=True) # So far, we're *only* creating a manager if we happen to be # removing a blind entry and we can steal its IP address. if dbmanager: assign_address(dbinterface, dbmanager.ip, session.add(dbinterface) session.flush() plenaries = PlenaryCollection(logger=logger) plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary(dbmachine)) if pending_removals and # Not an exact test, but the file won't be re-written # if the contents are the same so calling too often is # not a major expense. plenaries.append(Plenary.get_plenary( # Even though there may be removals going on the write key # should be sufficient here. key = plenaries.get_write_key() try: lock_queue.acquire(key) pending_removals.stash() plenaries.write(locked=True) pending_removals.remove(locked=True) dsdb_runner.update_host(dbmachine, oldinfo) dsdb_runner.commit_or_rollback("Could not update host in DSDB") except: plenaries.restore_stash() pending_removals.restore_stash() raise finally: lock_queue.release(key) if # FIXME: reconfigure host pass for name, value in audit_results: self.audit_result(session, name, value, **arguments) return