Пример #1
    async def test_script_object_in_pipeline(self, r):
        multiply = await r.register_script(multiply_script)
        assert not multiply.sha
        pipe = r.pipeline()
        await pipe.set('a', 2)
        await pipe.get('a')
        multiply(keys=['a'], args=[3], client=pipe)
        # even though the pipeline wasn't executed yet, we made sure the
        # script was loaded and got a valid sha
        assert multiply.sha
        assert await r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [True]
        # [SET worked, GET 'a', result of multiple script]
        assert await pipe.execute() == [True, b('2'), 6]

        # purge the script from redis's cache and re-run the pipeline
        # the multiply script object knows it's sha, so it shouldn't get
        # reloaded until pipe.execute()
        await r.script_flush()
        pipe = await r.pipeline()
        await pipe.set('a', 2)
        await pipe.get('a')
        assert multiply.sha
        multiply(keys=['a'], args=[3], client=pipe)
        assert await r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [False]
        # [SET worked, GET 'a', result of multiple script]
        assert await pipe.execute() == [True, b('2'), 6]
Пример #2
async def test_access_correct_slave_with_readonly_mode_client(sr):
    Test that the client can get value normally with readonly mode
    when we connect to correct slave.

    # we assume this key is set on
    await sr.set('foo16706', 'foo')
    await asyncio.sleep(1)

    with patch.object(ClusterConnectionPool,
                      'get_node_by_slot') as return_slave_mock:
        return_slave_mock.return_value = {
            'name': '',
            'host': '',
            'port': 7004,
            'server_type': 'slave',

        master_value = {
            'host': '',
            'name': '',
            'port': 7000,
            'server_type': 'master'
        with patch.object(ClusterConnectionPool,
                          return_value=master_value) as return_master_mock:
            readonly_client = StrictRedisCluster(host="",
            assert b('foo') == await readonly_client.get('foo16706')
            readonly_client = StrictRedisCluster.from_url(
                url="redis://", readonly=True)
            assert b('foo') == await readonly_client.get('foo16706')
Пример #3
    async def test_exec_error_in_response(self, r):
        an invalid pipeline command at exec time adds the exception instance
        to the list of returned values
        await r.flushdb()
        await r.set('c', 'a')
        async with await r.pipeline() as pipe:
            await pipe.set('a', 1)
            await pipe.set('b', 2)
            await pipe.lpush('c', 3)
            await pipe.set('d', 4)
            result = await pipe.execute(raise_on_error=False)

            assert result[0]
            assert await r.get('a') == b('1')
            assert result[1]
            assert await r.get('b') == b('2')

            # we can't lpush to a key that's a string value, so this should
            # be a ResponseError exception
            assert isinstance(result[2], ResponseError)
            assert await r.get('c') == b('a')

            # since this isn't a transaction, the other commands after the
            # error are still executed
            assert result[3]
            assert await r.get('d') == b('4')

            # make sure the pipe was restored to a working state
            await pipe.set('z', 'zzz')
            assert await pipe.execute() == [True]
            assert await r.get('z') == b('zzz')
Пример #4
    async def test_script_object_in_pipeline(self, r):
        await r.script_flush()
        multiply = r.register_script(multiply_script)
        precalculated_sha = multiply.sha
        assert precalculated_sha
        pipe = await r.pipeline()
        await pipe.set('a', 2)
        await pipe.get('a')
        await multiply.execute(keys=['a'], args=[3], client=pipe)
        assert await r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [False]
        # [SET worked, GET 'a', result of multiple script]
        assert await pipe.execute() == [True, b('2'), 6]
        # The script should have been loaded by pipe.execute()
        assert await r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [True]
        # The precalculated sha should have been the correct one
        assert multiply.sha == precalculated_sha

        # purge the script from redis's cache and re-run the pipeline
        # the multiply script should be reloaded by pipe.execute()
        await r.script_flush()
        pipe = await r.pipeline()
        await pipe.set('a', 2)
        await pipe.get('a')
        await multiply.execute(keys=['a'], args=[3], client=pipe)
        assert await r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [False]
        # [SET worked, GET 'a', result of multiple script]
        assert await pipe.execute() == [True, b('2'), 6]
        assert await r.script_exists(multiply.sha) == [True]
Пример #5
    async def _georadiusgeneric(self, command, *args, **kwargs):
        pieces = list(args)
        if kwargs['unit'] and kwargs['unit'] not in ('m', 'km', 'mi', 'ft'):
            raise RedisError("GEORADIUS invalid unit")
        elif kwargs['unit']:
            pieces.append('m', )

        for token in ('withdist', 'withcoord', 'withhash'):
            if kwargs[token]:

        if kwargs['count']:
            pieces.extend([b('COUNT'), kwargs['count']])

        if kwargs['sort'] and kwargs['sort'] not in ('ASC', 'DESC'):
            raise RedisError("GEORADIUS invalid sort")
        elif kwargs['sort']:

        if kwargs['store'] and kwargs['store_dist']:
            raise RedisError("GEORADIUS store and store_dist cant be set"
                             " together")

        if kwargs['store']:
            pieces.extend([b('STORE'), kwargs['store']])

        if kwargs['store_dist']:
            pieces.extend([b('STOREDIST'), kwargs['store_dist']])

        return await self.execute_command(command, *pieces, **kwargs)
Пример #6
    async def zrevrangebyscore(self,
        Returns a range of values from the sorted set ``name`` with scores
        between ``min`` and ``max`` in descending order.

        If ``start`` and ``num`` are specified, then return a slice
        of the range.

        ``withscores`` indicates to return the scores along with the values.
        The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs

        ``score_cast_func`` a callable used to cast the score return value
        if (start is not None and num is None) or \
                (num is not None and start is None):
            raise RedisError("``start`` and ``num`` must both be specified")
        pieces = ['ZREVRANGEBYSCORE', name, max, min]
        if start is not None and num is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('LIMIT'), start, num])
        if withscores:
        options = {
            'withscores': withscores,
            'score_cast_func': score_cast_func
        return await self.execute_command(*pieces, **options)
Пример #7
 def _trans_type(self, content):
     if isinstance(content, str):
         content = content.encode(self.encoding)
     elif isinstance(content, int):
         content = b(str(content))
     elif isinstance(content, float):
         content = b(repr(content))
     return content
Пример #8
 async def slaveof(self, host=None, port=None):
     Set the server to be a replicated slave of the instance identified
     by the ``host`` and ``port``. If called without arguments, the
     instance is promoted to a master instead.
     if host is None and port is None:
         return await self.execute_command('SLAVEOF', b('NO'), b('ONE'))
     return await self.execute_command('SLAVEOF', host, port)
Пример #9
 async def test_pipeline_no_transaction(self, r):
     await r.flushdb()
     async with await r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:
         await (await (await pipe.set('a', 'a1')).set('b',
                                                      'b1')).set('c', 'c1')
         assert await pipe.execute() == [True, True, True]
         assert await r.get('a') == b('a1')
         assert await r.get('b') == b('b1')
         assert await r.get('c') == b('c1')
Пример #10
 async def test_pipeline_eval(self, r):
     await r.flushdb()
     async with await r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:
         await pipe.eval("return {KEYS[1],KEYS[2],ARGV[1],ARGV[2]}", 2,
                         "A{foo}", "B{foo}", "first", "second")
         res = (await pipe.execute())[0]
         assert res[0] == b('A{foo}')
         assert res[1] == b('B{foo}')
         assert res[2] == b('first')
         assert res[3] == b('second')
Пример #11
 def encode(self, value):
     "Return a bytestring representation of the value"
     if isinstance(value, bytes):
         return value
     elif isinstance(value, int):
         value = b(str(value))
     elif isinstance(value, float):
         value = b(repr(value))
     elif not isinstance(value, str):
         value = str(value).encode()
     return value
Пример #12
 def _trans_type(self, content):
     if isinstance(content, str):
         content = content.encode(self.encoding)
     elif isinstance(content, int):
         content = b(str(content))
     elif isinstance(content, float):
         content = b(repr(content))
     if not isinstance(content, bytes):
         raise TypeError('Wrong data type({}) to compress'.format(
     return content
Пример #13
    async def test_pubsub_numsub(self, r):
        p1 = r.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
        await p1.subscribe('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
        p2 = r.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
        await p2.subscribe('bar', 'baz')
        p3 = r.pubsub(ignore_subscribe_messages=True)
        await p3.subscribe('baz')

        channels = [(b('foo'), 1), (b('bar'), 2), (b('baz'), 3)]
        assert channels == await r.pubsub_numsub('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
        await p1.unsubscribe()
        await p2.unsubscribe()
        await p3.unsubscribe()
Пример #14
 async def _zaggregate(self, command, dest, keys, aggregate=None):
     pieces = [command, dest, len(keys)]
     if isinstance(keys, dict):
         keys, weights = iterkeys(keys), itervalues(keys)
         weights = None
     if weights:
     if aggregate:
     return await self.execute_command(*pieces)
Пример #15
        async def my_transaction(pipe):
            a_value = await pipe.get('a')
            assert a_value in (b('1'), b('2'))
            b_value = await pipe.get('b')
            assert b_value == b('2')

