def __init__(self, shared_stuff, cmd_queue, sensor_thread): self.shared = shared_stuff self.cmd_queue = cmd_queue self.arm = arm.robotArm(self.shared) = driveUnit.driveUnit() self.current_speed = [None, None] self.linedet = se.LineDetector() self.state = None self.stored_state = None self.has_package = self.shared["hasPackage"] = False self.station_queue = [] self.flush_timer = time.time() self.arm_return_pos = None self.carry_pos = (0, 100, 130, 0, 150, 140)
"""a simple testprogram for the pcThread class that is used to connects to a user and receives commands and sends data back""" from pcThread import pcThread import Queue import time import copy import driveUnit import arm robot_arm=arm.robotArm() driver=driveUnit.driveUnit() commandQueue=Queue.Queue() sensorList= {"lineSensor" : [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "distance" : [0, 0], "armPosition" : [0, 0, 255, 4, 5, 5], "errorCodes" : ["YngveProgrammedMeWrong"], "motorSpeed" : [70, 70], "latestCalibration" : "0000-00-00-15:00", "autoMotor" : True, "autoArm" : False, "regulator" : [0, 0], "error" : 0} pcThreadObject=pcThread(commandQueue,sensorList) pcThreadObject.daemon=True pcThreadObject.start() while True: if not commandQueue.empty(): command=(commandQueue.get()) if command[0]=="motorSpeed": left=int(command[1][0]) right=int(command[1][1]) driver.setMotorLeft(left)
#Setup switched GPIO.setup(pinEndSwitch, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) GPIO.setup(pinSwitch, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) #Setup servos futabaR = motors.Servo(19, 178, 160, 0) spektrum = motors.Servo(40, 159, 115, 1) hitec = motors.Servo(0, 180, 180, 2) reely = motors.Servo(0, 180, 180, 3) futabaS = motors.Servo(18, 178, 160, 4) #Setup stepper stepper = motors.Stepper(32, 36, 38, 40) #Setup robot arm robotArm = arm.robotArm([futabaR, spektrum, hitec, reely]) #Setup switch arm switchArm = arm.switchArm(futabaS, stepper) lStepTime = time.time() while (GPIO.input(pinEndSwitch) != GPIO.HIGH): if (time.time() > lStepTime + 0.002): stepper.step(False) lStepTime = time.time() try: while (True): #Joystick input handling if GPIO.input(pinRight) == GPIO.HIGH: if switchArm.getAngle() < 180: