Пример #1
    def on_update(self, delta):
        #        print('Updating physics')
        self.frame__time += delta

        # Gravitation är alltid neråt -ay
        self.ay += (self.phys['gravity'] * -0.1)

        # vx,vy ändras utifrån ax,ay
        self.vx, self.vy = lerp(self.vx, self.ax,
                                self.accspeed), lerp(self.vy, self.ay,

        if (self.position[1] <= self.height / 2 + 5
                and self.vy < 0):  # Om Elon är längst ner,
            self.vy = 0  #...sätt hastighet y-led till 0
            self.position[1] = self.height / 2  #...sätt position y-led till 0
#        print("Hastighet y-led:", self.vy)

        self.position = [
            self._position[0] + self.vx, self._position[1] + self.vy
        self.angle += self.change_angle

        self.ay = 0
        self.ax = 0
 def update(self):
     if self.lifetime_elapsed <= self.in_duration:
         u = self.lifetime_elapsed / self.in_duration
         self.alpha = arcade.lerp(self.start_alpha, self.mid_alpha, u)
         u = (self.lifetime_elapsed - self.in_duration) / self.out_duration
         self.alpha = arcade.lerp(self.mid_alpha, self.end_alpha, u)
Пример #3
    def update(self, delta_time):
        target_left = self.player.center_x - SCREEN_WIDTH / 2
        target_bottom = self.player.center_y - SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2

        self.left = arcade.lerp(self.left, target_left, delta_time * 2)

        self.bottom = arcade.lerp(self.bottom, target_bottom, delta_time * 2)

        arcade.set_viewport(self.left, SCREEN_WIDTH + self.left, self.bottom,
                            SCREEN_HEIGHT + self.bottom)
Пример #4
    def on_update(self, deltatime):
        Funktion som körs i början av varje frame, varje "tick". 
        Updaterar alla modeller, och dess värden.
        self.dx = arcade.lerp(self.dx, self.ddx * self.speed, 0.05)
        self.dy = arcade.lerp(self.dy, self.ddy * self.speed, 0.05)

        self.pos_x += self.dx
        self.pos_y += self.dy
Пример #5
    def on_update(self, deltatime):
        # 0 - 360          
        self.rotation += self.dangle        
        ddx = -math.sin(math.radians(self.rotation))
        ddy = math.cos(math.radians(self.rotation))

        self.dx = arcade.lerp(self.dx, ddx, 0.05)
        self.dy = arcade.lerp(self.dy, ddy, 0.05)

        self.speed = arcade.lerp(self.speed, self.force, 0.05)
        self.player.change_x = self.dx * self.speed
        self.player.change_y = self.dy * self.speed
        self.player.angle = self.rotation
Пример #6
    def pan_camera_to_user(self, panning_fraction: float = 1.0):
        Manage Scrolling

        :param panning_fraction: Number from 0 to 1. Higher the number, faster we
                                 pan the camera to the user.

        # This spot would center on the user
        screen_center_x = self.player_sprite.center_x - SCREEN_WIDTH / 2
        screen_center_y = self.player_sprite.center_y - SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2
        if screen_center_y < 0:
            screen_center_y = 0
        user_centered = screen_center_x, screen_center_y

        cur_scroll = self.camera.scroll
        new_scroll = [arcade.lerp(cur_scroll[0], user_centered[0], panning_fraction), \
            arcade.lerp(cur_scroll[1], user_centered[1], panning_fraction)]

        # Add in camera shake
        self.shake_offset_1 += self.shake_vel_1
        self.shake_offset_2 += self.shake_vel_2

        if self.shake_offset_1 > 0:
            self.shake_vel_1 -= 1
        elif self.shake_offset_1 < 0:
            self.shake_vel_1 += 1

        if self.shake_offset_2 > 0:
            self.shake_vel_2 -= 1
        elif self.shake_offset_2 < 0:
            self.shake_vel_2 += 1

        self.shake_vel_1 *= 0.9
        self.shake_vel_2 *= 0.9

        if abs(self.shake_vel_1) < 0.5 and abs(self.shake_offset_1) < 0.5:
            self.shake_vel_1 = 0
            self.shake_offset_1 = 0

        if abs(self.shake_vel_2) < 0.5 and abs(self.shake_offset_2) < 0.5:
            self.shake_vel_2 = 0
            self.shake_offset_2 = 0

        new_scroll[0] += self.shake_offset_1
        new_scroll[1] += self.shake_offset_2

        self.camera.scroll = new_scroll
Пример #7
def make_soft_square_texture(size: int,
                             color: Color,
                             center_alpha: int = 255,
                             outer_alpha: int = 0) -> Texture:
    Return a :class:`Texture` of a square with the given diameter and color, fading out at its edges.

    :param int size: Diameter of the square and dimensions of the square Texture returned.
    :param Color color: Color of the square.
    :param int center_alpha: Alpha value of the square at its center.
    :param int outer_alpha: Alpha value of the square at its edges.

    :returns: New :class:`Texture` object.

    bg_color = (0, 0, 0, 0)  # fully transparent
    img = PIL.Image.new("RGBA", (size, size), bg_color)
    draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    half_size = int(size // 2)
    for cur_size in range(0, half_size):
        alpha = int(lerp(outer_alpha, center_alpha, cur_size / half_size))
        clr = (color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha)
        # draw.ellipse((center-radius, center-radius, center+radius, center+radius), fill=clr)
        draw.rectangle((cur_size, cur_size, size - cur_size, size - cur_size),
                       clr, None)
    name = "{}:{}:{}:{}:{}".format(
        "gradientsquare", size, color, center_alpha,
        outer_alpha)  # name must be unique for caching
    return Texture(name, img)
Пример #8
    def update(self):
        self.angle += self.dangle

        ddx = -math.sin(math.radians(self.angle))
        ddy = math.cos(math.radians(self.angle))

        self.velx = arcade.lerp(self.velx, ddx, 0.05)
        self.vely = arcade.lerp(self.vely, ddy, 0.05)

        self.speed = arcade.lerp(self.speed, self.dspeed, 0.05)
        self.change_x = self.velx * self.speed
        self.change_y = self.vely * self.speed

Пример #9
def make_soft_square_texture(size: int,
                             color: Color,
                             center_alpha: int = 255,
                             outer_alpha: int = 0) -> Texture:
    Return a Texture of a circle with given diameter and color, fading out at the edges.

        :diameter (int): Diameter of the circle and dimensions of the square Texture returned
        :color (Color): Color of the circle
        The new texture.
    bg_color = (0, 0, 0, 0)  # fully transparent
    img = PIL.Image.new("RGBA", (size, size), bg_color)
    draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    half_size = int(size // 2)
    for cur_size in range(0, half_size):
        alpha = int(lerp(outer_alpha, center_alpha, cur_size / half_size))
        clr = (color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha)
        # draw.ellipse((center-radius, center-radius, center+radius, center+radius), fill=clr)
        draw.rectangle((cur_size, cur_size, size - cur_size, size - cur_size),
                       clr, None)
    name = "{}:{}:{}:{}".format("gradientsquare", size, color, center_alpha,
                                outer_alpha)  # name must be unique for caching
    return Texture(name, img)
Пример #10
def make_soft_circle_texture(diameter: int,
                             color: Color,
                             center_alpha: int = 255,
                             outer_alpha: int = 0) -> Texture:
    Return a Texture of a circle with given diameter, color, and alpha values at its center and edges

