Пример #1
def plot_with_arcpy(init_time, replace_workspace_dir,origin_workspace_dir, images_dir, mxd_path, resolution=100):
    mxd = mp.MapDocument(mxd_path)
    # 修改预报时效
    txts = mp.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "TEXT_ELEMENT")
    init_time_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime(init_time, '%y%m%d%H')
    for valid_h, i in zip(range(0, 132, 12), range(23, 12, -1)):
        beg = (init_time_datetime + datetime.timedelta(hours=valid_h)).strftime('%d%H')
        end = (init_time_datetime + datetime.timedelta(hours=valid_h + 12)).strftime('%d%H')
        txts[i].text = beg + '-' + end

    # 替换数据源
    mxd.replaceWorkspaces(origin_workspace_dir, "RASTER_WORKSPACE", replace_workspace_dir, "RASTER_WORKSPACE", False)
    # 处理缺失数据
    broken_lyrs = mp.ListBrokenDataSources(mxd)
    for broken_lyr in broken_lyrs:
        # 让缺失数据图层及与其同在一个dataframe里其他的图层不显示
        broken_df = mp.ListDataFrames(mxd, broken_lyr.name)
        if len(broken_dfs) > 0:
            lyrs_in_broken_df = mp.ListLayers(mxd, "", broken_df[0])
            for lyr in lyrs_in_broken_df:
                lyr.visible = False
    #mxd.save() 不要保存
    mp.ExportToJPEG(mxd, os.path.join(images_dir, init_time), resolution=resolution)
Пример #2
def print_map(mxd, pagename, output_type, output_file):
    """Set up a page and print it. """
    arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Exporting to %s" % output_file)

    update_page_layout(mxd, pagename)
    if os.path.exists(output_file):

    msg = ""
    if output_type == 'PDF':
            MAP.ExportToPDF(mxd, output_file)
            msg = "Completed %s" % output_file
        except Exception as e:
            msg = "Export to PDF failed with '%s'." % e
            MAP.ExportToJPEG(mxd, output_file)
            msg = "Completed %s" % output_file
        except Exception as e:
            msg = "Export to JPEG failed with '%s'." % e
Пример #3
def exportMap(parameter):
    inMap = parameter[0]
    outMap = parameter[1]
    formatMap = parameter[2]
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
    mxd = mapping.MapDocument(inMap)
    mxd.activeView = 'PAGE_LAYOUT'
    if formatMap == 'JPEG':
        mapping.ExportToJPEG(mxd, outMap)
    if formatMap == 'PDF':
        mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd, outMap)
    if formatMap == 'BMP':
        mapping.ExportToBMP(mxd, outMap)
    if formatMap == 'PNG':
        mapping.ExportToPNG(mxd, outMap)
    if formatMap == 'TIFF':
        mapping.ExportToTIFF(mxd, outMap)
    if formatMap == 'GIF':
        mapping.ExportToGIF(mxd, outMap)
        mapping.ExportToJPEG(mxd, outMap)
Пример #4
    def output_image(self, image_name):
        Factory method for exporting different image types in ArcMap

        :param str image_name: Name of output image with file extension
        if image_name.endswith("jpg"):
                self.mxd, os.path.join(self.output_location, image_name))
        # Add other image outputs if needed

        self.output_message("Process Completed")
Пример #5
 def zoomExtractMXD(parcel):
     mxd = MAP.MapDocument(mxdC)
     df = MAP.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]
     parcelLyr = MAP.ListLayers(mxd, "Parcels", df)[0]
     jpg = os.path.join(outJPG, "%s") % (parcel)
     #Update Layers
     whereClause = "ACCOUNT ='%s'" % parcel
     arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(parcelLyr, "NEW_SELECTION", whereClause)
     #Make sure Account Exists
     getCount = arcpy.GetCount_management(parcelLyr)
     theCount = int(getCount.getOutput(0))
     if theCount >= 1:
         df.extent = parcelLyr.getSelectedExtent(True)
         df.scale *= 1.1
         #Update Text
         updatetext1 = MAP.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "TEXT_ELEMENT", "ACCOUNT")[0]
         updatetext1.text = parcel
         #Export to JPG
         MAP.ExportToJPEG(mxd, jpg)
         #Release MXD
         del mxd
Пример #6

# 5 导出地图为PDF文件
import arcpy.mapping as mapping
mxd = mapping.MapDocument(
mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd, r"E:\ArcPyStudy\Data\ArcpyBook\Ch2\Crime_Ch2_new.pdf")
print("Export Done")

# 6 导出地图为图像文件
import arcpy.mapping as mapping
mxd = mapping.MapDocument(
for df in mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd):
    if df.name == "Crime":
            mxd, r"E:\ArcPyStudy\Data\ArcpyBook\Ch2\Crime_Ch2_new.jpg", df)
print("Export Done")

# 7 导出报表
# 报错
# import arcpy.mapping as mapping
# mxd = mapping.MapDocument(r"E:\ArcPyStudy\Data\ArcpyBook\Ch2\Crime_Ch2_new.mxd")
# # df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]
# # lyr = mapping.ListLayers(mxd,"Crime*",df)[0]
# layer = mapping.Layer(r"E:\ArcPyStudy\Data\ArcpyBook\data\School_Districts.lyr")
# mapping.ExportReport(layer,
#                     r"E:\ArcPyStudy\Data\ArcpyBook\Ch4\CrimeReport.rlf",
#                     r"E:\ArcPyStudy\Data\ArcpyBook\Ch2\Crime_Ch2_new_ExportReport.pdf")
# print("Export Done")

# import arcpy.mapping as mapping
Пример #7
def mappingProcess(datetime, province, target_area, density_class=None, day_class=10, out_path=None, out_type= "png"):
    # todo.控制densityClass和dayClass最多为14
    cwd = os.getcwd()
    infeature = ''.join([cwd, u"/data/LightningBulletin.gdb/", target_area])
    mxd_density_path = ''.join([cwd, u"/data/LightningBulletin.gdb/", target_area, u"闪电密度空间分布模板.mxd"])
    mxd_day_path = ''.join([cwd, u"/data/LightningBulletin.gdb/", target_area, u"地闪雷暴日空间分布模板.mxd"])

    workspace = ''.join([cwd, u"/temp/", province, '/', datetime, '/', target_area, '.gdb'])
    arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
    arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True

    # *****处理地闪密度地图文档*******
    mxd = mapping.MapDocument(mxd_density_path)
    mask_lyr = mapping.ListLayers(mxd)[2]
    target_lyr = mapping.ListLayers(mxd)[3]
    mask_lyr.replaceDataSource(workspace, "FILEGDB_WORKSPACE", "densityMask")
    target_lyr.replaceDataSource(workspace, "FILEGDB_WORKSPACE", "lightningDensity")
    # 修改图例
    # 计算数据分割值和不显示值
    extract = ExtractByMask("lightningDensity", infeature)
    raster = Raster("lightningDensity")

    class_break_values, density_class = densityLegendLabel(extract.minimum / 100, extract.maximum / 100, density_class)
    excluded_values = ''.join([str(round(raster.minimum - 0.5, 2)), "-", str(round(extract.minimum - 0.5, 2)), ";",
                               str(round(extract.maximum + 0.5, 2)), "-", str(round(raster.maximum + 0.5, 2))])
    sym = target_lyr.symbology
    sym.excludedValues = excluded_values
    sym.classBreakValues = [x * 100 for x in class_break_values]
    # 更改标题和图例
    layout_items = mapping.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "TEXT_ELEMENT")
    layout_items[-1].text = ''.join([datetime, target_area, u"闪电密度空间分布"])  # title标题
    layout_items[-2].text = ''.join([target_area, u"气象局制"])  # 底注

    density_class = class_break_values.__len__() - 1
    class_break_values = [str(x) for x in class_break_values]

    # TODO 将position参数放到设置文件里,或者自动处理
    position = {u"绍兴市": (1.0436, 1.6639, 0.9859272727272728), u"嵊州市": (1.1138, 1.2614, 0.9869090909090698),
                u"上虞区": (1.1372, 1.1617, 0.9862375000000156), u"诸暨市": (1.1138, 1.2614, 0.9869090909090698),
                u"柯桥区": (1.1372, 1.1617, 0.9862375000000156), u"新昌县": (1.1138, 1.2614, 0.9869090909090698),
                u"新乡市": (1.0436, 1.6639, 0.9859272727272728)}

