def _handle_response(res, stype, gis, as_dict): """ Handles returning the data in the proper format ================ =============================================================== **Argument** **Description** ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- res Required Dict. The response dictionary from the query call. ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- stype Required String. The search type to find. This tells the internal method what type of return object should be used. ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- gis Required GIS. The connection object. ---------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- as_dict Required Boolean. If True, the response comes back as a dictionary. ================ =============================================================== :returns: List """ if as_dict: return res['results'] elif str(stype).lower() in {"content", "item", "items", "group_content"}: return [Item(itemid=r['id'], itemdict=r, gis=gis) for r in res['results']] elif str(stype).lower() in ["user", "users", "accounts", "account"]: return [User(gis=gis, username=r['username'], userdict=res) for r in res['results']] elif str(stype).lower() in ["groups", 'group']: return [Group(groupdict=r, groupid=r['id'], gis=gis) for r in res['results']] return res['results']
def updateUser(userList, userLevel, userGroup, markedForDeletion): user = None def updateUserLevels(): try: user.update_level('2') user.update_role('org_user') print('Full name: ' + userID.fullName) print('User name: ' + userID.username) print('Email: ' + print('Applying change to user level: ' + except Exception as e: print('An error occurred: ' + e.args[0] + ' updating user') def addUserToGroup(grpObj): try: UpdateGroup(grpObj, user) except Exception as e: print('An error occurred adding the user to group: ' + grpObj) def runUpdate(): try: if userLevel: updateUserLevels() if userGroup: if isinstance(uids, dict): for id, grps in uids.items(): if isinstance(grps, list): for grp in grps: if id == addUserToGroup(grp) else: if id == addUserToGroup(grps) if isinstance(uids, list): grpObj = getGroups(None, None, None) addUserToGroup(grpObj) except Exception as e: print('An error occurred updating user \n' + e.args[0]) try: for userID in userList: user = User(gis, userID.username) if markedForDeletion: deleteUser(user) if userID.username != portalOwner and not markedForDeletion: runUpdate() except Exception as e: print('An error occurred retrieving user - ' + e.args[0])
def getGroupMembers(grpObj): try: group = grpObj grpMembers = group.get_members() print('Group Managers: ') grpUsers = [] for grpAdmin in grpMembers['admins']: user = User(gis, grpAdmin) print('Username: '******' - Full Name: ' + user.fullName + ' - Email: ' + grpUsers.append(user) print('Group Users: ') for grpUser in grpMembers['users']: user = User(gis, grpUser) print('Username: '******' - Full Name: ' + user.fullName + ' - Email: ' + grpUsers.append(user) return grpUsers except Exception as e: print('An Error occurred getting Group members - ' + e.args[0])
def _assert_privileges_access(user: User) -> None: """Helper function determining if can access user privileges.""" assert 'privileges' in user.keys(), f'Cannot access privileges of {user.username}. Please ensure either this is ' \ 'your username, or you are logged in as an administrator to be able to ' \ 'view privileges.'
USR, P, BOXDIR ='\n') except ValueError: print(ValueError) pass # we connect to my arcgis account using the previous credentials def connect_to_arcgis(_profile): gis = GIS(profile=_profile) print('Connected successfully to the [' + + '] organization\n') return gis GIS = connect_to_arcgis('geogeeks') USER = User(GIS, USR, userdict=None) ARCGISBOXDIR = os.path.normpath(str(Path.home()) + BOXDIR) # we make sure the the arcgisbox dir do not previously exists and delete it if so if Path(ARCGISBOXDIR).exists(): shutil.rmtree(ARCGISBOXDIR) os.mkdir(ARCGISBOXDIR) # we recursively loop through each folder downloading the items type given in file_types def create_folder_structure(_user): """ This function replicate the folder structure of the user account """ flds = _user.folders
txt = open( r"C:\data\gtg-data\projects\_agol-slicer\AGO_items_by_group.json" ).read() item_types = json.loads(txt) print('getting credentials...') creds = getUserCreds() url = creds[0] un = creds[1] pw = creds[2] out_xlsx = creds[3] print('accessing AGO...') gis = GIS(url, un, pw) user = User(gis, un) ## future ref- can use to get list ## of all users in org. Loop all users through the ## getContent funct to get whole org's content. ## consider new tab/df for each user print('getting user' 's content...') item_dict = getContent(user) print('organizing content by type...') apps, maps, lyrs, data = sortContent(item_dict, item_types) print('creating XLSX...') wb, sh = createWorkbook(out_xlsx, un) print('writing to XLSX...') writeItems(wb, sh, apps, maps, lyrs, data) except KeyError as e: