def sphinxDialogRssWatchValidateChoices(dialog, frame, row, *args, **kwargs): from arelle.UiUtil import checkbox dialog.checkboxes += ( checkbox(frame, 2, row, "Sphinx rules", "validateSphinxRules"), )
def xbrlDBdialogRssWatchValidateChoices(dialog, frame, row, options, cntlr): from arelle.UiUtil import checkbox dialog.checkboxes += ( checkbox(frame, 2, row, "Store into XBRL Database", "storeInXbrlDB"), )
def sphinxDialogRssWatchValidateChoices(dialog, frame, row, options, cntlr): from arelle.UiUtil import checkbox dialog.checkboxes += ( checkbox(frame, 2, row, "Sphinx rules", "validateSphinxRules"), )
def xbrlDBdialogRssWatchValidateChoices(dialog, frame, row, *args, **kwargs): from arelle.UiUtil import checkbox dialog.checkboxes += ( checkbox(frame, 2, row, "Store into XBRL Database", "storeIntoXbrlDb"), )
def __init__(self, mainWin, options): parent = mainWin.parent super(DialogFormulaParameters, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.options = options parentGeometry = re.match("(\d+)x(\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)", parent.geometry()) dialogX = int( dialogY = int( self.accepted = False self.transient(self.parent) self.title(_("Formula Parameters and Trace Options")) frame = Frame(self) ''' dialogFrame = Frame(frame, width=500) dialogFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) dialogFrame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) dialogFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky=(N, S, E, W), padx=3, pady=3) ''' # mainWin.showStatus(_("loading formula options and parameters")) # load grid gridHdr(frame, 1, 0, "Parameters", columnspan=3) gridHdr(frame, 1, 1, "QName") gridHdr(frame, 2, 1, "Type") gridHdr(frame, 3, 1, "Value") self.gridCells = [] y = 2 dataTypes = ("xs:string", "xs:integer", "xs:decimal", "xs:date", "xs:datetime", "xs:QName") for parameter in options["parameterValues"].items(): paramQname, paramTypeValue = parameter if isinstance(paramTypeValue, (tuple,list)): paramType, paramValue = paramTypeValue # similar to modelTestcaseObject, where values() are (type,value) else: paramType = None paramValue = paramTypeValue self.gridCells.append( ( gridCell(frame, 1, y, paramQname), gridCombobox(frame, 2, y, paramType, values=dataTypes), gridCell(frame, 3, y, paramValue)) ) y += 1 # extra entry for new cells for i in range(5): self.gridCells.append( ( gridCell(frame, 1, y), gridCombobox(frame, 2, y, values=dataTypes), gridCell(frame, 3, y)) ) y += 1 y += 1 # checkbox entries label(frame, 1, y, "Parameter Trace:") label(frame, 1, y + 3, "API Calls Trace:") label(frame, 2, y, "Variable Set Trace:") label(frame, 3, y, "Variables Trace:") self.checkboxes = ( checkbox(frame, 1, y + 1, "Expression Result", "traceParameterExpressionResult"), checkbox(frame, 1, y + 2, "Input Value", "traceParameterInputValue"), checkbox(frame, 1, y + 4, "Expression Source", "traceCallExpressionSource"), checkbox(frame, 1, y + 5, "Expression Code", "traceCallExpressionCode"), checkbox(frame, 1, y + 6, "Expression Evaluation", "traceCallExpressionEvaluation"), checkbox(frame, 1, y + 7, "Expression Result", "traceCallExpressionResult"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 1, "Expression Source", "traceVariableSetExpressionSource"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 2, "Expression Code", "traceVariableSetExpressionCode"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 3, "Expression Evaluation", "traceVariableSetExpressionEvaluation"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 4, "Expression Result", "traceVariableSetExpressionResult"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 5, "Assertion Result Counts", "traceAssertionResultCounts"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 6, "Formula Rules", "traceFormulaRules"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 1, "Variable Dependencies", "traceVariablesDependencies"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 2, "Variables Order", "traceVariablesOrder"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 3, "Expression Source", "traceVariableExpressionSource"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 4, "Expression Code", "traceVariableExpressionCode"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 5, "Expression Evaluation", "traceVariableExpressionEvaluation"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 6, "Expression Result", "traceVariableExpressionResult"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 7, "Filter Winnowing", "traceVariableFilterWinnowing"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 8, "Filters Result", "traceVariableFiltersResult") # Note: if adding to this list keep ModelFormulaObject.FormulaOptions in sync ) y += 9 mainWin.showStatus(None) okButton = Button(frame, text=_("OK"), width=12, command=self.ok) cancelButton = Button(frame, text=_("Cancel"), width=12, command=self.close) okButton.grid(row=y, column=2, sticky=E, pady=3) cancelButton.grid(row=y, column=3, sticky=E, pady=3, padx=3) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N,S,E,W)) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=3) frame.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) frame.columnconfigure(3, weight=3) window = self.winfo_toplevel() window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.geometry("+{0}+{1}".format(dialogX+50,dialogY+100)) #self.bind("<Return>", self.ok) #self.bind("<Escape>", self.close) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) self.grab_set() self.wait_window(self)
def __init__(self, mainWin, options): parent = mainWin.parent self.modelManager = mainWin.modelManager super(DialogFormulaParameters, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.options = options parentGeometry = re.match("(\d+)x(\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)", parent.geometry()) dialogX = int( dialogY = int( self.accepted = False self.transient(self.parent) self.title(_("Formula Parameters and Trace Options")) frame = Frame(self) ''' dialogFrame = Frame(frame, width=500) dialogFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) dialogFrame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) dialogFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky=(N, S, E, W), padx=3, pady=3) ''' # mainWin.showStatus(_("loading formula options and parameters")) # load grid gridHdr(frame, 1, 0, "Parameters", columnspan=3) gridHdr(frame, 1, 1, "QName") gridHdr(frame, 2, 1, "Type") gridHdr(frame, 3, 1, "Value") self.gridCells = [] y = 2 dataTypes = ("xs:string", "xs:integer", "xs:decimal", "xs:date", "xs:datetime", "xs:QName") for parameter in options["parameterValues"].items(): paramQname, paramTypeValue = parameter if isinstance(paramTypeValue, (tuple, list)): paramType, paramValue = paramTypeValue # similar to modelTestcaseObject, where values() are (type,value) else: paramType = None paramValue = paramTypeValue self.gridCells.append((gridCell(frame, 1, y, paramQname), gridCombobox(frame, 2, y, paramType, values=dataTypes), gridCell(frame, 3, y, paramValue))) y += 1 # extra entry for new cells for i in range(5): self.gridCells.append( (gridCell(frame, 1, y), gridCombobox(frame, 2, y, values=dataTypes), gridCell(frame, 3, y))) y += 1 y += 1 # checkbox entries label(frame, 1, y, "Parameter Trace:") label(frame, 1, y + 3, "API Calls Trace:") label(frame, 1, y + 8, "Testcase Results:") label(frame, 2, y, "Variable Set Trace:") label(frame, 3, y, "Variables Trace:") self.checkboxes = ( checkbox(frame, 1, y + 1, "Expression Result", "traceParameterExpressionResult"), checkbox(frame, 1, y + 2, "Input Value", "traceParameterInputValue"), checkbox(frame, 1, y + 4, "Expression Source", "traceCallExpressionSource"), checkbox(frame, 1, y + 5, "Expression Code", "traceCallExpressionCode"), checkbox(frame, 1, y + 6, "Expression Evaluation", "traceCallExpressionEvaluation"), checkbox(frame, 1, y + 7, "Expression Result", "traceCallExpressionResult"), checkbox(frame, 1, y + 9, "Capture Warnings", "testcaseResultsCaptureWarnings"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 1, "Expression Source", "traceVariableSetExpressionSource"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 2, "Expression Code", "traceVariableSetExpressionCode"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 3, "Expression Evaluation", "traceVariableSetExpressionEvaluation"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 4, "Expression Result", "traceVariableSetExpressionResult"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 5, "Assertion Result Counts", "traceAssertionResultCounts"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 6, "Assertion Satisfied [info]", "traceSatisfiedAssertions"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 7, "Assertion Unsatisfied [error]", "errorUnsatisfiedAssertions"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 8, "Assertion Unsatisfied [info]", "traceUnsatisfiedAssertions"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 9, "Formula Rules", "traceFormulaRules"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 10, "Evaluation Timing", "timeVariableSetEvaluation"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 1, "Variable Dependencies", "traceVariablesDependencies"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 2, "Variables Order", "traceVariablesOrder"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 3, "Expression Source", "traceVariableExpressionSource"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 4, "Expression Code", "traceVariableExpressionCode"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 5, "Expression Evaluation", "traceVariableExpressionEvaluation"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 6, "Expression Result", "traceVariableExpressionResult"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 7, "Filter Winnowing", "traceVariableFilterWinnowing"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 8, "Filters Result", "traceVariableFiltersResult") # Note: if adding to this list keep ModelFormulaObject.FormulaOptions in sync ) y += 11 mainWin.showStatus(None) label(frame, 1, y, "IDs:") self.idsEntry = gridCell(frame, 1, y, options.get("runIDs")) self.idsEntry.grid(columnspan=2, padx=30) _w = 8 if self.modelManager.cntlr.isMac else 12 okButton = Button(frame, text=_("OK"), width=_w, command=self.ok) cancelButton = Button(frame, text=_("Cancel"), width=_w, command=self.close) okButton.grid(row=y, column=3, sticky=W, pady=3) cancelButton.grid(row=y, column=3, sticky=E, pady=3, padx=3) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N, S, E, W)) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=3) frame.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) frame.columnconfigure(3, weight=3) window = self.winfo_toplevel() window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.geometry("+{0}+{1}".format(dialogX + 50, dialogY + 100)) #self.bind("<Return>", self.ok) #self.bind("<Escape>", self.close) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) self.grab_set() self.wait_window(self)
