Пример #1
def main():
	robot = Robot((18,1), True)
	#_real_map = Arena(robot)
	#ArenaUtils.load_arena_from_file(_real_map, 'map/SampleWeek11.txt')
	_explore_map = Arena(robot)

	_explore = Exploration(_explore_map, robot, 300, 3600)
Пример #2
def explore():
    robot = Robot((18, 1), True)
    _explore_map = Arena(robot)
    _explore = Exploration(_explore_map, robot, 300, 3600)
Пример #3
class Simulator:
    def __init__(self, real_run):
        self._real_run = real_run

    def init_objects(self, robot, map_file):
        self._robot = copy.deepcopy(robot)
        self._real_map = Arena(self._robot)
        ArenaUtils.load_arena_from_file(self._real_map, map_file)

        self._explore_map = Arena(self._robot)

        self.BLOCK_SIZE = 30
        self._waypoint = None

        # Simulator Main Window
        self._arena_size = (ArenaConstant.ARENA_COL.value * self.BLOCK_SIZE,
                            ArenaConstant.ARENA_ROW.value * self.BLOCK_SIZE)
        #self._screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self._arena_size[0] * 2, self._arena_size[1]))
        self._screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
            (self._arena_size[0], self._arena_size[1]))
        self._screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

        # Simulator Background
        self._background = pygame.Surface(self._arena_size)
        self._background = self._background.convert()
        self._background.fill((169, 169, 169))

        # Simulator Alerts
        # self._alert = pygame.Surface((9 * self.BLOCK_SIZE, 3 * self.BLOCK_SIZE))
        # self._alert = self._alert.convert()
        # self._alert.fill((255,255,255))
        # pygame.draw.rect(self._alert, (0,0,0), (0, 0, 9 * self.BLOCK_SIZE, 3 * self.BLOCK_SIZE), 1)

        # Simulator Background
        self._menu = pygame.Surface(self._arena_size)
        self._menu = self._menu.convert()
        self._menu.fill((255, 255, 255))

        # Prepare Background and Arena
        for row in range(ArenaConstant.ARENA_ROW.value):
            for col in range(ArenaConstant.ARENA_COL.value):
                if row == 17 and col == 0:
                        self._background, (0, 100, 0),
                        (col * self.BLOCK_SIZE, row * self.BLOCK_SIZE,
                         self.BLOCK_SIZE * 3, self.BLOCK_SIZE * 3))

                if row == 0 and col == 12:
                        self._background, (255, 140, 0),
                        (col * self.BLOCK_SIZE, row * self.BLOCK_SIZE,
                         self.BLOCK_SIZE * 3, self.BLOCK_SIZE * 3))

                pygame.draw.rect(self._background, (0, 0, 0),
                                 (col * self.BLOCK_SIZE, row * self.BLOCK_SIZE,
                                  self.BLOCK_SIZE, self.BLOCK_SIZE), 1)

        # Simulator Menu
        # self._large_text = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf',20)
        # self._coverage_ex_menu_surf, self._coverage_ex_menu_rect = self.text_objects("Coverage-Limited Exploration", self._large_text)
        # self._coverage_ex_menu_rect.center = ((self._arena_size[0] / 2, 3 * self._arena_size[1] / 7))
        # self._coverage_rect = pygame.Rect(self._coverage_ex_menu_rect.left - 15, self._coverage_ex_menu_rect.top - 15, self._coverage_ex_menu_rect.width + self.BLOCK_SIZE, self._coverage_ex_menu_rect.height + self.BLOCK_SIZE)
        # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._coverage_rect, 3)
        # self._menu.blit(self._coverage_ex_menu_surf, self._coverage_ex_menu_rect)

        # self._ex_menu_surf, self._ex_menu_rect = self.text_objects("Exploration", self._large_text)
        # self._ex_menu_rect.center = ((self._arena_size[0] / 2, self._arena_size[1] / 7))
        # self._ex_rect = pygame.Rect.copy(self._coverage_rect)
        # self._ex_rect.center = self._ex_menu_rect.center
        # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._ex_rect, 3)
        # self._menu.blit(self._ex_menu_surf, self._ex_menu_rect)

        # self._timed_ex_menu_surf, self._timed_ex_menu_rect = self.text_objects("Timed Exploration", self._large_text)
        # self._timed_ex_menu_rect.center = ((self._arena_size[0] / 2, 2 * self._arena_size[1] / 7))
        # self._timed_rect = pygame.Rect.copy(self._coverage_rect)
        # self._timed_rect.center = self._timed_ex_menu_rect.center
        # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._timed_rect, 3)
        # self._menu.blit(self._timed_ex_menu_surf, self._timed_ex_menu_rect)

        # self._wp_menu_surf, self._wp_menu_rect = self.text_objects("Add Waypoint", self._large_text)
        # self._wp_menu_rect.center = ((self._arena_size[0] / 2, 4 * self._arena_size[1] / 7))
        # self._wp_rect = pygame.Rect.copy(self._coverage_rect)
        # self._wp_rect.center = self._wp_menu_rect.center
        # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._wp_rect, 3)
        # self._menu.blit(self._wp_menu_surf, self._wp_menu_rect)

        # self._fp_menu_surf, self._fp_menu_rect = self.text_objects("Fastest Path", self._large_text)
        # self._fp_menu_rect.center = ((self._arena_size[0] / 2, 5 * self._arena_size[1] / 7))
        # self._fp_rect = pygame.Rect.copy(self._coverage_rect)
        # self._fp_rect.center = self._fp_menu_rect.center
        # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._fp_rect, 3)
        # self._menu.blit(self._fp_menu_surf, self._fp_menu_rect)

        # self._mdf_menu_surf, self._mdf_menu_rect = self.text_objects("Generate MDF", self._large_text)
        # self._mdf_menu_rect.center = ((self._arena_size[0] / 2, 6 * self._arena_size[1] / 7))
        # self._mdf_rect = pygame.Rect.copy(self._coverage_rect)
        # self._mdf_rect.center = self._mdf_menu_rect.center
        # pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._mdf_rect, 3)
        # self._menu.blit(self._mdf_menu_surf, self._mdf_menu_rect)

        self._screen.blit(self._background, (0, 0))
        #self._screen.blit(self._alert, (3 * self.BLOCK_SIZE, 8 * self.BLOCK_SIZE))
                          (ArenaConstant.ARENA_COL.value * self.BLOCK_SIZE, 0))

    def add_waypoint(self, pos):
        self._waypoint = pos
        pygame.draw.rect(self._background, (0, 0, 128),
                         (pos[1] * self.BLOCK_SIZE, pos[0] * self.BLOCK_SIZE,
                          self.BLOCK_SIZE, self.BLOCK_SIZE))
        pygame.draw.rect(self._background, (0, 0, 0),
                         (pos[1] * self.BLOCK_SIZE, pos[0] * self.BLOCK_SIZE,
                          self.BLOCK_SIZE, self.BLOCK_SIZE), 1)
        self._screen.blit(self._background, (0, 0))

    def text_objects(self, text, font):
        text_surface = font.render(text, True, (0, 0, 0))
        return text_surface, text_surface.get_rect()

    def get_key(self):
        while 1:
            event = pygame.event.poll()
            if event.type == KEYDOWN:
                return event.key

    def display_box(self, screen, message):
        "Print a message in a box in the middle of the screen"
        fontobject = pygame.font.Font(None, 18)
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, (0, 0, 0),
                         ((screen.get_width() / 2) - 100,
                          (screen.get_height() / 2) - 10, 200, 20), 0)
        pygame.draw.rect(screen, (255, 255, 255),
                         ((screen.get_width() / 2) - 102,
                          (screen.get_height() / 2) - 12, 204, 24), 1)
        if len(message) != 0:
            screen.blit(fontobject.render(message, 1, (255, 255, 255)),
                        ((screen.get_width() / 2) - 100,
                         (screen.get_height() / 2) - 10))

    def ask(self, screen, question):
        "ask(screen, question) -> answer"
        current_string = []
        self.display_box(screen, question + ": " + ''.join(current_string))
        while 1:
            inkey = self.get_key()
            if inkey == K_BACKSPACE:
                current_string = current_string[0:-1]
            elif inkey == K_RETURN:
            elif inkey == K_MINUS:
            elif inkey <= 127:
            self.display_box(screen, question + ": " + ''.join(current_string))
        return ''.join(current_string)

    def run_exploration(self, robot, map_file):
        self.init_objects(robot, map_file)
        while True:
            # _mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

            # if 450 + self._ex_rect.left < _mouse[0] < 450 + self._ex_rect.right and self._ex_rect.top < _mouse[1] < self._ex_rect.bottom:
            # 	pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (255,0,0), self._ex_rect, 3)
            # else:
            # 	pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._ex_rect, 3)

            # if 450 + self._timed_rect.left < _mouse[0] < 450 + self._timed_rect.right and self._timed_rect.top < _mouse[1] < self._timed_rect.bottom:
            # 	pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (255,0,0), self._timed_rect, 3)
            # else:
            # 	pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._timed_rect, 3)

            # if 450 + self._coverage_rect.left < _mouse[0] < 450 + self._coverage_rect.right and self._coverage_rect.top < _mouse[1] < self._coverage_rect.bottom:
            # 	pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (255,0,0), self._coverage_rect, 3)
            # else:
            # 	pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._coverage_rect, 3)

            # if 450 + self._wp_rect.left < _mouse[0] < 450 + self._wp_rect.right and self._wp_rect.top < _mouse[1] < self._wp_rect.bottom:
            # 	pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (255,0,0), self._wp_rect, 3)
            # else:
            # 	pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._fp_rect, 3)

            # if 450 + self._fp_rect.left < _mouse[0] < 450 + self._fp_rect.right and self._fp_rect.top < _mouse[1] < self._fp_rect.bottom:
            # 	pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (255,0,0), self._fp_rect, 3)
            # else:
            # 	pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._fp_rect, 3)

            # if 450 + self._mdf_rect.left < _mouse[0] < 450 + self._mdf_rect.right and self._mdf_rect.top < _mouse[1] < self._mdf_rect.bottom:
            # 	pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (255,0,0), self._mdf_rect, 3)
            # else:
            # 	pygame.draw.rect(self._menu, (0,0,0), self._mdf_rect, 3)

            # self._screen.blit(self._menu, (ArenaConstant.ARENA_COL.value * self.BLOCK_SIZE,0))
            # pygame.display.update()

            keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == QUIT or keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE]:
                elif keys[pygame.K_RETURN]:
                    self.init_objects(robot, map_file)
                    if self._real_run:

                    _explore = Exploration(self._explore_map, self._real_map,
                                           self._robot, 300, 3600,
                                           (self._screen, self._background))

                    if self._real_run: