Пример #1
def index2(receipt_id):
    # takes in the click coords and receipt id and returns the text value if it exists within one of the box coords

    # clicked_coords = request.form.get('coords')
    # clicked_coords = [1500, 1600] #test case
    # #should output RM15.09

    #obtains click coordinates from the user
    clicked_coords = request.get_data()
    clicked_coords = clicked_coords.decode('utf-8')
    clicked_coords = clicked_coords.split(',')
    clicked_coords_x = int(clicked_coords[0])
    clicked_coords_y = int(clicked_coords[1])

    receipt = Receipt.get_by_id(receipt_id)

    if receipt:
        receipt_details = Receipt_details.select().where(
            Receipt_details.receipt == receipt)
        for i in receipt_details:
            # check each item in receipt_details to see if the CC is in the box
            tuple_coords = eval(i.coords)
            TL_x = tuple_coords[0][0]
            TL_y = tuple_coords[0][1]
            BR_x = tuple_coords[1][0]
            BR_y = tuple_coords[1][1]

            if BR_x - TL_x < 20:
                TL_x -= 25
                BR_x += 25

            TL_y -= 10
            BR_y += 10
test code, should return True, and i.text = RM15.09

when receipt_id = 17

clicked_coords = [1500, 1600] 
clicked_coords_x = clicked_coords[0]
clicked_coords_y = clicked_coords[1] 
TL_x = 1448
TL_y = 1578
BR_x = 1699
BR_y = 1637

            test2 = Area(TL_x, TL_y, BR_x, BR_y)

            if test2.inside(clicked_coords_x, clicked_coords_y) == True:
                # if the clicked coords are inside of a bound box of a certain item, then return the items that exist on the same row, in a list
                line_list = []
                height = BR_y - TL_y
                var_factor = 0.30
                y_low = TL_y - height * var_factor
                y_high = height * var_factor + BR_y
                for i in receipt_details:
                    # searching through receipt details to see what items exist in the range of these y coords y_low to y_high
                    tuple_coords = eval(i.coords)
                    TL_y = tuple_coords[0][1]
                    BR_y = tuple_coords[1][1]
                    line_instance = Line(TL_y, BR_y)
                    if line_instance.inside_line(y_low, y_high) == True:
                largest_BR_x = 0
                for i in line_list:
                    tuple_coords = eval(i.coords)
                    BR_x = tuple_coords[1][0]
                    if BR_x > largest_BR_x:
                        largest_BR_x = BR_x
                        subtotal = i.text
                        i_subtotal = i
                    #   want the largest_BR_x to be set as subtotal in the JSON
                    if RepresentsInt(i.text):
                        quantity = i.text
                        i_quantity = i
                    #remove the subtotal and qty from the list, join the remaining stuff and call it description
                subtotal_value = float((re.findall(r"(\d+[\,\.]\d{0,2})",
                # regex to extract price as a float out ex. RM15.09 -> 15.09

                quantity_value = float(quantity)

                description_list = []
                for item in line_list:
                # description_list = description_list[::-1]
                description = ' '.join(description_list)

                unit_price = subtotal_value / quantity_value
                unit_price = round(unit_price, 2)
                # find out the unit price by diving subtotal by quantity

                # if BR_x is the biggest, then it is the subtotal
                # if i.text == an integer, then it is the quantity
                # the remaining elements are the description. the unit price might be thrown into the description
                # calculate the unit price by dividing the subtotal by the qty

                return jsonify(description=description,
                # returns json with a list of all the items that exist in the row
                # want to output QTY, description, subtotal

    # takes clicked coords, runs it through the query with the receipt_id and returns the text value, else return none
    return 'not found'