def pick_object(self, obj, pick_instruction_id, arm_id=None,
                 pick_only_y_axis=False, from_feeder=False):
     if arm_id is None:
         return ArtBrainErrorSeverities.ERROR, ArtBrainErrors.ERROR_GRIPPER_NOT_DEFINED, None
     arm = self.get_arm_by_id(arm_id)
     severity, error = self.check_arm_for_pick(arm)
     if error is not None:
         return severity, error, arm_id
     if obj is None or obj.object_id is None or obj.object_id == "":
         return ArtBrainErrorSeverities.WARNING, ArtBrainErrors.ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_DEFINED, arm_id
     goal = PickPlaceGoal()
     goal.object = obj.object_id
     goal.operation = goal.PICK_OBJECT_ID if not from_feeder else goal.PICK_FROM_FEEDER
     goal.keep_orientation = False
     goal.pick_only_y_axis = pick_only_y_axis
     rospy.logdebug("Picking object with ID: " + str(obj.object_id))
     # arm.pp_client.wait_for_result()
     severity, error, _ = self.wait_for_action_result(arm.pp_client)
     if error is not None:
         # print "returning 2"
         return severity, error, arm_id
     # TODO: make some error msg etc
     rospy.logdebug('Results from p&p server')
     rospy.logdebug("result: " + str(arm.pp_client.get_result()))
     rospy.logdebug("status: " + arm.pp_client.get_goal_status_text())
     rospy.logdebug("state: " + str(arm.pp_client.get_state()))
     if arm.pp_client.get_result().result == 0:
         arm.last_pick_instruction_id = pick_instruction_id
         return None, None, arm_id
         return ArtBrainErrorSeverities.WARNING, ArtBrainErrors.ERROR_PICK_FAILED, arm_id
Пример #2
def pick_object_id(client,  object_id):

    rospy.loginfo('pick_object_id: ' + str(object_id))
    goal = PickPlaceGoal()
    goal.object = object_id
    goal.operation = goal.PICK_OBJECT_ID
    return send_goal(client, goal)
Пример #3
    def place_object_to_pose(self,
        if arm_id is None:
            return ArtBrainErrorSeverities.ERROR, ArtBrainErrors.ERROR_GRIPPER_NOT_DEFINED, None
        if place_pose is None:
            return ArtBrainErrorSeverities.ERROR, ArtBrainErrors.ERROR_PLACE_POSE_NOT_DEFINED, None
        arm = self.get_arm_by_id(arm_id)  # type: ArtGripper
        if arm.holding_object is None or arm.holding_object.object_type is None or arm.holding_object.object_type == "":
            return ArtBrainErrorSeverities.WARNING, ArtBrainErrors.ERROR_NO_OBJECT_IN_GRIPPER, arm_id
        goal = PickPlaceGoal()
        goal.operation = goal.PLACE_TO_POSE

        goal.object = arm.holding_object.object_id
        # TODO (Kapi) check if it is safe to place the object
        #  if not self.check_place_pose(place_pose, obj):
        #    return False
        # TODO how to decide between 180 and 90 deg?
        # allow object to be rotated by 90 deg around z axis
        # goal.z_axis_angle_increment = 3.14

        goal.pose = place_pose
        goal.pose.header.stamp =
        goal.pose.header.frame_id = objects_frame_id
        # no need to alter place pose z - contacts between attached object and support surface (table) are allowed
        # goal.pose.pose.position.z += 0.01

        rospy.logdebug("Placing object with ID: " +
        severity, error, _ = self.wait_for_action_result(arm.pp_client)
        if error is not None:
            return severity, error, arm_id

        if arm.pp_client.get_result().result == 0:
            return None, None, arm_id
            return ArtBrainErrorSeverities.WARNING, ArtBrainErrors.ERROR_PLACE_FAILED, None