def __str__(self): """ Return the html string representation """ items = AresItem.Item('<div class="page" style="margin-left:25%;margin-right:25%">') commentFiles = {} configPath = os.path.join(self.http['DIRECTORY'], 'config', self.dataSourceName) if not os.path.exists(configPath): os.makedirs(configPath) for pyFile in os.listdir(configPath): configFile = open(os.path.join(configPath, pyFile)) content = if content != '': commentFiles[pyFile.replace(".cfg", "")] = content configFile.close() for i, val in enumerate(self.vals): objectId = "%s_%s" % (self.htmlId, i) items.add(1, '<div style="white-space: pre;" ondblclick="$(\'#in_%s\').show() ; $(\'#in_cmmt_%s\').focus()" id="%s">%s</div>' % (objectId, objectId, objectId, val)) inCmmtId = 'in_cmmt_%s' % objectId if inCmmtId in commentFiles: items.add(1, '<div id="in_%s">' % objectId) items.add(2, '<textarea class="bubble_cmmt" id="%s" onblur="leaveBox($(\'#in_%s\'), $(this)) ;">%s</textarea>' % (inCmmtId, objectId, commentFiles[inCmmtId])) else: items.add(1, '<div id="in_%s" style="display:none;">' % objectId) items.add(2, '<textarea class="bubble_cmmt" id="%s" onblur="leaveBox($(\'#in_%s\'), $(this)) ;"></textarea>' % (inCmmtId, objectId)) items.add(2, '<button type="button" class="btn btn-success" style="margin-bottom:10px;margin-left:5px" onclick="save_cmmt($(this), $(\'#in_cmmt_%s\')) ;">Save</button>' % objectId) items.add(2, '<button type="button" id="in_cmmt_%s_cl" class="btn btn-danger" style="margin-bottom:10px;" onclick="cancel_cmmt($(\'#in_%s\'), $(\'#in_cmmt_%s\')) ;">Cancel</button>' % (objectId, objectId, objectId)) items.add(1, '</div>') items.add(0, '</div>') return str(items)
def __str__(self): res = AresItem.Item("<p>%s</p>" % self.text) res.add(1, "<p><h1><center>%s</center></h1></p>" % self.vals) res.add(0, "</div>") box = AresBox(self.htmlId, res, self.title, properties=self.references) box.cssCls = self.cssCls return str(box)
def __str__(self): """ Return the String representation of a HTML Comment input section """ item = AresItem.Item('<div class="form-group">', self.incIndent) item.add(1, '<label for="%s">%s:</label>' % (self.vals.replace(" ", "").lower(), self.vals)) item.add(2, '<textarea %s rows="%s" >%s</textarea>' % (self.strAttr(), self.rows, self.dflt)) item.add(0, '</div>') return str(item)
def __str__(self): """ String representation of the HTML object """ item = AresItem.Item('<blockquote %s">' % self.strAttr()) item.add(1, "<p>%s</p>" % self.vals[0]) item.add(1, "<small>by <cite>%s</cite></small>" % self.vals[1]) item.add(0 , "</blockquote>") return str(item)
def __str__(self): """ Return the html string representation """ items = AresItem.Item(' <div style="cursor:pointer;width:200px" %s>' % self.strAttr()) for val in self.vals: items.add(1, " <p id='%s_%s' align='center' style='width:100%%;padding:3px'>%s</p>" % (self.htmlId, val, val) ) items.add(9, "</div>") return str(items)
def __str__(self): url = self.resolve() item = AresItem.Item( """<form action="%s" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" >""" % url) item.add(1, """<div style="padding-top:3px" id="%s">""" % self.htmlId) item.add( 2, """<br><input type="file" name="file" /> <select name="File Type" required> """) item.add(3, """ <option value="report">report</option>""") item.add(3, """ <option value="configuration">configuration</option>""") item.add(3, """ <option value="ajax">ajax</option>""") item.add(3, """ <option value="javascript">javascript</option>""") item.add(3, """ <option value="views">views</option>""") item.add(3, """ <option value="outputs">outputs</option>""") item.add(3, """ <option value="styles">styles</option>""") item.add(3, """ <option value="saved">saved</option>""") item.add(2, """ </select>""") item.add(1, """ </div>""") item.add( 1, """ <button type="button" class="btn-xs fa fa-plus" onClick="addInputForUpload('%s');"></button><br>""" % (self.htmlId)) item.add(1, """ <br><input type="submit"/>""") item.add(0, """ <form/>""") return str(item)
def __init__(self, aresObj, jsSrcRef, eventType, jsFnc, data=None, url=None): """ """ if not eventType in self.mapEvent: # This is a check to control the number of events per class # Also because some of them might require specific display raise Exception('%s not defined for this %s!' % (eventType, self.__class__)) if not isinstance(jsFnc, (list, AresItem.Item)): splitFnc = jsFnc.strip().split("\n") items = AresItem.Item(splitFnc[0].strip()) for line in splitFnc[1:]: items.add(0, line.strip()) jsItemFnc = items else: jsItemFnc = jsFnc self.jsAttr = { 'src': jsSrcRef, 'eventType': eventType, 'fnc': jsItemFnc, 'htmlId': self.htmlId, 'data': data, 'url': url }
def __str__(self): """ Return the String representation of a HTML Modal Object """ item = AresItem.Item( '<button type="button" class="%s" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#%s" style="cursor: pointer">%s</button>' % (' '.join(self.btnCls), self.htmlId,, self.incIndent) item.add( 0, '<div %s tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="%sTitle" aria-hidden="true">' % (self.strAttr(), self.htmlId)) item.add(1, '<div class="modal-dialog">') item.add(2, '<div class="modal-content">') item.add( 3, '<div class="logo_small" id="%sTitle">%s</div>' % (self.htmlId, self.modal_header)) item.add( 3, '<div class="modal-body" style="overflow-y:scroll;max-height:%spx;margin-bottom:10px">' % self.maxHeight) for val in self.vals: if hasattr(val, 'incIndent'): val.incIndent = 4 item.add(0, str(val)) else: item.add(4, str(val)) item.add(3, '</div>') item.add(2, '</div>') item.add(1, '</div>') item.add(0, '</div>') return str(item)
def __str__(self): """ Return the HTML display of a split container""" res = AresItem.Item('') for htmlObj in self.vals: res.add(1, str(htmlObj)) htmlObj.graph() return str(res)
def __str__(self): """ Return the HTML representation of the Box objects """ attr = 'style="%s"' % ";".join( ["%s:%s" % (key, val) for key, val in self.cssAttr.items()]) item = AresItem.Item('<div class="%s" id="%s_main" %s>' % (" ".join(self.cssCls), self.htmlId, attr)) item.add(1, '<div class="ares-panel-heading">') item.add( 2, '<strong><i class="fa fa-table" aria-hidden="true"></i> %s</strong>' % self.headerBox) item.add( 3, '<button class="btn btn-xs " id="%s_close" name="ares_close"></button>' % self.htmlId) item.add( 3, '<button class="btn btn-xs" id="%s_min" name="ares_min"></button>' % self.htmlId) item.add( 3, '<button class="btn btn-xs " id="%s_zoom" name="ares_zoom" onclick="ZoomIn(\'%s\', \'%s\')"></button>' % (self.htmlId, self.htmlId, self.idContainer)) if self.prop is not None: item.add( 3, '<button class="btn btn-xs" name="ares_prop" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#%s_prop"></button>' % self.htmlId) item.add(1, '</div>') item.add( 1, '<div class="panel-body table-responsive" id="%s" style="padding:8px">' % self.htmlId) item.add(2, self.vals) item.add(1, '</div>') item.add(0, '</div>') if self.prop is not None: item.add( 0, '<div class="modal fade" id="%s_prop" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">' % self.htmlId) item.add(1, '<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">') item.add(1, '<div class="modal-content">') item.add(1, '<div class="modal-header">') item.add( 1, '<h5 class="modal-title" id="exampleModalLabel">Html / Js documentation</h5>' ) item.add(1, '</div>') item.add(1, '<div class="modal-body">') for prop in self.prop: item.add(0, '<a href="%s" target="_blank">%s</a>' % (prop, prop)) item.add(1, '</div>') item.add(1, '</div>') item.add(1, '</div>') item.add(0, '</div>') return str(item)
def __str__(self): """ Return a header HTML Tag """ items = AresItem.Item('<H%s>' % self.dim) items.add(1, '<a class="anchorjs-link" %s style="color:inherit">%s</a>' % (self.strAttr(), self.vals)) items.add(0, '</H%s>' % self.dim) if self.aresObj.withContainer: return str(AresHtmlContainer.TextContainer(self.aresObj, str(items))) return str(items)
def __str__(self): """ Return the HTML representation of a Tabular object """ item = AresItem.Item('<ul %s>' % self.strAttr()) item.add(1, '<li class="active"><a href="#">%s</a></li>' % self.vals[0]) for val in self.vals[1:]: item.add(2, '<li><a href="#">%s</a></li>' % val) item.add(0, '</ul>') return str(item)
def __str__(self): item = AresItem.Item(None, self.incIndent) item.add(0, '<div %s></div>' % self.strAttr()) if self.headerBox is not None: item = AresHtmlContainer.AresBox(self.htmlId, item, self.headerBox, properties=self.references) return str(item)
def __str__(self): """ Return the String representation of a HTML List """ item = AresItem.Item('<ul %s>' % self.strAttr()) for label, cnt in self.vals: item.add( 1, '<li class="list-group-item">%s<span class="badge">%s</span></li>' % (label, cnt)) item.add(0, '</ul>') return str(item)
def __str__(self): """ Return the HTML string for a select """ item = AresItem.Item('<select %s>' % self.strAttr(), self.incIndent) for group, vals in self.vals: item.add(1, '<optgroup label="%s">' % group) for v in vals: item.add(2, '<option>%s</option>' % v) item.add(1, '</optgroup>') item.add(0, '</select>') return str(item)
def __str__(self): """ Return the String representation of a HTML List """ item = AresItem.Item(None) for val in self.vals: item.add(3, val) return str( AresBox(self.htmlId, item, self.headerBox, properties=self.references))
def __str__(self): """ Return the String representation of a HTML Input object """ self.attr['type'] = self.inputType self.attr['value'] = self.value item = AresItem.Item('<div class="form-group">', self.incIndent) item.add( 1, '<label for="%s">%s:</label>' % (self.vals.replace(" ", "").lower(), self.vals)) item.add(2, '<input %s>' % self.strAttr()) item.add(0, '</div>') return str(item)
def __str__(self): """ Return the String representation of a Code HTML tag """ item = AresItem.Item(None) if self.htmlComp is not None: self.vals = self.vals.format(*self.htmlComp) for val in self.vals.split("\n"): item.add(1, "<p class='text-justify'>%s</p>" % val.strip()) if self.aresObj.withContainer: return str(AresHtmlContainer.TextContainer(self.aresObj, str(item))) return str(item)
def extendJsFnc(self, jsFnc): """ Add the extr actions to the even function """ if not isinstance(jsFnc, (list, AresItem.Item)): splitFnc = jsFnc.strip().split("\n") items = AresItem.Item(splitFnc[0].strip()) for line in splitFnc[1:]: items.add(0, line.strip()) jsItemFnc = items else: jsItemFnc = jsFnc self.jsAttr['fnc'] = self.jsAttr['fnc'].join(jsItemFnc)
def __str__(self): """ Return the String representation of a HTML Modal Object """ item = AresItem.Item( '<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" %s style="cursor: pointer">%s</button>' % (self.strAttr(),, self.incIndent) self.js( 'click', ''' $('#popup-info').css('top', '110px'); $('#popup-info').css('left', '110px'); $('#popup-black-background').toggle(); $('#popup-info').toggle(); ''') return str(item)
def __str__(self): """ Return the String representation of the Javascripts methods """ self.jsAttr['fnc'].incIndent = 2 jsFnc = str(self.jsAttr['fnc'])[1:] # remove the empty line at the top eventDefinition = self.mapEvent[self.jsAttr['eventType']] items = AresItem.Item(eventDefinition[0] % self.jsAttr) if '%(' in jsFnc: items.add(0, jsFnc % self.jsAttr['eventType']) else: items.add(0, jsFnc) for i, strEvent in enumerate(eventDefinition[1:]): items.add(len(eventDefinition) - i - 1, strEvent) return str(items)
def __str__(self): """ String representation of a Drop Down item """ items = AresItem.Item('<div class="dropdown">') items.add( 1, '<button class="%s" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown">%s' % (self.getClass(), self.title)) items.add(3, '<span class="caret"></span>') items.add(2, '</button>') items.add(1, '<ul class="dropdown-menu" id="%s">' % self.htmlId) self.addCategory(items, 2, self.vals) items.add(1, "</ul>") items.add(0, "</div>") self.aresObj.jsGlobal.add( "%s_allow_tables = %s" % (self.htmlId, json.dumps(self.allowTableFilter))) return str(items)
def __str__(self): """ Return the HTML string for a select """ item = AresItem.Item('<div class="form-group">', self.incIndent) item.add(1, '<label for="sel1">%s:</label>' % self.title) item.add(1, '<select %s>' % self.strAttr()) for val in self.vals: if val == self.selected: item.add( 3, '<option value="%s" selected>%s</option>' % (val, val)) else: item.add(3, '<option value="%s">%s</option>' % (val, val)) item.add(1, '</select>') item.add(0, '</div>') self.jsOnLoad.add('var data_%s = %s;' % (self.htmlId, json.dumps(list(self.vals)))) return str(item)
def __str__(self): """ Return the HTML display of a split container""" res = AresItem.Item('<div %s>' % self.strAttr()) for css, htmlObj in self.vals: if css == '': strAttr = ";".join( ["%s:%s" % (key, val) for key, val in self.cssRow.items()]) res.add(1, '<div style="%s">%s</div>' % (strAttr, htmlObj)) else: res.add(1, '<div class="%s">%s</div>' % (css, htmlObj)) htmlObj.graph() res.add(0, '</div>') if self.aresObj.withContainer: return str(TextContainer(self.aresObj, str(res))) return str(res)
def __str__(self): """ Display the file upload object """ self.headerBox = 'Select a file ' items = AresItem.Item('<div class="panel panel-success">') items.add(1, '<div class="panel-heading">') items.add(2, '<strong><i class="fa fa-file" aria-hidden="true"></i> %s</strong>' % self.headerBox) items.add(1, '</div>') items.add(1, '<div class="panel-body">') items.add(2, '<div class="col-lg-7" style="padding:5px">') items.add(3, '<label class="btn btn-default btn-file" style="width:100%%; height:100%%" id="value_%s">' % self.htmlId) items.add(4, 'Browse a file<input type="file" style="display: none;" %s>' % self.strAttr()) items.add(3, '</label>') items.add(3, '<button type="button" id="button_%s" class="btn btn-success" style="height:35px"><span class="fa fa-check-square-o"> Upload</span></button>' % self.htmlId) items.add(2, '</div>') items.add(1, '</div>') items.add(0, '</div>') return str(items)
def __str__(self): url = self.resolve() item = AresItem.Item( """<form action="%s" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" >""" % url) item.add(1, """<div style="padding-top:3px" id="%s">""" % self.htmlId) item.add(2, """<br><input type="file" name="file" /> """) item.add(1, """ </div>""") item.add( 1, """ <button type="button" class="btn-xs fa fa-plus" onClick="addInputforDeploy('%s');"></button><br>""" % (self.htmlId)) item.add(1, """ <br><input type="submit"/>""") item.add(0, """ <form/>""") return str(item)
def __str__(self): """ Return the String representation of a HTML List """ item = AresItem.Item('<ul %s>' % self.strAttr()) cssLi = "" if self.cssClsLi: cssLi = 'class="%s"' % " ".join(self.cssClsLi) for label in self.vals: item.add(3, '<li %s>%s</li>' % (cssLi, label)) item.add(2, '</ul>') if self.headerBox is not None: return str( AresBox(self.htmlId, item, self.headerBox, properties=self.references)) return str(item)
def post(self, evenType, jsDef, dataTable, fileParserClass, fileName, fileCod, folder): """ Button Post request """ url = render_template_string('''{{ url_for(\'ares.ajaxCall\', report_name=\'_AresReports\', script=\'SrvSaveToFile\') }}''') preAjax = AresItem.Item("var %s = %s.html();" % (self.htmlId, self.jqId)) preAjax.add(0, "%s.html('<i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\"></i> Processing'); " % self.jqId) jsDef = ''' %s $.post("%s", {fileName: %s, parserModule: '%s', reportName: '%s', datatable: %s, static_code: '%s', folder: '%s'}, function(data) { var res = JSON.parse(data) ; var data = ; var status = res.status ; %s %s.html(%s); } ); ''' % (preAjax, url, fileName, fileParserClass, self.aresObj.http['REPORT_NAME'], dataTable.val, fileCod, folder, jsDef, self.jqId, self.htmlId) self.js(evenType, jsDef, url=url)
def post(self, evenType, scriptName, jsDef, attr, subPost=False): """ Button Post request """ url = render_template_string('''{{ url_for(\'ares.ajaxCall\', report_name=\'%s\', script=\'%s\') }}''' % (self.aresObj.http['REPORT_NAME'], scriptName)) data = json.dumps(attr, cls=AresHtml.SetEncoder) for stToConv in ['.data().toArray()', '.val()', '.serializeArray()']: data = data.replace('%s"' % stToConv, stToConv) for stToConv, strReplace in [('$(', '"$('), (': datatable_', ': "datatable_')]: data = data.replace(strReplace, stToConv) preAjax = AresItem.Item("var %s = %s.html();" % (self.htmlId, self.jqId)) preAjax.add(0, "%s.html('<i class=\"fa fa-spinner fa-spin\"></i> Processing'); " % self.jqId) preAjax.add(0, attr.get('preAjaxJs', '')) if subPost: jsDef = ''' %s $.post("%s", %s, function(data) { var res = JSON.parse(data) ; var data = ; $.post(data, function(data2) { var res = JSON.parse(data2); location.reload() }); var status = res.status ; %s %s.html(%s); } ); ''' % (preAjax, url, data, jsDef, self.jqId, self.htmlId) else: jsDef = ''' %s $.post("%s", %s, function(data) { var res = JSON.parse(data) ; var data = ; var status = res.status ; %s %s.html(%s); } ); ''' % (preAjax, url, data, jsDef, self.jqId, self.htmlId) self.js(evenType, jsDef, url=url)
def __str__(self): """ """ self.js('drop', ''' event.originalEvent.preventDefault(); event.originalEvent.stopPropagation(); var file = event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files; // FileList object. //files is a FileList of File objects. List some properties. var form_data = new FormData(); $.each(event.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files, function(i, file) { form_data.append('file_' + i, file); i ++; }); %s ''' % self.drop()) items = AresItem.Item('<div ondrop="drop(event)" style="border: 1px dotted black;text-align:center;padding:5px;background-color:#F8F8F8" %s>' % self.strAttr()) items.add(1, "<h3>") items.add(2, "<b>%s</b>" % self.vals) # + Add Scripts items.add(1, "</h3>") items.add(1, "Drop scripts here to upload") items.add(0, "</div>") return str(items)