Пример #1
    def source(self):
        EQPegAspec = Table.read(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                                names=['energy', 'flux'])
        # restrict table to ARCUS energy range
        EQPegAspec = EQPegAspec[(EQPegAspec['energy'] > 0.25)
                                & (EQPegAspec['energy'] < 1.5)]

        # define position and spectrum of source
        mysource = DefaultSource(energy=EQPegAspec,
                                 flux=(EQPegAspec['flux'][1:] *
        return mysource
Пример #2
arc = ArcusForPlot()
fig = mlab.figure(size=(800, 640))
arc.elements[0].display['shape'] = 'None'
outinstrum = plot_object(arc, viewer=fig)

EQPegAspec = Table.read('../inputdata/EQPegA_flux.tbl', format='ascii',
                        names=['energy', 'flux'])
# restrict table to ARCUS energy range
EQPegAspec = EQPegAspec[(EQPegAspec['energy'] > 0.25) &
                        (EQPegAspec['energy'] < 1.5)]

coord = astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.from_name("EQ Peg A")

mysource = DefaultSource(coords=coord, energy=EQPegAspec,
                         flux=(EQPegAspec['flux'][1:] * np.diff(EQPegAspec['energy'])).sum())
mypointing = DefaultPointing(coords=coord)

photons = mysource.generate_photons(5e3)
photons = mypointing(photons)
photons = arc(photons)
photons['wave'] = photons['energy'].to(u.Angstrom, equivalencies=u.spectral())
ind = (photons['probability'] > 0) & (photons['facet'] >=0) & np.isfinite(photons['detpix_x'])
posdat = arc.postprocess_steps[0].format_positions(atol=1.)[ind, :, :]

#rays = plot_rays(posdat, scalar=photons['energy'][ind],
#                 kwargssurface={'opacity': .5,
#                                'line_width': 1,
#                                 'colormap': 'blue-red'})
Пример #3
from os.path import join as pjoin
import datetime
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u

from arcus import Arcus
from arcus.defaults import DefaultSource, DefaultPointing

from utils import get_path

n_photons = 1e5
outdir = get_path('arcus')

# define position and spectrum of source
mysource = DefaultSource(energy={
    'energy': np.array([0.25, 1.7]),
    'flux': np.ones(2)
jitterpointing = DefaultPointing()
fixedpointing = DefaultPointing(jitter=0. * u.rad)
arc = Arcus()

for i in range(10):
    print 'jitter: {:03d}'.format(i), ' : ', datetime.datetime.now()
    # Ignore geometric area and set number of photons by hand.
    photons = mysource.generate_photons(n_photons)
    photons = jitterpointing(photons)
    photons = arc(photons)

    photons.write(pjoin(outdir, 'flatspecjitter{:03d}.fits'.format(i)),
Пример #4
from mayavi import mlab
from marxs.math.utils import h2e
from marxs import visualization
from marxs.visualization.mayavi import plot_object, plot_rays

from arcus.arcus import Arcus
from arcus.defaults import DefaultSource, DefaultPointing

n_photons = 1e4
e = 0.5

mypointing = DefaultPointing()

mysource = DefaultSource(energy=e)

photons = mysource.generate_photons(n_photons)
photons = mypointing(photons)

instrum = Arcus()
photons = instrum(photons)

ind = (photons['probability'] > 0)
posdat = visualization.utils.format_saved_positions(arcus.arcus.keeppos4)[ind, :, :]
fig = mlab.figure()
obj = plot_object(arcus.arcus.arcus4, viewer=fig)
rays = plot_rays(posdat, scalar=photons['energy'][ind])

Пример #5
        # fits interface directly above
        hdulist = fits.open(filename, mode='update')
        hdulist[0].header['ENERGY'] = (photons[0]['energy'], 'energy in keV')
        hdulist[0].header['ORDER'] = (o, 'diffraction order')
        hdulist[0].header['OFFX'] = (offx.to(u.rad).value,
                                     'offset from optical axis in radian')
        hdulist[0].header['OFFY'] = (offy.to(u.rad).value,
                                     'offset from optical axis in radian')
        hdulist[0].header['NPHOTONS'] = (n_photons, 'Number of photons per simulation')

for ix, offx in enumerate(pointing_offsets):
    for iy, offy in enumerate(pointing_offsets):
        for ie, e in enumerate(energies):
            print('{} {} {} - {}'.format(ix, iy, ie, time.ctime()))
            mysource = DefaultSource(coords=SkyCoord(0. * u.rad, 0. * u.rad), energy=e)
            photons = mysource.generate_photons(n_photons)
            offsetcoord = SkyCoord(offx, offy)
            mypointing = DefaultPointing(coords=offsetcoord, jitter=0.)
            photons = mypointing(photons)
            photons = arc(photons)
            # Reformat and delete columns not required for SIXTE to save space
            photons['POS'] = h2e(photons['pos'])
            # Make sure direction is normalized
            photons['DIR'] = norm_vector(h2e(photons['dir']))
            photons.rename_column('probability', 'weight')
            photons.rename_column('aperture', 'channel')
            photons.keep_columns(['POS', 'DIR', 'time', 'weight', 'ra', 'dec',
                                  'channel', 'order', 'energy', 'xou', 'facet'])
            photons.meta['A_GEOM'] = (arc.elements[0].area.to(u.cm**2).value, 'Geometric opening area in cm')
            filename = '{0}_{1}_{2}.fits'.format(ie, ix, iy)
Пример #6
from arcus.generate_rowland import make_rowland_from_d_BF_R_f
from arcus.ralfgrating import (CATL1L2Stack, RectangularGrid,
                               InterpolateRalfTable, RalfQualityFactor,
                               catsupport, catsupportbars)
from transforms3d.axangles import axangle2aff, axangle2mat
from marxs.simulator import Sequence

from utils import get_path
outpath = get_path('grid2designtorus')

n_photons = 10000
wave = np.arange(8., 50.1, 1.) * u.Angstrom
energies = wave.to(u.keV, equivalencies=u.spectral()).value

mypointing = DefaultPointing()
mysource = DefaultSource()

# Make input photon list with grid of discrete energies
photons_in = mysource.generate_photons(n_photons * len(wave))
photons_in = mypointing(photons_in)

for i, e in enumerate(energies):
    photons_in['energy'][i * n_photons:(i + 1) * n_photons] = e

arr_R = np.arange(5900., 6001., 100.)
arr_d_BF = np.arange(500., 701., 50.)
arr_blaze = np.arange(1.2, 2.21, 0.2)

class CATGratings(Sequence):
    order_selector_class = InterpolateRalfTable
Пример #7
 def source(self):
     return DefaultSource(
             'energy': self.energies[::-1],
             'flux': np.ones_like(self.energies) / self.energies**2
Пример #8
 def source(self):
     return DefaultSource(energy=0.5, flux=1.)
Пример #9
energies = wave.to(u.keV, equivalencies=u.spectral()).value

mypointing = DefaultPointing()

for instrum, path in zip(
    [  #Arcus(),
    [  #'raygrid',
    outpath = get_path(path)

    for i in range(len(wave)):
        print('{0}/{1} = {2}'.format(i + 1, len(energies), time.ctime()))
        mysource = DefaultSource(energy=energies[i])

        photons = mysource.generate_photons(n_photons)
        photons = mypointing(photons)
        photons = instrum(photons)

    aeffRfromraygrid(outpath, instrum.elements[0], defaultconf,
                     join(get_path('arcus'), path + 'RAeff.fits'))

csv_per_order(join(get_path('arcus'), 'raygridRAeff.fits'), 'Aeff4',
              join(get_path('figures'), 'Aeff.csv'))
csv_per_order(join(get_path('arcus'), 'raygridRAeff.fits'), 'R4',
              join(get_path('figures'), 'R.csv'))
Пример #10
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
'''A module to run full error budget simulations.
import logging

from astropy.table import Table
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np

from marxs.design.tolerancing import CaptureResAeff_CCDgaps
from arcus.instrument import Arcus, PerfectArcus
from arcus.instrument.arcus import reformat_randall_errorbudget
from arcus.defaults import DefaultSource, DefaultPointing

src = DefaultSource(energy=0.5 * u.keV)
pointing = DefaultPointing()
wave = np.array([15., 25., 37.]) * u.Angstrom

instrumfull = PerfectArcus(channels='1')
analyzer = CaptureResAeff_CCDgaps(A_geom=instrumfull.elements[0].area.to(
                                  orders=np.arange(-12, 5),

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def run_n_errorbudgets(align,
Пример #11
        circdet.display['opacity'] = 0.1
        circdet.detpix_name = [None, None]
        circdet.loc_coos_name = ['circ_phi', 'circ_y']
        return [circdet]
        #reset = marxs.simulator.simulator.Propagator(distance=-100.)
        #twostrips = DetCamera(conf)
        #return [circdet, reset, twostrips]

instrum = MyArcus(channels=[channel])
outpath = get_path('arfrmf')

for i, (en, wav) in enumerate(zip(energies, wave)):
    print('{0}/{1} = {2}'.format(i + 1, len(energies), time.ctime()))
    mysource = DefaultSource(energy=en)

    photons = mysource.generate_photons(n_photons * u.s)
    photons = mypointing(photons)
    photons.remove_columns(['time', 'polangle', 'ra', 'dec'])
    photons = instrum(photons)
    photons.meta['ENERGY'] = (en.value, en.unit)
    photons.meta['WAVELEN'] = (wav.value, wav.unit)
    photons.meta['CHANNEL'] = channel
    for aper in instrum.elements_of_class(RectangleAperture):
        area = aper.area.to(u.cm**2)
        photons.meta[f'AGEOM_{aper.id_num}'] = (area.value, area.unit)
    aper = instrum.elements[0]
    area = aper.area.to(u.cm**2)
    photons.meta['A_GEOM'] = (area.value, area.unit)
    # Number of photons is saved in meta['EXPOSURE'] with this setup