def test_form_near_clipping_plane() -> None:
    """Test form_near_clipping_plane(). Use 4 points to fit the near clipping plane."""
    img_width = 10.0
    img_height = 15.0
    near_clip_dist = 30.0
    near_plane = form_near_clipping_plane(near_clip_dist)

    near = np.array([
        [img_width / 2, 0, near_clip_dist],
        [-img_width / 2, 0, near_clip_dist],
        [img_width / 2, -img_height / 2.0, near_clip_dist],
        [img_width / 2, img_height / 2.0, near_clip_dist],

    a, b, c, d = fit_plane_to_point_cloud(near)
    near_plane_gt = np.array([a, b, c, d])

    assert np.allclose(near_plane, near_plane_gt)
def test_form_left_clipping_plane() -> None:
    """Test form_left_clipping_plane(). Use 4 points to fit the left clipping plane."""
    fx = 10.0
    img_width = 30.0
    left_plane = form_left_clipping_plane(fx, img_width)

    Y_OFFSET = 10
    left = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [-img_width / 2.0, 0, fx], [0, Y_OFFSET, 0],
                     [-img_width / 2.0, Y_OFFSET, fx]])

    a, b, c, d = fit_plane_to_point_cloud(left)
    left_plane_gt = -1 * np.array([a, b, c, d])

    # enforce that plane normal points into the frustum
    if left_plane_gt[0] < 0:
        left_plane_gt *= -1

    assert np.allclose(left_plane, left_plane_gt)
def test_form_top_clipping_plane() -> None:
    """Test form_top_clipping_plane(). Use 3 points to fit the TOP clipping plane."""
    fx = 10.0
    img_height = 45.0
    top_plane = form_top_clipping_plane(fx, img_height)

    img_width = 1000.0
    top_pts = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [-img_width / 2, -img_height / 2, fx],
                        [img_width / 2, -img_height / 2, fx]])
    a, b, c, d = fit_plane_to_point_cloud(top_pts)
    top_plane_gt = np.array([a, b, c, d])

    # enforce that plane normal points into the frustum
    if top_plane_gt[1] < 0:
        # y-coord of normal should point in pos y-axis dir(down) on top-clipping plane
        top_plane_gt *= -1
    assert top_plane_gt[1] > 0 and top_plane_gt[2] > 0

    assert np.allclose(top_plane, top_plane_gt)
def test_form_right_clipping_plane() -> None:
    """Test form_right_clipping_plane(). Use 4 points to fit the right clipping plane."""
    fx = 10.0
    img_width = 30.0
    right_plane = form_right_clipping_plane(fx, img_width)

    Y_OFFSET = 10  # arbitrary extent down the imager
    right = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [img_width / 2.0, 0, fx], [0, Y_OFFSET, 0],
                      [img_width / 2.0, Y_OFFSET, fx]])

    a, b, c, d = fit_plane_to_point_cloud(right)
    right_plane_gt = np.array([a, b, c, d])

    # enforce that plane normal points into the frustum
    # x-component of normal should point in negative direction.
    if right_plane_gt[0] > 0:
        right_plane_gt *= -1

    assert np.allclose(right_plane, right_plane_gt)
def test_form_low_clipping_plane() -> None:
    """Test form_low_clipping_plane()."""
    fx = 12.0
    img_height = 35.0
    low_plane = form_low_clipping_plane(fx, img_height)

    img_width = 10000
    low_pts = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [-img_width / 2, img_height / 2, fx],
                        [img_width / 2, img_height / 2, fx]])
    a, b, c, d = fit_plane_to_point_cloud(low_pts)
    low_plane_gt = np.array([a, b, c, d])

    # enforce that plane normal points into the frustum
    # y-coord of normal should point in neg y-axis dir(up) on low-clipping plane
    # z-coord should point in positive z-axis direction (away from camera)
    if low_plane_gt[1] > 0:
        low_plane_gt *= -1
    assert low_plane_gt[1] < 0 and low_plane_gt[2] > 0

    assert np.allclose(low_plane, low_plane_gt)
def test_fit_plane_to_point_cloud() -> None:
    """Given a plane with slope +2/1 for +y/+z, find slowly tilting normal away from the plane.

      / |
     /  |
    ------ + z
    pc = np.array([[0, 2, 1], [1, 2, 1], [0, 0, 0]])
    a, b, c, d = fit_plane_to_point_cloud(pc)

    assert d == 0  # touching origin
    normal = np.array([a, b, c])
    normal /= np.linalg.norm(normal)
    gt_normal = np.array([0.0, -1.0, 2.0])
    gt_normal /= np.linalg.norm(gt_normal)

    # correct y sign if needed, slope is all what matters
    # (ratio between +y/+z should be -1/2)
    if normal[1] > 0:
        normal *= -1

    assert np.allclose(gt_normal, normal)