import arcpy.mapping as mapping mxd = mapping.MapDocument("CURRENT") for tableView in mapping.ListTableViews(mxd): print
sys.exit( "Unable to find a DataFrame named mainDF. Please make sure default dataframe is named 'mainDF'." ) locatorDF = None if len(MAP.ListDataFrames(MXD, "LocatorDF")) > 0: locatorDF = MAP.ListDataFrames(MXD, "LocatorDF")[0] sectDF = None if len(MAP.ListDataFrames(MXD, "SectionsDF")) > 0: sectDF = MAP.ListDataFrames(MXD, "SectionsDF")[0] qSectDF = None if len(MAP.ListDataFrames(MXD, "QSectionsDF")) > 0: qSectDF = MAP.ListDataFrames(MXD, "QSectionsDF")[0] #REFERENCE PAGELAYOUT TABLE pageLayoutRow = None if len(MAP.ListTableViews(MXD, OrmapLayers.PAGELAYOUT_TABLE, mainDF)) > 0: pageLayoutTable = MAP.ListTableViews(MXD, OrmapLayers.PAGELAYOUT_TABLE, mainDF)[0] pageLayoutCursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(, "MapNumber = '" + MapNumber + "'") pageLayoutRow = else: sys.exit( "Unable to find PageLayoutTable table. Please check your TOC and config file." ) #REFERENCE CANCELLED NUMBERS TABLE cancelledRow = None if len(MAP.ListTableViews(MXD, OrmapLayers.CANCELLEDNUMBERS_TABLE, mainDF)) > 0: cancelledTable = MAP.ListTableViews(MXD,
#IMPORT PARAMETERS MapNumber = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) #REFERENCE MAP DOCUMENT MXD = MAP.MapDocument("CURRENT") #COLLECT DATAFRAME INFORMATION if len(MAP.ListDataFrames(MXD, "MainDF"))>0: mainDF = MAP.ListDataFrames(MXD, "MainDF")[0] else: sys.exit("Unable to find a DataFrame named mainDF. Please make sure default dataframe is named 'mainDF'.") #REFERENCE CUSTOM DEFINITION QUERIES TABLE defQueryRow = None if len(MAP.ListTableViews(MXD, OrmapLayers.CUSTOMDEFINITIONQUERIES_TABLE, mainDF))>0: defQueryTable = MAP.ListTableViews(MXD, OrmapLayers.CUSTOMDEFINITIONQUERIES_TABLE, mainDF)[0] defQueryCursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(, "MapNumber = '" + MapNumber + "'") #--CUSTOM defQueryRow = else: sys.exit("Unable to find the Custom Definition Queries table. Please check your TOC and config file.") #GET QUERY DEFINITIONS FOR EACH LAYER INTO A STRING defQueryString = "" for lyr in MAP.ListLayers(MXD, "", mainDF): if lyr.supports("DATASETNAME") and lyr.definitionQuery!="": defQueryString += ";" if len(defQueryString) > 0 else "" defQueryString += + ":" + lyr.definitionQuery #DETERMINE WHETHER TO INSERT OR UPDATE PAGELAYOUT ROW.
MapNumber = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0) #REFERENCE MAP DOCUMENT MXD = MAP.MapDocument("CURRENT") #COLLECT DATAFRAME INFORMATION if len(MAP.ListDataFrames(MXD, "MainDF")) > 0: mainDF = MAP.ListDataFrames(MXD, "MainDF")[0] else: sys.exit( "Unable to find a DataFrame named mainDF. Please make sure default dataframe is named 'mainDF'." ) #REFERENCE PAGELAYOUT TABLE pageLayoutRow = None if len(MAP.ListTableViews(MXD, OrmapLayers.PAGELAYOUT_TABLE, mainDF)) > 0: pageLayoutTable = MAP.ListTableViews(MXD, OrmapLayers.PAGELAYOUT_TABLE, mainDF)[0] pageLayoutCursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(, "MapNumber = '" + MapNumber + "'") pageLayoutRow = else: sys.exit( "Unable to find PageLayoutTable table. Please check your TOC and config file." ) #DETERMINE WHETHER TO INSERT OR UPDATE PAGELAYOUT ROW. if pageLayoutRow == None: theCursor = arcpy.InsertCursor( theRow = theCursor.newRow() else:
def crawlmxds(folder): """ Given a directory search for mxd files. Every file with extension ".mxd" will be opened in order to list layers with broken data links. If user input matches any features listed, it then replaces the workspace of broken layers. Parameters ---------- folder: string, directory to map documents Returns ------- result: relinked feature data sources. """ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folderPath): for f in files: # Crawl folder for files with .mxd extention if f.lower().endswith(".mxd"): # Return MXD names and pathways mxdName = os.path.splitext(f)[0] mxdPath = os.path.join(root, f) print '\nChecking MXD titled: ' + mxdName # Return MXD properties mxd = mapping.MapDocument(mxdPath) # Return tables in MXDs tables = mapping.ListTableViews(mxd) # Return and loop broken layer list in MXD try: brokenlayers = mapping.ListBrokenDataSources(mxd) for brokenlayer in brokenlayers: layername = print ' Broken Layer: ' + layername if original_feature in brokenlayers: matchedname = print ' Replacing broken layer workspace: ' + matchedname # replace old data source with new data source original_feature.replaceDataSource( renamed_feature_workspace, "FILEGDB_WORKSPACE", renamed_feature_basename) else: print ' No broken links were fixed because 1) there were no broken layers or 2) no broken layers matched original feature' # for lyr in mapping.ListBrokenDataSources(mxd): # lyrName = # print ' Broken Layer in ' + mxdName + '.mxd: ' + lyrName # if lyr.supports("DATASOURCE"): # # See if the original feature is one of the broken data layers # if original_feature in lyr.dataSource: # print ' Replacing broken layer workspace: ' + lyrName # # replace old data source with new data source # lyr.replaceDataSource(renamed_feature_workspace, # "FILEGDB_WORKSPACE", renamed_feature_basename) # Ignore tables except: #AttributeError for table in tables: if table.isBroken == True: pass del mxd