            # silly run-once code... incr's "a" so WatchError should be raised
            # forcing this all to run again. this should incr "a" once to "2"
            if not has_run:
                await r.incr('a')
                has_run.append('it has')

            await pipe.set('c', int(a_value) + int(b_value))
Пример #16
    async def hscan(self, name, cursor=0, match=None, count=None):
        Incrementallys return key/value slices in a hash. Also returns a
        cursor pointing to the scan position.

        ``match`` allows for filtering the keys by pattern

        ``count`` allows for hint the minimum number of returns
        pieces = [name, cursor]
        if match is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('MATCH'), match])
        if count is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('COUNT'), count])
        return await self.execute_command('HSCAN', *pieces)
Пример #17
    async def sscan(self, name, cursor=0, match=None, count=None):
        Incrementally return lists of elements in a set. Also return a cursor
        indicating the scan position.

        ``match`` allows for filtering the keys by pattern

        ``count`` allows for hint the minimum number of returns
        pieces = [name, cursor]
        if match is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('MATCH'), match])
        if count is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('COUNT'), count])
        return await self.execute_command('SSCAN', *pieces)
Пример #18
    async def acquire(self, blocking=None, blocking_timeout=None):
        Use Redis to hold a shared, distributed lock named ``name``.
        Returns True once the lock is acquired.

        If ``blocking`` is False, always return immediately. If the lock
        was acquired, return True, otherwise return False.

        ``blocking_timeout`` specifies the maximum number of seconds to
        wait trying to acquire the lock.
        sleep = self.sleep
        token = b(uuid.uuid1().hex)
        if blocking is None:
            blocking = self.blocking
        if blocking_timeout is None:
            blocking_timeout = self.blocking_timeout
        stop_trying_at = None
        if blocking_timeout is not None:
            stop_trying_at = mod_time.time() + blocking_timeout
        while True:
            if await self.do_acquire(token):
                self.local.token = token
                return True
            if not blocking:
                return False
            if stop_trying_at is not None and mod_time.time() > stop_trying_at:
                return False
            await asyncio.sleep(sleep, loop=self.redis.connection_pool.loop)
Пример #19
def parse_slowlog_get(response, **options):
    return [{
        'id': item[0],
        'start_time': int(item[1]),
        'duration': int(item[2]),
        'command': b(' ').join(item[3])
    } for item in response]
Пример #20
    async def zrevrange(self,
        Returns a range of values from sorted set ``name`` between
        ``start`` and ``end`` sorted in descending order.

        ``start`` and ``end`` can be negative, indicating the end of the range.

        ``withscores`` indicates to return the scores along with the values
        The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs

        ``score_cast_func`` a callable used to cast the score return value
        pieces = ['ZREVRANGE', name, start, end]
        if withscores:
        options = {
            'withscores': withscores,
            'score_cast_func': score_cast_func
        return await self.execute_command(*pieces, **options)
Пример #21
async def assert_moved_redirection_on_slave(sr, connection_pool_cls,
    # we assume this key is set on
    await sr.set('foo16706', 'foo')

    with patch.object(connection_pool_cls,
                      'get_node_by_slot') as return_slave_mock:
        return_slave_mock.return_value = {
            'name': '',
            'host': '',
            'port': 7004,
            'server_type': 'slave',

        master_value = {
            'host': '',
            'name': '',
            'port': 7000,
            'server_type': 'master'
        with patch.object(ClusterConnectionPool,
                          'get_master_node_by_slot') as return_master_mock:
            return_master_mock.return_value = master_value
            assert await cluster_obj.get('foo16706') == b('foo')
            assert return_master_mock.call_count == 1
Пример #22
    async def test_transaction_callable(self, r):
        await r.flushdb()
        await r.set('a', 1)
        await r.set('b', 2)
        has_run = []

        async def my_transaction(pipe):
            a_value = await pipe.get('a')
            assert a_value in (b('1'), b('2'))
            b_value = await pipe.get('b')
            assert b_value == b('2')

            # silly run-once code... incr's "a" so WatchError should be raised
            # forcing this all to run again. this should incr "a" once to "2"
            if not has_run:
                await r.incr('a')
                has_run.append('it has')

            await pipe.set('c', int(a_value) + int(b_value))

        result = await r.transaction(my_transaction,
        assert result == [True]
        assert await r.get('c') == b('4')
Пример #23
    async def test_watch_succeed(self, r):
        await r.flushdb()
        await r.set('a', 1)
        await r.set('b', 2)

        async with await r.pipeline() as pipe:
            await pipe.watch('a', 'b')
            assert pipe.watching
            a_value = await pipe.get('a')
            b_value = await pipe.get('b')
            assert a_value == b('1')
            assert b_value == b('2')

            await pipe.set('c', 3)
            assert await pipe.execute() == [True]
            assert not pipe.watching
Пример #24
    def pack_command(self, *args):
        "Pack a series of arguments into the Redis protocol"
        output = []
        # the client might have included 1 or more literal arguments in
        # the command name, e.g., 'CONFIG GET'. The Redis server expects these
        # arguments to be sent separately, so split the first argument
        # manually. All of these arguements get wrapped in the Token class
        # to prevent them from being encoded.
        command = args[0]
        if ' ' in command:
            args = tuple([b(s) for s in command.split()]) + args[1:]
            args = (b(command), ) + args[1:]

        buff = SYM_EMPTY.join((SYM_STAR, b(str(len(args))), SYM_CRLF))
        for arg in map(self.encode, args):
            # to avoid large string mallocs, chunk the command into the
            # output list if we're sending large values
            if len(buff) > 6000 or len(arg) > 6000:
                buff = SYM_EMPTY.join(
                    (buff, SYM_DOLLAR, b(str(len(arg))), SYM_CRLF))
                buff = SYM_CRLF
                buff = SYM_EMPTY.join((buff, SYM_DOLLAR, b(str(len(arg))),
                                       SYM_CRLF, b(arg), SYM_CRLF))
        return output
Пример #25
 async def test_pipeline(self, r):
     await r.flushdb()
     async with await r.pipeline() as pipe:
         await pipe.set('a', 'a1')
         await pipe.get('a')
         await pipe.zadd('z', z1=1)
         await pipe.zadd('z', z2=4)
         await pipe.zincrby('z', 'z1')
         await pipe.zrange('z', 0, 5, withscores=True)
         assert await pipe.execute() == \
                 [(b('z1'), 2.0), (b('z2'), 4)],
Пример #26
    async def zscan(self, name, cursor=0, match=None, count=None,
        Incrementally return lists of elements in a sorted set. Also return a
        cursor indicating the scan position.

        ``match`` allows for filtering the keys by pattern

        ``count`` allows for hint the minimum number of returns

        ``score_cast_func`` a callable used to cast the score return value
        pieces = [name, cursor]
        if match is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('MATCH'), match])
        if count is not None:
            pieces.extend([b('COUNT'), count])
        options = {'score_cast_func': score_cast_func}
        return await self.execute_command('ZSCAN', *pieces, **options)
Пример #27
    async def test_exec_error_in_no_transaction_pipeline(self, r):
        await r.flushdb()
        await r.set('a', 1)
        async with await r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:
            await pipe.llen('a')
            await pipe.expire('a', 100)

            with pytest.raises(ResponseError) as ex:
                await pipe.execute()

        assert await r.get('a') == b('1')
Пример #28
    async def test_exec_error_in_no_transaction_pipeline_unicode_command(self, r):
        key = chr(11) + 'abcd' + chr(23)
        await r.set(key, 1)
        async with await r.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:
            await pipe.llen(key)
            await pipe.expire(key, 100)

            with pytest.raises(ResponseError) as ex:
                await pipe.execute()

        assert await r.get(key) == b('1')
Пример #29
    async def test_unwatch(self, r):
        await r.flushdb()
        await r.set('a', 1)
        await r.set('b', 2)

        async with await r.pipeline() as pipe:
            await pipe.watch('a', 'b')
            await r.set('b', 3)
            await pipe.unwatch()
            assert not pipe.watching
            await pipe.get('a')
            assert await pipe.execute() == [b('1')]
Пример #30
    async def test_parse_error_raised(self, r):
        async with await r.pipeline() as pipe:
            # the zrem is invalid because we don't pass any keys to it
            await (await (await pipe.set('a', 1)).zrem('b')).set('b', 2)
            with pytest.raises(ResponseError) as ex:
                await pipe.execute()

            assert str(ex.value).startswith(
                'Command # 2 (ZREM b) of pipeline caused error: ')

            # make sure the pipe was restored to a working state
            assert await (await pipe.set('z', 'zzz')).execute() == [True]
            assert await r.get('z') == b('zzz')