def GetStartingLine(glfID, rhID): with da.SearchCursor(pointFC, ['SHAPE@', 'NodeID', 'NodeType'], 'NodeType = {0} OR NodeType = {1}'.format(glfID, rhID)) as cursorOrigin: for pointOrigin in cursorOrigin: # 如果是锅炉房点,则遍历出水管 if pointOrigin[2] == glfID: hltype = 1 with da.UpdateCursor(LineFC, ['SHAPE@', 'LineID', 'S_NodeID', 'E_NodeID'], 'HLType = {0}'.format(hltype)) as cursorL: for lineRL in cursorL: if lineRL[2] == None and lineRL[3] == None: if lineRL[0].touches(pointOrigin[0]) == True: # 起点编号 lineRL[2] = pointOrigin[1] # 终点编号 with da.SearchCursor(pointFC, ['SHAPE@', 'NodeID'], 'NodeType <> {0}'.format(pointOrigin[2])) as cursorP: for point in cursorP: if lineRL[0].touches(point[0]) == True: lineRL[3] = point[1] cursorL.updateRow(lineRL) print(u'出水管<{0}>:起点 <{1}>,终点 <{2}>.'.format(lineRL[1],lineRL[2],lineRL[3])) # 入户点,则遍历回水管 elif pointOrigin[2] == rhID: hltype = 0 with da.UpdateCursor(LineFC, ['SHAPE@', 'LineID', 'S_NodeID', 'E_NodeID'], 'HLType = {0}'.format(hltype)) as cursorL: for lineRL in cursorL: if lineRL[2] == None and lineRL[3] == None: if lineRL[0].touches(pointOrigin[0]) == True: # 起点编号 lineRL[3] = pointOrigin[1] # 终点编号 with da.SearchCursor(pointFC, ['SHAPE@', 'NodeID'], 'NodeType <> {0}'.format(pointOrigin[2])) as cursorP: for point in cursorP: if lineRL[0].touches(point[0]) == True: lineRL[2] = point[1] cursorL.updateRow(lineRL) print(u'回水管<{0}>:起点 <{1}>,终点 <{2}>.'.format(lineRL[1],lineRL[2],lineRL[3]))
def UpdateLineAttribute(): # 遍历的 lineRL2 出水管的起点编号和终点编号都 非空 fields = ['SHAPE@', 'LineID', 'S_NodeID', 'E_NodeID', 'HLType'] with da.SearchCursor(LineFC, fields, 'S_NodeID IS NOT NULL AND E_NodeID IS NOT NULL') as cursorL2: for lineRL2 in cursorL2: # 遍历的 lineRL1 出水管的起点编号和终点编号都 空 with da.UpdateCursor(LineFC, fields, 'HLType = {0} AND S_NodeID IS NULL AND E_NodeID IS NULL'.format(lineRL2[4])) as cursorL1: for lineRL1 in cursorL1: # 如果两条线相连接 if lineRL1[0].touches(lineRL2[0]): if lineRL1[4] == 1: # 出水管起点 lineRL1[2] = lineRL2[3] elif lineRL1[4] == 0: # 回水管终点 lineRL1[3] = lineRL2[3] with da.SearchCursor(pointFC, ['SHAPE@', 'NodeID']) as cursorP2: # 遍历所有管点 for point2 in cursorP2: # 如果管点与空线touch,且不是线起点,则为终点赋值 if point2[0].touches(lineRL1[0]) and lineRL1[2] != point2[1]: if lineRL1[4] == 1: # 出水管 lineRL1[3] = point2[1] elif lineRL1[4] == 0: # 回水管 lineRL1[2] = point2[1] cursorL1.updateRow(lineRL1) print(u'## <{0}>: 起点 <{1}>,终点 <{2}>.'.format(lineRL1[1], lineRL1[2], lineRL1[3])) del lineRL1 del cursorL1
def unique_values(table, field): """gets a list of unique values from a table's column table: path to a table field: string of a field name output: list """ try: if has_pandas: uvalues = None chunk_size = calc_chunk_size() with da.SearchCursor(table, [field]) as cursor: for group in grouper_it(chunk_size, cursor): df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(group, columns=cursor.fields) column = df[field].unique() if uvalues is None: uvalues = column else: uvalues = np.concatenate([column, uvalues]) del group del df del column del cursor if uvalues is None: return [] return list(set(uvalues.tolist())) else: desc = arcpy.Describe(table) if desc.hasOID: oidFieldname = desc.OIDFieldName else: raise Exception("Table must have an object id table") template = da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray( table, [field], where_clause="{ofield} < 1".format(ofield=oidFieldname)) uvalues = None chunk_size = calc_chunk_size() with da.SearchCursor(table, [field]) as cursor: for group in grouper_it(chunk_size, cursor): df = np.fromiter(group, template.dtype, -1) column = np.unique(df[field]) if uvalues is None: uvalues = column else: uvalues = np.unique(np.concatenate([column, uvalues])) if uvalues is None: return [] return list(set(uvalues.tolist())) except: line, filename, synerror = trace() raise FunctionError({ "function": "unique_values", "line": line, "filename": __file__, "synerror": synerror, "arc": str(arcpy.GetMessages(2)) })
def score(oids, grid_features, line_features): line_layer = 'line_layer' arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(line_features, line_layer) results = {} query = '{0} IN {1}'.format( arcpy.Describe(grid_features).oidFieldName, str(tuple(oids))) with da.SearchCursor(grid_features, ('OID@', 'SHAPE@'), query) as cursor: for row in cursor: oid = row[0] grid_geometry = row[1] # select intersecting lines arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management(line_layer, 'INTERSECT', grid_geometry) # build stats stats = [] has_match = False with da.SearchCursor(line_layer, ('OFFSET_METERS')) as line_cursor: for line_row in line_cursor: has_match = True if line_row[0] > 0: stats.append(line_row[0]) # calc mean if len(stats) > 0: mean = np.mean(stats) elif has_match: mean = -2 else: mean = -1 # assign score if mean > 0: if mean >= 0 and mean <= 5: value = 5 elif mean > 5 and mean <= 10: value = 4 elif mean > 10 and mean <= 15: value = 3 elif mean > 15 and mean <= 20: value = 2 else: value = 1 elif mean == -1: # no samples value = 0 elif mean == -2: # no parallel matches value = 6 results[oid] = [mean, value] return results
def ProjDelete( ): #delete rows from the FMIS load table that are about to be processed delcount = GetCount_management( r'Database Connections\CANT_CPMS.sde\CPMS.CPMS_FMIS_GIS_DEL_ROWS') print str(delcount) + " records to delete" deletelist = list() if delcount == 0: print "no records to delete, ending" pass else: MakeTableView_management(FMIS_LOAD, "FMIS_TABLE") MakeTableView_management(deltbl, "deletes") with da.SearchCursor(deltbl, "PROJECT_NUMBER") as delcur: # @UndefinedVariable for row in delcur: DelXID = ("{0}".format(row[0])) #print DelXID + " is being deleted from the FMIS table" #AddJoin_management(layer_name,"CROSSINGID", deltbl, "CROSSINGID", "KEEP_ALL") #delsel = "PROJECT_NUMBER LIKE '"+DelXID+"'" #print delsel deletelist.append(DelXID) #SelectLayerByAttribute_management("FMIS_TABLE","ADD_TO_SELECTION", delsel) #print str(deletelist) delsel = "PROJECT_NUMBER IN " + str(deletelist) #for ProjectNumber in deletelist: print delsel SelectLayerByAttribute_management("FMIS_TABLE", "NEW_SELECTION", delsel) #DeleteRows_management("FMIS_TABLE") print "Delete function completed"
def generateCcCombinedRoutesFc(): """The city center routes are split into a few feature classes for the various modes of transportation, combine them into a unified one""" geom_type = 'POLYLINE' template = os.path.join(env.workspace, 'frequent_bus_carto') oregon_spn = arcpy.SpatialReference(2913) combined_routes_cc = os.path.join(cc_shapefiles, 'combined_routes_cc.shp') management.CreateFeatureclass(os.path.dirname(combined_routes_cc), os.path.basename(combined_routes_cc), geom_type, template, spatial_reference=oregon_spn) name_field = 'LINE' route_fields = ['Shape@', 'routes', 'serv_level', 'route_type'] i_cursor = da.InsertCursor(combined_routes_cc, route_fields) for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(feature_type='Polyline'): if name_field in [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(fc)]: assignRouteNumbersToRail(fc, name_field, route_fields[1]) with da.SearchCursor(fc, route_fields) as cursor: for row in cursor: i_cursor.insertRow(row) del i_cursor
def get_image_paths(in_mosaic): temp_image_table = path.join("in_memory", "temp_image_table") ExportMosaicDatasetPaths(in_mosaic, temp_image_table, '', "ALL", "RASTER;ITEM_CACHE") images = set([row[0] for row in da.SearchCursor(temp_image_table, "Path")]) Delete(temp_image_table) return images
def DeleteDeletedRows(FMIS_DEL, FMIS_LOAD): #delete rows from the FMIS table programmed to be deleted according to the CPMS view MakeTableView_management(FMIS_DEL, "RowstoDelete") MakeTableView_management(FMIS_LOAD, "DeleteThese") delcount = GetCount(FMIS_DEL) #delete rows from SDE CIIMS that are removed from CANSYS CIIMS #search cursor to match the crossing ID in the delete view SetLogHistory(False) DeleteList = [] with da.SearchCursor("RowstoDelete", "PROJECT_NUMBER") as delcur: # @UndefinedVariable for row in delcur: DelXID = ("{0}".format(row[0])) DeleteList.append(DelXID) print "list completed" for record in DeleteList: #print DelXID + " is being deleted from the FMIS table" #add the the crossing ID for the row to be deleted to a selection set delsel = "PROJECT_NUMBER LIKE '%s'" % record #print delsel SelectLayerByAttribute_management("DeleteThese", "ADD_TO_SELECTION", delsel) #delete the selected rows DeleteRows_management("DeleteThese") del FMIS_DEL, FMIS_LOAD, delsel print "Delete function completed"
def createCcBusLabelsFc(): """The offset routes for the city center have only one set of geometries for each service level, but there needs to be labels for each line so generate a unique geometry for each of the routes the line segments represent""" geom_type = 'POLYLINE' template = os.path.join(sm_shapefiles, 'distinct_routes.shp') oregon_spn = arcpy.SpatialReference(2913) bus_labels_cc = os.path.join(cc_shapefiles, 'bus_labels_cc.shp') management.CreateFeatureclass(os.path.dirname(bus_labels_cc), os.path.basename(bus_labels_cc), geom_type, template, spatial_reference=oregon_spn) i_fields = ['Shape@', 'route_id', 'serv_level', 'route_type'] i_cursor = da.InsertCursor(bus_labels_cc, i_fields) s_fields = i_fields[:] s_fields[1] = 'routes' for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(): if 'bus' in fc: with da.SearchCursor(fc, s_fields) as cursor: routes_ix = cursor.fields.index('routes') for row in cursor: for route in row[routes_ix].split(','): new_row = list(row) new_row[routes_ix] = route i_cursor.insertRow((new_row)) del i_cursor
def replace_null_values(fc, fields="*", oid_field=None, null_value=0, where_clause=None): """updates a set of rows in chunks """ if fields is None or \ isinstance(fields, list) == False or \ fields == "*": fields = [ for field in arcpy.ListFields(fc) \ if field.type not in ('Geometry', 'Blob', 'Raster')] if oid_field is None: oid_field = arcpy.Describe(fc).OIDFieldName chunk_size = calc_chunk_size() if oid_field not in fields: fields.append(oid_field) with da.SearchCursor(fc, fields, where_clause=where_clause) as cursor: search_fields = [ field for field in cursor.fields if field != oid_field ] for group in grouper_it(chunk_size, cursor): df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(group, columns=cursor.fields) for field in search_fields: df.loc[df[field].isnull(), field] = null_value del field array = df.to_records(index=False) da.ExtendTable(fc, oid_field, array, oid_field, False) del array return fc
def OffsetDirectionNearTable(): from arcpy import GenerateNearTable_analysis, da, AddFieldDelimiters GeocodedLayer = 'Geocoding Result: Geocoding_Result_9' IntersectLayer = 'Geocoding_Result_9_Buffer_In' CursorFieldList = [ 'OBJECTID', 'ACCIDENT_KEY', 'X', 'Y', 'AT_ROAD_KDOT_DIRECTION', 'POINT_X', 'POINT_Y' ] # cursor to add to list the Accident IDs and Object IDs CoordFinder = da.SearchCursor(IntersectLayer, CursorFieldList) # @UndefinedVariable coordlist = [] rowDictionary = dict() for row in CoordFinder: print #print('{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}'.format(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4])) if str(row[2]) == "E": print row[0] EastCoord = max(row[0], row[3]) coordlist.append(EastCoord) rowDictionary for i in rowDictionary: print str(i)
def OffsetDirectionMatrix1(): #select the intersected coordinate that best describes the reported location of the on road from the intersection based on the CrashOffsetPoints function from arcpy import AddXY_management, AddJoin_management, ListFields, da, SelectLayerByAttribute_management, AddFieldDelimiters GeocodedLayer = 'Geocoding Result: Geocoding_Result_9' IntersectLayer = 'Geocoding_Result_9_Buffer_In' AddXY_management(IntersectLayer) AddJoin_management(IntersectLayer, "ACCIDENT_KEY", GeocodedLayer, "ACCIDENT_KEY") CursorFieldList = [ 'X', 'Y', 'AT_ROAD_KDOT_DIRECTION', 'POINT_X', 'POINT_Y', 'OBJECTID', 'ACCIDENT_KEY' ] # cursor to add to list the Accident IDs and Object IDs CoordFinder = da.SearchCursor(IntersectLayer, CursorFieldList) # @UndefinedVariable rowDictionary = dict() for row in CoordFinder: rowDictionary[row[5]] = row try: del CoordFinder except: print "cursor hung" for keyname in rowDictionary.keys(): rowOfInterest = rowDictionary[keyname] if str(rowOfInterest[2]) == "E": print str(rowOfInterest[2]) coordlist = [] OffsetCoord = rowOfInterest[3] coordlist.append(OffsetCoord) print coordlist FinalCoordinate = max(coordlist) FinalCoordInt = int(FinalCoordinate) print FinalCoordinate
def OffsetDirectionMatrix(gdb): #select the intersected coordinate that best describes the reported location of the on road from the intersection based on the CrashOffsetPoints function from arcpy import AddXY_management, AddJoin_management, ListFields, da, SelectLayerByAttribute_management, AddFieldDelimiters GeocodedLayer = 'Geocoding Result: Geocoding_Result_9' IntersectLayer = 'Geocoding_Result_9_Buffer_In' AddXY_management(IntersectLayer) AddJoin_management(IntersectLayer, "ACCIDENT_KEY", GeocodedLayer, "ACCIDENT_KEY") FieldsList = ListFields(IntersectLayer) CursorFieldList = [ 'X', 'Y', 'AT_ROAD_KDOT_DIRECTION', 'POINT_X', 'POINT_Y', 'OBJECTID', 'ACCIDENT_KEY' ] # cursor to add to list the Accident IDs and Object IDs CoordFinder = da.SearchCursor(IntersectLayer, CursorFieldList) # @UndefinedVariable coordlist = [] rowDictionary = dict() for row in CoordFinder: print #print('{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}'.format(row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4])) if str(row[2]) == "E": print row[0] EastCoord = max(row[0], row[3]) coordlist.append(EastCoord) rowDictionary print coordlist FinalEastCoordinate = max(coordlist) FinalEastCoordInt = int(FinalEastCoordinate) print FinalEastCoordinate CoordSelExpression = 'POINT_X -' + str(FinalEastCoordInt) + " < 1" SelectLayerByAttribute_management(IntersectLayer, "NEW_SELECTION", CoordSelExpression)
def get_classes(self): """Get the number of classes in the shapefile""" row_val = [] with da.SearchCursor(self.get_json_keys()[0],[self.get_json_keys()[4]]) as sc: #search on the class field print "Wait... calculating number of classes" for row in sc: row_val.append(int(row[0])) return max(row_val)
def getRouteServicePairs(): """Get all unique line-service level combinations in the routes feature class""" route_service_list = [] s_fields = ['route_id', 'serv_level'] with da.SearchCursor(distinct_routes, s_fields) as s_cursor: for row in s_cursor: if row not in route_service_list: route_service_list.append(row) return route_service_list
def getModeServicePairs(): """Get all unique line-service level combinations in the routes feature class""" mode_service_list = [] s_fields = ['route_type', 'serv_level'] with da.SearchCursor(serv_level_routes, s_fields) as s_cursor: for row in s_cursor: if row not in mode_service_list: mode_service_list.append(row) return mode_service_list
def getRowFromShareId(shareId): global shareTable fields = ['SHAREID', 'JSON'] foundRow = None where = "SHAREID = '" + shareId + "'" with da.SearchCursor(shareTable, fields, where) as cursor: for row in cursor: foundRow = row return foundRow
def commonline(linefc, pointfc, linetype): fields = ['SHAPE@', 'LineID', 'S_NodeID', 'E_NodeID'] with da.SearchCursor( linefc, fields, 'HLType = {0} AND S_NodeID IS NOT NULL AND E_NodeID IS NOT NULL'. format(linetype)) as cursorL2: for lineRL2 in cursorL2: with da.UpdateCursor( linefc, fields, 'HLType = {0} AND S_NodeID IS NULL AND E_NodeID IS NULL'. format(linetype)) as cursorL1: for lineRL1 in cursorL1: if lineRL1[0].touches(lineRL2[0]): with da.SearchCursor(pointfc, ['SHAPE@', 'NodeID']) as cursorP: for point in cursorP: if point[0].touches( lineRL1[0]) and point[0].touches( lineRL2[0]): lineRL1[2] = point[1] with da.SearchCursor( pointfc, ['SHAPE@', 'NodeID']) as cursorP2: for point2 in cursorP2: if point2[0].touches( lineRL1[0] ) and lineRL1[2] != point2[1]: lineRL1[3] = point2[1] cursorL1.updateRow(lineRL1) print( u' 出水管<{0}>:起点<{1}>,终点<{2}>.' .format( lineRL1[1], lineRL1[2], lineRL1[3])) del cursorP2 del cursorP del cursorL1 del cursorL2
def checkFeatureLocations(gdb): userMessage("Checking feature locations...") from os import path from arcpy import MakeFeatureLayer_management, SelectLayerByAttribute_management, SelectLayerByLocation_management, GetCount_management, Delete_management, da values = [] #make sure feature are all inside authoritative boundary #get authoritative boundary authBound = path.join(gdb, "NG911", "AuthoritativeBoundary") ab = "ab" MakeFeatureLayer_management(authBound, ab) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in da.Walk(gdb, True, '', False, ["FeatureClass"]): for filename in filenames: if filename != "AuthoritativeBoundary": #get full path name & create a feature layer fullPath = path.join(gdb, filename) fl = "fl" MakeFeatureLayer_management(fullPath, fl) #select by location to get count of features outside the authoritative boundary SelectLayerByLocation_management(fl, "INTERSECT", ab) SelectLayerByAttribute_management(fl, "SWITCH_SELECTION", "") #get count of selected records result = GetCount_management(fl) count = int(result.getOutput(0)) #report results if count > 0: fields = ("OBJECTID") with da.SearchCursor(fl, fields) as rows: for row in rows: val = (today, "Feature not inside authoritative boundary", filename, "", row[0]) values.append(val) else: userMessage(filename + ": all records inside authoritative boundary") #clean up Delete_management(fl) userMessage("Completed check on feature locations") if values != []: RecordResults("fieldValues", values, gdb)
def PointCheck(fc, fields, layer_name): # CIIMS CHECK will report any situations where the latitude or longitude attributes do not match the point location MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, layer_name) with da.SearchCursor(fc, fields) as cursor: for row in cursor: row0x = str(round(row[0], 8)) row0y = str(round(row[1], 8)) rowx, rowy = (row[2]) rowxr = round(rowx, 8) rowyr = round(rowy, 8) if row0x == str(rowxr) and row0y == str(rowyr): pass else: print(row), row0x, rowxr, row0y, rowyr del fc, layer_name, fields
def endingline(linefc, pointfc, nodetype, linetype): with da.SearchCursor(pointfc, ['SHAPE@', 'NodeID'], 'NodeType = {0}'.format(nodetype)) as cursorG: for pointGLF in cursorG: with da.UpdateCursor( linefc, ['SHAPE@', 'LineID', 'S_NodeID', 'E_NodeID'], 'HLType = {0} AND S_NodeID IS NULL AND E_NodeID IS NULL'. format(linetype)) as cursorL: for lineRL in cursorL: if lineRL[0].touches(pointGLF[0]): lineRL[3] = pointGLF[1] with da.SearchCursor( pointfc, ['SHAPE@', 'NodeID'], 'NodeType <> {0}'.format(nodetype)) as cursorP: for point in cursorP: if lineRL[0].touches(point[0]): lineRL[2] = point[1] cursorL.updateRow(lineRL) print( u' 回水管<{0}>:起点<{1}>,终点<{2}>.'.format( lineRL[1], lineRL[2], lineRL[3])) del cursorP del cursorL del cursorG
def PointCheck(fc, fields, layer_name): # Use this to check any situations where the latitude or longitude attributes do not match the point location MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, layer_name) with da.SearchCursor(fc, fields) as cursor: for row in cursor: rowx, rowy = (row[2]) intolX = abs(row[0] - rowx) intolY = abs(row[1] - rowy) Tolerance = 0.00000001 if intolX < Tolerance and intolY < Tolerance: pass else: print(row), row0x, rowxr, row0y, rowyr del fc, layer_name, fields print "all other points within tolerance"
def replace_values(fc, fields="*", oid_field=None, find_value=None, replace_value=0, where_clause=None): """updates a set of rows in chunks """ try: if fields is None or \ isinstance(fields, list) == False or \ fields == "*": fields = [ for field in arcpy.ListFields(fc) \ if field.type not in ('Geometry', 'Blob', 'Raster')] if oid_field is None: oid_field = arcpy.Describe(fc).OIDFieldName chunk_size = calc_chunk_size() if oid_field not in fields: fields.append(oid_field) with da.SearchCursor(fc, fields, where_clause=where_clause) as cursor: search_fields = [ field for field in cursor.fields if field != oid_field ] for group in grouper_it(chunk_size, cursor): df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(group, columns=cursor.fields) for field in search_fields: if find_value is None or \ str(find_value).lower() == "none" or \ str(find_value).lower().strip() == "": df.loc[df[field].isnull(), field] = replace_value else: df.loc[df[field] == find_value, field] = replace_value del field array = df.to_records(index=False) da.ExtendTable(fc, oid_field, array, oid_field, False) del array del df return fc except: line, filename, synerror = trace() raise FunctionError({ "function": "replace_values", "line": line, "filename": filename, "synerror": synerror, "arc": str(arcpy.GetMessages(2)) })
def process(): # Detect Unit of Measurement (Feet -vs- Meter) cell_factor = getCellFactor(in_mosaic_dataset) # Obatin List of Raster Files in Mosaic Dataset temp_table = join("memory", "temp_table") ExportMosaicDatasetPaths(in_mosaic_dataset, temp_table, "#", "ALL", "RASTER") rasters = set(row[0] for row in da.SearchCursor(temp_table, "Path")) Delete(temp_table) if not exists(out_directory): makedirs(out_directory) # Process each raster for in_raster in rasters: root_dir, file = split(in_raster) AddMessage("da filename is: {}".format(file)) out_raster = join(out_directory, file) desc = Describe(in_raster) cell_size_height = desc.children[0].meanCellHeight # Cell size in the Y axis and / or cell_size_width = desc.children[0].meanCellWidth # Cell size in the X axis cell_size = "{0} {1}".format(cell_size_height*cell_factor, cell_size_width*cell_factor) if unitsCalc(in_mosaic_dataset) == "Foot": outTimes = Times(in_raster, 0.3048) ProjectRaster(in_raster=outTimes, out_raster=out_raster, out_coor_system=out_spatial_reference, resampling_type=resampling_type, cell_size=cell_size, geographic_transform=geographic_transform, in_coor_system=input_spatial_reference) else: ProjectRaster(in_raster=in_raster, out_raster=out_raster, out_coor_system=out_spatial_reference, resampling_type=resampling_type, cell_size=cell_size, geographic_transform=geographic_transform, in_coor_system=input_spatial_reference) # Delete Intermediate Data del rasters if out_mosaic_dataset: root_dir, file = split(out_mosaic_dataset) # TODO: Automatically detect Pixel Type from input Mosaic Dataset Rasters and pass below createMosaics(root_dir, file, out_directory, out_spatial_reference, "32_BIT_UNSIGNED")
def PointDelete( fc, layer_name, deltbl, table_name ): #delete rows from SDE CIIMS that are removed from CANSYS CIIMS MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, layer_name) MakeTableView_management(deltbl, table_name) with da.SearchCursor(deltbl, "CROSSINGID") as delcur: for row in delcur: DelXID = ("{0}".format(row[0])) print DelXID + " is being deleted from the CIIMS table" #AddJoin_management(layer_name,"CROSSINGID", deltbl, "CROSSINGID", "KEEP_ALL") delsel = "CROSSINGID LIKE '" + str(row)[3:10] + "'" SelectLayerByAttribute_management(layer_name, "ADD_TO_SELECTION", delsel) DeleteRows_management(layer_name) del fc, layer_name, deltbl, table_name print "Delete function completed"
def PointDelete(fc, layer_name, deltbl, table_name): #delete rows from SDE CIIMS that are removed from CANSYS CIIMS MakeFeatureLayer_management(fc, layer_name) MakeTableView_management(deltbl, table_name) #search cursor to match the crossing ID in the delete view with da.SearchCursor(deltbl, "CROSSINGID") as delcur: # @UndefinedVariable for row in delcur: DelXID = ("{0}".format(row[0])) print DelXID + " is being deleted from the CIIMS table" #add the the crossing ID for the row to be deleted to a selection set delsel = "CROSSINGID LIKE '" + str(row)[3:10] + "'" SelectLayerByAttribute_management(layer_name, "ADD_TO_SELECTION", delsel) #delete the selected rows DeleteRows_management(layer_name) del fc, layer_name, deltbl, table_name print "Delete function completed"
def main(): inTable = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) fileLocation = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1) with da.SearchCursor(inTable, ['DATA', 'ATT_NAME', 'ATTACHMENTID']) as cursor: for item in cursor: attachment = item[0] #filenum = "ATT" + str(item[2]) + "_" #filename = filenum + str(item[1]) filename = str(item[1]) open(fileLocation + os.sep + filename, 'wb').write(attachment.tobytes()) del item #del filenum del filename del attachment
def populateUnifiedFc(): """Iterate through all of the individual route feature classes and add them to common fc""" route_fields = ['Shape@', 'route_id', 'serv_level', 'route_type'] i_cursor = da.InsertCursor(offset_routes, route_fields) feat_datasets = ['frequent', 'standard', 'rush_hour', 'rail_tram'] for fd in feat_datasets: for fc in arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(feature_dataset=fd): # exclude these as a different more generalized fc is being used # to represent the streetcar print fc fc_path = os.path.join(env.workspace, fd, fc) with da.SearchCursor(fc_path, route_fields) as s_cursor: for row in s_cursor: i_cursor.insertRow(row) del i_cursor
def from_featureclass(cls, filepath): """ Alternate constructor to create a GeoSeries from a feature class Inputs: filename: file path to the feature class Ouput: GeoSeries """ if arcpy.Exists(filepath) == False: raise ValueError("Feature class: %s does not exist" % filepath) desc = arcpy.Describe(filepath) if hasattr(desc, "shapeFieldName") == False: raise ValueError("Input must have a geometry column") fields = [desc.shapeFieldName + "@"] geoms = [row[0] for row in da.SearchCursor(filepath, fields)] g = GeoSeries(geoms) = arcpy.Describe(filepath).spatialReference.factoryCode return g
def validateGeometry(): """Check for geometry errors and multipart features that may have been introduced in the manual editing process of creating the offsets""" # Check for geometry errors, this tool doesn't flag a lot of the aspects I'm # interested in, thus the other steps below error_table = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'carto_errors.dbf') management.CheckGeometry(offset_routes, error_table) # Identify any multipart features multipart_dump = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'multipart_dump.shp') management.MultipartToSinglepart(offset_routes, multipart_dump) multipart_dict = {} dump_fields = ['OID@', 'ORIG_FID'] with da.SearchCursor(multipart_dump, dump_fields) as s_cursor: for oid, orig_id in s_cursor: if orig_id not in multipart_dict: multipart_dict[orig_id] = 1 else: multipart_dict[orig_id] += 1 print "Features with the following fid's are multipart:" for orig_id, count in multipart_dict.iteritems(): if count > 1: print orig_id # Find other errors like shared geometries and deadends using the merge divided # roads tool, I'm not actually interested in the output of this tool but rather the # validation output that it generates merge_field, field_type = 'merge_id', 'LONG' management.AddField(offset_routes, merge_field, field_type) # validation output will be logged here (not that user name portion may be variable): # C:\Users\humphrig\AppData\Local\ESRI\Geoprocessing merge_distance = 100 # feet validation_merge = os.path.join('in_memory', 'validation_merge') cartography.MergeDividedRoads(offset_routes, merge_field, merge_distance, validation_merge) # drop the merge field as it no longer needed management.DeleteField(offset_routes, merge_field)