Пример #1
 def testtstamp(self):
     est = []
     est.append(len(ap.tstamp()) == len('20140216184029'))
     est.append(len(ap.tstamp("lr")) == len('lr20140216184045'))
     est.append(len(ap.tstamp("lr", "%H%M%S")) == len('lr184045'))
     est.append(len(ap.tstamp("lr", "%H%M%S")) == len('lr184045'))
     est.append(len(ap.tstamp("lr", "%H%M%S", s=('run',1))) == len('lr184527_run_1'))
     obs = [True, True, True, True, True]
     self.assertEqual(est, obs)
Пример #2
 def testtstamp(self):
     est = []
     est.append(len(ap.tstamp()) == len('20140216184029'))
     est.append(len(ap.tstamp("lr")) == len('lr20140216184045'))
     est.append(len(ap.tstamp("lr", "%H%M%S")) == len('lr184045'))
     est.append(len(ap.tstamp("lr", "%H%M%S")) == len('lr184045'))
     est.append(len(ap.tstamp("lr", "%H%M%S", s=('run',1))) == len('lr184527_run_1'))
     obs = [True, True, True, True, True]
     self.assertEqual(est, obs)
Пример #3
# Suppose we want to add full labels indicating landuse at points.
# This can come as a table, json, or other forms. Anyhow, we would
# convert it to a Python dictionary. I simply re-typed help of 'sp':
# http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sp/sp.pdf
landuse2luse = {
    'Aa': 'Agriculture/unspecified', 'Ab': 'Agr/sugar beetsm',
    'Ag': 'Agr/small grains', 'Ah': 'Agr/??', 'Am': 'Agr/maize', 'B': 'woods',
    'Bw': 'trees in pasture', 'DEN': '??', 'Fh': 'tall fruit trees',
    'Fl': 'low fruit trees', 'Fw': 'fruit trees in pasture',
    'Ga': 'home gardens', 'SPO': 'sport field', 'STA': 'stable yard',
    'Tv': '??', 'W': 'pasture'
# now we need to add a column for these labels
ap.add_col(fc, 'luse', 'TEXT')
# and update the column with landuse dictionary:
# (If you're in ArcMap and fc's attribute table is open,
# you will need to Reload Cache in Table Options.)
ap.update_col_from_dict(fc, landuse2luse, 'luse', 'landuse')

# So why didn't we use table join to do this? You could, especially if you
# have Advanced license so you can use JoinFied_management. With Basic license,
# it is much easier to use ap.update_col_from_dict, which is also pretty
# fast on mederate-sized datasets thanks to the use of an update cursor.

# Finally, make a note about this update to metadata of fc
ap.meta(fc, 'APPEND', abstract='Updated at ' + ap.tstamp())

# To list all functions available in arcapi and their help:
Пример #4
    'Bw': 'trees in pasture',
    'DEN': '??',
    'Fh': 'tall fruit trees',
    'Fl': 'low fruit trees',
    'Fw': 'fruit trees in pasture',
    'Ga': 'home gardens',
    'SPO': 'sport field',
    'STA': 'stable yard',
    'Tv': '??',
    'W': 'pasture'
# now we need to add a column for these labels
ap.add_col(fc, 'luse', 'TEXT')
# and update the column with landuse dictionary:
# (If you're in ArcMap and fc's attribute table is open,
# you will need to Reload Cache in Table Options.)
ap.update_col_from_dict(fc, landuse2luse, 'luse', 'landuse')

# So why didn't we use table join to do this?
# You could, especially if you have Advanced
# license so you can use JoinFied_management.
# With Basic license, it is much easier to use
# ap.update_col_from_dict, which is also pretty
# fast with its update cursor.

# Finally, make a note about this update to metadata of fc
ap.meta(fc, 'APPEND', abstract='Updated at ' + ap.tstamp())

# To list all functions available in arcapi and their help: