def responses(self, section, question):
     assert ISurveySection.providedBy(section), "Not a survey section"
     assert IQuestion.providedBy(question), "Not a question"
     results = []
     for response in section.responses.values():
         results.append(response.get(question.cluster, ""))
     return results
Пример #2
    def manage(self):
        post = self.request.POST
        if 'cancel' in self.request.POST:
            url = self.request.resource_url(self.context)
            return HTTPFound(location = url)
        if 'save' in post:
            url = self.request.resource_url(self.context, 'manage')
            return HTTPFound(location = url)

        response = {}
        picked_questions = set()
        survey_sections = []
        for section in self.context.values():
            if not ISurveySection.providedBy(section):
        response['survey_sections'] = survey_sections
        if not survey_sections:
            msg = _(u"no_sections_added_notice",
                    default = u"You need to add a Survey section "
                        "and then use this view to manage the questions.")
            self.flash_messages.add(msg, auto_destruct = False)
        #Load all question objects that haven't been picked
        response['available_questions'] = self.get_questions(exclude = picked_questions)
        return response
Пример #3
def get_picked_choice(request, section, question, participant_uid, default = None, lang = None):
    Only works on questions with single choice questions right now.

    :param section: SurveySection instance
    :param question: Question instance
    :param participant_uid: Respondent (survey participant) id.
    :param default: Return this if not found.
    :return: Choice object or default.
    if not ISurveySection.providedBy(section):
        raise TypeError("section must be a SurveySection object") #pragma: no coverage
    if not IQuestion.providedBy(question):
        raise TypeError("question must be a Question object") #pragma: no coverage
    if lang is None:
        lang = request.locale_name
    question_widget = get_question_widget(request, question)
    if question_widget.allow_choices == True and question_widget.multichoice == False:
        choice_id = section.responses.get(participant_uid, {}).get(question.cluster)
        if choice_id:
            query = "type_name == 'Choice' and cluster == '%s'" % choice_id
            for docid in request.root.catalog.query(query + " and language == '%s'" % lang)[1]:
                #Generator with one item in this case
                for obj in request.resolve_docids(docid, perm = None):
                    return obj
            for docid in request.root.catalog.query(query)[1]:
                #Generator that may have more items, but we're interested in any of them
                for obj in request.resolve_docids(docid, perm = None):
                    return obj
    return default
Пример #4
def referenced_section_widget(node, kw):
    context = kw['context']
    values = [('', _("<Select>"))]
    survey = find_interface(context, ISurvey)
    for obj in survey.values():
        if ISurveySection.providedBy(obj):
            values.append((obj.uid, obj.title))
    return deform.widget.SelectWidget(values = values)
Пример #5
 def process_question_ids(self):
     sect_id_questions = self.request.POST.dict_of_lists()
     for section in self.context.values():
         if ISurveySection.providedBy(section):
             sect_id_questions.setdefault(section.__name__, [])
     for (sect_id, question_ids) in sect_id_questions.items():
         if sect_id in self.context: #Might be other things than section ids within the post
             self.context[sect_id].question_ids = question_ids
 def responses(self, section, question):
     assert ISurveySection.providedBy(section), "Not a survey section"
     assert IQuestion.providedBy(question), "Not a question"
     results = {}
     for response in section.responses.values():
         val = response.get(question.cluster, "")
         if val in results:
             results[val] += 1
             results[val] = 1
     return results
Пример #7
 def clone_survey(self, parent_path, name):
     new_survey = deepcopy(self.context)
     #new_survey.title = title
     new_survey.uid = unicode(uuid4())
     #Clear tokens
     #Reset uid and clear responses
     for obj in new_survey.values():
         obj.uid = unicode(uuid4())
         if ISurveySection.providedBy(obj):
     #Attach and reindex contained
     parent = find_resource(self.root, parent_path)
     parent[name] = new_survey
     for obj in new_survey.values():
         objectEventNotify(ObjectAddedEvent(obj, new_survey, obj.__name__))
     return new_survey
Пример #8
 def get_participants_data(self):
     """Returns the participants with statistics on the survey
     participants = []
     for (email, uid) in self.tokens.items():
         participant = {} 
         participant['uid'] = uid
         participant['email'] = email
         response = 0
         questions = 0
         sections = [x for x in self.values() if ISurveySection.providedBy(x)]
         for section in sections:
             response += len(section.responses.get(uid, {}))
             questions += len(section.question_ids)
         if response != 0:
             participant['finished'] = Decimal(response) / Decimal(questions) * 100
             participant['finished'] = 0                
     return participants
Пример #9
 def get_sections(self):
     for obj in self.context.values():
         if ISurveySection.providedBy(obj):
             yield obj