def create_and_submit_jobs(template, replacements, syst, value, basename): """Create configuration file "destination" by replacing the words in the dictionary, submit and collect jobs""" suffix = "%s_%s_%s" % ( basename, syst, value) destination = os.environ["ARASYS"]+"/config/analyzer_%s.cfg" % ( suffix ) ara.create_config_file(template, replacements, destination) print "Starting systematics", suffix os.system(" -b " + suffix)
def main(): usage = """ %prog [-b] [-t] configfile Batch submission of default job, creation of FakeRate file, submission of fake rate jobs.""" optParser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) optParser.add_option("-c", "--config", dest="cfgfile", help="global ARA configuration file", default=ara.defaultConfigFileName) optParser.add_option("-t", "--tight-lose-ratio", action="store_true", dest="tlratio", help="compute T/L ratio") optParser.add_option("-b", "--submit-base", action="store_true", dest="submitbase", help="submit the base version, too, not only single+double fakes (implies -t)") global options (options, args) = optParser.parse_args() if len(args) < 1 or len(args) > 1: optParser.print_help() return 1 basename = args[0] basepath = os.environ["ARASYS"]+"/config/analyzer_"+basename templateFileName = basepath+".cfg" # Check if template file exists if not os.path.isfile(templateFileName): print "File "+templateFileName+" not found. Exiting." return 2 # Check if base job needs to be submitted if (options.submitbase): os.system(" -n 30 -a %s" % ( basename )) # wait until all jobs are terminated ara.wait_for_jobs(0) # check and resubmit if necessary os.system(" -r %s " % (basename)) # wait until all jobs are terminated ara.wait_for_jobs(0) if (options.tlratio or options.submitbase): # create fakerate file opwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.environ["ARASYS"]+"/root") os.system("root -q -b 'tlratio.C(\"%s\")'" % basename) os.chdir(opwd) # Create descendent configuration file (singlefake) repMap = { } repMap["AnalysisType = \"default\""] = "AnalysisType = \"singlefake\"" repMap["FakeRateFile = \"FakeRate.root\""] = "FakeRateFile = \"FakeRate_%s.root\"" % ( basename ) destination = basepath+"_singlefake.cfg" ara.create_config_file(templateFileName, repMap, destination) # submit os.system(" -n 30 -a %s_singlefake" % basename) # Create descendent configuration file (doublefake) repMap["AnalysisType = \"default\""] = "AnalysisType = \"doublefake\"" repMap["FakeRateFile = \"FakeRate.root\""] = "FakeRateFile = \"FakeRate_%s.root\"" % ( basename ) destination = basepath+"_doublefake.cfg" ara.create_config_file(templateFileName, repMap, destination) # submit os.system(" -n 30 -a %s_doublefake" % basename) # wait for jobs to finish and collect jobs ara.wait_for_jobs(0) os.system(" -r %s_singlefake" % basename) os.system(" -r %s_doublefake" % basename)