def row_in_feature_layer(row: pd.Series, feature_layer: FeatureLayer) -> bool: # Null check if pd.isna(row['pin_longitude']) or pd.isna(row['pin_latitude']): return False # Construct a point at the row's coordinates pin = Point({"x": row['pin_longitude'], "y": row['pin_latitude']}) # construct a geometry filter to check if each point is in a disputed area pin_filter = intersects(pin) continue_query = True retries = 0 MAX_RETRIES = 9 # Default to setting in_disputed_area = True to ensure we never show pins in disputed area in_disputed_area = True # Make query to determine whether or not the pin is in the disputed area # If the query times out, retry with exponential backoff while continue_query: try: in_disputed_area = len(feature_layer.query(geometry_filter=pin_filter).features) > 0 continue_query = False except Exception as e: # send slack message if we exceed retry count if retries > MAX_RETRIES: body = f'Unable to check if the record with ID {row["source_id"]} is in a disputed region.' send_slack_message(body, channel='#dev-logging-etl') continue_query = False else: sleep(1.5**(retries)) retries += 1 return in_disputed_area
def thematic_accuracy(out_sdf, df_list, f_thm_acc, them_gis, them_url): print('Running Thematic Accuracy') f_thm_acc = validate_field(f_thm_acc, list(df_list[0])) # List Used for Logging Differences in Population Sources pop_diff = [] for idx, row in enumerate(out_sdf.iterrows()): df_current = df_list[idx] ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Uses Geoenrichment - Not available outside of AGOL # Pull GeoEnrichment Figures # enriched = enrich([row[1]['SHAPE']], gis=geo_gis) # if 'TOTPOP' not in list(enriched): # enriched_pop = -1 # else: # enriched_pop = enriched.TOTPOP[0] # # # Pull Samples From Configured Population Service # img_lyr = ImageryLayer(img_url, gis=geo_gis) # cells = * # samples = img_lyr.get_samples( # row[1]['SHAPE'], # geometry_type='esriGeometryPolygon', # sample_count=cells # ) # sample_total = sum([int(sample['value']) for sample in samples]) # # # Push Significant Values Into List for Averaging # if enriched_pop or sample_total < 100: # pass # else: # diff = abs(enriched_pop - sample_total) # if diff > 100: # pop_diff.append(diff) # # tot_pop = enriched_pop if enriched_pop > 0 else sample_total # tot_pop = tot_pop if tot_pop > 0 else -1 ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------- them_lyr = FeatureLayer(url=them_url, gis=them_gis) geom = Geometry(row[1].SHAPE).buffer(-.01) sp_filter = filters.intersects(geom, 4326) them_sdf = them_lyr.query(geometry_filter=sp_filter, return_all_records=True).df #print(them_sdf) if len(df_current) > 0: count = len(df_current) max_val = df_current[f_thm_acc].max() max_scale = 100 * ( len(df_current[df_current[f_thm_acc] == max_val]) / count) min_val = df_current[f_thm_acc].min() min_scale = 100 * ( len(df_current[df_current[f_thm_acc] == min_val]) / count) vc = df_current[f_thm_acc].value_counts() common = df_current[f_thm_acc].mode() # Used in MSP mean = df_current[f_thm_acc].mean() if len(common) > 0: common = common[0] common_count = vc[common] common_per = (vc[common] / count) * 100 else: common = min_val common_count = 1 common_per = 100 count_2500 = 0 count_5000 = 0 count_12500 = 0 count_25000 = 0 count_50000 = 0 count_100000 = 0 count_250000 = 0 count_500000 = 0 count_1000000 = 0 if 2500 in vc: count_2500 = vc[2500] if 5000 in vc: count_5000 = vc[5000] if 12500 in vc: count_12500 = vc[12500] if 25000 in vc: count_25000 = vc[25000] if 50000 in vc: count_50000 = vc[50000] if 100000 in vc: count_100000 = vc[100000] if 250000 in vc: count_250000 = vc[250000] if 500000 in vc: count_500000 = vc[500000] if 1000000 in vc: count_1000000 = vc[1000000] MSP = get_msp(scale=common) # SHOULD UPDATE MISSION_PLANNING FIELD if not out_sdf['MEAN'][0]: m = 0 else: m = out_sdf['MEAN'][0] SCORE_VALUE = them_sdf['grls_score'].loc[ 0] #get_equal_breaks_score(m)# get_equal_breaks_score(output_features, ['MEAN','EQUAL']) # PUT SCORE IN EQUAL #GRLS = SCORE_VALUE #domScale = common # FIELD 1 is the source, Field 2 is the field to be updated #df_current['EQUAL'] = SCORE_VALUE # ASSIGNS EQUAL TO LANSCAN_SCALE #29 field out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[0], common) # median out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[1], common_count) # % common out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[2], round(common_per, 1)) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[3], min_val) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[4], round(min_scale, 1)) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[5], max_val) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[6], round(max_scale, 1)) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[7], count_2500) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[8], count_5000) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[9], count_12500) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[10], count_25000) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[11], count_50000) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[12], count_100000) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[13], count_250000) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[14], count_500000) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[15], count_1000000) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[16], round(count_2500 * 100 / count, 1)) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[17], round(count_5000 * 100 / count, 1)) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[18], round(count_12500 * 100 / count, 1)) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[19], round(count_25000 * 100 / count, 1)) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[20], round(count_50000 * 100 / count, 1)) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[21], round(count_100000 * 100 / count, 1)) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[22], round(count_250000 * 100 / count, 1)) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[23], round(count_500000 * 100 / count, 1)) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[24], round(count_1000000 * 100 / count, 1)) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[25], count) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[26], str(MSP)) #MISSION_PLANNING FIELD out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[27], SCORE_VALUE) #), # THEMATIC SCALE VALUE #out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[27], tot_pop) # ), # THEMATIC SCALE VALUE out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[28], population_scale( common, SCORE_VALUE)) # POPULATION_SCALE out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[29], mean) #to 28 else: for i in range(0, 25): out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[i], -1) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[25], 0) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[26], 'N/A') out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[27], 'N/A') out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[28], 0) out_sdf.set_value(idx, field_schema.get('them')[29], -1) del df_current #print('Average Difference of Population Estimates: {}'.format(np.average(pop_diff))) return out_sdf
) ct_dist = arcgis.features.FeatureLayer( "" ) dist7 = ct_dist.query(where="DIST=7") origRendInfo = #good to use when finally drawing geometries! print(type(origRendInfo)) # print(origRendInfo) print(origRendInfo['renderer']) polygon = dist7.features[0].geometry #create a geometry object from the geometry property of the json object geomObj = arcgis.geometry.Geometry(polygon) print(geomObj.type) gensD7 = gens.query(geometry_filter=filters.intersects(geomObj)) print(len(gensD7), type(gensD7), type(gens)) print(gensD7.features[0]) gensD7_Layer = arcgis.features.FeatureCollection(gensD7.to_dict()) print(type(gensD7_Layer)) # In[53]: my_gis = GIS() map1 = = [34.2, -118.5] map1.zoom = 9 map1.add_layer(gensD7, origRendInfo['renderer']) #map1.add_layer(dist7)
# Round Lat/Long lat = round(lat, 6) long = round(long, 6) # Convert Lat/Long to USNG m = mgrs.MGRS() usng_raw = m.toMGRS(lat, long) u = str(usng_raw.decode('utf-8')) usng = u[0:3] + ' ' + u[3:5] + ' ' + u[5:10] + ' ' + u[10:15] # Construct point feature geocode_xy = Point({'x': x, 'y': y}) # Feature layer query to find box alarm areas fset_boxalarmareas = fl_boxalarmareas.query( geometry_filter=filters.intersects(geocode_xy)) # Assign box alarm variables boxalarm_fire = None boxalarm_medical = None boxalarm_wildland = None # Loop to populate Box Alarm Variables for boxalarmarea in fset_boxalarmareas: if boxalarmarea.attributes['BoxAlarmType'] == 'FIRE': boxalarm_fire = boxalarmarea.attributes['BoxAlarmNumber'] elif boxalarmarea.attributes['BoxAlarmType'] == 'MEDICAL': boxalarm_medical = boxalarmarea.attributes[ 'BoxAlarmNumber'] elif boxalarmarea.attributes['BoxAlarmType'] == 'WILDLAND': boxalarm_wildland = boxalarmarea.attributes[
}, { "statisticType": "sum", "onStatisticField": "E_NOVEH", "outStatisticFieldName": "SUM_NOVEH" }] data.delete_features(where='1=1') for feature in moderate.features: weather_geom = feature.geometry weather = [weather_geom] weather_proj = project(geometries=weather, in_sr=102100, out_sr=4269, transform_forward=True) svi_weather_selection = svi.query(where="1=1", out_statistics=stats, geometry_filter=intersects( weather_proj[0])) statistics = svi_weather_selection.features[0] proj = str(weather_proj[0]) proj = '{"rings"' + proj[8:] statistics = str(statistics) statistics = statistics[0:-1] statistics = "" + statistics + ', "geometry": ' + proj + '}' statistics = json.loads(statistics) data.edit_features(adds=[statistics]) for feature in severe.features: weather_geom = feature.geometry weather = [weather_geom] weather_proj = project(geometries=weather, in_sr=102100, out_sr=4269, transform_forward=True)
# Process data errad_summarize = erradicacion_df.groupby(['nombremunicipio' ])['hectareas'].sum() updates = [] for row in erradicacion_lyr.query(where="nombremunicipio = '-'"): # get attributes oid = row.attributes['OBJECTID'] x = row.geometry["x"] y = row.geometry["y"] # Create spatial filter point = Point({"x": x, "y": y}) sr = SpatialReference({"wkid": 4326}) geom_filter = filters.intersects(point, sr) # Query data using a point (Identify) mpio = mpio_layer.query( out_fields="coddane, nombremunicipio, nombredepartamento", geometry_filter=geom_filter, return_geometry=False) # Create update record nombre_mpio = mpio.features[0].attributes["nombremunicipio"] nombre_depto = mpio.features[0].attributes["nombredepartamento"] coddane = mpio.features[0].attributes["coddane"] update = { "attributes": { "objectid": oid, "NombreMunicipio": nombre_mpio,