        :diameter (int): Diameter of the circle and dimensions of the square Texture returned
        :color (Color): Color of the circle
        :center_alpha (int): alpha value of circle at its center
        :outer_alpha (int): alpha value of circle at its edge
        A Texture object
    # TODO: create a rectangle and circle (and triangle? and arbitrary poly where client passes
    # in list of points?) particle?
    bg_color = (0, 0, 0, 0)  # fully transparent
    img = PIL.Image.new("RGBA", (diameter, diameter), bg_color)
    draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    max_radius = int(diameter // 2)
    center = max_radius  # for readability
    for radius in range(max_radius, 0, -1):
        alpha = int(lerp(center_alpha, outer_alpha, radius / max_radius))
        clr = (color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha)
        draw.ellipse((center - radius, center - radius, center + radius - 1,
                      center + radius - 1),
    name = "{}:{}:{}:{}:{}".format(
        "soft_circle_texture", diameter, color, center_alpha,
        outer_alpha)  # name must be unique for caching
    return Texture(name, img)
Пример #11
def rocket_smoke_mutator(emitter: arcade.Emitter):
    emitter.scale = arcade.lerp(0.5, 3.0, emitter.lifetime_elapsed/emitter.lifetime_original)
    # A Sprite's scale doesn't affect generated textures (ex: make_soft_circle_texture) or scale being animated over time.
    # The fix below is copied from Sprite.update_animation().
    # Bug may have been recorded here: https://github.com/pvcraven/arcade/issues/331
    emitter.width = emitter._texture.width * emitter.scale
    emitter.height = emitter._texture.height * emitter.scale
Пример #12
def make_soft_circle_texture(diameter: int,
                             color: Color,
                             center_alpha: int = 255,
                             outer_alpha: int = 0) -> Texture:
    Return a :class:`Texture` of a circle with the given diameter and color, fading out at its edges.

    :param int diameter: Diameter of the circle and dimensions of the square :class:`Texture` returned.
    :param Color color: Color of the circle.
    :param int center_alpha: Alpha value of the circle at its center.
    :param int outer_alpha: Alpha value of the circle at its edges.

    :returns: New :class:`Texture` object.
    # TODO: create a rectangle and circle (and triangle? and arbitrary poly where client passes
    # in list of points?) particle?
    bg_color = (0, 0, 0, 0)  # fully transparent
    img = PIL.Image.new("RGBA", (diameter, diameter), bg_color)
    draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(img)
    max_radius = int(diameter // 2)
    center = max_radius  # for readability
    for radius in range(max_radius, 0, -1):
        alpha = int(lerp(center_alpha, outer_alpha, radius / max_radius))
        clr = (color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha)
        draw.ellipse((center - radius, center - radius, center + radius - 1,
                      center + radius - 1),
    name = "{}:{}:{}:{}:{}".format(
        "soft_circle_texture", diameter, color, center_alpha,
        outer_alpha)  # name must be unique for caching
    return Texture(name, img)
Пример #13
def rocket_smoke_mutator(particle: arcade.LifetimeParticle):
    particle.scale = arcade.lerp(
        0.5, 3.0, particle.lifetime_elapsed / particle.lifetime_original)
    # A Sprite's scale doesn't affect generated textures
    # (ex: make_soft_circle_texture) or scale being animated over time.
    # The fix below is copied from Sprite.update_animation().
    # Bug may have been recorded here: https://github.com/pvcraven/arcade/issues/331
    particle.width = particle._texture.width * particle.scale
    particle.height = particle._texture.height * particle.scale
Пример #14
    def on_update(self, delta_time):
        All the logic to move, and the game logic goes here.
        Normally, you'll call update() on the sprite lists that
        need it.

        target_x, target_y = self.camera_target
        cam_x, cam_y = self.current_camera_pos

        if abs(target_x - cam_x) > 1 or abs(target_y - cam_y) > 1:
            cam_x = arcade.lerp(cam_x, target_x, 0.1)
            cam_y = arcade.lerp(cam_y, target_y, 0.1)
            self.current_camera_pos = cam_x, cam_y
            self.set_viewport(cam_x, cam_x + SCREEN_WIDTH, cam_y, cam_y + SCREEN_HEIGHT)
Пример #15
 def update(self, cx, cy):
     self.duration += 1
     self.center_x, self.center_y = cx, cy + SCREEN_HEIGHT / 4
     if self.duration <= 150:
         self.scale = arcade.lerp(self.scale, 1, 0.05)
         self.angle = math.sin(self.duration / 32) * 5
         self.angle = math.sin(self.duration / 32) * 5
         self.alpha = self.alpha - 10 if self.alpha != 5 else 0
Пример #16
 def draw(self):
     self.dist += 1
     self.center_y = arcade.lerp(self.center_y, self.c, 0.3)
                      self.center_y, (self.c1, self.c2, self.c3, self.c4),
     if self.dist > 15 and not self.c4 - 38 < 1:
         self.c4 -= 38
Пример #17
def make_vignette(diameter: int, color: arcade.Color, vignette_radius, center_alpha: int = 255, outer_alpha: int = 255):
    Returns an arcade.Texture object of the vignette texture produced.

    This is an adaptation of arcade.make_soft_sircle_texture.
    In our implementation, we want the surrounding vignette to be filled, not empty.
    Otherwise we won't be blocking any
    vision for the drill to see.

    diameter        : int
        The diameter of the whole image.
    color           : arcade.color
        The color for the vignette.
    vignette_radius : int
        The radius of the vignette. Must be less than or equal to the diameter // 2. Points in the image beyond this
        vignette_radius are filled with the color and alpha value specified in outer_alpha
    center_alpha    : int
        Alpha color for the circle at its center point. Linearly interpolated between this and the outer_alpha.
    outer_alpha     : int
        Alpha color for the circle at its outer point. Linearly interpolated between this and the inner_alpha.

        The texture with draw_scaled method.
    max_radius = diameter // 2
    assert vignette_radius <= max_radius

    bg_colour = (0, 0, 0, 0)  # Make background transparent.
    image = PIL.Image.new("RGBA", (diameter, diameter), bg_colour)
    draw = PIL.ImageDraw.Draw(image)

    for point in range(max_radius, 0, -1):
        if point < vignette_radius:
            alpha = int(arcade.lerp(center_alpha, outer_alpha, point / vignette_radius))
            point_color = (color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha)
            draw.ellipse((max_radius - point, max_radius - point, max_radius + point - 1, max_radius + point - 1),
            point_color = (color[0], color[1], color[2], outer_alpha)
            draw.rectangle((max_radius - point, max_radius - point, max_radius + point - 1, max_radius + point - 1),

    name = f"vignette_circle_texture:{diameter}:{color}:{center_alpha}:{outer_alpha}"
    return arcade.Texture(name, image)
    def on_update(self, delta_time):
        self.game_timer += delta_time
        self.fps = 1 / delta_time

        self.musicdt += delta_time
        if self.musicdt >= 59:
            self.musicdt = 0

        self.delta_track += delta_time
        if self.delta_track >= 5:
            if self.coin_counter >= 1:
                self.coin_counter -= 1
            self.delta_track = 0

        if self.got_potion_3:
            self.delta_track2 += delta_time
            if self.delta_track2 >= 1:
                for lava in self.super_lava:
                    if lava.right < 96 * 105:
                        lava.change_x = 5
                self.delta_track2 = 0


        coin_hit_list = arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(
            self.player_sprite, self.coin_list)
        coin_2_hit_list = arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(
            self.player_sprite, self.coin_2_list)
        coin_5_hit_list = arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(
            self.player_sprite, self.coin_5_list)
        coin_secret_hit_list = arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(
            self.player_sprite, self.coin_secret_list)

        for coin in coin_hit_list:
            self.coin_counter += 1

        for coin in coin_2_hit_list:
            self.coin_counter += 2

        for coin in coin_5_hit_list:
            self.coin_counter += 5

        for coin in coin_secret_hit_list:
            self.coin_counter += 5

        self.player_sprite.change_x = 0

        if arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(self.player_sprite,
            self.player_sprite.change_x = 0
            self.player_sprite.change_y = 0
            self.player_sprite.center_x = 40 * 96
            self.player_sprite.center_y = 15 * 96

            self.coin_counter = self.coin_counter // 2

        if arcade.check_for_collision_with_list(self.player_sprite,
            self.player_sprite.change_x = 0
            self.player_sprite.change_y = 0
            self.player_sprite.center_x = 40 * 96
            self.player_sprite.center_y = 15 * 96

            self.coin_counter = self.coin_counter // 2

        if not self.should_be_in_menu:
            if self.left_pressed and not self.right_pressed:
                self.player_sprite.change_x = -PLAYER_MOVEMENT_SPEED

            if self.right_pressed and not self.left_pressed:
                self.player_sprite.change_x = PLAYER_MOVEMENT_SPEED

            # Go To Shop
            if self.player_sprite.right <= 96 * 37 and self.player_sprite.left >= 31 * 96 and self.player_sprite.top <= 16 * 96 and self.player_sprite.bottom >= 12 * 96:
                self.draw_shop_tip = True
                self.draw_shop_tip = False

            # Leave Shop
            if self.player_sprite.left >= 88 * 96 and self.player_sprite.right <= 94 * 96 and self.player_sprite.top <= 16 * 96 and self.player_sprite.bottom >= 12 * 96:
                self.draw_back_tip = True
                self.draw_back_tip = False

            # Go To Jungle Secret Thing
            if self.player_sprite.left >= 73 * 96 and self.player_sprite.right <= 79 * 96 and self.player_sprite.top <= 24 * 96 and self.player_sprite.bottom >= 21 * 96:
                self.draw_jungle_tp = True
                self.draw_jungle_tp = False

            # Go Away From Jungle 1
            if self.player_sprite.left >= 85 * 96 and self.player_sprite.right <= 90 * 96 and self.player_sprite.top <= 62 * 96 and self.player_sprite.bottom >= 57 * 96:
                self.draw_door_1_tip = True
                self.draw_door_1_tip = False

            # Go Away From Jungle 2
            if self.player_sprite.left >= 90 * 96 and self.player_sprite.right <= 95 * 96 and self.player_sprite.top <= 62 * 96 and self.player_sprite.bottom >= 57 * 96:
                self.draw_door_2_tip = True
                self.draw_door_2_tip = False

            # Go Away From Jungle 3
            if self.player_sprite.left >= 96 * 96 and self.player_sprite.right <= 100 * 96 and self.player_sprite.top <= 62 * 96 and self.player_sprite.bottom >= 57 * 96:
                self.draw_door_3_tip = True
                self.draw_door_3_tip = False

            # Get Potion 1
            if self.player_sprite.left >= 88 * 96 and self.player_sprite.right <= 94 * 96 and self.player_sprite.top <= 21 * 96 and self.player_sprite.bottom >= 18 * 96:
                self.draw_potion_1_tip = True
                self.draw_potion_1_tip = False

            # Get Potion 2
            if self.player_sprite.left >= 88 * 96 and self.player_sprite.right <= 94 * 96 and self.player_sprite.top <= 26 * 96 and self.player_sprite.bottom >= 23 * 96:
                self.draw_potion_2_tip = True
                self.draw_potion_2_tip = False

            # Get Potion 3
            if self.player_sprite.left >= 88 * 96 and self.player_sprite.right <= 94 * 96 and self.player_sprite.top <= 31 * 96 and self.player_sprite.bottom >= 28 * 96:
                self.draw_potion_3_tip = True
                self.draw_potion_3_tip = False

            # Secret Tip
            if self.player_sprite.left >= 81 * 96 and self.player_sprite.top <= 4 * 96 and self.player_sprite.bottom >= 0:
                self.draw_secret_tip = True
                self.draw_secret_tip = False

            # Go To Second Part
            if self.player_sprite.left >= 69 * 96 and self.player_sprite.right <= 74 * 96 and self.player_sprite.top <= 32 * 96 and self.player_sprite.bottom >= 27 * 96:
                self.draw_portal_tip = True
                self.draw_portal_tip = False

            if self.game_timer >= self.previous_time and self.run == 2 and not self.drew_game_over:
                window = arcade.get_window()
                if self.coin_counter > self.previous_coins:


        self.view_left = int(
                        self.player_sprite.center_x - SCREEN_WIDTH / 2,
        self.view_bottom = int(
                        self.player_sprite.center_y - SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2,

        if not self.should_be_in_menu:
            arcade.set_viewport(self.view_left, self.view_left + SCREEN_WIDTH,
                                self.view_bottom + SCREEN_HEIGHT)
Пример #19
def test_lerp():
    assert arcade.lerp(2.0, 4.0, 0.75) == approx(3.5)
def rocket_smoke_mutator(particle: arcade.LifetimeParticle):
    particle.scale = arcade.lerp(
        0.5, 3.0, particle.lifetime_elapsed / particle.lifetime_original)
Пример #21
def _lerp_color(start_color: Color, end_color: Color, u: float) -> Color:
    return (int(lerp(start_color[0], end_color[0],
                     u)), int(lerp(start_color[1], end_color[1], u)),
            int(lerp(start_color[2], end_color[2], u)))