Пример #1
def add_snake(w,
    """Add a snake-shape robot to the world.


        >>> w = World()
        >>> add_snake(w, 3, lengths=[1.5, 1., 5.])

    assert isinstance(w, World)
    if lengths is None:
        lengths = [.5] * nbody
    assert nbody == len(lengths)
    if masses is None:
        masses = [2.] * nbody
    assert nbody == len(masses)
    if gpos is None:
        gpos = [0.] * nbody
    assert nbody == len(gpos)
    if gvel is None:
        gvel = [0.] * nbody
    assert nbody == len(gvel)

    if is_fixed:
        frame = w.ground
        L = lengths[0] / 2.
        body = Body(mass=box([L, L, L], masses[0]))
        w.add_link(w.ground, FreeJoint(), body)
        frame = body

    for (length, mass, q, dq) in zip(lengths, masses, gpos, gvel):
        radius = length / 10.  #TODO use 5 instead of 10
        #angle = pi/2.
        angle = 0.  #TODO: remove, it is here for testing
        body = Body(
            mass=transport(cylinder(length, radius, mass),
                           dot(rotx(angle), transl(0., -length / 2., 0.))))
        joint = RzJoint(gpos=q, gvel=dq)
        w.add_link(frame, joint, body)
        frame = SubFrame(body, transl(0., length, 0.))
Пример #2
def add_cylinder(world, length=1., radius=1., mass=1., name='Cylinder'):
    """Build a cylinder robot, whose symmetry axis is along the z-axis.


        >>> w = World()
        >>> add_cylinder(w)
        >>> w.update_dynamic()

    assert isinstance(world, World)
    cylinder = Body(name=name, mass=massmatrix.cylinder(length, radius, mass))
    world.add_link(world.ground, FreeJoint(), cylinder)
    world.register(Cylinder(cylinder, length, radius))
Пример #3
def add_box(world, half_extents=(1., 1., 1.), mass=1., name='Box'):
    """Build a box robot.


        >>> w = World()
        >>> add_box(w)
        >>> w.update_dynamic()

    assert isinstance(world, World)
    box = Body(name=name, mass=massmatrix.box(half_extents, mass))
    world.add_link(world.ground, FreeJoint(), box)
    world.register(Box(box, half_extents))
Пример #4
def add_sphere(world, radius=1., mass=1., name=None):
    """Build a ball robot.


        >>> w = World()
        >>> add_sphere(w)
        >>> w.update_dynamic()

    assert isinstance(world, World)
    ball = Body(name=name, mass=massmatrix.sphere(radius, mass))
    world.add_link(world.ground, FreeJoint(), ball)
    world.register(Sphere(ball, radius))
Пример #5
 def runTest(self):
     b0 = Body(mass=eye(6))
     w = World()
     w.add_link(w.ground, FreeJoint(), b0)
     ctrl = WeightController()
     c0 = BallAndSocketConstraint(frames=(w.ground, b0))
     dt = 0.001
     self.assertListsAlmostEqual(c0._force, [0., 9.81, 0.])
         b0.pose, [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                   [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
Пример #6
def add(w, is_fixed=False, create_shapes=True, create_contacts=True):
    construction of the icub robot for arboris-python:
    Kinematics data are from: http://eris.liralab.it/wiki/ICubForwardKinematics
    Inertia comes from the Icub.cpp used in the iCub_SIM program
    Some data are not well explained, or are badly defined

    bodies_data = get_bodies_data()
    bodies_shapes_data = get_bodies_shapes_data()
    joints_data = get_joints_data()
    shapes_data = get_contact_data()

    ## bodies creation
    bodies = {}
    for name, data in bodies_data.items():
        bodies[name] = Body(name=name)
        mass = zeros((6, 6))
        for dims, m, H in data:  # get dims, mass and transformation from data
            sf = SubFrame(bodies[name], H)
            if len(dims) == 3:  # check the type of shape: len =3: box
                M = box(dims, m)
            elif len(dims) == 2:  #  len =2:cylinder,
                M = cylinder(dims[0], dims[1], m)
            elif len(dims) == 1:  #  len =1:sphere,
                M = sphere(dims[0], m)
                raise ValueError
            mass += transport(M, inv(H))  # add the mass of the shape to
        bodies[name].mass = mass  # the total mass

    ## check if iCub has its waist fixed on the structure (the ground)
    if is_fixed:
        bodies['waist'] = w.ground
        w.add_link(w.ground, FreeJoint(name='root'), bodies['waist'])

    ## joints creation
    for name, data in joints_data.items():
        parent, Hp_l, child = data
        w.add_link(SubFrame(bodies[parent], Hp_l), RzJoint(name=name),

    if create_shapes is True:
        ## body shapes creations
        for name, data in bodies_shapes_data.items():
            for dims, H in data:  # get dims, mass and transformation from data
                sf = SubFrame(bodies[name], H)
                if len(dims) == 3:  # check the type of shape: len =3: box
                    sh = Box(sf, dims, name + ".body_shape")
                elif len(dims) == 2:  #  len =2:cylinder,
                    sh = Cylinder(sf, dims[0], dims[1], name + ".body_shape")
                elif len(dims) == 1:  #  len =1:sphere,
                    sh = Sphere(sf, dims[0], name + ".body_shape")
                    raise ValueError

    if create_contacts is True:
        ## contact shapes creation
        for name, data in shapes_data.items():
            parent, dims, Hpf = data
            sf = SubFrame(bodies[parent], Hpf, name=name)
            if len(dims) == 3:  # check the type of shape: len =3: box
                sh = Box(sf, dims, name=name)
            elif len(dims) == 2:  #  len =2:cylinder,
                sh = Cylinder(sf, dims[0], dims[1], name=name)
            elif len(dims) == 1:  #  len =1:sphere,
                sh = Sphere(sf, dims[0], name=name)
                sh = Point(sf, name=name)

Пример #7
    H_bc = transl(1, 1, 1)
    H_bc = eye(4)
half_extents = (.5, .5, .5)
mass = 1.
body = Body(name='box_body',
            mass=massmatrix.transport(massmatrix.box(half_extents, mass),
subframe = SubFrame(body, H_bc, name="box_com")

if True:
    twist_c = array([0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.])
    twist_c = array([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0.])
twist_b = dot(homogeneousmatrix.adjoint(H_bc), twist_c)
freejoint = FreeJoint(gpos=homogeneousmatrix.inv(H_bc), gvel=twist_b)
w.add_link(w.ground, freejoint, body)
w.register(Box(subframe, half_extents))

weightc = WeightController()
obs = TrajLog(w.getframes()['box_com'], w)

from arboris.visu_osg import Drawer

timeline = arange(0, 1, 5e-3)
simulate(w, timeline, [obs, Drawer(w)])

time = timeline[:-1]
Пример #8
adjacency = j.adjacency  # ..............: iadjacency
dadjoint = j.dadjoint  # ..............: idadjoint

gpos = j.gpos  # generalized coordinates in joint subspace
gvel = j.gvel  # generalized velocity ...
ndof = j.ndof  # number of DoF
dof = j.dof  # slice of the DoF in the world instance
jacobian = j.jacobian  # inner Jacobian
djacobian = j.djacobian  # inner time derivative Jacobian

# Example on how to instanciate a new joint
from arboris.joints import RyRxJoint, FreeJoint  #there are many others

j = RyRxJoint(gpos=[.1, .2], gvel=[.0, .1], name="RyRxj")
j = FreeJoint(gpos=transl(.1, .2, .3),
              gvel=[.1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6],

##### The Shape class ##########################################################

# Just some shapes for scene decoration or for collision detection.

from arboris.shapes import Point, Plane, Sphere, Cylinder, Box
f = frames["EndEffector"]
s0 = Point(frame=f, name="thePoint")
s1 = Plane(frame=f, coeffs=(0, 1, 0, .1), name="thePlane")
s2 = Sphere(frame=f, radius=.1, name="theSphere")
s3 = Cylinder(frame=f, length=1., radius=.1,
              name="theCylinder")  # along z axis
s4 = Box(frame=f, half_extents=(.1, .2, .3), name="theBox")
Пример #9
def add_human36(world, height=1.741, mass=73, anat_lengths=None, prefix=''):
    """Add an anthropometric humanoid model to the world.

