Пример #1
def parse_line(line, sco, note_system="base40", lineno=1):
    """Parse a line, append the parsed result into the sco and return the sco

    A line can be a BlankLine, a reference record, a comment, or have
    tabular data (spines) in which case we parse each item
    individually with :func:`humdrum.parse_item`. Both reference
    record and comments start with !, but a reference record starts
    with 3 exclamation marks (!!!) while a comment starts with one,
    two, four or more exclamation marks. Global comments have more
    than one exclamation marks and will be catched by this function.
    Local comments have only one exclamation mark and are applied to an
    individual spine. A local comment will be catched in

    if utils.search_string(r"^[ \t]*$", line) is not None:
    elif utils.search_string(r"^!{3}[a-zA-Z ]+", line):
        record = parse_reference_record(line)
        if record.name.startswith("COM"):
            sco.composer = record.data
        elif record.name.startswith("OTL"):
            sco.title = record.data

    elif utils.search_string(r"^(!{2})|(!{4,})[a-zA-Z ]+", line):
        sline = enumerate(split_spine(line, sco, lineno))
        parsed = [parse_item(i, sco, note_system, lineno, n) for n, i in sline]
    return sco
Пример #2
def parse_bar(item):
    """Search a string for bar elements and return a :class:`score.Bar`

    This function will search for the bar number, if a bar begins or
    ends a repetition and if it's a double bar. Humdrum has a bunch of
    syntax for visual bar lines that we don't parse. See :ref:`todo`.

    return score.Bar(utils.search_string("[0-9]+([a-z]+)?", item),
                     bool(utils.search_string(":\\||:!", item)),
                     bool(utils.search_string("\\|:|!:", item)),
                     bool(utils.search_string("==", item)))
Пример #3
def test_search_string_foo_in_foobar():
    assert utils.search_string("^foo", "foobar") == "foo"
Пример #4
def test_search_string_numbers_in_foobar():
    assert utils.search_string("[0-9]+", "foobar") == None