def find_states(fc, state_fc): """Populate *_states field. States fc must have field 'states' with length 255 and state abbreviations within.""" states_field = '{}_states'.format(os.path.basename(fc)) if arcpy.ListFields(fc, states_field): DM.DeleteField(fc, states_field) # reverse buffer the states slightly to avoid "D", "I", "J" situations in "INTERSECT" illustration # from graphic examples of ArcGIS join types "Select polygon using polygon" section in Help # make a field mapping that gathers all the intersecting states into one new value field_list = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(fc) if f.type <> 'OID' and f.type <> 'Geometry'] field_mapping = arcpy.FieldMappings() for f in field_list: map = arcpy.FieldMap() map.addInputField(fc, f) field_mapping.addFieldMap(map) map_states = arcpy.FieldMap() map_states.addInputField(state_fc, 'states') map_states.mergeRule = 'Join' map_states.joinDelimiter = ' ' field_mapping.addFieldMap(map_states) # perform join and use output to replace original fc spjoin = AN.SpatialJoin(fc, state_fc, 'in_memory/spjoin_intersect', 'JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE', field_mapping=field_mapping, match_option='INTERSECT') DM.AlterField(spjoin, 'states', new_field_name=states_field, clear_field_alias=True) DM.Delete(fc) DM.CopyFeatures(spjoin, fc) DM.Delete(spjoin)
def drought_analysis(date_string): ARCPY.env.overwriteOutput = True working_dir = r"C:\Data\git\devsummit-14-python" zip_name = "USDM_" + date_string + "" url = "" + zip_name mxd_path = OS.path.join(working_dir, "MapTemplate.mxd") lyr_template = OS.path.join(working_dir, "CurrentDroughtConditions.lyr") zip_name = OS.path.basename(url) drought_zip_file = URLLIB.URLopener() dzf = drought_zip_file.retrieve(url, OS.path.join(r"C:\Temp", zip_name)) zf = ZIPFILE.ZipFile(dzf[0], "r") shp_name = [n for n in zf.namelist() if n.endswith('.shp')][0] zf.extractall(working_dir) drought = OS.path.splitext(shp_name)[0] DM.MakeFeatureLayer(OS.path.join(working_dir, shp_name), drought) #### Add Winery Data #### beerWinePath = OS.path.join(working_dir, "BeerWine", "BeerWine.gdb", "BeerWine") intermediate_output = OS.path.join(working_dir, "BeerWine", "BeerWine.gdb", "BeerWineDrought") wine = "BeerWine" wine_drought = "Wine_Drought" DM.MakeFeatureLayer(beerWinePath, wine) DM.SelectLayerByAttribute(wine, "NEW_SELECTION", "Type = 'Winery'") ANALYSIS.SpatialJoin(drought, wine, intermediate_output, "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", "KEEP_ALL") try: DM.DeleteField(intermediate_output, "NAME") except: pass final_wine_drought = "Wine_Drought_Summary" DM.MakeFeatureLayer(intermediate_output, final_wine_drought) lf = DM.SaveToLayerFile( final_wine_drought, OS.path.join(working_dir, '{}.lyr'.format(final_wine_drought))) DM.ApplySymbologyFromLayer(lf, lyr_template) pw = "PASSWORDHERE" #GETPASS.getpass("Enter AGOL password:"******"Drought_Wine_Service" agol = AGOLHandler("USERNAMEHERE", pw, service_name) publish_service(agol, service_name, mxd_path, lf[0]) TIME.sleep(5) fs_url = agol.findItemURL('Feature Service') TIME.sleep(35) gp_url, jsondata = enrich(agol, fs_url + '/0', '{}_Enriched'.format(service_name), agol.token) check_job_status(gp_url, jsondata, agol.token) DM.Delete(OS.path.join(working_dir, shp_name)) DM.Delete(OS.path.join(working_dir, lf[0]))
def georeference_lakes( lake_points_fc, out_fc, lake_id_field, lake_name_field, lake_county_field='', state='', master_gdb=r'C:\Users\smithn78\Dropbox\CL_HUB_GEO\Lake_Georeferencing\Masters_for_georef.gdb' ): """ Evaluate water quality sampling point locations and either assign the point to a lake polygon or flag the point for manual review. :param lake_points_fc: :param out_fc: :param lake_id_field: :param lake_name_field: :param lake_county_field: :param state: :param master_gdb: Location of master geodatabase used for linking :return: """ master_lakes_fc = os.path.join(master_gdb, MASTER_LAKES_FC) master_lakes_lines = os.path.join(master_gdb, MASTER_LAKES_LINES) master_streams_fc = os.path.join(master_gdb, MASTER_STREAMS_FC) master_xwalk = os.path.join(master_gdb, MASTER_XWALK) # setup arcpy.AddMessage("Joining...") state = state.upper() if state not in STATES: raise ValueError('Use the 2-letter state code abbreviation') arcpy.env.workspace = 'in_memory' out_short = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(out_fc))[0] join1 = '{}_1'.format(out_short) join2 = '{}_2'.format(out_short) join3 = '{}_3'.format(out_short) join3_select = join3 + '_select' join4 = '{}_4'.format(out_short) join5 = '{}_5'.format(out_short) joinx = '{}_x'.format(out_short) county_name_results = arcpy.ListFields( lake_points_fc, '{}*'.format(lake_county_field))[0].name if lake_county_field and not lake_county_field in county_name_results: print('{} field does not exist in dataset.'.format(lake_county_field)) raise Exception point_fields = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(lake_points_fc)] # update the lake id to a text field if not already lake_id_field_type = arcpy.ListFields(lake_points_fc, lake_id_field)[0].type if lake_id_field_type != 'String': temp_id_field = '{}_t'.format(lake_id_field) arcpy.AddField_management(lake_points_fc, '{}_t'.format(lake_id_field), 'TEXT', '255') expr = '!{}!'.format(lake_id_field) arcpy.CalculateField_management(lake_points_fc, temp_id_field, expr, 'PYTHON') arcpy.DeleteField_management(lake_points_fc, lake_id_field) arcpy.AlterField_management(lake_points_fc, temp_id_field, new_field_name=lake_id_field) # Try to make some spatial connections and fulfill some logic to assign a link join1 = AN.SpatialJoin(lake_points_fc, master_lakes_fc, join1, 'JOIN_ONE_TO_MANY', 'KEEP_ALL', match_option='INTERSECT') join2 = AN.SpatialJoin(join1, master_streams_fc, join2, 'JOIN_ONE_TO_MANY', 'KEEP_ALL', match_option='INTERSECT') join3 = AN.SpatialJoin(join2, master_lakes_fc, join3, 'JOIN_ONE_TO_MANY', 'KEEP_ALL', match_option='INTERSECT', search_radius='10 meters') join4 = AN.SpatialJoin(join3, master_lakes_fc, join4, 'JOIN_ONE_TO_MANY', 'KEEP_ALL', match_option='INTERSECT', search_radius='100 meters') # setup for editing lake assignment values DM.AddField(join4, 'Auto_Comment', 'TEXT', field_length=100) DM.AddField(join4, 'Manual_Review', 'SHORT') DM.AddField(join4, 'Shared_Words', 'TEXT', field_length=100) DM.AddField(join4, 'Linked_lagoslakeid', 'LONG') DM.AddField(join4, 'GEO_Discovered_Name', 'TEXT', field_length=255) DM.AddField(join4, 'Duplicate_Candidate', 'TEXT', field_length=1) DM.AddField(join4, 'Is_Legacy_Link', 'TEXT', field_length=1) update_fields = [ lake_id_field, lake_name_field, MASTER_LAKE_ID, MASTER_GNIS_NAME, # 0m match 'PERMANENT_IDENTIFIER_1', 'GNIS_NAME_1', # stream match MASTER_LAKE_ID + '_1', MASTER_GNIS_NAME + '_12', # 10m match MASTER_LAKE_ID + '_12', MASTER_GNIS_NAME + '_12_13', # 100m match 'Auto_Comment', 'Manual_Review', 'Shared_Words', 'Linked_lagoslakeid' ] # use a cursor to go through each point and evaluate its assignment cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(join4, update_fields) arcpy.AddMessage("Calculating link status...") for row in cursor: id, name, mid_0, mname_0, stream_id, streamname_0, mid_10, mname_10, mid_100, mname_100, comment, review, words, lagosid = row if mid_0 is not None: # if the point is directly in a polygon if name and mname_0: words = lagosGIS.list_shared_words(name, mname_0, exclude_lake_words=False) comment = 'Exact location link' lagosid = mid_0 review = -1 elif mid_0 is None and mid_10 is not None: # if the point is only within 10m of a lake if name and mname_10: words = lagosGIS.list_shared_words(name, mname_10, exclude_lake_words=False) if words: comment = 'Linked by common name and location' lagosid = mid_10 review = -1 else: comment = 'Linked by common location' lagosid = mid_10 review = 1 elif mid_0 is None and mid_10 is None: if stream_id is not None: # if there is a stream match comment = 'Not linked because represented as river in NHD' review = 2 else: if mid_100 is not None: # if the point is only within 100m of lake(s) if name and mname_100: words = lagosGIS.list_shared_words( name, mname_100, exclude_lake_words=True) # TODO: Frequency check if words: comment = 'Linked by common name and location' lagosid = mid_100 review = 1 else: comment = 'Linked by common location' lagosid = mid_100 review = 2 cursor.updateRow( (id, name, mid_0, mname_0, stream_id, streamname_0, mid_10, mname_10, mid_100, mname_100, comment, review, words, lagosid)) # # So I haven't been able to get the county logic to work and it hasn't been that important yet, ignore for now # Select down to a minimum set because we're about to join on county, which will create lots of duplicate matches # Then join calculated results back to full set # if lake_county_field: # join5 = AN.Select(join4, join5, 'Manual_Review IS NULL') # lakes_state = AN.Select(MASTER_LAKES_FC, 'lakes_state', "{0} = '{1}'".format(MASTER_STATE_NAME, state)) # lakes_state_lyr = DM.MakeFeatureLayer(lakes_state, 'lakes_state_lyr') # join5_lyr = DM.MakeFeatureLayer(join5, 'join5_lyr') # DM.AddJoin(join5_lyr, lake_county_field, lakes_state_lyr, MASTER_COUNTY_NAME) # join5_with_county = DM.CopyFeatures(join5_lyr, 'join5_with_cty') # j5 = 'DEDUPED_CA_SWAMP_data_linked_5.' # # county_update_fields = [j5 + lake_id_field, j5 + lake_name_field, j5 + lake_county_field, # 'lakes_state.' + MASTER_LAKE_ID, 'lakes_state.' + MASTER_GNIS_NAME, 'lakes_state.' + MASTER_COUNTY_NAME, # j5 + 'Auto_Comment', j5 + 'Manual_Review', j5 + 'Shared_Words', # j5 + 'Linked_lagoslakeid'] # with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(join5_lyr, county_update_fields) as cursor: # for row in cursor: # id, name, county, mid_cty, mname_cty, mcounty, comment, review, words, lagosid = row # if county is not None and mcounty is not None: # if name and mname_cty: # words = lagosGIS.list_shared_words(name, mname_cty, exclude_lake_words=True) # if words: # comment = 'PRELIMINARY: Linked by common name and location' # lagosid = mid_cty # review = 2 # cursor.updateRow((id, name, county, mid_cty, mname_cty, mcounty, comment, review, words, lagosid)) # DM.RemoveJoin(join5_lyr) # join5_with_county = DM.CopyFeatures(join5_lyr, 'join5_with_county') # # # join5 = DM.JoinField(join5, lake_county_field, lakes_state, MASTER_COUNTY_NAME, # fields = [MASTER_COUNTY_NAME, MASTER_LAKE_ID, MASTER_GNIS_NAME]) # # # This is a long way to make a join # join_dict = {} # with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(lakes_state, [MASTER_COUNTY_NAME, MASTER_LAKE_ID, MASTER_GNIS_NAME]) as cursor: # for row in cursor: # join_value, val1, val2 = row # join_dict[join_value] = [val1, val2] # # arcpy.AddField_management(join5, MASTER_LAKE_ID + 'cntyj', 'LONG') # arcpy.AddField_management(join5, MASTER_GNIS_NAME + 'cntyj', 'TEXT', 255) # # with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(join5, [lake_county_field, MASTER_LAKE_ID + 'cntyj', MASTER_GNIS_NAME + 'cntyj']) as cursor: # for row in cursor: # key_value = row[0] # words = lagosGIS.list_shared_words() # if join_dict.has_key(key_value): # row[1] = join_dict[key_value][0] # row[2] = join_dict[key_value][1] # else: # row[1] = None # row[2] = None # cursor.updateRow(row) # # # county_update_fields = [lake_id_field, lake_name_field, lake_county_field, # MASTER_LAKE_ID + '_12_13_14', MASTER_GNIS_NAME + '_12_13', MASTER_COUNTY_NAME + '_12_13', # county # 'Auto_Comment', 'Manual_Review', 'Shared_Words', # 'Linked_lagoslakeid'] # cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(join5, county_update_fields) # for row in cursor: # id, name, county, lagosid_cty, lagosname_cty, mcounty, comment, mreview, words, linked_lagosid = row # if mcounty is not None: # words = lagosGIS.list_shared_words() # else: # join5 = join4 # if state in LAGOSNE_STATES: DM.JoinField(join4, lake_id_field, master_xwalk, 'lagosne_legacyid', ['lagoslakeid', 'lagos_lakename', 'lagos_state']) update_fields = [ lake_id_field, lake_name_field, MASTER_LAKE_ID + '_12_13', 'lagos_lakename', 'lagos_state', # crosswalk match 'Auto_Comment', 'Manual_Review', 'Shared_Words', 'Linked_lagoslakeid', 'Is_Legacy_Link' ] with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(join4, update_fields) as uCursor: for uRow in uCursor: id, name, mid_x, mname_x, state_x, comment, review, words, lagosid, legacy_flag = uRow # fields are populated already from links above. Revise only if legacy links if mid_x is not None: if state == state_x: legacy_flag = 'Y' # set to Y regardless of whether using legacy comment if state matches if comment != 'Exact location link': review = 1 if state != state_x: review = 3 # downgrade if states mismatch--border lakes OK, random common IDs NOT. Check. legacy_flag = 'Y' comment = 'LAGOS-NE legacy link' # only comment non-exact location matches lagosid = mid_x if name and mname_x: words = lagosGIS.list_shared_words( name, mname_x) # update words only if legacy comment new_row = id, name, mid_x, mname_x, state_x, comment, review, words, lagosid, legacy_flag uCursor.updateRow(new_row) # # Undo the next line if you ever bring this chunk back. join5 = join4 # then re-code the no matches as a 3 and copy comments to the editable field # compress the joined lake ids into one field # having two fields lets us keep track of how many of the auto matches are bad if arcpy.ListFields(join5, 'Comment'): comment_field_name = 'Comment_LAGOS' else: comment_field_name = 'Comment' DM.AddField(join5, comment_field_name, 'TEXT', field_length=100) with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor( join5, ['Manual_Review', 'Auto_Comment', 'Comment']) as cursor: for flag, ac, comment in cursor: if flag is None: flag = 3 ac = 'Not linked' comment = ac cursor.updateRow((flag, ac, comment)) # Re-code points more than 100m into the polygon of the lake as no need to check DM.MakeFeatureLayer(join5, 'join5_lyr') DM.MakeFeatureLayer(master_lakes_lines, 'lake_lines_lyr') DM.SelectLayerByAttribute('join5_lyr', 'NEW_SELECTION', "Auto_Comment = 'Exact location link'") DM.SelectLayerByLocation('join5_lyr', 'INTERSECT', 'lake_lines_lyr', '100 meters', 'SUBSET_SELECTION', 'INVERT') DM.CalculateField('join5_lyr', 'Manual_Review', '-2', 'PYTHON') DM.Delete('join5_lyr', 'lake_lines_lyr') # Then make sure to only keep the fields necessary when you write to an output copy_fields = point_fields + [ 'Linked_lagoslakeid', 'Auto_Comment', 'Manual_Review', 'Is_Legacy_Link', 'Shared_Words', 'Comment', 'Duplicate_Candidate', 'GEO_Discovered_Name' ] copy_fields.remove('Shape') copy_fields.remove('OBJECTID') lagosGIS.select_fields(join5, out_fc, copy_fields) DM.AssignDomainToField(out_fc, 'Comment', 'Comment') DM.AddField(out_fc, 'Total_points_in_lake_poly', 'Short') # Remove any duplicates. (These originate from the join3/join4 transition because a point can be both # within 10m and 100m of lakes, this code takes the closest lake as true for my current sanity.) # Or, in other words, this is a hack solution. out_fc_fields = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(out_fc) if != 'OBJECTID' ] DM.DeleteIdentical(out_fc, out_fc_fields) # Get the join_count for each limno lake ID # De-dupe anything resulting from limno ID duplicates first before counting id_pairs = list( set( arcpy.da.SearchCursor(out_fc, [lake_id_field, 'Linked_lagoslakeid']))) # THEN pull out LAGOS id. Any duplicate now are only due to multiple distinct points within lake lagos_ids = [ids[1] for ids in id_pairs] sample_ids = [ids[0] for ids in id_pairs] lagos_lake_counts = Counter(lagos_ids) linked_multiple_lake_counts = Counter(sample_ids) # Get the count of points in the polygon with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor( out_fc, ['Linked_lagoslakeid', 'Total_points_in_lake_poly']) as cursor: for lagos_id, join_count in cursor: join_count = lagos_lake_counts[lagos_id] cursor.updateRow((lagos_id, join_count)) # Mark any samples linked to more than one lake so that the analyst can select the correct lake in the # manual process with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor( out_fc, [lake_id_field, 'Duplicate_Candidate']) as cursor: for sample_id, duplicate_flag in cursor: duplicate_count = linked_multiple_lake_counts[sample_id] if duplicate_count > 1: duplicate_flag = "Y" else: duplicate_flag = "N" cursor.updateRow((sample_id, duplicate_flag)) # clean up DM.AddField(out_fc, 'Note', 'TEXT', field_length=140) DM.Delete('in_memory') arcpy.AddMessage('Completed.')
shp_name = [n for n in zf.namelist() if n.endswith('.shp')][0] zf.extractall(working_dir) drought = OS.path.splitext(shp_name)[0] DM.MakeFeatureLayer(OS.path.join(working_dir, shp_name), drought) #### Add Winery Data #### beerWinePath = OS.path.join(working_dir, "BeerWine", "BeerWine.gdb", "BeerWine") intermediate_output = OS.path.join(working_dir, "BeerWine", "BeerWine.gdb", "BeerWineDrought") wine = "BeerWine" wine_drought = "Wine_Drought" DM.MakeFeatureLayer(beerWinePath, wine) DM.SelectLayerByAttribute(wine, "NEW_SELECTION", "Type = 'Winery'") ANALYSIS.SpatialJoin(drought, wine, intermediate_output, "JOIN_ONE_TO_ONE", "KEEP_ALL") try: DM.DeleteField(intermediate_output, "NAME") except: pass final_wine_drought = "Wine_Drought_Summary" DM.MakeFeatureLayer(intermediate_output, final_wine_drought) lf = DM.SaveToLayerFile( final_wine_drought, OS.path.join(working_dir, '{}.lyr'.format(final_wine_drought))) DM.ApplySymbologyFromLayer(lf, lyr_template) pw = "test" #GETPASS.getpass("Enter AGOL password:"******"Drought_and_Wine"