Пример #1
 def test_data_range(self):
     x = np.arange(5)
     preproc = FeatureSqueezing()
     squeezed_x = preproc(x, bit_depth=2, clip_values=(0, 4))
     self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(x, np.arange(5)))
         np.allclose(squeezed_x, [0, 1.33, 2.67, 2.67, 4], atol=1e-1))
    def test_random(self):
        m, n = 1000, 20
        x = np.random.rand(m, n)
        x_zero = np.where(x < 0.5)
        x_one = np.where(x >= 0.5)

        preproc = FeatureSqueezing(clip_values=(0, 1), bit_depth=1)
        x_squeezed, _ = preproc(x)
        self.assertTrue((x_squeezed[x_zero] == 0.).all())
        self.assertTrue((x_squeezed[x_one] == 1.).all())

        preproc = FeatureSqueezing(clip_values=(0, 1), bit_depth=2)
        x_squeezed, _ = preproc(x)
        self.assertFalse(np.logical_and(0. < x_squeezed, x_squeezed < 0.33).any())
        self.assertFalse(np.logical_and(0.34 < x_squeezed, x_squeezed < 0.66).any())
        self.assertFalse(np.logical_and(0.67 < x_squeezed, x_squeezed < 1.).any())
Пример #3
    def test_random(self):
        m, n = 1000, 20
        x = np.random.rand(m, n)
        x_zero = np.where(x < 0.5)
        x_one = np.where(x >= 0.5)

        preproc = FeatureSqueezing(bit_depth=1)
        squeezed_x, _ = preproc(x)
        self.assertTrue((squeezed_x[x_zero] == 0.).all())
        self.assertTrue((squeezed_x[x_one] == 1.).all())

        preproc = FeatureSqueezing(bit_depth=2)
        squeezed_x, _ = preproc(x)
        self.assertFalse(np.logical_and(0. < squeezed_x, squeezed_x < 0.33).any())
        self.assertFalse(np.logical_and(0.34 < squeezed_x, squeezed_x < 0.66).any())
        self.assertFalse(np.logical_and(0.67 < squeezed_x, squeezed_x < 1.).any())
    def _parse_defences(self, defences):
        """Apply defences to the classifier

        :param defences: (string) names of the defences to add, supports "featsqueeze[1-8]" and "labsmooth"
        self.defences = defences

        if defences:
            pattern = re.compile("featsqueeze[1-8]?")

            for d in defences:
                # Add feature squeezing
                if pattern.match(d):
                        bit_depth = int(d[-1])
                        self.feature_squeeze = FeatureSqueezing(
                        raise ValueError(
                            "You must specify the bit depth for feature squeezing: featsqueeze[1-8]"

                # Add label smoothing
                if d == "labsmooth":
                    self.label_smooth = LabelSmoothing()
    def test_ones(self):
        m, n = 10, 2
        x = np.ones((m, n))

        for depth in range(1, 50):
            preproc = FeatureSqueezing()
            squeezed_x = preproc(x, bit_depth=depth)
            self.assertTrue((squeezed_x == 1).all())
    def test_ones(self):
        m, n = 10, 2
        x = np.ones((m, n))

        for depth in range(1, 50):
            preproc = FeatureSqueezing(clip_values=(0, 1), bit_depth=depth)
            x_squeezed, _ = preproc(x)
            self.assertTrue((x_squeezed == 1).all())
    def test_ones(self):
        m, n = 10, 2
        x = np.ones((m, n))

        for depth in range(1, 50):
            with self.subTest("bit depth = {}".format(depth)):
                preproc = FeatureSqueezing()
                squeezed_x = preproc(x, depth)
                self.assertTrue((squeezed_x == 1).all())
    def test_tf_feature_squeezing(self):
        # With tensors
        m, n = 10, 2
        sess = tf.Session()
        x = tf.ones((m, n))
        fs = FeatureSqueezing()

        for depth in range(1, 10):
            with self.subTest("bit depth = {}".format(depth)):
                squeezed_x = sess.run(fs._tf_predict(x, depth))
                self.assertTrue((squeezed_x == 1).all())

        # With placeholders
        x = np.ones((m, n))

        x_op = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 2])
        for depth in range(1, 10):
            with self.subTest("bit depth = {}".format(depth)):
                squeezed_x = sess.run(fs._tf_predict(x_op, depth),
                                      feed_dict={x_op: x})
                self.assertTrue((squeezed_x == 1).all())
Пример #9
def defenses(model, X, adv_X, FS=False, SS=False, targeted=False):
    if FS:
        fs = FeatureSqueezing(bit_depth=1)(adv_X, clip_values=(-1, 1))
        succ_rate, _ = evaluate(model, X, fs, targeted=targeted)
        print("\nAfter FS %s success rate: %.2f%%" %
              (targeted, succ_rate * 100))
    if SS:
        ss = SpatialSmoothing(channel_index=1,
                              window_size=20)(adv_X, clip_values=(-1, 1))
        succ_rate, _ = evaluate(model, X, ss, targeted=targeted)
        print("\nAfter SS %s success rate: %.2f%%" %
              (targeted, succ_rate * 100))
    return 0
def main(argv=None):
	X = np.load(FLAGS.load_data)
	fs = FeatureSqueezing(bit_depth=8)
	squeezed_values = fs(X)
	np.save(FLAGS.dump_data, squeezed_values)