def create_new_webmap(project_name, layer_names, *args): """ creates a web map, adds feature layers to web map, and defines properties for layers and the web map Args: project_name (str): name of project layer_names (list): list of layer names to be added to web map Raises: TypeError: if project name is not type of string TypeError: if layer names is not type of list TypeError: if layer name is not type of string """ if not isinstance(project_name, str): raise TypeError('expected project name to be type of str') if not isinstance(layer_names, list): raise TypeError('expected layer names to be type of list') for layer_name in layer_names: if not isinstance(layer_name, str): raise TypeError('expected layer name to be type of str') # get feature layers collection and update its properties feature_layers = get_feature_layers_collection(project_name) feature_layers_properties = get_properties_from_project( project_name=project_name, content_type='Feature Layer', project_additional_info=list(args)) feature_layers.update(item_properties=feature_layers_properties) protect_share_item(feature_layers) # create a new web map new_web_map = WebMap() print('creating a new web map') # add feature layers to the web map for feature_layer in feature_layers.layers: new_web_map.add_layer(layer=feature_layer) print('adding', feature_layers.title, 'to web map') # define properties for the web map web_map_properties = get_properties_from_project( project_name=project_name, content_type='WebMap', project_additional_info=list(args)) # create popups for map layers create_popups(web_map=new_web_map, project_name=project_name, layer_names=layer_names) # save the web map print('saving web map in portal')
def processMap(processOrg, fldr, mapTitle, mpNum, mpLayerTags, termsOfUse): #Flatten and get the unique Tags mpTags = reduce(operator.concat, mpLayerTags) uniqueMpTags = set(mpTags) # Accesses the map metadata to understand the layers that are used in the map # Creates a list of the layers found styleFrontUrl = "" folderProcess = fldr #"HarvardForestDataMap" mTitle = mapTitle #'Harvard Forest Data Map' mapNum = mpNum #17305 procSpace = r'C:\projects\HarvardMap\Data\{}'.format(folderProcess) # Dictionary lookup for sld styles sldGeomLookup = {} sldGeomLookup['MultiPolygon'] = "Polygon" sldGeomLookup['MultiLineString'] = "Polyline" sldGeomLookup['Point'] = "Point" # log into the org #gis = GIS(profile='harvardworldmap') gis = processOrg #(profile="myorg") # Access the map inventory Excel file and load into a dataframe for later access #mapDF = pd.read_csv(r"C:\projects\HarvardMap\Data\maps_tab\maps_tab_excelExport.csv",sep=',') #seaMP = mapDF[ == '{}'.format(mapNum)] # read in the Published map data layers from conversion script # Add to a dataframe for later access # Connect to the log table to determine tbIT = gis.content.get('5ca2378ea96e48e7b5739b6121557c3e') # c2169b562b4f407e8acf2e2b73b11a4a # 5ca2378ea96e48e7b5739b6121557c3e tbl = tbIT.tables[0] tbDF = tbl.query(where="mapname='{}'".format(mapTitle), as_df=True) lyrlgPubPath = '{}\{}PubLyrLog.txt'.format(procSpace, mTitle) #pubLyrDataFrame = pd.read_csv(lyrlgPubPath,index_col='indxCol') browser = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path=r"C:\projects\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe") #url = "" url = "{}".format(mapNum) # url = "{0}+{1}&StartDate=09%2F12%2F2016&EndDate=12%2F31%2F2016".format(firstName,lastName) browser.implicitly_wait(60) a = browser.get(url) # FireFox # browser = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=r"C:\Software\geckodriver-v0.20.0-win64\geckodriver.exe") # browser.get(url) # opnFile = open(r"C:\Dev\Python\OsirisTools\pythclass.html",'r') # pgSource = BeautifulSoup(opnFile,'html.parser') pgSource = BeautifulSoup(browser.page_source, 'html.parser') # Create an empty webmap empty_webmap = WebMap() s = pgSource.head.find_all('script') jj = s[18] regex = re.compile('\n^(.*?){(.*?)$|,', re.MULTILINE) js_text = re.findall( regex, jj.string) #Change jj.text to jj.string based on error mapJsonpre = js_text[76][1] mapJson = '{0}{1}'.format('{', mapJsonpre[:-2]) mpJ = json.loads(mapJson) # Map Description from the JSON if mpJ['about']['introtext']: mapDesc = mpJ['about']['introtext'] else: mapDesc = mTitle # Map scale #if mpJ['map']['maxResolution']: #mapScale = ['map']['maxResolution'] grpDict = {} # Pull the group names into a list to reverse their order to preserve layer order from the map grpNames = [grp['group'] for grp in mpJ['map']['groups']] grpNames.reverse() for grp in grpNames: #mpJ['map']['groups']: grpName = grp #['group'] print('GroupName :: {} '.format(grpName)) grpLyrs = [] for lyr in mpJ['map']['layers']: if lyr['group'] == grpName: print(lyr['title']) #if lyr['visibility']: #if lyr['visibility']: #visibile layer start if lyr['title'] == 'Population Density (2010)km2': print('need to stop') # # use the name to link over to the item ID # if not 'geonode:' in lyr['name']: # llkUP = lyr['detail_url'].split("/")[-1] # print(llkUP) # else: # llkUP = lyr['name'] # isolate and test if the current layer is published vectordata #publyrLookupID = tbDF.query("geonodeSRC == '{}'".format(llkUP)) # search for the published Layer by snippet addLayer ='snippet:"{}"'.format( lyr['name']), item_type="Feature Layer") if len(addLayer) == 1: # Check for styles in layer if 'styles' in lyr and lyr['styles'] != '': lyrStylesUrl = styleFrontUrl sldFileURLTest = "{}{}".format(styleFrontUrl, lyr['styles']) if ".sld" in sldFileURLTest: sldFileURL = sldFileURLTest else: sldFileURL = "{}.sld".format(sldFileURLTest) else: #Check the layer info page lyrInfo = urllib.request.urlopen( '{}'.format( lyr['name'])) lyrInfoRD = lyrInfoRDDC = lyrInfoRD.decode('utf-8') lyrInfoSoup = BeautifulSoup(lyrInfoRDDC) spnTyle = lyrInfoSoup.find( 'span', attrs={'class': 'styles-list'}) if spnTyle: styles = spnTyle.find_all('a') if len(styles) > 0: sldFileURL = styles[0].attrs['href'] # Need to write in how to distinguish renderer type #simple_renderer = {"renderer": "autocast", "type": "simple"} # Check the style Geometry #test the url for a valid connectiono try: stylOpen = urllib.request.urlopen(sldFileURL).read() stylOpenDecode = stylOpen.decode('utf-8') if 'PolygonSymbolizer' in stylOpenDecode: sldGeom = 'Polygon' elif 'LineSymbolizer' in stylOpenDecode: sldGeom = 'Polyline' elif 'PointSymbolizer' in stylOpenDecode: sldGeom = 'Point' # Find the geometry type and pass it to the right render Geometry #sldGeom = sldGeomLookup[publyrLookupID.geometryType.values[0]] renren = "" if sldGeom == 'Point': pntRenderer = symbolsPoints.processPointSymbol( sldFileURL) renren = pntRenderer if sldGeom == 'Polygon': polyRenderer = symbolsPolygon.processPolygonSymbol( sldFileURL) if polyRenderer[1] == 'classbreaks': sdf = pd.DataFrame.spatial.from_layer( addLayer[0].layers[0]) if polyRenderer[0]['field'][0] == '_': sdfRenFLD = 'F{}'.format( polyRenderer[0]['field']) else: sdfRenFLD = polyRenderer[0]['field'] genRen = generate_renderer('Polygon', sdf, render_type='c', field=sdfRenFLD) brks = polyRenderer[0]['classBreakInfos'] genRen['classBreakInfos'] = brks polyRenderer.pop(0) polyRenderer.insert(0, genRen) renren = polyRenderer if sldGeom == 'Polyline': lnRenderer = symbolsLines.processLineSymbol( sldFileURL) if lnRenderer[1] == 'classbreaks': sdf = pd.DataFrame.spatial.from_layer( addLayer[0].layers[0]) if lnRenderer[0]['field'][0] == '_': sdfRenFLD = 'F{}'.format( lnRenderer[0]['field']) else: sdfRenFLD = lnRenderer[0]['field'] genRen = generate_renderer('Polyline', sdf, render_type='c', field=sdfRenFLD) brks = lnRenderer[0]['classBreakInfos'] genRen['classBreakInfos'] = brks lnRenderer.pop(0) lnRenderer.insert(0, genRen) renren = lnRenderer #renren[0]["renderer"] = "autocast" # Get the item from the org #addLayer ='snippet:"{}"') #addLayer = gis.content.get(publyrLookupID.itemID.values[0]) if renren != "": empty_webmap.add_layer( addLayer[0].layers[0], { "type": "FeatureLayer", "renderer": renren[0], 'visibility': lyr['visibility'] }) else: empty_webmap.add_layer( addLayer[0].layers[0], { "type": "FeatureLayer", 'visibility': lyr['visibility'] }) except: empty_webmap.add_layer( addLayer[0].layers[0], { "type": "FeatureLayer", 'visibility': lyr['visibility'] }) pass # Add an item update to remove the tracking snippet # addLayer.update(item_properties={'snippet': "{}".format(lyr['title'])}) grpLyrs.append(lyr) else: print('Current Layer {} does not have a featurelayer') grpLyrs.append(lyr) # # use the name to link over to the item ID # if not 'geonode:' in lyr['name']: # llkUP = lyr['detail_url'].split("/")[-1] # print(llkUP) # else: # llkUP = lyr['name'] # # # publyrLookupID = pubLyrDataFrame.query("geonodeSRC == '{}'".format(llkUP)) grpDict[grpName] = grpLyrs webmapprops = { 'title': '{}'.format(mTitle), 'description': mapDesc, 'licenseInfo': termsOfUse, 'snippet': ' ', 'tags': uniqueMpTags }
for layer in wm.definition['operationalLayers']: if layer['title'] in LayerDict: # Keep Original Title for Updating Content if Changing Title (Key Will Change) orig_title = layer['title'] # Get List Index of Item (Updating Content Based on Index in OperationalLayers List in AGO) index = wm.definition['operationalLayers'].index(layer) # Change Dictionary/JSON values (Visiblity/Title Below) **Not Working Right Now*** if LayerDict[layer['title']][2] is False: layer['visibility'] = False else: layer['visibility'] = True if LayerDict[layer['title']][1]: layer['title'] = LayerDict[layer['title']][1] # Grab JSON File Content and Use to Update AGO JSON (Using Layer Index in Operational Layers List) with open(LayerDict[orig_title][0]) as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) wm.definition['operationalLayers'][index] = data # Set New Item Properties and Save Map web_map_properties = { 'title': 'AGRI Base Template', 'snippet': 'Base Template for BC Ministry of Agriculture Web Maps', 'tags': 'AGRI' } web_map_item = print("Done")
#Set the Title of the web map# name = webmap_result.title print ("The title of the map is " + name) print("\n") #Place the search result into the WebMap class# webmap = WebMap(webmap_result) #Collect and display a list of the layers within the web map# layersList = webmap.layers print ("Layers: \n") for item in layersList: print (item.title) print("\n") #Establish the required Item Properties# itemProperties = {'title':'Knoxville_QC_Map_Live_BACKUP_' + today, 'snippet':'Backup Knoxville_QC_Map_Live map created using Python API', 'tags':['automation', 'Backup']} #Save the web map as a copy into the desired folder# = itemProperties, folder = "Backup Web Maps") print ("Backup Complete")
def create_map_add_views(views_dict, web_map_title='web map title', web_map_snippet='web map snippet', web_map_tags='web map tags'): # create a map and add the views to it and then set the visibility of all them to false # create empty map web_map = WebMap() # add views to the map for key, value in views_dict.items(): print(key) map_renderer = { "renderer": "autocast", #This tells python to use JS autocasting "type": "classBreaks", "field": key, "minValue": 1 } map_renderer["visualVariables"] = [{ "type": "sizeInfo", "expression": "view.scale", "field": key, "stops": [{ "size": 1.5, "value": 50921 }, { "size": 0.75, "value": 159129 }, { "size": 0.375, "value": 636517 }, { "size": 0, "value": 1273034 }] }] map_renderer["classBreakInfos"] = [{ "symbol": { "color": [90, 106, 56, 255], "outline": { "color": [194, 194, 194, 64], "width": 0.75, "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid" }, "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid" }, "label": "1", "classMaxValue": 1 }, { "symbol": { "color": [117, 144, 67, 255], "outline": { "color": [194, 194, 194, 64], "width": 0.75, "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid" }, "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid" }, "label": "2", "classMaxValue": 2 }, { "symbol": { "color": [143, 178, 77, 255], "outline": { "color": [194, 194, 194, 64], "width": 0.75, "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid" }, "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid" }, "label": "3", "classMaxValue": 3 }, { "symbol": { "color": [200, 223, 158, 255], "outline": { "color": [194, 194, 194, 64], "width": 0.75, "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid" }, "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSSolid" }, "label": "4", "classMaxValue": 4 }] web_map.add_layer( gis.content.get(views_dict[key]), { "type": "FeatureLayer", "renderer": map_renderer, "field_name": key, "minValue": 1 }) # save the map web_map_properties = { 'title': web_map_title, 'snippet': web_map_snippet, 'tags': web_map_tags } web_map_item = # get json data of the web map map_search = map_item = map_search[0] map_json = map_item.get_data() # set visibility to false for layer in map_json['operationalLayers']: layer['visibility'] = False # update the json file of the web map item_properties = {"text": json.dumps(map_json)} item = gis.content.get( item.update(item_properties=item_properties) return web_map_item
if len(existing_webmap) > 0: answer = input( '"{}" webmap exists, delete it? (y/n): '.format(webmap_name)) for i in existing_webmap: delete_map(answer, i, webmap_name) # Set the webmap properties and tags, then save it to my gis. If one already exists with the same name, # it will create another one webmap_item_properties = { 'title': webmap_name, 'snippet': webmap_name, 'tags': ['webmap', 'epa', 'python'] } print('saving webmap') # wait until webmap exists before doing anything with it my_webmap =, item_type="Web Map") while len(my_webmap) == 0: my_webmap =, item_type="Web Map") if len(my_webmap) == 1: break # to make changes to the initial map, need to share it publicly my_webmap = my_webmap[0] my_webmap.share(everyone=True) # update extent of webmap- this one is Manhattan update_parameters = {'extent': '-74.227,40.537,-73.601,40.862'}
"width": 1, "type": "esriSLS", "style": "esriSLSSolid" }, "type": "esriSFS", "style": "esriSFSDiagonalCross" } i = 0 while i < len(wm.layers): if wm.definition.operationalLayers[i].title == "Historic counties": print("Layer found in index: ", i) wm.definition.operationalLayers[ i].title = "Historic counties (renamed)" wm.definition.operationalLayers[ i].popupInfo.title = "Historic counties (also renamed)" wm.definition.operationalLayers[ i].layerDefinition.drawingInfo.renderer.symbol = fillSymbolDiagonal i = i + 1 properties = { "title": "Webmap from the API", # string. "snippet": "Short description", # string. Provide a short summary (limit to max 250 characters) of the what the item is. "description": "Demo <b>webmap</b>", # string. Provide a lists all sub-types, see URL 1 below for valid values. "tags": "webmap,python,api", "access": "public" } public_wm = print("New webmap created: ", public_wm.itemid)