def run(self, repo: str, branch: str, task: Task, git_repo: Repo, repo_path: Path) -> Result: """ Gets a path to a Python executable by calling the abstract method :meth:`get_image_for_repo <BaseRunInSubprocessBackend.get_image_for_repo>` and runs the task using :class:`subprocess.Popen` See :meth:` <>` to see arguments description. """ python_path = self.get_or_create_environment(repo, branch, git_repo, repo_path) task_filename, task_json = self.serialized_task(task) task_path = Path(self._arca.base_dir, "tasks", task_filename) task_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) task_path.write_text(task_json)"Stored task definition at %s", task_path) out_output = "" err_output = "" cwd = str(repo_path / self.cwd)"Running at cwd %s", cwd) try: logger.debug("Running with python %s", python_path) process = subprocess.Popen([python_path, str(self.RUNNER), str(task_path.resolve())], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=cwd) try: out_stream, err_stream = process.communicate(timeout=task.timeout) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: process.kill() raise BuildTimeoutError(f"The task timeouted after {task.timeout} seconds.") out_output = out_stream.decode("utf-8") err_output = err_stream.decode("utf-8") logger.debug("stdout output from the command") logger.debug(out_output) return Result(out_output) except BuildError: # can be raised by :meth:`Result.__init__` or by timeout raise except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) raise BuildError("The build failed", extra_info={ "exception": e, "out_output": out_output, "err_output": err_output, })
def check_docker_access(self): """ Creates a :class:`DockerClient <docker.client.DockerClient>` for the instance and checks the connection. :raise BuildError: If docker isn't accessible by the current user. """ try: if self.client is None: self.client = docker.from_env() ) # check that docker is running and user is permitted to access it except ConnectionError as e: logger.exception(e) raise BuildError( "Docker is not running or the current user doesn't have permissions to access docker." )
def run(self, repo: str, branch: str, task: Task, git_repo: Repo, repo_path: Path) -> Result: """ Gets or builds an image for the repo, gets or starts a container for the image and runs the script. :param repo: Repository URL :param branch: Branch ane :param task: :class:`Task` to run. :param git_repo: :class:`Repo <git.repo.base.Repo>` of the cloned repository. :param repo_path: :class:`Path <pathlib.Path>` to the cloned location. """ self.check_docker_access() container_name = self.get_container_name(repo, branch, git_repo) container = self.container_running(container_name) if container is None: image = self.get_image_for_repo(repo, branch, git_repo, repo_path) container = self.start_container(image, container_name, repo_path) task_filename, task_json = self.serialized_task(task) container.put_archive( "/srv/scripts", self.tar_task_definition(task_filename, task_json)) res = None try: command = ["timeout"] if self.inherit_image: if self.alpine_inherited or b"Alpine" in container.exec_run( ["cat", "/etc/issue"], tty=True).output: self.alpine_inherited = True command = ["timeout", "-t"] command += [ str(task.timeout), "python", "/srv/scripts/", f"/srv/scripts/{task_filename}" ] logger.debug("Running command %s", " ".join(command)) res = container.exec_run(command, tty=True) # 124 is the standard, 143 on alpine if res.exit_code in {124, 143}: raise BuildTimeoutError( f"The task timeouted after {task.timeout} seconds.") return Result(res.output) except BuildError: # can be raised by :meth:`Result.__init__` raise except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) if res is not None: logger.warning(res.output) raise BuildError("The build failed", extra_info={ "exception": e, "output": res if res is None else res.output }) finally: if not self.keep_container_running: container.kill(signal.SIGKILL) else: self._containers.add(container)
def get_or_build_image(self, name: str, tag: str, dockerfile: Union[str, Callable[..., str]], *, pull=True, build_context: Optional[Path] = None): """ A proxy for commonly built images, returns them from the local system if they exist, tries to pull them if pull isn't disabled, otherwise builds them by the definition in ``dockerfile``. :param name: Name of the image :param tag: Image tag :param dockerfile: Dockerfile text or a callable (no arguments) that produces Dockerfile text :param pull: If the image is not present locally, allow pulling from registry (default is ``True``) :param build_context: A path to a folder. If it's provided, docker will build the image in the context of this folder. (eg. if ``ADD`` is needed) """ if self.image_exists(name, tag):"Image %s:%s exists", name, tag) return elif pull:"Trying to pull image %s:%s", name, tag) try: self.client.images.pull(name, tag=tag)"The image %s:%s was pulled from registry", name, tag) return except docker.errors.APIError: "The image %s:%s can't be pulled, building locally.", name, tag) if callable(dockerfile): dockerfile = dockerfile() try: if build_context is None: fileobj = BytesIO(bytes( dockerfile, "utf-8")) # required by the docker library, tag=f"{name}:{tag}") else: dockerfile_file = build_context / "dockerfile" dockerfile_file.write_text(dockerfile),, tag=f"{name}:{tag}") dockerfile_file.unlink() except docker.errors.BuildError as e: for line in e.build_log: if isinstance(line, dict) and line.get( "errorDetail") and line["errorDetail"].get("code") in { 124, 143 }: raise BuildTimeoutError( f"Installing of requirements timeouted after " f"{self.requirements_timeout} seconds.") logger.exception(e) raise BuildError( "Building docker image failed, see extra info for details.", extra_info={"build_log": e.build_log})
def run(self, repo: str, branch: str, task: Task, git_repo: Repo, repo_path: Path): """ Starts up a VM, builds an docker image and gets it to the VM, runs the script over SSH, returns result. Stops the VM if ``keep_vm_running`` is not set. """ from fabric import api from fabric.exceptions import CommandTimeout # start up or get running VM vm_location = self.get_vm_location() self.ensure_vm_running(vm_location)"Running with VM located at %s", vm_location) # pushes the image to the registry so it can be pulled in the VM self.check_docker_access() # init client self.get_image_for_repo(repo, branch, git_repo, repo_path) # getting things needed for execution over SSH image_tag = self.get_image_tag(self.get_requirements_file(repo_path), self.get_dependencies()) image_name = self.use_registry_name task_filename, task_json = self.serialized_task(task) (vm_location / task_filename).write_text(task_json) container_name = self.get_container_name(repo, branch, git_repo) # setting up Fabric api.env.hosts = [self.vagrant.user_hostname_port()] api.env.key_filename = self.vagrant.keyfile() api.env.disable_known_hosts = True # useful for when the vagrant box ip changes. api.env.abort_exception = BuildError # raises SystemExit otherwise = "/bin/sh -l -c" if self.quiet: api.output.everything = False else: api.output.everything = True # executes the task try: res = api.execute(self.fabric_task, container_name=container_name, definition_filename=task_filename, image_name=image_name, image_tag=image_tag, repository=str(repo_path.relative_to(Path(self._arca.base_dir).resolve() / 'repos')), timeout=task.timeout) return Result(res[self.vagrant.user_hostname_port()].stdout) except CommandTimeout: raise BuildTimeoutError(f"The task timeouted after {task.timeout} seconds.") except BuildError: # can be raised by :meth:`Result.__init__` raise except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) raise BuildError("The build failed", extra_info={ "exception": e }) finally: # stops or destroys the VM if it should not be kept running if not self.keep_vm_running: if self.destroy: self.vagrant.destroy() shutil.rmtree(self.vagrant.root, ignore_errors=True) self.vagrant = None else: self.vagrant.halt()