Пример #1
 def stop(self):
     # clean ups ---------------------------------------------------------------
     # with no arguments the function will destroy all of the
     # created devices call is optional. If this function is not called here,
     # it will be called automatically when the system module is unloading.
     print('---------------------->>>>>>>>>> Sensor terminated ....')
def example_entry_point():

    # Get connected devices ---------------------------------------------------

    # create_device function with no arguments would create a list of
    # device objects from all connected devices
    devices = system.create_device()
    if not len(devices):
        raise Exception(f'No device found!\n'
                        f'Please connect a device and run the example again.')
    print(f'Created {len(devices)} device(s)')

    device = devices[0]
    print(f'Device used in the example:\n\t{device}')

    # just to have a viewable image
    print('Setting \'Width\' and \'Height\' Nodes value to their '
          'max values')
    device.nodemap['Width'].value = device.nodemap['Width'].max
    device.nodemap['Height'].value = device.nodemap['Height'].max

    with device.start_stream(1):
        print('Stream started')

        buffer = device.get_buffer()
        print(f'Image buffer received')

        # create an image writer
        # The writer, optionally, can take width, height, and bits per pixel
        # of the image(s) it would save. if these arguments are not passed
        # at run time, the first buffer passed to the Writer.save()
        # function will configure the writer to the arguments buffer's width,
        # height, and bits per pixel
        writer = Writer()
        # default name for the image is 'image_<count>.jpg' where count
        # is a pre-defined tag that gets updated every time a buffer image
        # is saved. More custom tags can be added using
        # Writer.register_tag() function
        print(f'Image saved {writer.saved_images[-1]}')

        print(f'Image buffer requeued')

    # device.stop_stream() is automatically called at the end of the
    # context manger scope

    # clean up ----------------------------------------------------------------

    # This function call with no arguments will destroy all of the
    # created devices. Having this call here is optional, if it is not
    # here it will be called automatically when the system module is unloading.
    print('Destroyed all created devices')
def example_entry_point():

    # Create a device ---------------------------------------------------------
    devices = create_devices_with_tries()
    device = devices[0]
    print(f'Device used in the example:\n\t{device}')

    # Clean up ----------------------------------------------------------------

    # Destroy all created devices.  This call is optional and will
    # automatically be called for any remaining devices when the system module
    # is unloading.
    print('Destroyed all created devices')
Пример #4
    def start_stream(self, server):
        nodemap = self.camera.nodemap
        # set nodes
        pixel_format = PixelFormat.Coord3D_ABC16
        nodemap.get_node('PixelFormat').value = pixel_format
        nodemap['Scan3dOperatingMode'].value = 'Distance1500mm'
        # number of images to accumulate
        nodemap['Scan3dImageAccumulation'].value = 3
        # near mode : Exp250Us, Exp1000Us
        # nodemap['ExposureTimeSelector'].value = 'Exp1000Us'
        nodemap['ExposureTimeSelector'].value = 'Exp250Us'

        # Grab buffers ---------------------------------------------
        # Starting the stream allocates buffers
        # and begins filling them with data.
        while True:
                with self.camera.start_stream(10):
                    start = time.time()
                    buffer = self.camera.get_buffer(1)

                    # channels_pre_pixel = int(buffer.bits_per_pixel / 16)
                    # total_number_of_channels = buffer.width * buffer.height * channels_pre_pixel
                    elapsed_time = time.time() - start

                    # Requeue the chunk data buffers
            except Exception as e:
                # break

def example_entry_point():

    # Create a device
    devices = create_devices_with_tries()
    device = devices[0]
    print(f'Device used in the example:\n\t{device}')

    nodemap = device.nodemap
    tl_stream_nodemap = device.tl_stream_nodemap

    #  Set up nodes -----------------------------------------------------------

    # Enable stream auto negotiate packet size
    tl_stream_nodemap['StreamAutoNegotiatePacketSize'].value = True

    # Enable stream packet resend
    tl_stream_nodemap['StreamPacketResendEnable'].value = True

    # Disable automatic exposure and gain before setting an exposure time.
    # Automatic exposure and gain controls whether they are set manually or
    # automatically by the device. Setting automatic exposure and gain to
    # 'Off' stops the device from automatically updating the exposure time
    # while streaming.
    #inspired by the above
    set_acqusition_frame_rate_enabled(nodemap, user_acquisition_rate_Hz)
    # nodemap['AcquisitionFrameRate'] = np.float64(user_acquisition_rate_Hz)

    #check all settings are below maximum
    ex_max = nodemap['ExposureTime'].max
        f'maximum possible exposure for this frame rate now {np.round(ex_max/1000000,6)}s'
    # If 'SequencerMode' is on, turn it off so the sequencer becomes
    # configurable through 'SequencerConfigurationMode'.
    # Put sequencer in configuration mode.
    # Sequencer configuration mode must be on while making changes to
    # the sequencer sets.

    # Set up sequencer sets ---------------------------------------------------

    # From device.nodemap['SequencerSetSelector'].max gives the maximum
    # of sequencer sets can be set on the device.

    # Make sure the example works with all devices.
    # Take the smaller value to set a long exposure time of some devices
    # exposure_time_long = min(nodemap['ExposureTime'].max, 100000.0)

    # print('Set up sequencer sets')
    # sets_settings = [
    #     {
    #         'set_number': 0,
    #         'exposure_time': exposure_time_long / 40,
    #         'path_next_set': 1,
    #         'trigger_source': 'FrameStart'
    #     },
    #     {
    #         'set_number': 1,
    #         'exposure_time': exposure_time_long / 20,
    #         'path_next_set': 2,
    #         'trigger_source': 'FrameStart'
    #     },
    #     {
    #         'set_number': 2,
    #         'exposure_time': exposure_time_long,
    #         'path_next_set': 0,  # Means it goes back to the set in index 0
    #         'trigger_source': 'FrameStart'
    #     }
    # ]
    exposure_time_medium = user_exposure

    print('Set up sequencer sets')
    sets_settings = [
            min(ex_max, np.round(exposure_time_medium / user_ev_step, 3)),
            'set_number': 1,
            'exposure_time': min(ex_max, np.round(exposure_time_medium, 3)),
            'path_next_set': 2,
            'trigger_source': 'FrameStart'
            min(ex_max, np.round(exposure_time_medium * user_ev_step, 3)),
            0,  # Means it goes back to the set in index 0

    for set_settings in sets_settings:
        set_sequencer_set(nodemap, **set_settings)

    # Sets the sequencer starting set to 0
    print('Set stream to start from sequencer set 0')
    nodemap['SequencerSetStart'].value = 0

    # Turn off configuration mode
    print('Turn \'SequencerConfigurationMode\' Off')
    nodemap['SequencerConfigurationMode'].value = 'Off'
    print(f'\t\'SequencerConfigurationMode\' is '
          f'''{nodemap['SequencerConfigurationMode'].value} now''')

    # Turn on sequencer
    #    When sequencer mode is on and the device is streaming it will
    #    follow the sequencer sets according to their saved settings.
    print('Turn \'SequencerMode\' On')
    nodemap['SequencerMode'].value = 'On'
    print(f'''\t\'SequencerMode\' is {nodemap['SequencerMode'].value} now''')

    # Acquire and Save image buffers ------------------------------------------

    # This function will start the stream, acquire a buffer in each set
    # of the sequencer using its corresponding settings, save each buffer
    # and then stop the stream.

    # Clean up ------------------------------------------------------------

    # Turn sequencer mode off so the device is set to the original settings
    print('Turn \'SequencerMode\' Off')
    nodemap['SequencerMode'].value = 'Off'
    print(f'''\t\'SequencerMode\' is {nodemap['SequencerMode'].value} now''')

    # Destroy all created devices. This call is optional and will
    # automatically be called for any remaining devices when the system module
    # is unloading.
    print('Destroyed all created devices')