def idw_ga(input_shp_file, output_file_path, mask_file, z_field): inPointFeatures = input_shp_file zField = z_field cellSize = 0.02 power = 2 arcpy.CheckOutExtension("GeoStats") # outLayer = os.path.split(input_shp_file)[-1][:-4] os.path.split(input_shp_file)[-1][:-4] outLayer = "ignored_file" file_name = os.path.split(input_shp_file)[-1] year_str_list = [str(year) for year in range(2000, 2014)] name = None for year_str in year_str_list: if file_name.find(year_str) >= 0: name = int(year_str) break if name == None: print("shp file can't find year") name = "tempto" + str(name) print name out_raster = os.path.join(output_file_path, name) arcpy.IDW_ga(inPointFeatures, zField,outLayer, out_raster, cellSize, power) print("we have idw_ga %s" % inPointFeatures) #Extract by mask the whole states inRaster = out_raster inMaskData = mask_file arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") outExtractByMask = ExtractByMask(inRaster, inMaskData), "es" + name )) print("we have produce")
def idw(inPointFeatures, zField, out_raster, in_Mask): if os.path.exists(out_raster): return cellSize = 0.02 power = 2 total_raster = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(out_raster), os.path.basename(out_raster) + "IDW") arcpy.CheckOutExtension("GeoStats") arcpy.IDW_ga(inPointFeatures, zField, "", total_raster, cellSize, power) outExtractByMask = ExtractByMask(total_raster, in_Mask) arcpy.BuildPyramids_management(out_raster) arcpy.Delete_management(total_raster)
def idw(input_layer, z_field): """Performs the IDW analysis. Returns the output layer.""" output = z_field + '_idw' arcpy.IDW_ga(input_layer, z_field, output) return output
arcpy.env.mask = "" tempEnvironment43 = arcpy.env.spatialGrid3 arcpy.env.spatialGrid3 = "0" tempEnvironment44 = arcpy.env.maintainSpatialIndex arcpy.env.maintainSpatialIndex = "false" tempEnvironment45 = arcpy.env.workspace arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\\caio\\Curva_Permanencia\\Vazao.gdb" tempEnvironment46 = arcpy.env.MResolution arcpy.env.MResolution = "" tempEnvironment47 = arcpy.env.derivedPrecision arcpy.env.derivedPrecision = "HIGHEST" tempEnvironment48 = arcpy.env.ZTolerance arcpy.env.ZTolerance = "" arcpy.IDW_ga( fc, "StageDW_SFG_StgEstacaoCurvaPermanencia_Features_MdaiDRE_LT", "", OutIDW, "0,156020628", "2", "NBRTYPE=Smooth S_MAJOR=11,7367757908039 S_MINOR=11,7367757908039 ANGLE=0 SMOOTH_FACTOR=0,4", "") arcpy.env.newPrecision = tempEnvironment0 arcpy.env.autoCommit = tempEnvironment1 arcpy.env.XYResolution = tempEnvironment2 arcpy.env.processingServerUser = tempEnvironment3 arcpy.env.XYDomain = tempEnvironment4 arcpy.env.processingServerPassword = tempEnvironment5 arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = tempEnvironment6 arcpy.env.cartographicPartitions = tempEnvironment7 arcpy.env.terrainMemoryUsage = tempEnvironment8 arcpy.env.MTolerance = tempEnvironment9 arcpy.env.compression = tempEnvironment10 arcpy.env.coincidentPoints = tempEnvironment11 arcpy.env.randomGenerator = tempEnvironment12
#arcpy.DeleteField_management(saved_shp,["Field10","Field11","min_1"]) # with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(out_path + site + str(year) + ".dbf", "Region") as cursor: # for row in cursor: # if row[0] == "Unknown": # cursor.deleteRow() #print "event " + str(year) # IDW inPointFeatures = out_path + site + str(year) + ".shp" zField = "ozone" cellSize = 0.02 power = 2 arcpy.CheckOutExtension("GeoStats") outLayer = "outIDW" + str(year) out_raster = out_path + "IDW" + str(year) arcpy.IDW_ga(inPointFeatures, zField, outLayer, out_raster, cellSize, power) print "IDW " + str(year) #Extract by mask the whole states inRaster = out_path + "IDW" + str(year) inMaskData = mask_path + "newstates" + ".shp" arcpy.CheckOutExtension("Spatial") outExtractByMask = ExtractByMask(inRaster, inMaskData) + "allIDW" + str(year)) arcpy.Delete_management(out_raster) print "states " + str(year) #Build pyramid from raster inras = out_path + "allIDW" + str(year) arcpy.BuildPyramids_management(inras) print "Build pyramid" + str(year)
searchNeighbourhood = arcpy.SearchNeighborhoodStandard(majSemiaxis, minSemiaxis, angle, maxNeighbors, minNeighbors, sectorType) desc = arcpy.Describe(samp) baseName = desc.basename if "Bottom" in baseName: depth = "Bottom" else: depth = "Top" newSampName = baseName[:4] + "_" + depth env.extent = maskDic[baseName[:4]] env.mask = maskDic[baseName[:4]] for metal in ["Zinc", "Steel", "Copper"]: out_idw_model_Lyr = newSampName + "_ModelLyr_" + metal + ".lyr" # get optimized parameters for IDW arcpy.IDW_ga(in_features=samp, z_field=metal, out_ga_layer=out_idw_model_Lyr, cell_size="5", search_neighborhood=searchNeighbourhood) optimized_out_idw_model_Xml = os.path.join(optimizedOutModel, newSampName + "_OptimizedModelLyr_" + metal + ".xml") arcpy.GASetModelParameter_ga(out_idw_model_Lyr, "/model[@name='IDW']/value[@name='Power']/@auto; /model[@name='IDW']/model[@name='NeighbourSearch']/value[@name='MajorSemiaxis']/@auto; /model[@name='IDW']/model[@name='NeighbourSearch']/value[@name='MinorSemiaxis']/@auto", in_param_value="true;true;true", out_ga_model=optimized_out_idw_model_Xml) # important: no space should appear in the name of input featureclass #idw_dataset = samp + " " + "X=Shape Y=Shape F1=" + str(metal) #print "idw input dataset: ", type(idw_dataset),idw_dataset geo_dataset_idw = arcpy.GeostatisticalDatasets(optimized_out_idw_model_Xml) geo_dataset_idw.dataset1 = samp geo_dataset_idw.dataset1Field = metal outLayer_idw_optimized = os.path.join(optimizedOutLyr, newSampName + "_optimizedLyr" + metal + ".lyr") arcpy.GACreateGeostatisticalLayer_ga(in_ga_model_source=optimized_out_idw_model_Xml,in_datasets=geo_dataset_idw, out_layer=outLayer_idw_optimized)
def idw(p): arcpy.IDW_ga(inPointFeatures, zField, outLayer, outRaster, cellSize, p)