def __init__(self, parent, title, host=None, realm=None, useOsProxy=None, urlAddr=None, urlPort=None, user=None, password=None, showUrl=False, showUser=False, showHost=True, showRealm=True): super().__init__(parent) self.parent = parent parentGeometry = re.match("(\d+)x(\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)", parent.geometry()) dialogX = int( dialogY = int( self.accepted = False self.transient(self.parent) self.title(title) self.urlAddrVar = StringVar() self.urlAddrVar.set(urlAddr if urlAddr else "") self.urlPortVar = StringVar() self.urlPortVar.set(urlPort if urlPort else "") self.userVar = StringVar() self.userVar.set(user if user else "") self.passwordVar = StringVar() self.passwordVar.set(password if password else "") frame = Frame(self) y = 0 if showHost: hostLabel = Label(frame, text=_("Host:"), underline=0) hostDisplay = Label(frame, text=host, width=30) if host and len(host) > 30: ToolTip(hostDisplay, text=host, wraplength=240) hostLabel.grid(row=y, column=0, sticky=W, pady=3, padx=3) hostDisplay.grid(row=y, column=1, columnspan=4, sticky=EW, pady=3, padx=3) y += 1 if showRealm: realmLabel = Label(frame, text=_("Realm:"), underline=0) realmDisplay = Label(frame, text=realm, width=25) if realm and len(realm) > 30: ToolTip(realmDisplay, text=realm, wraplength=240) realmLabel.grid(row=y, column=0, sticky=W, pady=3, padx=3) realmDisplay.grid(row=y, column=1, columnspan=4, sticky=EW, pady=3, padx=3) y += 1 self.enabledWidgets = [] if useOsProxy is not None: if sys.platform.startswith("win"): hostProxy = _('Microsoft Windows Internet Settings') elif sys.platform in ("darwin", "macos"): hostProxy = _('Mac OS X System Configuration') else: # linux/unix hostProxy = _('environment variables') useOsProxyCb = checkbox(frame, 0, y, text=_("Use proxy server of {0}").format(hostProxy)) useOsProxyCb.grid(columnspan=5) useOsProxyCb.valueVar.set(useOsProxy) ToolTip(useOsProxyCb, text=_("Check to use {0} \n" "Uncheck to specify: \n" " No proxy if URL address is left blank, \n" " Proxy via URL address if it is not blank, \n" " with user and password (if provided)" .format(hostProxy)), wraplength=360) self.useOsProxyCb = useOsProxyCb useOsProxyCb.valueVar.trace("w", self.setEnabledState) y += 1 if showUrl: urlAddrLabel = Label(frame, text=_("Address:"), underline=0) urlAddrEntry = Entry(frame, textvariable=self.urlAddrVar, width=16) urlPortLabel = Label(frame, text=_("Port:"), underline=0) urlPortEntry = Entry(frame, textvariable=self.urlPortVar, width=5) urlAddrEntry.focus_set() urlAddrLabel.grid(row=y, column=0, sticky=W, pady=3, padx=3) urlAddrEntry.grid(row=y, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky=EW, pady=3, padx=3) urlPortLabel.grid(row=y, column=3, sticky=W, pady=3, padx=3) urlPortEntry.grid(row=y, column=4, sticky=EW, pady=3, padx=3) ToolTip(urlAddrEntry, text=_("Enter URL address and port number \n" " e.g., address: port: 8080 \n" " or address: port: 8080 \n" " or leave blank to specify no proxy server"), wraplength=360) self.enabledWidgets.append(urlAddrEntry) self.enabledWidgets.append(urlPortEntry) y += 1 userLabel = Label(frame, text=_("User:"******"Password:"******"*") passwordLabel.grid(row=y, column=0, sticky=W, pady=3, padx=3) passwordEntry.grid(row=y, column=1, columnspan=4, sticky=EW, pady=3, padx=3) self.enabledWidgets.append(passwordEntry) y += 1 okButton = Button(frame, text=_("OK"), command=self.ok) cancelButton = Button(frame, text=_("Cancel"), command=self.close) okButton.grid(row=y, column=2, sticky=E, pady=3) cancelButton.grid(row=y, column=3, columnspan=2, sticky=EW, pady=3, padx=3) y += 1 if useOsProxy is not None: self.setEnabledState() frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N,S,E,W)) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) window = self.winfo_toplevel() window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.geometry("+{0}+{1}".format(dialogX+50,dialogY+100)) self.bind("<Return>", self.ok) self.bind("<Escape>", self.close) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) self.grab_set() self.wait_window(self)
def __init__(self, mainWin, options): parent = mainWin.parent super(DialogFind, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.modelManager = mainWin.modelManager self.modelXbrl = None # set when Find pressed, this blocks next prematurely if options is None: options = newFindOptions self.options = options parentGeometry = re.match("(\d+)x(\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)", parent.geometry()) dialogW = int( dialogH = int( dialogX = int( dialogY = int( self.accepted = False self.transient(self.parent) self.title(_("Find")) self.objsList = [] # next may be tried before anything is found frame = Frame(self) # load grid findLabel = gridHdr(frame, 1, 0, "Find:", anchor="w") findLabel.grid(padx=8) self.cbExpr = gridCombobox(frame, 1, 1, values=options["priorExpressions"]) self.cbExpr.grid(columnspan=3, padx=8) ToolTip( self.cbExpr, text= _("Enter expression to find, or select from combo box drop down history list." ), wraplength=240) y = 2 # checkbox entries label(frame, 1, y, "Direction:") label(frame, 1, y + 3, "Match:") scopeLabel = label(frame, 2, y, "Scope:") ToolTip(scopeLabel, text=_("Scope for an XBRL document (instance or DTS). " "For an RSS Feed, all properties are matched. "), wraplength=240) rbUp = radiobutton(frame, 1, y + 1, "Up", "up", "direction") ToolTip(rbUp, text=_("Find/Next up (on screen) from last to first match."), wraplength=240) rbDn = radiobutton(frame, 1, y + 2, "Down", "down", "direction", rbUp.valueVar) ToolTip(rbDn, text=_("Find/Next down (on screen) from first to last match."), wraplength=240) rbText = radiobutton(frame, 1, y + 4, "Text (ignore case)", "text", "exprType") ToolTip( rbText, text=_( "Expression is a set of characters to match, ignoring case. " "The match may occur anywhere within the scope. "), wraplength=360) rbRegex = radiobutton(frame, 1, y + 5, "Regular expression", "regex", "exprType", rbText.valueVar) ToolTip( rbRegex, text= _('A regular expression to match, anywhere in the scope, ignoring case. ' 'For example, "cash" would match cash anywhere in a string (like cash on hand), ' 'whereas "^cash$" would match a full string to only contain cash. ' 'Use regular expression metacharacters, e.g., "." for any single character, ' '".*" for any number of wild characters, .{3} for exactly 3 wild characters. ' ), wraplength=360) rbXPath = radiobutton(frame, 1, y + 6, "XPath 2 expression", "xpath", "exprType", rbText.valueVar) ToolTip( rbXPath, text= _('An XPath 2 expression, where the context element, ".", is a candidate concept QName, if any concept scope is checked, ' 'and a candidate fact item, if any fact scope is checked. The XPath 2 functions do not need an "fn:" prefix (but it is defined). ' 'The XBRL Functions Registry functions do require an "xfi:" prefix. Constructors require an "xs:" prefix. ' 'The expression is considered "matched" for the candidate concept QNames or fact items where the effective boolean value of the expression is "true()". ' ), wraplength=360) self.optionControls = ( rbUp, rbDn, rbText, rbRegex, rbXPath, #checkbox(frame, 2, y + 1, "All", "all"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 1, "Concept label", "conceptLabel"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 2, " name", "conceptName"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 3, " type", "conceptType"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 4, " subs group", "conceptSubs"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 5, " period type", "conceptPer"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 6, " balance", "conceptBal"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 1, "Fact label", "factLabel"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 2, " name", "factName"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 3, " value", "factValue"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 4, " context", "factCntx"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 5, " unit", "factUnit"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 6, "Messages", "messagesLog"), # Note: if adding to this list keep Finder.FindOptions in sync ) y += 7 resultLabel = gridHdr(frame, 1, y, "Result:", anchor="w") resultLabel.grid(padx=8) self.resultText = gridCell(frame, 1, y + 1) self.resultText.grid(columnspan=3, padx=8) self.resultText.config(state="readonly") y += 2 mainWin.showStatus(None) buttonFrame = Frame(frame) buttonFrame.grid(columnspan=4, sticky=E, padx=8) findButton = Button(buttonFrame, text=_("Find"), width=12, command=self.find) ToolTip( findButton, text= _('Compile (if regular expression or XPath 2), and find first match (if down direction) or last match (if up direction). ' ), wraplength=240) nextButton = Button(buttonFrame, text=_("Next"), width=12, ToolTip( nextButton, text=_( 'Advance to the next matched object (in selected direction). ' ), wraplength=240) closeButton = Button(buttonFrame, text=_("Close"), width=12, command=self.close) ToolTip(closeButton, text=_('Close the find dialog. '), wraplength=240) findButton.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=3) nextButton.grid(row=1, column=2, pady=3) closeButton.grid(row=1, column=3, padx=3) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N, S, E, W)) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) frame.columnconfigure(3, weight=1) window = self.winfo_toplevel() window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) if self.options["geometry"]: self.geometry(self.options["geometry"]) else: self.geometry("+{0}+{1}".format(dialogX + 50, dialogY + 100)) #self.bind("<Return>", self.ok) #self.bind("<Escape>", self.close) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) # make this dialog non-modal self.focus_set()
def __init__(self, mainWin, options): self.mainWin = mainWin parent = mainWin.parent super(DialogRssWatch, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.options = options parentGeometry = re.match("(\d+)x(\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)", parent.geometry()) dialogX = int( dialogY = int( self.accepted = False self.transient(self.parent) self.title(_("RSS Feed Processing Control")) frame = Frame(self) # checkbox entries label(frame, 1, 1, "RSS Feed:") feedSources = sorted(rssFeeds.keys()) self.cellFeed = gridCombobox(frame, 2, 1, options.get("feedSource",""), values=feedSources) self.cellFeed.grid(pady=2) ToolTip(self.cellFeed, text=_("Select an RSS feed to process for item matching, formulas, and validations as selected below"), wraplength=240) label(frame, 1, 2, "Match fact text:") self.cellMatchText = gridCell(frame, 2, 2, options.get("matchTextExpr","")) ToolTip(self.cellMatchText, text=_("Enter a regular expression to be matched to the text of each filing instance fact item. " "Regular expressions may contain patterns to detect, such as ab.?c, for any single character between b and c, or ab.*c for any number of characters between b and c."), wraplength=240) label(frame, 1, 3, "Formula file:") self.cellFormulaFile = gridCell(frame,2, 3, options.get("formulaFileUri","")) ToolTip(self.cellFormulaFile, text=_("Select a formula linkbase to to evaluate each filing. " "The formula linkbase may contain one or more assertions, the results of which is recorded in the log file. " "If unsuccessful assertion alerts are selected and an e-mail address provided, the recipient will be notified of filings with assertions that do not pass."), wraplength=240) openFileImage = PhotoImage(file=os.path.join(mainWin.imagesDir, "toolbarOpenFile.gif")) chooseFormulaFileButton = Button(frame, image=openFileImage, width=12, command=self.chooseFormulaFile) chooseFormulaFileButton.grid(row=3, column=3, sticky=W) label(frame, 1, 4, "Log file:") self.cellLogFile = gridCell(frame,2, 4, options.get("logFileUri","")) ToolTip(self.cellLogFile, text=_("Select a log file in which to save an activity log, including validation results, matched item text, and formula results.\n\n " "Two files are produced, (1) .txt with the log messages, and (2) .csv with the RSS feed items and status. "), wraplength=240) chooseLogFileButton = Button(frame, image=openFileImage, width=12, command=self.chooseLogFile) chooseLogFileButton.grid(row=4, column=3, sticky=W) label(frame, 1, 5, "E-mail alerts to:") self.cellEmailAddress = gridCell(frame,2, 5, options.get("emailAddress","")) ToolTip(self.cellEmailAddress, text=_("Specify e-mail recipient(s) for alerts per below."), wraplength=240) label(frame, 1, 6, "Latest pub date:") pubdate = getattr(options,"latestPubDate",None) self.cellLatestPubDate = gridCell(frame,2, 6, str(pubdate) if pubdate else "") ToolTip(self.cellLatestPubDate, text=_("Specify pub dateTime of last processed submission. Next item to examine will be after this dateTime."), wraplength=240) clearImage = PhotoImage(file=os.path.join(mainWin.imagesDir, "toolbarDelete.gif")) clearPubDateButton = Button(frame, image=clearImage, width=12, command=self.clearPubDate) clearPubDateButton.grid(row=6, column=3, sticky=W) ToolTip(clearPubDateButton, text=_("Clear pub dateTime so that next cycle processes all entries in RSS feed."), wraplength=240) label(frame, 2, 7, "Validate:") label(frame, 2, 12, "Alert on:") self.checkboxes = ( checkbox(frame, 2, 8, "XBRL 2.1 and Dimensions rules", "validateXbrlRules"), checkbox(frame, 2, 9, "Selected disclosure system rules", "validateDisclosureSystemRules"), checkbox(frame, 2, 10, "Calculation linkbase roll-up", "validateCalcLinkbase"), checkbox(frame, 2, 11, "Formula assertions", "validateFormulaAssertions"), checkbox(frame, 2, 13, "Facts with matching text", "alertMatchedFactText"), checkbox(frame, 2, 14, "Unsuccessful formula assertions", "alertAssertionUnsuccessful"), checkbox(frame, 2, 15, "Validation errors", "alertValiditionError"), # Note: if adding to this list keep ModelFormulaObject.FormulaOptions in sync ) mainWin.showStatus(None) cancelButton = Button(frame, text=_("Cancel"), width=8, command=self.close) ToolTip(cancelButton, text=_("Cancel operation, discarding changes and entries")) okButton = Button(frame, text=_("OK"), width=8, command=self.ok) ToolTip(okButton, text=_("Accept the options as entered above")) cancelButton.grid(row=16, column=1, columnspan=3, sticky=E, pady=3, padx=3) okButton.grid(row=16, column=1, columnspan=3, sticky=E, pady=3, padx=86) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N,S,E,W)) frame.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) window = self.winfo_toplevel() window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.geometry("+{0}+{1}".format(dialogX+50,dialogY+100)) #self.bind("<Return>", self.ok) #self.bind("<Escape>", self.close) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) self.grab_set() self.wait_window(self)
def __init__(self, mainWin, options): parent = mainWin.parent super(DialogFind, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.modelManager = mainWin.modelManager self.modelXbrl = None # set when Find pressed, this blocks next prematurely if options is None: options = newFindOptions self.options = options parentGeometry = re.match("(\d+)x(\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)", parent.geometry()) dialogW = int( dialogH = int( dialogX = int( dialogY = int( self.accepted = False self.transient(self.parent) self.title(_("Find")) self.objsList = [] # next may be tried before anything is found frame = Frame(self) # load grid findLabel = gridHdr(frame, 1, 0, "Find:", anchor="w") findLabel.grid(padx=8) self.cbExpr = gridCombobox(frame, 1, 1, values=options["priorExpressions"]) self.cbExpr.grid(columnspan=3, padx=8) ToolTip(self.cbExpr, text=_("Enter expression to find, or select from combo box drop down history list."), wraplength=240) y = 2 # checkbox entries label(frame, 1, y, "Direction:") label(frame, 1, y + 3, "Match:") scopeLabel = label(frame, 2, y, "Scope:") ToolTip(scopeLabel, text=_("Scope for an XBRL document (instance or DTS). " "For an RSS Feed, all properties are matched. "), wraplength=240) rbUp = radiobutton(frame, 1, y+1, "Up", "up", "direction") ToolTip(rbUp, text=_("Find/Next up (on screen) from last to first match."), wraplength=240) rbDn = radiobutton(frame, 1, y+2, "Down", "down", "direction", rbUp.valueVar) ToolTip(rbDn, text=_("Find/Next down (on screen) from first to last match."), wraplength=240) rbText = radiobutton(frame, 1, y+4, "Text (ignore case)", "text", "exprType") ToolTip(rbText, text=_("Expression is a set of characters to match, ignoring case. " "The match may occur anywhere within the scope. "), wraplength=360) rbRegex = radiobutton(frame, 1, y+5, "Regular expression", "regex", "exprType", rbText.valueVar) ToolTip(rbRegex, text=_('A regular expression to match, anywhere in the scope, ignoring case. ' 'For example, "cash" would match cash anywhere in a string (like cash on hand), ' 'whereas "^cash$" would match a full string to only contain cash. ' 'Use regular expression metacharacters, e.g., "." for any single character, ' '".*" for any number of wild characters, .{3} for exactly 3 wild characters. '), wraplength=360) rbXPath = radiobutton(frame, 1, y+6, "XPath 2 expression", "xpath", "exprType", rbText.valueVar) ToolTip(rbXPath, text=_('An XPath 2 expression, where the context element, ".", is a candidate concept QName, if any concept scope is checked, ' 'and a candidate fact item, if any fact scope is checked. The XPath 2 functions do not need an "fn:" prefix (but it is defined). ' 'The XBRL Functions Registry functions do require an "xfi:" prefix. Constructors require an "xs:" prefix. ' 'The expression is considered "matched" for the candidate concept QNames or fact items where the effective boolean value of the expression is "true()". '), wraplength=360) self.optionControls = ( rbUp, rbDn, rbText, rbRegex, rbXPath, #checkbox(frame, 2, y + 1, "All", "all"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 1, "Concept label", "conceptLabel"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 2, " name", "conceptName"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 