Пример #1
         print argsmodel.schema_help(None)
 elif not crud and not option and len(args) > 0 and args[0].endswith('yaml'): # Batch operation
     for v in args:
         if v.endswith('yaml'):
             if os.path.exists(os.path.join(NLAN_ETC, 'state', v)):
                 cmd_list = yamldiff.crud_diff(v, git=git)
                 if len(cmd_list) != 0:
                     main(router=router, operation='--batch', cmd_list=cmd_list, loglevel=loglevel, verbose=verbose, mime=mime)
                     if git == 0:
                         cmdutil.check_cmd('git', GIT_OPTIONS, 'add', v)
                         cmdutil.check_cmd('git', GIT_OPTIONS, 'commit -m updated')
 elif not crud and not option and len(args) > 0: # NLAN rpc module execution
     main(router=router, doc=args, loglevel=loglevel, verbose=verbose, mime=mime)
 elif crud and len(args) > 0: # CRUD operation
     operation = option.lstrip('-') 
     doc = str(argsmodel.parse_args(operation, args[0], *args[1:]))
     main(router=router, operation=option, doc=doc, loglevel=loglevel, verbose=verbose, mime=mime)
 elif options.secondary_ip:
     print "adding a secondary IP address..."
     add_ip = lambda container, ip_and_mask: cmdutil.check_cmd('docker exec', container, 'ip address add', ip_and_mask, 'dev eth0')
     #del_ip = lambda container, ip_and_mask: cmdutil.check_cmd('docker exec', container, 'ip address del', ip_and_mask, 'dev eth0')
     for router, attr in ROSTER.iteritems():
         if 'docker' in attr and attr['docker']:
             add_ip(router, attr['host']+'/16')
 elif options.flush_arp:
     print "flushing arp table..."
     #flush_arp = lambda ip: cmdutil.check_cmd('sudo arp -d', ip)
     #for router, attr in ROSTER.iteritems():
     #    if 'docker' in attr and attr['docker']:
     #        flush_arp(attr['host'])
     cmdutil.check_cmd('sudo ip neigh flush all')
Пример #2

    if options.schema:
        if len(args) == 1:
            print argsmodel.schema_help(args[0])
            print argsmodel.schema_help(None)
    data = None 
    if operation and len(args) == 0:
        # Obtains data from nlan.py via SSH
        data = sys.stdin.read().replace('"','') 
    elif operation and len(args) > 0:
        # Obtains data from command arguments
        data = argsmodel.parse_args(operation, args[0], *args[1:])
    else: # RPC w/ command arguments
        data = args
        operation = 'rpc_args'

    exit = 0
    if options.init_action:
        __n__['init'] = options.init_action
        exit = _linux_init()
        __n__['init'] = False
        exit = _route(operation=operation, data=data)

    __n__['logger'].info('NLAN Agent execution completed')
Пример #3
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):

        # Request method
        method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD']

        # /// URLs ///
        # /<router>/config/<module>/<_index>
        # /<router>/rpc/<module>/<func>
        path = environ['PATH_INFO'].split('/')
        router = None
        module_type = None  # 'config' or 'rpc'
        module = None  # name of a config module or a rpc module
        _index = None
        module_func = None
        if len(path) > 1:
            router = path[1]
        if len(path) > 2:
            module_type = path[2]
        if len(path) > 3:
            module = path[3]
        if len(path) > 4:
            if module_type == 'config':  # Calls a config module
                _index = path[4]
            elif module_type == 'rpc':  # Calls a rpc module
                module_func = '{}.{}'.format(module, path[4])

        # /// Methods ///
        # Method    NLAN operation
        # ------------------------
        # POST      --add or none(rpc)
        # PUT       --update
        # DELETE    --delete
        # GET       --get
        # OPTIONS   --schema
        # /// Query parameters ///
        # -------------------------------------------------------
        # For POST(config)/PUT
        # Query parameters correspond to those --schema outputs
        # (excluding "_index").
        # -------------------------------------------------------
        # For POST(rpc)/DELETE/GET
        # args=<value1>,<value2>,...
        # -------------------------------------------------------
        # For OPTIONS
        # args=<module_name>
        # -------------------------------------------------------
        operations = {
            'POST': '--add',
            'PUT': '--update',
            'DELETE': '--delete',
            'GET': '--get'
        doc = None
        query = environ['QUERY_STRING']
        if method == 'POST' and module_type == 'config' or method == 'PUT':  # add/update
            q = query.split('&')
            if _index:
            doc = str(argsmodel.parse_args('add', module, *q))
        elif method == 'DELETE' or method == 'GET':  # delete/get
            qq = query.split('=')
            q = []
            if qq[0] == 'params':
                q = qq[1].split(',')
            if _index:
            doc = str(argsmodel.parse_args('get', module, *q))
        elif method == 'POST' and module_type == 'rpc':
            doc = []
            q = query.split('=')
            if q[0] == 'params':
        elif method == 'OPTIONS':  # schema
            if query:
                qq = query.split('=')
                module = qq[1]

        # String buffer as a HTTP Response body
        out = StringIO()

            if method in operations and module_type == 'config':
                operation = operations[method]
                results = nlan.main(router=router,
                print >> out, json.dumps(results)
                start_response('200 OK',
                               [('Content-type', 'application/json')])
            elif method == 'POST' and module_type == 'rpc':
                results = nlan.main(router=router,
                print >> out, json.dumps(results)
                start_response('200 OK',
                               [('Content-type', 'application/json')])
            elif method == 'OPTIONS':
                print >> out, argsmodel.schema_help(module, list_output=True)
                start_response('200 OK',
                               [('Content-type', 'application/json')])
                print >> out, 'Not Implemented'
                start_response('501 Not Implemented',
                               [('Content-type', 'text/plain')])
        except NlanException as e:
            results = e.get_result()
            print >> out, json.dumps(results)
            start_response('500 Internal Server Error',
                           [('Content-type', 'application/json')])
        except Exception as e:
            print >> out, traceback.format_exc()
            start_response('500 Internal Server Error',
                           [('Content-type', 'application/json')])

        # Return the result as a body of HTTP Response
        return out
Пример #4
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        # Request method
        method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD']

        # /// URLs ///
        # /<router>/config/<module>/<_index>
        # /<router>/rpc/<module>/<func>
        path = environ['PATH_INFO'].split('/')
        router = None
        module_type = None # 'config' or 'rpc'
        module = None # name of a config module or a rpc module
        _index = None
        module_func = None
        if len(path) > 1:
            router = path[1]
        if len(path) > 2:
            module_type = path[2]
        if len(path) > 3:
            module = path[3]
        if len(path) > 4:
            if module_type == 'config': # Calls a config module
                _index = path[4]
            elif module_type == 'rpc': # Calls a rpc module
                module_func = '{}.{}'.format(module,path[4])
        # /// Methods ///
        # Method    NLAN operation
        # ------------------------
        # POST      --add or none(rpc) 
        # PUT       --update
        # DELETE    --delete
        # GET       --get
        # OPTIONS   --schema
        # /// Query parameters ///
        # -------------------------------------------------------
        # For POST(config)/PUT
        # Query parameters correspond to those --schema outputs
        # (excluding "_index").
        # -------------------------------------------------------
        # For POST(rpc)/DELETE/GET
        # args=<value1>,<value2>,...
        # -------------------------------------------------------
        # For OPTIONS
        # args=<module_name>
        # -------------------------------------------------------
        operations = {'POST': '--add',
                      'PUT': '--update',
                      'DELETE': '--delete',
                      'GET': '--get'}
        doc = None
        query = environ['QUERY_STRING'] 
        if method == 'POST' and module_type == 'config' or method == 'PUT': # add/update
            q = query.split('&')
            if _index:
            doc = str(argsmodel.parse_args('add', module, *q))
        elif method == 'DELETE' or method == 'GET': # delete/get
            qq = query.split('=') 
            q = [] 
            if qq[0] == 'params':
                q = qq[1].split(',')
            if _index:
            doc = str(argsmodel.parse_args('get', module, *q))
        elif method == 'POST' and module_type == 'rpc':
            doc = [] 
            q = query.split('=') 
            if q[0] == 'params':
        elif method == 'OPTIONS': # schema
            if query: 
                qq = query.split('=')
                module = qq[1]

        # String buffer as a HTTP Response body
        out = StringIO()

            if method in operations and module_type == 'config': 
                operation = operations[method]
                results = nlan.main(router=router, operation=operation, doc=doc, output_stdout=True, rest_output=True)
                print >>out, json.dumps(results)
                start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'application/json')])
            elif method == 'POST' and module_type == 'rpc':
                results = nlan.main(router=router, doc=doc, output_stdout=True, rest_output=True)
                print >>out, json.dumps(results)
                start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'application/json')])
            elif method == 'OPTIONS':
                print >>out, argsmodel.schema_help(module, list_output=True)
                start_response('200 OK', [('Content-type', 'application/json')])
                print >>out, 'Not Implemented'
                start_response('501 Not Implemented', [('Content-type', 'text/plain')])
        except NlanException as e:
            results = e.get_result()
            print >>out, json.dumps(results)
            start_response('500 Internal Server Error', [('Content-type', 'application/json')])
        except Exception as e:
            print >>out, traceback.format_exc()
            start_response('500 Internal Server Error', [('Content-type', 'application/json')])

        # Return the result as a body of HTTP Response
        return out 
Пример #5

    if options.schema:
        if len(args) == 1:
            print argsmodel.schema_help(args[0])
            print argsmodel.schema_help(None)

    data = None
    if operation and len(args) == 0:
        # Obtains data from nlan.py via SSH
        data = sys.stdin.read().replace('"', '')
    elif operation and len(args) > 0:
        # Obtains data from command arguments
        data = argsmodel.parse_args(operation, args[0], *args[1:])
    else:  # RPC w/ command arguments
        data = args
        operation = 'rpc_args'

    exit = 0
    if options.init_action:
        __n__['init'] = options.init_action
        exit = _linux_init()
        __n__['init'] = False
        exit = _route(operation=operation, data=data)

    __n__['logger'].info('NLAN Agent execution completed')