Пример #1
    def __init__(self, name="Armory"):
        super(MainCommands, self).__init__(name)

        self.cmd["list_modules"] = {
            "func": self.list_modules,
            "help": "List available modules",

        self.cmd["list_reports"] = {
            "func": self.list_reports,
            "help": "List available reports",

        self.cmd["use_module"] = {
            "func": self.use_module,
            "help": "Use a module"

        self.cmd["use_report"] = {
            "func": self.use_report,
            "help": "Use a report"

        config = get_config_options()
        custom_path = config["PROJECT"].get("custom_modules", None)

        self.modules = []
        if custom_path:
            self.modules += [m for m in get_modules(custom_path)]
        self.modules += [m for m in get_modules("included/modules")]

        self.modules = list(set(self.modules))

        custom_path = config["PROJECT"].get("custom_reports", None)

        self.reports = []

        if custom_path:
            self.reports += [m for m in get_modules(custom_path)]
        self.reports += [m for m in get_modules("included/reports")]

        self.reports = list(set(self.reports))
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, name="Armory"):
        super(MainCommands, self).__init__(name)

        self.cmd['list_modules'] = {
            'func': self.list_modules,
            'help': "List available modules"

        self.cmd['list_reports'] = {
            'func': self.list_reports,
            'help': "List available reports"

        self.cmd['use_module'] = {
            'func': self.use_module,
            'help': "Use a module"

        self.cmd['use_report'] = {
            'func': self.use_report,
            'help': "Use a report"

        config = get_config_options()
        custom_path = config['PROJECT'].get('custom_modules', None)

        self.modules = []
        if custom_path:
            self.modules += [m for m in get_modules(custom_path)]
        self.modules += [m for m in get_modules('included/modules')]

        self.modules = list(set(self.modules))

        custom_path = config['PROJECT'].get('custom_reports', None)

        self.reports = []

        if custom_path:
            self.reports += [m for m in get_modules(custom_path)]
        self.reports += [m for m in get_modules('included/reports')]

        self.reports = list(set(self.reports))
Пример #3
    def reset_module(self,
                     module_data=["custom_modules", "included.modules."]):
        config = get_config_options()
        db = initialize_database(config)
        custom_path = config["PROJECT"].get(module_data[0], None)

        if custom_path and self.name in get_modules(custom_path):
            module_path = os.path.join(custom_path, self.name)

            module_path = module_data[1] + self.name
        Module = load_module(module_path)
        if "custom_modules" in module_data:

            if Module.Module.__doc__:
                print("%s" % self.name)

            self.m = Module.Module(db)
            if Module.Report.__doc__:
                print("%s" % self.name)

            self.m = Module.Report(db)
        self.m.base_config = config
        # Populate the options

        self.options = {}

        for a in self.m.options._actions:
            atype = a.__class__.__name__
            if atype != "_HelpAction":
                o = a.option_strings[-1].replace("-", "")
                self.options[o] = {
                    "arg": a.option_strings[-1],
                    "help": a.help,
                    "type": atype,
                    "required": a.required,

                if atype == "_StoreTrueAction":
                    if a.default:
                        self.options[o]["value"] = True
                        self.options[o]["value"] = False

                elif a.default:
                    self.options[o]["value"] = a.default

                    self.options[o]["value"] = ""

        module_config_data = get_config_options(self.name + ".ini")

        if "ModuleSettings" in module_config_data.sections():
            for k in module_config_data["ModuleSettings"].keys():
                if k in self.options.keys():
                    self.options[k]["value"] = module_config_data[
Пример #4
    def reset_module(self,
                     module_data=['custom_modules', 'included.modules.']):
        config = get_config_options()
        db = initialize_database(config)
        custom_path = config['PROJECT'].get(module_data[0], None)

        if custom_path and self.name in get_modules(custom_path):
            module_path = os.path.join(custom_path, self.name)

            module_path = module_data[1] + self.name
        Module = load_module(module_path)
        if 'custom_modules' in module_data:

            if Module.Module.__doc__:
                print("%s" % self.name)

            self.m = Module.Module(db)
            if Module.Report.__doc__:
                print("%s" % self.name)

            self.m = Module.Report(db)
        self.m.base_config = config
        # Populate the options

        self.options = {}

        for a in self.m.options._actions:
            atype = a.__class__.__name__
            if atype != "_HelpAction":
                o = a.option_strings[-1].replace('-', '')
                self.options[o] = {
                    'arg': a.option_strings[-1],
                    'help': a.help,
                    'type': atype,
                    'required': a.required

                if atype == "_StoreTrueAction":
                    if a.default:
                        self.options[o]['value'] = True
                        self.options[o]['value'] = False

                elif a.default:
                    self.options[o]['value'] = a.default

                    self.options[o]['value'] = ""

        module_config_data = get_config_options(self.name + '.ini')

        if 'ModuleSettings' in module_config_data.sections():
            for k in module_config_data['ModuleSettings'].keys():
                if k in self.options.keys():
                    self.options[k]['value'] = module_config_data[
Пример #5
import database
import armory
# this is the Alembic Config object, which provides
# access to the values within the .ini file in use.
config = context.config

# Interpret the config file for Python logging.
# This line sets up loggers basically.

# add your model's MetaData object here
# for 'autogenerate' support
# from myapp import mymodel
# target_metadata = mymodel.Base.metadata
config_options = armory.get_config_options()
db = database.create_database(armory.get_connection_string(config_options),
target_metadata = db.Base.metadata

# other values from the config, defined by the needs of env.py,
# can be acquired:
# my_important_option = config.get_main_option("my_important_option")
# ... etc.

def run_migrations_offline():
    """Run migrations in 'offline' mode.

    This configures the context with just a URL
    and not an Engine, though an Engine is acceptable
Пример #6

from armory import initialize_database
from armory import get_config_options
from database.repositories import BaseDomainRepository, DomainRepository, IPRepository, CIDRRepository, UserRepository, CredRepository, VulnRepository, PortRepository, UrlRepository, ScopeCIDRRepository

config = get_config_options()
db = initialize_database(config)
Domains = DomainRepository(db, "Shell Client")
BaseDomains = BaseDomainRepository(db, "Shell Client")
IPAddresses = IPRepository(db, "Shell Client")
CIDRs = CIDRRepository(db, "Shell Client")
Users = UserRepository(db, "Shell Client")
Creds = CredRepository(db, "Shell Client")
Vulns = VulnRepository(db, "Shell Client")
Ports = PortRepository(db, "Shell Client")
Urls = UrlRepository(db, "Shell Client")
ScopeCIDRs = ScopeCIDRRepository(db, "Shell Client")

print("Make sure to use this script with ipython and -i")
print("    ipython -i shell.py")

print("Available database modules: Domains, BaseDomains, IPAddresses,")
print(" CIDRs, Users, Creds, Vulns, Services, Ports, Urls, ScopeCIDRs")