    Y, Xstart, gap = position[target_area]
    for i in xrange(density_class + 1):
        layout_items[i].text = class_break_values[i]
        layout_items[i].elementPositionY = Y
        layout_items[i].elementPositionX = Xstart + gap * i
    for i in xrange(density_class + 1, 15):  # 最多14类,15个标签
        layout_items[i].elementPositionX = -20


    if not out_path:
        out_path = workspace
    out_name = os.path.join(out_path, ''.join([datetime, target_area, u"闪电密度空间分布"]))

    out_type = out_type.lower()
    if out_type in ["jpg", 'gpeg']:
        mapping.ExportToJPEG(mxd, out_name, resolution=200)
    elif out_type == "png":
        mapping.ExportToPNG(mxd, out_name, resolution=200)
    elif out_type == "pdf":
        mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd, out_name)
    elif out_type == "bmp":
        mapping.ExportToBMP(mxd, out_name, resolution=200)
        mapping.ExportToTIFF(mxd, out_name, resolution=200)

    # *****处理雷暴日地图文档*******
    mxd = mapping.MapDocument(mxd_day_path)
    mask_lyr = mapping.ListLayers(mxd)[2]
    target_lyr = mapping.ListLayers(mxd)[3]
    mask_lyr.replaceDataSource(workspace, "FILEGDB_WORKSPACE", "dayMask")
    target_lyr.replaceDataSource(workspace, "FILEGDB_WORKSPACE", "lightningDay")
    # 修改图例
    # 计算数据分割值和不显示值
    extract = ExtractByMask("lightningDay", infeature)
    raster = Raster("lightningDay")
    start = floor(extract.minimum)
    end = ceil(extract.maximum)
    class_break_values, day_class = dayLegendLabel(start, end, day_class)
    excluded_values = ''.join([str(round(raster.minimum - 0.5, 2)), "-", str(round(extract.minimum - 0.5, 2)), ";",
                               str(round(extract.maximum + 0.5, 2)), "-", str(round(raster.maximum + 0.5, 2))])
    sym = target_lyr.symbology
    sym.excludedValues = excluded_values
    sym.classBreakValues = class_break_values
    # 更改标题和图例
    layout_items = mapping.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "TEXT_ELEMENT")
    layout_items[-1].text = ''.join([datetime, target_area, u"地闪雷暴日空间分布"])
    layout_items[-2].text = ''.join([target_area, u"气象局制"])  # 底注

    Y, Xstart, gap = position[target_area]
    for i in xrange(day_class + 1):
        layout_items[i].text = class_break_values[i]
        layout_items[i].elementPositionY = Y
        layout_items[i].elementPositionX = Xstart + gap * i
    for i in xrange(day_class + 1, 15):  # 最多14类,15个标签
        layout_items[i].elementPositionX = -20

    out_name = os.path.join(out_path, ''.join([datetime, target_area, u"地闪雷暴日空间分布"]))
    out_type = out_type.lower()
    if out_type in ["jpg", 'gpeg']:
        mapping.ExportToJPEG(mxd, out_name, resolution=200)
    elif out_type == "png":
        mapping.ExportToPNG(mxd, out_name, resolution=200)
    elif out_type == "pdf":
        mapping.ExportToPDF(mxd, out_name)
    elif out_type == "bmp":
        mapping.ExportToBMP(mxd, out_name, resolution=200)
        mapping.ExportToTIFF(mxd, out_name, resolution=200)
Пример #8
import arcpy.mapping as mapping

mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
for df in mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd):
    if df.name == "Microlocalizacion":
        print "script complete!"
Пример #9
def makeMaps(rast, name):
    fullrast = os.path.join(rootdir, rast)
    if os.path.isfile(fullrast):

        #cropAccList = [("alf", "Alfalfa"), ("dry", "Beans"), ("cot", "Cotton"), ("cor", "Corn"),
        #				   ("pea", "Peas"), ("sil", "Corn Silage"), ("soy", "Soybeans"), ("wht", "Wheat")]
        #yieldStabList = [("level", "Yield Level"), ("_stab", "Yield Stability"), ("t_var", "Temporal Variance")]

        mxd = mapping.MapDocument(MXD)  # get empty arcgis file
        df = mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "*")[0]

        for elm in mapping.ListLayoutElements(
                mxd, "TEXT_ELEMENT"
        ):  # loop through the elements in the mxd and set them
            print "element: ", elm.name
            if elm.name == "Title":
                elm.text = "SALUS simulated VARIABLE, " + SC
            #if elm.name == "Unstable":
            #	elm.elementPositionX = -5
            #if elm.name == "total_area":
            #	elm.elementPositionX = -5

        layer = mapping.Layer(fullrast)  # add the raster layer to the mxd
        mapping.AddLayer(df, layer, "TOP")

        arcpy.RefreshTOC()  # refresh

        # Load the symbology layer (from a file or create one from the raster on the fly)
        #lyrname = SC + "_" + name
        ## Execute MakeFeatureLayer (save raster to lyr symbology file)
        ##arcpy.MakeRasterLayer_management(rast, lyrname, rootdir)
        #outlyr = rast.replace(".tif",".tif.lyr")
        outlyr = "mi_SC3_endvalue.tif.lyr"
        outlyr = os.path.join(lyr_folder, outlyr)
        sym_lay = mapping.Layer(
        )  # lyrname (using lines above) # or I can skip the line above and call the full path name (if lyr file is already made)

        lay_name = "Variable (units)"
        #mapping.AddLayer(df, layer, "TOP")
        updateLayer = mapping.ListLayers(mxd, "", df)[0]
        update_layer(df, updateLayer, sym_lay, True)
            updateLayer, sym_lay
        )  # added symbology_only = True so that the layer becomes classified (symbology)??
        updateLayer.name = lay_name

        print "Added layer."

        #style_stab = mapping.ListStyleItems("USER_STYLE", "Legend Items")[0]

        legend = mapping.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "LEGEND_ELEMENT")[
            0]  # updates all legend items to the chosen style
        for lyr in legend.listLegendItemLayers():  #[:3]:
            #	legend.updateItem(lyr, style_stab)
            print "in legend: ", lyr.name
            if "States" in lyr.name or "Counties" in lyr.name:
                print "states is in legend"

        endvarlist = ["avgGWAD", "avgCWAD"]
        for var in endvarlist:
            name = var + "_" + name

            for lyr in mapping.ListLayers(
                    mxd, "", df)[:-1]:  # -1 to avoid boundary layer
                lyr.visible = True
                print "layer name: ", lyr.name

                # change the symbology value field
                if lyr.symbologyType == "RASTER_CLASSIFIED":  #, then create a variable reference to the RasterClassifiedSymbology class for that layer (lyrSymbolClass = lyr.symbology)
                    print "RASTER IS CLASSIFIED"
                    lyr.symbology.valueField = var
                    # first value is the minimum
                    #lyr.symbology.classBreakValues = [1, 60, 118, 165, 255]
                    # one less label than the classBreakValues
                    #lyr.symbology.classBreakLabels = ["1 to 60", "61 to 118",
                    #                   "119 to 165", "166 to 255"]
                    #lyr.symbology.classBreakDescriptions = ["Class A", "Class B",
                    #                         "Class C", "Class D"]
                    # lyr.symbology.excludedValues = '0'

                #name_temp = lyr.name
                #name =  "{}.jpg".format(name_temp.replace(" ", "_"))
                arcpy.RefreshTOC()  # refresh the TOC and active view
                outjpeg = os.path.join(outdir, name)
                                     jpeg_quality=100)  #export to jpeg
                lyr.visible = False  # switch off layer
                arcpy.RefreshTOC()  # refresh again
            print "Created jpeg's of layers."

            # Save a copy of the mxd with the layer in it to the MXDs directory
            new_mxd_name = name + ".mxd"
            new_mxd = os.path.join(newMXDdir, new_mxd_name)
            arcpy.RefreshTOC()  # refresh again

        # Save the mapp and its data to a single compressed .mpkx file
        #MPK_name = name + ".mpk"
        #MPK_name = os.path.join(MPKdir, MPK_name)
        #print new_mxd
        #print MPK_name
        #arcpy.PackageMap_management(new_mxd, MPK_name, "PRESERVE", "CONVERT_ARCSDE", "#", "ALL") # crashes the script :(

        del mxd
        del df
        print "Done with ", rast

        print "This raster does not exist:", fullrast
Пример #10
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Jul 21 14:28:28 2020

@author: Lina

import arcpy, os  
from arcpy import mapping as m  
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True  
mapPath = r'C:\Users\Lina\Google Drive\Leo\2_SIG\MXD\PruebaBatchMapas\Prueba.mxd'  
outpath = r'C:\Users\Lina\Google Drive\Leo\2_SIG\MXD\PruebaBatchMapas\Exports'  
mxd = m.MapDocument(mapPath)  
df = m.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]  
# Loop through layers  
for lyr in m.ListLayers(mxd, 'GMRT3_*'):  
    lyr.visible = True  
    #lyr.showLabels = True # I'm assuming this is where you have the properties?  
    jpg = os.path.join(outpath, lyr.name + '.jpg')  
    m.ExportToJPEG(mxd, jpg)  
    #print('Exported %s') %jpg  
    lyr.visible = False  
del mxd  
Пример #11
import arcpy.mapping as mapping
mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT")
for df in mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd):
    if df.name == "New_Micro":
            mxd, r'C:\EsriTraining\PythEveryone\PythonInArcGIS\New_Micro.jpg',
        print "Script complete!"
Пример #12
def CreateMXD(srcMXD, srcSHPDirs, targetDir, srcLyrDirs, srcGeo, srcStyleName, srcXlsxWB, srcSubjects, srcLogo):
	mxd = amp.MapDocument(srcMXD)
	mxdDF0 = amp.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Main")[0]
	mxdDF1 = amp.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Index")[0]

	prCode = srcGeo['prCode']
	coCode = srcGeo['coCode']
	ciCode = srcGeo['ciCode']

	shpCity = srcSHPDirs['shpCity']
	shpCounty = srcSHPDirs['shpCounty']
	shpCounties = srcSHPDirs['shpCounties']
	shpRegion = srcSHPDirs['shpRegion']

	lyrCity = srcLyrDirs['lyrCity']
	lyrCounty = srcLyrDirs['lyrCounty']
	lyrCounties = srcLyrDirs['lyrCounties']

	srcLyrCity = amp.Layer(lyrCity)
	srcLyrCounty = amp.Layer(lyrCounty)
	srcLyrCounties = amp.Layer(lyrCounties)

	mxdLayer00 = amp.Layer(shpRegion)
	mxdLayer10 = amp.Layer(shpCity)
	mxdLayer11 = amp.Layer(shpCounty)
	mxdLayer12 = amp.Layer(shpCounties)

	amp.AddLayer(mxdDF0, mxdLayer00, "TOP")
	amp.AddLayer(mxdDF1, mxdLayer12, "TOP")
	amp.AddLayer(mxdDF1, mxdLayer11, "TOP")
	amp.AddLayer(mxdDF1, mxdLayer10, "TOP")

	addLayer = amp.ListLayers(mxd, "", mxdDF1)[0]
	amp.UpdateLayer(mxdDF0, addLayer, srcLyrCity, True)
	addLayer = amp.ListLayers(mxd, "", mxdDF1)[1]
	amp.UpdateLayer(mxdDF0, addLayer, srcLyrCounty, True)
	addLayer = amp.ListLayers(mxd, "", mxdDF1)[2]
	amp.UpdateLayer(mxdDF0, addLayer, srcLyrCounties, True)

	addLayer = amp.ListLayers(mxd, "", mxdDF0)[0]
	fields = arcpy.ListFields(shpRegion)
	for field in fields:
		fieldName = field.name
		fieldCategory = fieldName[0:3]
		if fieldCategory in srcSubjects:
			lyrRegion = srcLyrDirs['lyrRegion'][fieldCategory]
			srcLyrRegion = amp.Layer(lyrRegion)
			amp.UpdateLayer(mxdDF0, addLayer, srcLyrRegion, True)

			if addLayer.supports("LABELCLASSES"):
				for labelClass in addLayer.labelClasses:
					labelClass.showClassLabels = True
					labelClass.expression = "\"<CLR red = '0' green = '0' blue = '0'><FNT size = '10' name = 'B Yekan'>\" & [areaCode] & \"</FNT></CLR>\""
					addLayer.showLabels = True

			if addLayer.symbologyType == 'GRADUATED_COLORS':
				addLayer.symbology.valueField = fieldName
				labels = addLayer.symbology.classBreakLabels
					addLayer.symbology.classBreakLabels = createRanges(labels)
					print('Error in Symbology | %s' % fieldName)