3, " type", "conceptType"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 4, " subs group", "conceptSubs"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 5, " period type", "conceptPer"), checkbox(frame, 2, y + 6, " balance", "conceptBal"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 1, "Fact label", "factLabel"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 2, " name", "factName"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 3, " value", "factValue"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 4, " context", "factCntx"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 5, " unit", "factUnit"), checkbox(frame, 3, y + 6, "Messages", "messagesLog"), # Note: if adding to this list keep Finder.FindOptions in sync ) y += 7 resultLabel = gridHdr(frame, 1, y, "Result:", anchor="w") resultLabel.grid(padx=8) self.resultText = gridCell(frame, 1, y + 1) self.resultText.grid(columnspan=3, padx=8) self.resultText.config(state="readonly") y += 2 mainWin.showStatus(None) buttonFrame = Frame(frame) buttonFrame.grid(columnspan=4, sticky=E, padx=8) findButton = Button(buttonFrame, text=_("Find"), width=12, command=self.find) ToolTip(findButton, text=_('Compile (if regular expression or XPath 2), and find first match (if down direction) or last match (if up direction). '), wraplength=240) nextButton = Button(buttonFrame, text=_("Next"), width=12, ToolTip(nextButton, text=_('Advance to the next matched object (in selected direction). '), wraplength=240) closeButton = Button(buttonFrame, text=_("Close"), width=12, command=self.close) ToolTip(closeButton, text=_('Close the find dialog. '), wraplength=240) findButton.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=3) nextButton.grid(row=1, column=2, pady=3) closeButton.grid(row=1, column=3, padx=3) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N,S,E,W)) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) frame.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) frame.columnconfigure(3, weight=1) window = self.winfo_toplevel() window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) if self.options["geometry"]: self.geometry(self.options["geometry"]) else: self.geometry("+{0}+{1}".format(dialogX+50,dialogY+100)) #self.bind("<Return>", self.ok) #self.bind("<Escape>", self.close) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) # make this dialog non-modal self.focus_set()
def __init__(self, mainWin, options): self.mainWin = mainWin parent = mainWin.parent super(DialogRssWatch, self).__init__(parent) self.parent = parent self.options = options parentGeometry = re.match("(\d+)x(\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)", parent.geometry()) dialogX = int( dialogY = int( self.accepted = False self.transient(self.parent) self.title(_("RSS Feed Processing Control")) frame = Frame(self) frame.focus_set() # checkbox entries row = 1 # row number (to allow future plugins label(frame, 1, row, "RSS Feed:") feedSources = sorted(rssFeeds.keys()) self.cellFeed = gridCombobox(frame, 2, row, options.get("feedSource", ""), values=feedSources) self.cellFeed.grid(pady=2) ToolTip( self.cellFeed, text= _("Select an RSS feed to process for item matching, formulas, and validations as selected below" ), wraplength=240) row += 1 label(frame, 1, row, "Match fact text:") self.cellMatchText = gridCell(frame, 2, row, options.get("matchTextExpr", "")) ToolTip( self.cellMatchText, text= _("Enter a regular expression to be matched to the text of each filing instance fact item. " "Regular expressions may contain patterns to detect, such as ab.?c, for any single character between b and c, or ab.*c for any number of characters between b and c." ), wraplength=240) row += 1 label(frame, 1, row, "Formula file:") self.cellFormulaFile = gridCell(frame, 2, row, options.get("formulaFileUri", "")) ToolTip( self.cellFormulaFile, text= _("Select a formula linkbase to to evaluate each filing. " "The formula linkbase may contain one or more assertions, the results of which is recorded in the log file. " "If unsuccessful assertion alerts are selected and an e-mail address provided, the recipient will be notified of filings with assertions that do not pass." ), wraplength=240) openFileImage = PhotoImage( file=os.path.join(mainWin.imagesDir, "toolbarOpenFile.gif")) chooseFormulaFileButton = Button(frame, image=openFileImage, width=12, command=self.chooseFormulaFile) chooseFormulaFileButton.grid(row=row, column=3, sticky=W) row += 1 openDatabaseImage = PhotoImage( file=os.path.join(mainWin.imagesDir, "toolbarOpenDatabase.gif")) for pluginXbrlMethod in pluginClassMethods( "DialogRssWatch.FileChoices"): pluginXbrlMethod(self, frame, row, options, mainWin, openFileImage, openDatabaseImage) row += 1 label(frame, 1, row, "Log file:") self.cellLogFile = gridCell(frame, 2, row, options.get("logFileUri", "")) ToolTip( self.cellLogFile, text= _("Select a log file in which to save an activity log, including validation results, matched item text, and formula results.\n\n " "If file ends in .xml it is xml-formatted, otherwise it is text. " ), wraplength=240) chooseLogFileButton = Button(frame, image=openFileImage, width=12, command=self.chooseLogFile) chooseLogFileButton.grid(row=row, column=3, sticky=W) row += 1 label(frame, 1, row, "E-mail alerts to:") self.cellEmailAddress = gridCell(frame, 2, row, options.get("emailAddress", "")) ToolTip(self.cellEmailAddress, text=_("Specify e-mail recipient(s) for alerts per below."), wraplength=240) propertiesImage = PhotoImage( file=os.path.join(mainWin.imagesDir, "toolbarProperties.gif")) smtpSetupButton = Button(frame, image=propertiesImage, width=12, command=self.setupSmtp) smtpSetupButton.grid(row=row, column=3, sticky=W) ToolTip( smtpSetupButton, text=_("Enter/edit settings of outgoing e-mail server (SMTP)."), wraplength=240) row += 1 label(frame, 1, row, "Latest pub date:") pubdate = getattr(options, "latestPubDate", None) self.cellLatestPubDate = gridCell(frame, 2, row, str(pubdate) if pubdate else "") ToolTip( self.cellLatestPubDate, text= _("Specify pub dateTime of last processed submission. Next item to examine will be after this dateTime." ), wraplength=240) clearImage = PhotoImage( file=os.path.join(mainWin.imagesDir, "toolbarDelete.gif")) clearPubDateButton = Button(frame, image=clearImage, width=12, command=self.clearPubDate) clearPubDateButton.grid(row=row, column=3, sticky=W) ToolTip( clearPubDateButton, text= _("Clear pub dateTime so that next cycle processes all entries in RSS feed." ), wraplength=240) row += 1 label(frame, 2, row, "Validate:") row += 1 self.checkboxes = ( checkbox(frame, 2, row, "XBRL 2.1 and Dimensions rules", "validateXbrlRules"), checkbox(frame, 2, row + 1, "Selected disclosure system rules", "validateDisclosureSystemRules"), checkbox(frame, 2, row + 2, "Calculation linkbase roll-up", "validateCalcLinkbase"), checkbox(frame, 2, row + 3, "Formula assertions", "validateFormulaAssertions"), # Note: if adding to this list keep ModelFormulaObject.FormulaOptions in sync ) row += 4 for pluginXbrlMethod in pluginClassMethods( "DialogRssWatch.ValidateChoices"): pluginXbrlMethod(self, frame, row, options, mainWin) row += 1 label(frame, 2, row, "Alert on:") row += 1 self.checkboxes += ( checkbox(frame, 2, row, "Facts with matching text", "alertMatchedFactText"), checkbox(frame, 2, row + 1, "Unsuccessful formula assertions", "alertAssertionUnsuccessful"), checkbox(frame, 2, row + 2, "Validation errors", "alertValiditionError"), # Note: if adding to this list keep ModelFormulaObject.FormulaOptions in sync ) row += 3 mainWin.showStatus(None) cancelButton = Button(frame, text=_("Cancel"), width=8, command=self.close) ToolTip(cancelButton, text=_("Cancel operation, discarding changes and entries")) okButton = Button(frame, text=_("OK"), width=8, command=self.ok) ToolTip(okButton, text=_("Accept the options as entered above")) cancelButton.grid(row=row, column=1, columnspan=3, sticky=E, pady=3, padx=3) okButton.grid(row=row, column=1, columnspan=3, sticky=E, pady=3, padx=86) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N, S, E, W)) frame.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) window = self.winfo_toplevel() window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.geometry("+{0}+{1}".format(dialogX + 50, dialogY + 100)) #self.bind("<Return>", self.ok) #self.bind("<Escape>", self.close) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) self.grab_set() self.wait_window(self)
def __init__(self, mainWin, modelXbrl): parent = mainWin.parent super(DialogArcroleGroup, self).__init__(parent) self.mainWin = mainWin self.parent = parent self.modelXbrl = modelXbrl parentGeometry = re.match("(\d+)x(\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)", parent.geometry()) dialogX = int( dialogY = int( self.selectedGroup = None self.transient(self.parent) self.title(_("Select Arcrole Group")) frame = Frame(self) ''' dialogFrame = Frame(frame, width=500) dialogFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) dialogFrame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) dialogFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky=(N, S, E, W), padx=3, pady=3) ''' # mainWin.showStatus(_("loading formula options and parameters")) # load grid groupLabel = label(frame, 1, 0, _("Group:")) self.arcroleGroups = mainWin.config.get("arcroleGroups", {}) arcroleGroupSelected = self.mainWin.config.get("arcroleGroupSelected") if arcroleGroupSelected in self.arcroleGroups: arcroleGroup = self.arcroleGroups[arcroleGroupSelected] else: arcroleGroup = [] arcroleGroupSelected = None self.groupName = gridCombobox(frame, 2, 0, value=arcroleGroupSelected, values=sorted(self.arcroleGroups.keys()), comboboxselected=self.comboBoxSelected) groupToolTipMessage = _( "Select an existing arcrole group, or enter a name for a new arcrole group. " "If selecting an existing group, it can be edited, and changes will be saved in the config file. " "If nothing is changed for an existing group, the saved setting is not disturbed. " "Arcroles with checkboxes below are shown only for arcroles that have relationships in the loaded DTS, " "but if an existing group is selected with more arcroles (that were not in the current DTS) then " "the prior setting with not-present arcroles is preserved. ") ToolTip(self.groupName, text=groupToolTipMessage, wraplength=360) ToolTip(groupLabel, text=groupToolTipMessage, wraplength=360) clearImage = PhotoImage( file=os.path.join(mainWin.imagesDir, "toolbarDelete.gif")) clearGroupNameButton = Button(frame, image=clearImage, width=12, command=self.clearGroupName) clearGroupNameButton.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=W) ToolTip( clearGroupNameButton, text= _("Remove the currently selected arcrole group from the config file. " "After removing, you may select another arcrole, but must select 'OK' for the " "removal to be saved. "), wraplength=240) arcrolesLabel = label(frame, 1, 1, _("Arcroles:")) ToolTip( arcrolesLabel, text=_("Shows all the arcroles that are present in this DTS. "), wraplength=240) from arelle.ModelRelationshipSet import baseSetArcroles self.options = {} self.checkboxes = [] y = 1 for name, arcrole in baseSetArcroles(self.modelXbrl): if arcrole.startswith("http://"): self.options[arcrole] = arcrole in arcroleGroup self.checkboxes.append( checkbox(frame, 2, y, name[1:], arcrole, columnspan=2)) y += 1 mainWin.showStatus(None) self.options[ XbrlConst. arcroleGroupDetect] = XbrlConst.arcroleGroupDetect in arcroleGroup self.autoOpen = checkbox(frame, 1, y, _("detect"), XbrlConst.arcroleGroupDetect) self.autoOpen.grid(sticky=W, columnspan=2) self.checkboxes.append(self.autoOpen) ToolTip( self.autoOpen, text= _("If checked, this arcrole group will be detected if any arcrole of the group is present in a DTS, for example to open a treeview pane. " ), wraplength=240) okButton = Button(frame, text=_("OK"), width=8, command=self.ok) cancelButton = Button(frame, text=_("Cancel"), width=8, command=self.close) cancelButton.grid(row=y, column=1, sticky=E, columnspan=3, pady=3, padx=3) okButton.grid(row=y, column=1, sticky=E, columnspan=3, pady=3, padx=64) ToolTip( okButton, text= _("Open a treeview with named arcrole group and selected arcroles. " "If any changes were made to checkboxes or name, save in the config. " ), wraplength=240) ToolTip( cancelButton, text= _("Close this dialog, without saving arcrole group changes or opening a view pane. " ), wraplength=240) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N, S, E, W)) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=3) frame.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) frame.columnconfigure(3, weight=3) window = self.winfo_toplevel() window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.geometry("+{0}+{1}".format(dialogX + 50, dialogY + 100)) #self.bind("<Return>", self.ok) #self.bind("<Escape>", self.close) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) self.grab_set() self.wait_window(self)
def __init__(self, mainWin, modelXbrl): parent = mainWin.parent super(DialogArcroleGroup, self).__init__(parent) self.mainWin = mainWin self.parent = parent self.modelXbrl = modelXbrl parentGeometry = re.match("(\d+)x(\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)[+]?([-]?\d+)", parent.geometry()) dialogX = int( dialogY = int( self.selectedGroup = None self.transient(self.parent) self.title(_("Select Arcrole Group")) frame = Frame(self) ''' dialogFrame = Frame(frame, width=500) dialogFrame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) dialogFrame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) dialogFrame.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky=(N, S, E, W), padx=3, pady=3) ''' # mainWin.showStatus(_("loading formula options and parameters")) # load grid groupLabel = label(frame, 1, 0, _("Group:")) self.arcroleGroups = mainWin.config.get("arcroleGroups", {}) arcroleGroupSelected = self.mainWin.config.get("arcroleGroupSelected") if arcroleGroupSelected in self.arcroleGroups: arcroleGroup = self.arcroleGroups[arcroleGroupSelected] else: arcroleGroup = [] arcroleGroupSelected = None self.groupName = gridCombobox(frame, 2, 0, value=arcroleGroupSelected, values=sorted(self.arcroleGroups.keys()), comboboxselected=self.comboBoxSelected) groupToolTipMessage = _("Select an existing arcrole group, or enter a name for a new arcrole group. " "If selecting an existing group, it can be edited, and changes will be saved in the config file. " "If nothing is changed for an existing group, the saved setting is not disturbed. " "Arcroles with checkboxes below are shown only for arcroles that have relationships in the loaded DTS, " "but if an existing group is selected with more arcroles (that were not in the current DTS) then " "the prior setting with not-present arcroles is preserved. ") ToolTip(self.groupName, text=groupToolTipMessage, wraplength=360) ToolTip(groupLabel, text=groupToolTipMessage, wraplength=360) clearImage = PhotoImage(file=os.path.join(mainWin.imagesDir, "toolbarDelete.gif")) clearGroupNameButton = Button(frame, image=clearImage, width=12, command=self.clearGroupName) clearGroupNameButton.grid(row=0, column=3, sticky=W) ToolTip(clearGroupNameButton, text=_("Remove the currently selected arcrole group from the config file. " "After removing, you may select another arcrole, but must select 'OK' for the " "removal to be saved. "), wraplength=240) arcrolesLabel = label(frame, 1, 1, _("Arcroles:")) ToolTip(arcrolesLabel, text=_("Shows all the arcroles that are present in this DTS. "), wraplength=240) from arelle.ModelRelationshipSet import baseSetArcroles self.options = {} self.checkboxes = [] y = 1 for name, arcrole in baseSetArcroles(self.modelXbrl): if arcrole.startswith("http://"): self.options[arcrole] = arcrole in arcroleGroup self.checkboxes.append( checkbox(frame, 2, y, name[1:], arcrole, columnspan=2) ) y += 1 mainWin.showStatus(None) self.options[XbrlConst.arcroleGroupDetect] = XbrlConst.arcroleGroupDetect in arcroleGroup self.autoOpen = checkbox(frame, 1, y, _("detect"), XbrlConst.arcroleGroupDetect) self.autoOpen.grid(sticky=W, columnspan=2) self.checkboxes.append(self.autoOpen) ToolTip(self.autoOpen, text=_("If checked, this arcrole group will be detected if any arcrole of the group is present in a DTS, for example to open a treeview pane. "), wraplength=240) okButton = Button(frame, text=_("OK"), width=8, command=self.ok) cancelButton = Button(frame, text=_("Cancel"), width=8, command=self.close) cancelButton.grid(row=y, column=1, sticky=E, columnspan=3, pady=3, padx=3) okButton.grid(row=y, column=1, sticky=E, columnspan=3, pady=3, padx=64) ToolTip(okButton, text=_("Open a treeview with named arcrole group and selected arcroles. " "If any changes were made to checkboxes or name, save in the config. "), wraplength=240) ToolTip(cancelButton, text=_("Close this dialog, without saving arcrole group changes or opening a view pane. "), wraplength=240) frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(N,S,E,W)) frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=3) frame.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) frame.columnconfigure(3, weight=3) window = self.winfo_toplevel() window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.geometry("+{0}+{1}".format(dialogX+50,dialogY+100)) #self.bind("<Return>", self.ok) #self.bind("<Escape>", self.close) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.close) self.grab_set() self.wait_window(self)