    :param height: the human height in meters. Ignored if ``anat_lengths``
                   is provided.
    :type height: float
    :param mass: the human mass in kilograms.
    :type mass: float
    :param anat_lengths: the human anatomical lengths.
                         Computed from ``height`` if not provided
    :type anat_lengths: dict
    :param prefix: name of the human, used to prefix every object name.
    :type prefix: string
    :param return_lists: if True, returns of a tuple of the added objects
    :return: None


    >>> w = World()
    >>> # add a normal human
    >>> add_human36(w, height=1.8, prefix="Bob's ")
    >>> # add a human with a shorter left arm
    >>> L = anat_lengths_from_height(1.8)
    >>> L['yhumerusL'] *= .7
    >>> L['yforearmL'] *= .7
    >>> L['yhandL'] *= .7
    >>> add_human36(w, anat_lengths=L, prefix="Casimodo's ")
    >>> frames = w.getframes()
    >>> frames["Bob's Left stylion"].bpose[0:3, 3]
    >>> frames["Bob's Left stylion"].pose[0:3, 3]
    >>> frames["Casimodo's Left stylion"].bpose[0:3, 3]

    assert isinstance(world, World)
    w = world
    if anat_lengths is None:
        L = anat_lengths_from_height(height)
        L = anat_lengths
    h = height_from_anat_lengths(L)

    # create the bodies
    bodies = NamedObjectsList()

    def add_body(name, mass, com_position, gyration_radius):
        #mass matrix at com
        mass_g = mass * diag(hstack((gyration_radius**2, (1, 1, 1))))
        H_fg = eye(4)
        H_fg[0:3, 3] = com_position
        H_gf = Hg.inv(H_fg)
        #mass matrix at body's frame origin:
        mass_o = dot(Hg.adjoint(H_gf).T, dot(mass_g, Hg.adjoint(H_gf)))
        bodies.append(Body(name=prefix + name, mass=mass_o))

    # Lower Part of Trunk
    add_body("LPT", 0.275 * mass, [0, 0.5108 * L['yvT10'], 0],
             array([0.2722, 0.2628, 0.226]) * L['yvT10'])
    add_body("ThighR", 0.1416 * mass, [0, -0.4095 * L['yfemurR'], 0],
             array([0.329, 0.149, 0.329]) * L['yfemurR'])
    add_body("ShankR", 0.0433 * mass, [0, -0.4459 * L['ytibiaR'], 0],
             array([0.255, 0.103, 0.249]) * L['ytibiaR'])
    add_body("FootR", 0.0137 * mass,
             [0.4415 * L['xfootR'] - L['xheelR'], -L['yfootR'] / 2., 0.],
             array([0.124, 0.257, 0.245]) * L['xfootR'])
    add_body("ThighL", 0.1416 * mass, [0, -0.4095 * L['yfemurL'], 0],
             array([0.329, 0.149, 0.329]) * L['yfemurL'])
    add_body("ShankL", 0.0433 * mass, [0, -0.4459 * L['ytibiaL'], 0],
             array([0.255, 0.103, 0.249]) * L['ytibiaL'])
    add_body("FootL", 0.0137 * mass,
             [0.4415 * L['xfootL'] - L['xheelL'], -L["yfootL"] / 2, 0.],
             array([0.124, 0.257, 0.245]) * L['xfootL'])
    # Upper Part of Trunk
    add_body("UPT", 0.1596 * mass,
             [(L['xsternoclavR'] + L['xsternoclavL']) / 4., 0.7001 *
              (L['ysternoclavR'] + L['ysternoclavL']) / 2., 0.],
             array([0.716, 0.659, 0.454]) * L['ysternoclavR'])
    # right shoulder
    add_body("ScapulaR", 0., [0., 0., 0.], array([0., 0., 0.]))
    add_body("ArmR", 0.0271 * mass, [0., -0.5772 * L['yhumerusR'], 0.],
             array([0.285, 0.158, 0.269]) * L['yhumerusR'])
    add_body("ForearmR", 0.0162 * mass, [0., -0.4574 * L['yforearmR'], 0.],
             array([0.276, 0.121, 0.265]) * L['yforearmR'])
    add_body("HandR", 0.0061 * mass, [0, -0.3691 * L['yhandR'], 0],
             array([0.235, 0.184, 0.288]) * L['yhandR'])
    # left shoulder
    add_body("ScapulaL", 0., [0., 0., 0.], array([0., 0., 0.]))
    add_body("ArmL", 0.0271 * mass, [0, -0.5772 * L['yhumerusL'], 0.],
             array([0.285, 0.158, 0.269]) * L['yhumerusL'])
    add_body("ForearmL", 0.0162 * mass, [0, -0.4574 * L['yforearmL'], 0],
             array([0.276, 0.121, 0.265]) * L['yforearmL'])
    add_body("HandL", 0.0061 * mass, [0, -0.3691 * L['yhandL'], 0],
             array([0.288, 0.184, 0.235]) * L['yhandL'])
    add_body("Head", 0.0694 * mass, [0, 0.4998 * L['yhead'], 0],
             array([0.303, 0.261, 0.315]) * L['yhead'])

    # create the joints and add the links (i.e. joints+bodies)
    def add_link(body0, transl, joint, name, body1):
        if not isinstance(body0, Body):
            body0 = bodies[prefix + body0]
        frame0 = SubFrame(body0, Hg.transl(*transl))
        joint.name = prefix + name
        w.add_link(frame0, joint, bodies[prefix + body1])

    add_link(w.ground, (0, L['yfootL'] + L['ytibiaL'] + L['yfemurL'], 0),
             FreeJoint(), 'Root', 'LPT')
    add_link('LPT', (0, 0, L['zhip'] / 2.), RzRyRxJoint(), 'HipR', 'ThighR')
    add_link('ThighR', (0, -L['yfemurR'], 0), RzJoint(), 'KneeR', 'ShankR')
    add_link('ShankR', (0, -L['ytibiaR'], 0), RzRxJoint(), 'AnkleR', 'FootR')
    add_link('LPT', (0, 0, -L['zhip'] / 2.), RzRyRxJoint(), 'HipL', 'ThighL')
    add_link('ThighL', (0, -L['yfemurL'], 0), RzJoint(), 'KneeL', 'ShankL')
    add_link('ShankL', (0, -L['ytibiaL'], 0), RzRxJoint(), 'AnkleL', 'FootL')
    add_link('LPT', (-L['xvT10'], L['yvT10'], 0), RzRyRxJoint(), 'Back', 'UPT')
    add_link('UPT', (L['xsternoclavR'], L['ysternoclavR'], L['zsternoclavR']),
             RyRxJoint(), 'Torso-ScapR', 'ScapulaR')
    add_link('ScapulaR', (-L['xshoulderR'], L['yshoulderR'], L['zshoulderR']),
             RzRyRxJoint(), 'Arm-ScapR', 'ArmR')
    add_link('ArmR', (0, -L['yhumerusR'], 0), RzRyJoint(), 'ElbowR',
    add_link('ForearmR', (0, -L['yforearmR'], 0), RzRxJoint(), 'WristR',
    add_link('UPT', (L['xsternoclavL'], L['ysternoclavL'], -L['zsternoclavL']),
             RyRxJoint(), 'Torso-ScapL', 'ScapulaL')
    add_link('ScapulaL', (-L['xshoulderL'], L['yshoulderL'], -L['zshoulderL']),
             RzRyRxJoint(), 'Arm-ScapL', 'ArmL')
    add_link('ArmL', (0, -L['yhumerusL'], 0), RzRyJoint(), 'ElbowL',
    add_link('ForearmL', (0, -L['yforearmL'], 0), RzRxJoint(), 'WristL',
    add_link('UPT', (L['xvT10'], L['yvC7'], 0), RzRyRxJoint(), 'Neck', 'Head')

    # add the tags
    tags = NamedObjectsList()

    def add_tag(name, body, position):
        """Returns data about anatomical landmarks as defined in HuMAnS.

        :param name: name of the tag (copied from HuMAnS)
        :param body: name of the body in whose frame the point is defined
        :position: tag coordinates in meters

        if name:
            name = prefix + name
        tag = SubFrame(bodies[prefix + body], Hg.transl(*position), name)

    # we add 1e-4*h to keep the compatibility with HuMAnS:
    add_tag('Right foot toe tip', 'FootR',
            [L['xfootR'] - L['xheelR'] + 1e-4 * h, -L['yfootR'], 0.])
    add_tag('Right foot heel', 'FootR', [-L['xheelR'], -L['yfootR'], 0.])
    add_tag('Right foot phalange 5', 'FootR',
            [0.0662 * h, -L['yfootR'], 0.0305 * h])
    add_tag('Right foot phalange 1', 'FootR',
            [0.0662 * h, -L['yfootR'], -0.0305 * h])
    add_tag('Right foot lateral malleolus', "ShankR",
            [0., -L['ytibiaR'], 0.0249 * h])
    add_tag('Femoral lateral epicondyle', "ThighR",
            [0., -L['yfemurR'], 0.0290 * h])
    add_tag('Right great trochanter', "ThighR",
            [0., 0., 0.0941 * h - L['zhip'] / 2.])
    add_tag('Right iliac crest', "LPT", [0.0271 * h, 0.0366 * h, 0.0697 * h])
    # we add 1e-4*h to keep the compatibility with HuMAnS:
    add_tag('Left foot toe tip', "FootL",
            [L['xfootL'] - L['xheelL'] + 1e-4 * h, -L['yfootL'], 0.])
    add_tag('Left foot heel', "FootL", [-L['xheelL'], -L['yfootL'], 0.])
    add_tag('Left foot phalange 5', "FootL",
            [0.0662 * h, -L['yfootL'], -0.0305 * h])
    add_tag('Left foot phalange 1', "FootL",
            [0.0662 * h, -L['yfootL'], 0.0305 * h])
    add_tag('Left foot lateral malleolus', "ShankL",
            [0, -L['ytibiaL'], -0.0249 * h])
    add_tag('Left femoral lateral epicondyle', "ThighL",
            [0, -L['yfemurL'], -0.0290 * h])
    add_tag('Left great trochanter', "ThighL",
            [0, 0, -0.0941 * h + L['zhip'] / 2.])
    add_tag('Left iliac crest', "LPT", [0.0271 * h, 0.0366 * h, -0.0697 * h])
    add_tag('Substernale (Xyphoid)', "UPT", [0.1219 * h, 0, 0])
    add_tag('Suprasternale', "UPT",
            [(L['xsternoclavL'] + L['xsternoclavL']) / 2.,
             (L['ysternoclavL'] + L['ysternoclavL']) / 2., 0])
    add_tag('Right acromion', "ScapulaR",
            [-L['xshoulderR'], 0.0198 * h + L['yshoulderR'], L['zshoulderR']])
    add_tag('Right humeral lateral epicondyle (radiale)', "ArmR",
            [0., -L['yhumerusR'], 0.0211 * h])
    add_tag('Right stylion', "ForearmR", [0., -0.1533 * h, 0.0331 * h])
    add_tag('Right 3rd dactylion', "HandR", [0., -L['yhandR'], 0.])
    add_tag('Left acromion', "ScapulaL",
            [-L['xshoulderL'], 0.0198 * h + L['yshoulderL'], -L['zshoulderL']])
    add_tag('Left humeral lateral epicondyle (radiale)', "ArmL",
            [0., -L['yhumerusL'], -0.0211 * h])
    add_tag('Left stylion', "ForearmL", [0., -0.1533 * h, -0.0331 * h])
    add_tag('Left 3rd dactylion', "HandL", [0., -L['yhandL'], 0.])
    add_tag('Cervicale', "UPT", [-0.0392 * 0. + L['xvT10'], L['yvC7'], 0.])
    add_tag('Vertex', "Head", [0., L["yhead"], 0.])

    # Add point shapes to the feet
    for k in ('Right foot toe tip', 'Right foot heel', 'Right foot phalange 5',
              'Right foot phalange 1', 'Left foot toe tip', 'Left foot heel',
              'Left foot phalange 5', 'Left foot phalange 1'):
        name = prefix + k
        shape = Point(tags[name], name=name)

    return None