			style0 = amp.ListStyleItems("USER_STYLE", "Legend Items", srcStyleName)[0]
			mxd_legend = amp.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "LEGEND_ELEMENT")[0]
			mxd_legend.title = ""
			mxd_legend.updateItem(addLayer, style0)

			for element in amp.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "PICTURE_ELEMENT"):
				elementName = element.name
				if elementName == 'Logo':
					element.sourceImage = srcLogo

			variableKeys = srcXlsxWB.sheet_by_index(0).row(0)
			colId = findInCellArray(variableKeys, fieldName)
			mapTitles = srcXlsxWB.sheet_by_index(0).cell_value(1, colId)

			for sheet in srcXlsxWB.sheets():
				sheetName = sheet.name
				if sheetName == 'total':
					countryValue = sheet.cell_value(2, colId)
				elif sheetName == 'province':
					featureKeys = sheet.col(0)
					rowId = findInCellArray(featureKeys, makeStandard(prCode))

					provinceName = sheet.cell_value(rowId, 1)
					provinceValue = sheet.cell_value(rowId, colId)
				elif sheetName == 'county':
					featureKeys = sheet.col(0)
					rowId = findInCellArray(featureKeys, makeStandard(coCode))
					countyName = sheet.cell_value(rowId, 1)
					countyValue = sheet.cell_value(rowId, colId)
				elif sheetName == 'city':
					featureKeys = sheet.col(0)
					rowId = findInCellArray(featureKeys, makeStandard(ciCode))

					cityName = sheet.cell_value(rowId, 1)
					cityName0 = cityName[0: len(cityName) - 1]
					cityName1 = cityName[len(cityName) - 1]
					if (isStrNumber(cityName1)):
						cityName = Utf8ToUnicode('منطقه ') + cityName1 + Utf8ToUnicode('شهر ') + cityName0
						cityName = Utf8ToUnicode('شهر ') + cityName
					cityValue = sheet.cell_value(rowId, colId)
				elif sheetName == 'unit':
					unitText = sheet.cell_value(2, colId)

			for element in amp.ListLayoutElements(mxd, "TEXT_ELEMENT"):
				elementName = element.name
				if elementName == 'elLegend':
					mapTitles = maskTitle(" ".join(mapTitles.split()))
					defWidth = 8
					element.fontSize = 16
					element.text = mapTitles

					if element.elementWidth >= defWidth:
						words = mapTitles.split(' ')
						lines = []
						line = []
						tmp = ''
						itr = 0
						while itr < len(words):
							word = words[itr]
							itr += 1
							tmp += word + ' '
							element.text = tmp
							if element.elementWidth >= defWidth:
								line = []
								tmp = ''
								itr = itr - 1
							if itr == len(words):
								count = 0
								for l in lines:
									count += len(l)
								if count < len(words):

						mapTitlesNew = ''
						for jj in range(0, len(lines)):
							lineStr = " ".join(lines[jj])
							mapTitlesNew += lineStr
							if jj < len(lines) - 1:
								mapTitlesNew += "\n"

						element.text = mapTitlesNew

				elif elementName == 'elUnit' or elementName == 'elUnit2':
					element.text = unitText
				elif elementName == 'countryValue':
					element.text = round(countryValue,2)
				elif elementName == 'elProvinceTitle':
					element.text = Utf8ToUnicode('مناطق شهری استان ') + provinceName
				elif elementName == 'provinceValue':
					element.text = round(provinceValue,2)
				elif elementName == 'elCountyTitle':
					element.text = Utf8ToUnicode('مناطق شهری شهرستان ') + countyName
				elif elementName == 'countyValue':
					element.text = round(countyValue,2)
				elif elementName == 'elCityTitle':
					element.text = cityName
				elif elementName == 'cityValue':
					element.text = round(cityValue,2)

				mxd_name = targetDir['mxd'] + "//" + fieldName + ".mxd"
			except arcpy.ExecuteError:

				mxd_jpg_name = targetDir['jpg'] + fieldName + ".jpg"
				amp.ExportToJPEG(mxd, mxd_jpg_name, resolution=300)
				# multiprocessing.freeze_support()
				# p = multiprocessing.Process(target=test, args=(mxd.__getattribute__('filePath'), mxd_jpg_name))
				# p.start()
				# p.join()
			except arcpy.ExecuteError: