def prepare_dataset(): # vocab_freq_cutoff = 1 for atis vocab_freq_cutoff = 2 # for geo query grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open('asdl/lang/prolog/prolog_asdl.txt').read()) transition_system = PrologTransitionSystem(grammar) train_set = load_dataset(transition_system, 'data/jobs/train.txt') test_set = load_dataset(transition_system, 'data/jobs/test.txt') # generate vocabulary src_vocab = VocabEntry.from_corpus([e.src_sent for e in train_set], size=5000, freq_cutoff=vocab_freq_cutoff) primitive_tokens = [map(lambda a: a.action.token, filter(lambda a: isinstance(a.action, GenTokenAction), e.tgt_actions)) for e in train_set] primitive_vocab = VocabEntry.from_corpus(primitive_tokens, size=5000, freq_cutoff=0) # generate vocabulary for the code tokens! code_tokens = [transition_system.tokenize_code(e.tgt_code, mode='decoder') for e in train_set] code_vocab = VocabEntry.from_corpus(code_tokens, size=5000, freq_cutoff=0) vocab = Vocab(source=src_vocab, primitive=primitive_vocab, code=code_vocab) print('generated vocabulary %s' % repr(vocab), file=sys.stderr) action_len = [len(e.tgt_actions) for e in chain(train_set, test_set)] print('Max action len: %d' % max(action_len), file=sys.stderr) print('Avg action len: %d' % np.average(action_len), file=sys.stderr) print('Actions larger than 100: %d' % len(list(filter(lambda x: x > 100, action_len))), file=sys.stderr) pickle.dump(train_set, open('data/jobs/train.bin', 'wb')) pickle.dump(test_set, open('data/jobs/test.bin', 'wb')) pickle.dump(vocab, open('data/jobs/vocab.freq2.bin', 'wb'))
def process_regex_dataset(): grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text( open('asdl/lang/streg/streg_asdl.txt').read()) transition_system = StRegTransitionSystem(grammar) train_set = StReg.load_regex_dataset(transition_system, "train") val_set = StReg.load_regex_dataset(transition_system, "val") testi_set = StReg.load_regex_dataset(transition_system, "testi") teste_set = StReg.load_regex_dataset(transition_system, "teste") # generate vocabulary vocab_freq_cutoff = 2 src_vocab = VocabEntry.from_corpus([e.src_sent for e in train_set], size=5000, freq_cutoff=vocab_freq_cutoff) primitive_tokens = [ map( lambda a: a.action.token, filter(lambda a: isinstance(a.action, GenTokenAction), e.tgt_actions)) for e in train_set ] primitive_vocab = VocabEntry.from_corpus(primitive_tokens, size=5000, freq_cutoff=0) # generate vocabulary for the code tokens! code_tokens = [ transition_system.tokenize_code(e.tgt_code, mode='decoder') for e in train_set ] code_vocab = VocabEntry.from_corpus(code_tokens, size=5000, freq_cutoff=0) vocab = Vocab(source=src_vocab, primitive=primitive_vocab, code=code_vocab) print('generated vocabulary %s' % repr(vocab), file=sys.stderr) action_len = [ len(e.tgt_actions) for e in chain(train_set, testi_set, teste_set) ] print('Max action len: %d' % max(action_len), file=sys.stderr) print('Avg action len: %d' % np.average(action_len), file=sys.stderr) print('Actions larger than 100: %d' % len(list(filter(lambda x: x > 100, action_len))), file=sys.stderr) pickle.dump(train_set, open('data/streg/train.bin', 'wb')) pickle.dump(val_set, open('data/streg/val.bin', 'wb')) pickle.dump(testi_set, open('data/streg/testi.bin', 'wb')) pickle.dump(teste_set, open('data/streg/teste.bin', 'wb')) pickle.dump( vocab, open('data/streg/vocab.freq%d.bin' % (vocab_freq_cutoff), 'wb'))
def prepare_dataset(data_path): grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text( open('../../asdl/lang/sql/sql_asdl.txt').read()) transition_system = SqlTransitionSystem(grammar) datasets = [] for file in ['dev', 'test', 'train']: print('processing %s' % file, file=sys.stderr) dataset_path = os.path.join(data_path, file + '.jsonl') table_path = os.path.join(data_path, file + '.tables.jsonl') dataset = load_dataset(transition_system, dataset_path, table_path) pickle.dump(dataset, open('../../data/wikisql1/%s.bin' % file, 'wb')) datasets.append(dataset) train_set = datasets[2] dev_set = datasets[0] test_set = datasets[1] # generate vocabulary src_vocab = VocabEntry.from_corpus([e.src_sent for e in train_set], size=100000, freq_cutoff=2) primitive_vocab = VocabEntry() primitive_vocab.add('</primitive>') vocab = Vocab(source=src_vocab, primitive=primitive_vocab) print('generated vocabulary %s' % repr(vocab), file=sys.stderr) pickle.dump(vocab, open('../../data/wikisql1/vocab.bin', 'wb')) action_len = [ len(e.tgt_actions) for e in chain(train_set, dev_set, test_set) ] print('Max action len: %d' % max(action_len), file=sys.stderr) print('Avg action len: %d' % np.average(action_len), file=sys.stderr) print('Actions larger than 100: %d' % len(list(filter(lambda x: x > 100, action_len))), file=sys.stderr)
def train_rerank_feature(args): train_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.train_file) dev_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.dev_file) vocab = pickle.load(open(args.vocab, 'rb')) grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open(args.asdl_file).read()) transition_system = TransitionSystem.get_class_by_lang(args.lang)(grammar) train_paraphrase_model = args.mode == 'train_paraphrase_identifier' def _get_feat_class(): if args.mode == 'train_reconstructor': return Reconstructor elif args.mode == 'train_paraphrase_identifier': return ParaphraseIdentificationModel def _filter_hyps(_decode_results): for i in range(len(_decode_results)): valid_hyps = [] for hyp in _decode_results[i]: try: transition_system.tokenize_code(hyp.code) valid_hyps.append(hyp) except: pass _decode_results[i] = valid_hyps model = _get_feat_class()(args, vocab, transition_system) if args.glorot_init: print('use glorot initialization', file=sys.stderr) nn_utils.glorot_init(model.parameters()) model.train() if args.cuda: model.cuda() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), # if training the paraphrase model, also load in decoding results if train_paraphrase_model: print('load training decode results [%s]' % args.train_decode_file, file=sys.stderr) train_decode_results = pickle.load(open(args.train_decode_file, 'rb')) _filter_hyps(train_decode_results) train_decode_results = {e.idx: hyps for e, hyps in zip(train_set, train_decode_results)} print('load dev decode results [%s]' % args.dev_decode_file, file=sys.stderr) dev_decode_results = pickle.load(open(args.dev_decode_file, 'rb')) _filter_hyps(dev_decode_results) dev_decode_results = {e.idx: hyps for e, hyps in zip(dev_set, dev_decode_results)} def evaluate_ppl(): model.eval() cum_loss = 0. cum_tgt_words = 0. for batch in dev_set.batch_iter(args.batch_size): loss = -model.score(batch).sum() cum_loss += cum_tgt_words += sum(len(e.src_sent) + 1 for e in batch) # add ending </s> ppl = np.exp(cum_loss / cum_tgt_words) model.train() return ppl def evaluate_paraphrase_acc(): model.eval() labels = [] for batch in dev_set.batch_iter(args.batch_size): probs = model.score(batch).exp().data.cpu().numpy() for p in probs: labels.append(p >= 0.5) # get negative examples batch_decoding_results = [dev_decode_results[e.idx] for e in batch] batch_negative_examples = [get_negative_example(e, _hyps, type='best') for e, _hyps in zip(batch, batch_decoding_results)] batch_negative_examples = list(filter(None, batch_negative_examples)) probs = model.score(batch_negative_examples).exp().data.cpu().numpy() for p in probs: labels.append(p < 0.5) acc = np.average(labels) model.train() return acc def get_negative_example(_example, _hyps, type='sample'): incorrect_hyps = [hyp for hyp in _hyps if not hyp.is_correct] if incorrect_hyps: incorrect_hyp_scores = [hyp.score for hyp in incorrect_hyps] if type in ('best', 'sample'): if type == 'best': sample_idx = np.argmax(incorrect_hyp_scores) sampled_hyp = incorrect_hyps[sample_idx] else: incorrect_hyp_probs = [np.exp(score) for score in incorrect_hyp_scores] incorrect_hyp_probs = np.array(incorrect_hyp_probs) / sum(incorrect_hyp_probs) sampled_hyp = np.random.choice(incorrect_hyps, size=1, p=incorrect_hyp_probs) sampled_hyp = sampled_hyp[0] sample = Example(idx='negative-%s' % _example.idx, src_sent=_example.src_sent, tgt_code=sampled_hyp.code, tgt_actions=None, tgt_ast=None) return sample elif type == 'all': samples = [] for i, hyp in enumerate(incorrect_hyps): sample = Example(idx='negative-%s-%d' % (_example.idx, i), src_sent=_example.src_sent, tgt_code=hyp.code, tgt_actions=None, tgt_ast=None) samples.append(sample) return samples else: return None print('begin training decoder, %d training examples, %d dev examples' % (len(train_set), len(dev_set)), file=sys.stderr) print('vocab: %s' % repr(vocab), file=sys.stderr) epoch = train_iter = 0 report_loss = report_examples = 0. history_dev_scores = [] num_trial = patience = 0 while True: epoch += 1 epoch_begin = time.time() for batch_examples in train_set.batch_iter(batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True): batch_examples = [e for e in batch_examples if len(e.tgt_actions) <= args.decode_max_time_step] if train_paraphrase_model: positive_examples_num = len(batch_examples) labels = [0] * len(batch_examples) negative_samples = [] batch_decoding_results = [train_decode_results[e.idx] for e in batch_examples] # sample negative examples for example, hyps in zip(batch_examples, batch_decoding_results): if hyps: negative_sample = get_negative_example(example, hyps, type=args.negative_sample_type) if negative_sample: if isinstance(negative_sample, Example): negative_samples.append(negative_sample) labels.append(1) else: negative_samples.extend(negative_sample) labels.extend([1] * len(negative_sample)) batch_examples += negative_samples train_iter += 1 optimizer.zero_grad() nll = -model(batch_examples) if train_paraphrase_model: idx_tensor = Variable(torch.LongTensor(labels).unsqueeze(-1), requires_grad=False) if args.cuda: idx_tensor = idx_tensor.cuda() loss = torch.gather(nll, 1, idx_tensor) else: loss = nll # print( loss_val = torch.sum(loss).data.item() report_loss += loss_val report_examples += len(batch_examples) loss = torch.mean(loss) loss.backward() # clip gradient grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), args.clip_grad) optimizer.step() if train_iter % args.log_every == 0: print('[Iter %d] encoder loss=%.5f' % (train_iter, report_loss / report_examples), file=sys.stderr) report_loss = report_examples = 0. print('[Epoch %d] epoch elapsed %ds' % (epoch, time.time() - epoch_begin), file=sys.stderr) # perform validation print('[Epoch %d] begin validation' % epoch, file=sys.stderr) eval_start = time.time() # evaluate dev_score dev_acc = evaluate_paraphrase_acc() if train_paraphrase_model else -evaluate_ppl() print('[Epoch %d] dev_score=%.5f took %ds' % (epoch, dev_acc, time.time() - eval_start), file=sys.stderr) is_better = history_dev_scores == [] or dev_acc > max(history_dev_scores) history_dev_scores.append(dev_acc) if is_better: patience = 0 model_file = args.save_to + '.bin' print('save currently the best model ..', file=sys.stderr) print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # also save the optimizers' state, args.save_to + '.optim.bin') elif patience < args.patience: patience += 1 print('hit patience %d' % patience, file=sys.stderr) if patience == args.patience: num_trial += 1 print('hit #%d trial' % num_trial, file=sys.stderr) if num_trial == args.max_num_trial: print('early stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0) # decay lr, and restore from previously best checkpoint lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * args.lr_decay print('load previously best model and decay learning rate to %f' % lr, file=sys.stderr) # load model params = torch.load(args.save_to + '.bin', map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.load_state_dict(params['state_dict']) if args.cuda: model = model.cuda() # load optimizers if args.reset_optimizer: print('reset optimizer', file=sys.stderr) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.inference_model.parameters(), lr=lr) else: print('restore parameters of the optimizers', file=sys.stderr) optimizer.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.save_to + '.optim.bin')) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr # reset patience patience = 0
def compare_ast(self, hyp_ast, ref_ast): return is_equal_ast(hyp_ast, ref_ast) def surface_code_to_ast(self, code): return pdf_to_ast(self.grammar, code) def ast_to_surface_code(self, asdl_ast): return ast_to_pdf(asdl_ast) def get_primitive_field_actions(self, realized_field): assert realized_field.cardinality == 'single' if realized_field.value is not None: return [GenTokenAction(realized_field.value)] else: return [] if __name__ == '__main__': path = 'pdfs' grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open('pdf_asdl.txt').read()) transition_system = PdfTransitionSystem(grammar) for item in os.listdir(path): item_path = os.path.join(path, item) pdf = PdfReader(item_path) for page in pdf.pages: ast_tree = pdf_to_ast(grammar, page) ast_tree.sanity_check() print(ast_to_pdf(ast_tree))
def train_decoder(args): train_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.train_file) dev_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.dev_file) vocab = pickle.load(open(args.vocab)) grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open(args.asdl_file).read()) transition_system = TransitionSystem.get_class_by_lang(args.lang)(grammar) model = Reconstructor(args, vocab, transition_system) model.train() if args.cuda: model.cuda() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), def evaluate_ppl(): model.eval() cum_loss = 0. cum_tgt_words = 0. for batch in dev_set.batch_iter(args.batch_size): loss = -model.score(batch).sum() cum_loss +=[0] cum_tgt_words += sum(len(e.src_sent) + 1 for e in batch) # add ending </s> ppl = np.exp(cum_loss / cum_tgt_words) model.train() return ppl print('begin training decoder, %d training examples, %d dev examples' % (len(train_set), len(dev_set)), file=sys.stderr) print('vocab: %s' % repr(vocab), file=sys.stderr) epoch = train_iter = 0 report_loss = report_examples = 0. history_dev_scores = [] num_trial = patience = 0 while True: epoch += 1 epoch_begin = time.time() for batch_examples in train_set.batch_iter(batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True): batch_examples = [e for e in batch_examples if len(e.tgt_actions) <= args.decode_max_time_step] # batch_examples = [e for e in train_set.examples if e.idx in [10192, 10894, 9706, 4659, 5609, 1442, 5849, 10644, 4592, 1875]] train_iter += 1 optimizer.zero_grad() loss = -model.score(batch_examples) # print( loss_val = torch.sum(loss).data[0] report_loss += loss_val report_examples += len(batch_examples) loss = torch.mean(loss) loss.backward() # clip gradient grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(model.parameters(), args.clip_grad) optimizer.step() if train_iter % args.log_every == 0: print('[Iter %d] encoder loss=%.5f' % (train_iter, report_loss / report_examples), file=sys.stderr) report_loss = report_examples = 0. print('[Epoch %d] epoch elapsed %ds' % (epoch, time.time() - epoch_begin), file=sys.stderr) # model_file = args.save_to + '.iter%d.bin' % train_iter # print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # # perform validation print('[Epoch %d] begin validation' % epoch, file=sys.stderr) eval_start = time.time() # evaluate ppl ppl = evaluate_ppl() print('[Epoch %d] ppl=%.5f took %ds' % (epoch, ppl, time.time() - eval_start), file=sys.stderr) dev_acc = -ppl is_better = history_dev_scores == [] or dev_acc > max(history_dev_scores) history_dev_scores.append(dev_acc) if is_better: patience = 0 model_file = args.save_to + '.bin' print('save currently the best model ..', file=sys.stderr) print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # also save the optimizers' state, args.save_to + '.optim.bin') elif patience < args.patience: patience += 1 print('hit patience %d' % patience, file=sys.stderr) if patience == args.patience: num_trial += 1 print('hit #%d trial' % num_trial, file=sys.stderr) if num_trial == args.max_num_trial: print('early stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0) # decay lr, and restore from previously best checkpoint lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * args.lr_decay print('load previously best model and decay learning rate to %f' % lr, file=sys.stderr) # load model params = torch.load(args.save_to + '.bin', map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.load_state_dict(params['state_dict']) if args.cuda: model = model.cuda() # load optimizers if args.reset_optimizer: print('reset optimizer', file=sys.stderr) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.inference_model.parameters(), lr=lr) else: print('restore parameters of the optimizers', file=sys.stderr) optimizer.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.save_to + '.optim.bin')) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr # reset patience patience = 0
def train(args): """Maximum Likelihood Estimation""" # load in train/dev set print("loading files") print(f"Loading Train at {args.train_file}") train_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.train_file) train_ids = [e.idx.split('-')[-1] for e in train_set.examples] print(f"{len(train_set.examples)} total examples") print('Checking ids:') for idx in ['4170655', '13704860', '4170655', '13704860', '3862010']: print(f"\t{idx} is {'not in' if idx not in train_ids else 'in'} train") print("") print(f"First 5 Examples in Train:") for i in range(10): print(f'\tExample {i + 1}(idx:{train_set.examples[i].idx}):') print(f"\t\tSource:{repr(' '.join(train_set.all_source[i])[:100])}") print(f"\t\tTarget:{repr(train_set.all_targets[i][:100])}") if args.dev_file: print(f"Loading dev at {args.dev_file}") dev_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.dev_file) else: dev_set = Dataset(examples=[]) print("Loading vocab") vocab = pickle.load(open(args.vocab, 'rb')) print(f"Loading grammar {args.asdl_file}") grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open(args.asdl_file).read()) transition_system = Registrable.by_name(args.transition_system)(grammar) parser_cls = Registrable.by_name(args.parser) # TODO: add arg if args.pretrain: print('Finetune with: ', args.pretrain) model = parser_cls.load(model_path=args.pretrain, cuda=args.cuda) else: model = parser_cls(args, vocab, transition_system) model.train() evaluator = Registrable.by_name(args.evaluator)(transition_system, args=args) if args.cuda: model.cuda() optimizer_cls = eval('torch.optim.%s' % args.optimizer) # FIXME: this is evil! optimizer = optimizer_cls(model.parameters(), if not args.pretrain: if args.uniform_init: print('uniformly initialize parameters [-%f, +%f]' % (args.uniform_init, args.uniform_init)) nn_utils.uniform_init(-args.uniform_init, args.uniform_init, model.parameters()) elif args.glorot_init: print('use glorot initialization') nn_utils.glorot_init(model.parameters()) # load pre-trained word embedding (optional) if args.glove_embed_path: print('load glove embedding from: %s' % args.glove_embed_path) glove_embedding = GloveHelper(args.glove_embed_path) glove_embedding.load_to(model.src_embed, vocab.source) print('begin training, %d training examples, %d dev examples' % (len(train_set), len(dev_set)), file=sys.stderr) print('vocab: %s' % repr(vocab)) epoch = train_iter = 0 report_loss = report_examples = report_sup_att_loss = 0. history_dev_scores = [] num_trial = patience = 0 while True: epoch += 1 epoch_begin = time.time() for batch_examples in train_set.batch_iter(batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True): batch_examples = [ e for e in batch_examples if len(e.tgt_actions) <= args.decode_max_time_step ] train_iter += 1 optimizer.zero_grad() ret_val = model.score(batch_examples) loss = -ret_val[0] # print( loss_val = torch.sum(loss).data.item() report_loss += loss_val report_examples += len(batch_examples) loss = torch.mean(loss) if args.sup_attention: att_probs = ret_val[1] if att_probs: sup_att_loss = -torch.log( sup_att_loss_val =[0] report_sup_att_loss += sup_att_loss_val loss += sup_att_loss loss.backward() # clip gradient if args.clip_grad > 0.: grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( model.parameters(), args.clip_grad) optimizer.step() if train_iter % args.log_every == 0: log_str = '[Iter %d] encoder loss=%.5f' % ( train_iter, report_loss / report_examples) if args.sup_attention: log_str += ' supervised attention loss=%.5f' % ( report_sup_att_loss / report_examples) report_sup_att_loss = 0. print(log_str) report_loss = report_examples = 0. print('[Epoch %d] epoch elapsed %ds' % (epoch, time.time() - epoch_begin)) if args.save_all_models: model_file = args.save_to + '.iter%d.bin' % train_iter print('save model to [%s]' % model_file) # perform validation is_better = False if args.dev_file: if epoch % args.valid_every_epoch == 0: print('[Epoch %d] begin validation' % epoch) eval_start = time.time() eval_results = evaluation.evaluate( dev_set.examples, model, evaluator, args, verbose=False, eval_top_pred_only=args.eval_top_pred_only) dev_score = eval_results[evaluator.default_metric] print( '[Epoch %d] evaluate details: %s, dev %s: %.5f (took %ds)' % (epoch, eval_results, evaluator.default_metric, dev_score, time.time() - eval_start)) is_better = history_dev_scores == [] or dev_score > max( history_dev_scores) history_dev_scores.append(dev_score) else: is_better = True if args.decay_lr_every_epoch and epoch > args.lr_decay_after_epoch: lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * args.lr_decay print('decay learning rate to %f' % lr) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr if is_better: patience = 0 model_file = args.save_to + '.bin' print('save the current model ..') print('save model to [%s]' % model_file) # also save the optimizers' state, args.save_to + '.optim.bin') elif patience < args.patience and epoch >= args.lr_decay_after_epoch: patience += 1 print('hit patience %d' % patience) if epoch == args.max_epoch: print('reached max epoch, stop!') exit(0) if patience >= args.patience and epoch >= args.lr_decay_after_epoch: num_trial += 1 print('hit #%d trial' % num_trial) if num_trial == args.max_num_trial: print('early stop!') exit(0) # decay lr, and restore from previously best checkpoint lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * args.lr_decay print('load previously best model and decay learning rate to %f' % lr) # load model params = torch.load(args.save_to + '.bin', map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.load_state_dict(params['state_dict']) if args.cuda: model = model.cuda() # load optimizers if args.reset_optimizer: print('reset optimizer') optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) else: print('restore parameters of the optimizers') optimizer.load_state_dict( torch.load(args.save_to + '.optim.bin')) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr # reset patience patience = 0
def train_decoder(args): train_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.train_file) dev_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.dev_file) vocab = pickle.load(open(args.vocab)) grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open(args.asdl_file).read()) transition_system = TransitionSystem.get_class_by_lang(args.lang)(grammar) model = Reconstructor(args, vocab, transition_system) model.train() if args.cuda: model.cuda() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), def evaluate_ppl(): model.eval() cum_loss = 0. cum_tgt_words = 0. for batch in dev_set.batch_iter(args.batch_size): loss = -model.score(batch).sum() cum_loss +=[0] cum_tgt_words += sum(len(e.src_sent) + 1 for e in batch) # add ending </s> ppl = np.exp(cum_loss / cum_tgt_words) model.train() return ppl print('begin training decoder, %d training examples, %d dev examples' % (len(train_set), len(dev_set)), file=sys.stderr) print('vocab: %s' % repr(vocab), file=sys.stderr) epoch = train_iter = 0 report_loss = report_examples = 0. history_dev_scores = [] num_trial = patience = 0 while True: epoch += 1 epoch_begin = time.time() for batch_examples in train_set.batch_iter(batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True): batch_examples = [ e for e in batch_examples if len(e.tgt_actions) <= args.decode_max_time_step ] # batch_examples = [e for e in train_set.examples if e.idx in [10192, 10894, 9706, 4659, 5609, 1442, 5849, 10644, 4592, 1875]] train_iter += 1 optimizer.zero_grad() loss = -model.score(batch_examples) # print( loss_val = torch.sum(loss).data[0] report_loss += loss_val report_examples += len(batch_examples) loss = torch.mean(loss) loss.backward() # clip gradient grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(model.parameters(), args.clip_grad) optimizer.step() if train_iter % args.log_every == 0: print('[Iter %d] encoder loss=%.5f' % (train_iter, report_loss / report_examples), file=sys.stderr) report_loss = report_examples = 0. print('[Epoch %d] epoch elapsed %ds' % (epoch, time.time() - epoch_begin), file=sys.stderr) # model_file = args.save_to + '.iter%d.bin' % train_iter # print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # # perform validation print('[Epoch %d] begin validation' % epoch, file=sys.stderr) eval_start = time.time() # evaluate ppl ppl = evaluate_ppl() print('[Epoch %d] ppl=%.5f took %ds' % (epoch, ppl, time.time() - eval_start), file=sys.stderr) dev_acc = -ppl is_better = history_dev_scores == [] or dev_acc > max( history_dev_scores) history_dev_scores.append(dev_acc) if is_better: patience = 0 model_file = args.save_to + '.bin' print('save currently the best model ..', file=sys.stderr) print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # also save the optimizers' state, args.save_to + '.optim.bin') elif patience < args.patience: patience += 1 print('hit patience %d' % patience, file=sys.stderr) if patience == args.patience: num_trial += 1 print('hit #%d trial' % num_trial, file=sys.stderr) if num_trial == args.max_num_trial: print('early stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0) # decay lr, and restore from previously best checkpoint lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * args.lr_decay print('load previously best model and decay learning rate to %f' % lr, file=sys.stderr) # load model params = torch.load(args.save_to + '.bin', map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.load_state_dict(params['state_dict']) if args.cuda: model = model.cuda() # load optimizers if args.reset_optimizer: print('reset optimizer', file=sys.stderr) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( model.inference_model.parameters(), lr=lr) else: print('restore parameters of the optimizers', file=sys.stderr) optimizer.load_state_dict( torch.load(args.save_to + '.optim.bin')) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr # reset patience patience = 0
# coding=utf-8 import ast from asdl.asdl import ASDLGrammar from import * from import * from asdl.hypothesis import * import astor if __name__ == '__main__': # read in the grammar specification of Python 2.7, defined in ASDL asdl_text = open('py_asdl.txt').read() grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(asdl_text) py_code = """'file.csv', nrows=100)""" # get the (domain-specific) python AST of the example Python code snippet py_ast = ast.parse(py_code) # convert the python AST into general-purpose ASDL AST used by tranX asdl_ast = python_ast_to_asdl_ast(py_ast.body[0], grammar) print('String representation of the ASDL AST: \n%s' % asdl_ast.to_string()) print('Size of the AST: %d' % asdl_ast.size) # we can also convert the ASDL AST back into Python AST py_ast_reconstructed = asdl_ast_to_python_ast(asdl_ast, grammar) # initialize the Python transition parser parser = PythonTransitionSystem(grammar) # get the sequence of gold-standard actions to construct the ASDL AST
def train(args): """Maximum Likelihood Estimation""" # load in train/dev set train_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.train_file) if args.dev_file: dev_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.dev_file) else: dev_set = Dataset(examples=[]) vocab = pickle.load(open(args.vocab, 'rb')) grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open(args.asdl_file).read()) transition_system = Registrable.by_name(args.transition_system)(grammar) parser_cls = Registrable.by_name(args.parser) # TODO: add arg if args.pretrain: print('Finetune with: ', args.pretrain, file=sys.stderr) model = parser_cls.load(model_path=args.pretrain, cuda=args.cuda) else: model = parser_cls(args, vocab, transition_system) model.train() evaluator = Registrable.by_name(args.evaluator)(transition_system, args=args) if args.cuda: model.cuda() trainable_parameters = [ p for n, p in model.named_parameters() if 'automodel' not in n and p.requires_grad ] bert_parameters = [ p for n, p in model.named_parameters() if 'automodel' in n and p.requires_grad ] optimizer_cls = eval('torch.optim.%s' % args.optimizer) # FIXME: this is evil! if args.finetune_bert: optimizer = optimizer_cls(trainable_parameters, else: optimizer = optimizer_cls(trainable_parameters + bert_parameters, if not args.pretrain: if args.uniform_init: print('uniformly initialize parameters [-%f, +%f]' % (args.uniform_init, args.uniform_init), file=sys.stderr) nn_utils.uniform_init(-args.uniform_init, args.uniform_init, trainable_parameters) elif args.glorot_init: print('use glorot initialization', file=sys.stderr) nn_utils.glorot_init(trainable_parameters) # load pre-trained word embedding (optional) if args.glove_embed_path: print('load glove embedding from: %s' % args.glove_embed_path, file=sys.stderr) glove_embedding = GloveHelper(args.glove_embed_path) glove_embedding.load_to(model.src_embed, vocab.source) print('begin training, %d training examples, %d dev examples' % (len(train_set), len(dev_set)), file=sys.stderr) print('vocab: %s' % repr(vocab), file=sys.stderr) epoch = train_iter = 0 report_loss = report_examples = report_sup_att_loss = 0. history_dev_scores = [] num_trial = patience = 0 if args.warmup_step > 0 and args.annealing_step > args.warmup_step: lr_scheduler = get_linear_schedule_with_warmup(optimizer, args.warmup_step, args.annealing_step) while True: epoch += 1 epoch_begin = time.time() for batch_examples in train_set.batch_iter(batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True): batch_examples = [ e for e in batch_examples if len(e.tgt_actions) <= args.decode_max_time_step ] train_iter += 1 optimizer.zero_grad() ret_val = model.score(batch_examples) loss = -ret_val[0] # print( loss_val = torch.sum(loss).data.item() report_loss += loss_val report_examples += len(batch_examples) loss = torch.mean(loss) if args.sup_attention: att_probs = ret_val[1] if att_probs: sup_att_loss = -torch.log( sup_att_loss_val =[0] report_sup_att_loss += sup_att_loss_val loss += sup_att_loss loss.backward() # clip gradient if args.clip_grad > 0.: if args.finetune_bert: grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( trainable_parameters + bert_parameters, args.clip_grad) else: grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( trainable_parameters, args.clip_grad) optimizer.step() # warmup and annealing if args.warmup_step > 0 and args.annealing_step > args.warmup_step: lr_scheduler.step() if train_iter % args.log_every == 0: lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] log_str = '[Iter %d] encoder loss=%.5f, lr=%.6f' % ( train_iter, report_loss / report_examples, lr) if args.sup_attention: log_str += ' supervised attention loss=%.5f' % ( report_sup_att_loss / report_examples) report_sup_att_loss = 0. print(log_str, file=sys.stderr) report_loss = report_examples = 0. print('[Epoch %d] epoch elapsed %ds' % (epoch, time.time() - epoch_begin), file=sys.stderr) if args.save_all_models: model_file = args.save_to + '.iter%d.bin' % train_iter print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # perform validation is_better = False if args.dev_file: if epoch % args.valid_every_epoch == 0: print('[Epoch %d] begin validation' % epoch, file=sys.stderr) eval_start = time.time() eval_results = evaluation.evaluate( dev_set.examples, model, evaluator, args, verbose=False, eval_top_pred_only=args.eval_top_pred_only) dev_score = eval_results[evaluator.default_metric] print( '[Epoch %d] evaluate details: %s, dev %s: %.5f (took %ds)' % (epoch, eval_results, evaluator.default_metric, dev_score, time.time() - eval_start), file=sys.stderr) is_better = history_dev_scores == [] or dev_score > max( history_dev_scores) history_dev_scores.append(dev_score) else: is_better = True if args.decay_lr_every_epoch and epoch > args.lr_decay_after_epoch: lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * args.lr_decay print('decay learning rate to %f' % lr, file=sys.stderr) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr if is_better: patience = 0 model_file = args.save_to + '.bin' print('save the current model ..', file=sys.stderr) print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # also save the optimizers' state, args.save_to + '.optim.bin') elif patience < args.patience and epoch >= args.lr_decay_after_epoch: patience += 1 print('hit patience %d' % patience, file=sys.stderr) if epoch == args.max_epoch: print('reached max epoch, stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0) if patience >= args.patience and epoch >= args.lr_decay_after_epoch: num_trial += 1 print('hit #%d trial' % num_trial, file=sys.stderr) if num_trial == args.max_num_trial or ( args.warmup_step > 0 and args.annealing_step > args.warmup_step): print('early stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0) # decay lr, and restore from previously best checkpoint lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * args.lr_decay print('load previously best model and decay learning rate to %f' % lr, file=sys.stderr) # load model params = torch.load(args.save_to + '.bin', map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.load_state_dict(params['state_dict']) if args.cuda: model = model.cuda() # load optimizers if args.reset_optimizer: print('reset optimizer', file=sys.stderr) if args.finetune_bert: optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(trainable_parameters + bert_parameters, lr=lr) else: optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(trainable_parameters, lr=lr) else: print('restore parameters of the optimizers', file=sys.stderr) optimizer.load_state_dict( torch.load(args.save_to + '.optim.bin')) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr # reset patience patience = 0
def train(args): grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open(args.asdl_file).read()) transition_system = TransitionSystem.get_class_by_lang(args.lang)(grammar) train_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.train_file) dev_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.dev_file) vocab = pkl.load(open(args.vocab, 'rb')) model = Parser(args, vocab, transition_system) model.train() if args.cuda: model.cuda() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), print('begin training, %d training examples, %d dev examples' % (len(train_set), len(dev_set)), file=sys.stderr) print('vocab: %s' % repr(vocab), file=sys.stderr) epoch = train_iter = 0 report_loss = report_examples = 0. history_dev_scores = [] num_trial = patience = 0 while True: epoch += 1 epoch_begin = time.time() for batch_examples in train_set.batch_iter(batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True): batch_examples = [ e for e in batch_examples if len(e.tgt_actions) <= args.decode_max_time_step ] train_iter += 1 optimizer.zero_grad() loss = -model.score(batch_examples) # print( loss_val = torch.sum(loss).data[0] report_loss += loss_val report_examples += len(batch_examples) loss = torch.mean(loss) loss.backward() # clip gradient if args.clip_grad > 0.: grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm( model.parameters(), args.clip_grad) optimizer.step() if train_iter % args.log_every == 0: print('[Iter %d] encoder loss=%.5f' % (train_iter, report_loss / report_examples), file=sys.stderr) report_loss = report_examples = 0. print('[Epoch %d] epoch elapsed %ds' % (epoch, time.time() - epoch_begin), file=sys.stderr) # model_file = args.save_to + '.iter%d.bin' % train_iter # print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # # perform validation print('[Epoch %d] begin validation' % epoch, file=sys.stderr) eval_start = time.time() eval_results = evaluation.evaluate(dev_set.examples, model, args, verbose=True) dev_acc = eval_results['accuracy'] print('[Epoch %d] code generation accuracy=%.5f took %ds' % (epoch, dev_acc, time.time() - eval_start), file=sys.stderr) is_better = history_dev_scores == [] or dev_acc > max( history_dev_scores) history_dev_scores.append(dev_acc) if is_better: patience = 0 model_file = args.save_to + '.bin' print('save currently the best model ..', file=sys.stderr) print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # also save the optimizers' state, args.save_to + '.optim.bin') elif epoch == args.max_epoch: print('reached max epoch, stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0) elif patience < args.patience: patience += 1 print('hit patience %d' % patience, file=sys.stderr) if patience == args.patience: num_trial += 1 print('hit #%d trial' % num_trial, file=sys.stderr) if num_trial == args.max_num_trial: print('early stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0) # decay lr, and restore from previously best checkpoint lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * args.lr_decay print('load previously best model and decay learning rate to %f' % lr, file=sys.stderr) # load model params = torch.load(args.save_to + '.bin', map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.load_state_dict(params['state_dict']) if args.cuda: model = model.cuda() # load optimizers if args.reset_optimizer: print('reset optimizer', file=sys.stderr) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam( model.inference_model.parameters(), lr=lr) else: print('restore parameters of the optimizers', file=sys.stderr) optimizer.load_state_dict( torch.load(args.save_to + '.optim.bin')) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr # reset patience patience = 0
def train_reranker_and_test(args): print('load dataset [test %s], [dev %s]' % (args.test_file, args.dev_file)) test_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.test_file) dev_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.dev_file) features = [] i = 0 while i < len(args.features): feat_name = args.features[i] feat_cls = Registrable.by_name(feat_name) print('Add feature %s' % feat_name) if issubclass(feat_cls, nn.Module): feat_path = os.path.join('saved_models/conala/', args.features[i] + '.bin') feat_inst = feat_cls.load(feat_path) print('Load feature %s from %s' % (feat_name, feat_path)) else: feat_inst = feat_cls() features.append(feat_inst) i += 1 print(features) grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open(args.asdl_file).read()) transition_system = Registrable.by_name(args.parser)(grammar) evaluator = Registrable.by_name(args.evaluator)(transition_system) print('load dev decode results [%s]' % args.dev_decode_file) dev_decode_results = pickle.load(open(args.dev_decode_file, 'rb')) dev_eval_results = evaluator.evaluate_dataset(dev_set, dev_decode_results, fast_mode=False) print('load test decode results [%s]' % args.test_decode_file) test_decode_results = pickle.load(open(args.test_decode_file, 'rb')) test_eval_results = evaluator.evaluate_dataset(test_set, test_decode_results, fast_mode=False) print('Dev Eval Results') print(dev_eval_results) print('Test Eval Results') print(test_eval_results) if args.load_reranker: reranker = GridSearchReranker.load(args.load_reranker) else: reranker = GridSearchReranker(features, transition_system=transition_system) if args.num_workers == 1: reranker.train(dev_set.examples, dev_decode_results, evaluator=evaluator) else: reranker.train_multiprocess(dev_set.examples, dev_decode_results, evaluator=evaluator, num_workers=args.num_workers) if args.save_to: print('Save Reranker to %s' % args.save_to) test_score_with_rerank = reranker.compute_rerank_performance( test_set.examples, test_decode_results, verbose=True, evaluator=evaluator, args=args) print('Test Eval Results After Reranking') print(test_score_with_rerank)
def train(args): """Maximum Likelihood Estimation""" # load in train/dev set train_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.train_file) vocab = pickle.load(open(args.vocab, 'rb')) grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open(args.asdl_file).read()) transition_system = Registrable.by_name(args.transition_system)(grammar) parser_cls = Registrable.by_name(args.parser) # TODO: add arg model = parser_cls(args, vocab, transition_system) model.train() if args.cuda: model.cuda() optimizer_cls = eval('torch.optim.%s' % args.optimizer) # FIXME: this is evil! optimizer = optimizer_cls(model.parameters(), nn_utils.glorot_init(model.parameters()) print('begin training, %d training examples' % len(train_set), file=sys.stderr) print('vocab: %s' % repr(vocab), file=sys.stderr) epoch = train_iter = 0 report_loss = report_examples = 0. while True: epoch += 1 epoch_begin = time.time() for batch_examples in train_set.batch_iter(batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True): batch_examples = [e for e in batch_examples if len(e.tgt_actions)] train_iter += 1 optimizer.zero_grad() ret_val = model.score(batch_examples) loss = -ret_val # print( loss_val = torch.sum(loss).data report_loss += loss_val report_examples += len(batch_examples) loss = torch.mean(loss) loss.backward() # clip gradient if args.clip_grad > 0.: grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( model.parameters(), args.clip_grad) optimizer.step() if train_iter % args.log_every == 0: log_str = '[Iter %d] loss=%.5f' % (train_iter, report_loss / report_examples) print(log_str, file=sys.stderr) report_loss = report_examples = 0. print('[Epoch %d] epoch elapsed %ds' % (epoch, time.time() - epoch_begin), file=sys.stderr) model_file = args.save_to + '.iter%d.bin' % train_iter print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) if epoch == args.max_epoch: print('reached max epoch, stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0)
def train(args): """Maximum Likelihood Estimation""" args.dropout=0.1 args.hidden_size=512 args.embed_size=512 args.beam_size=1 args.action_embed_size=512 args.field_embed_size=64 args.type_embed_size=64 args.max_epoch=50 args.cuda=True if torch.cuda.is_available() else False # args.cuda=False args.decay_lr_every_epoch=True args.sup_attention=False # load in train/dev set train_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.train_file) # train_set = Dataset.from_bin_file_joint('data/conala/src.bin','data/conala/pretrain.bin') print (len(train_set),'this is the length of train set') if args.dev_file: dev_set = Dataset.from_bin_file_test(args.test_file) else: dev_set = Dataset(examples=[]) vocab = pickle.load(open(args.vocab, 'rb')) vocab_src=vocab grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open(args.asdl_file).read()) transition_system = Registrable.by_name(args.transition_system)(grammar) print (args.action_embed_size,args.no_copy,args.dropout) parser_cls = Registrable.by_name(args.parser) # TODO: add arg if args.pretrain: print('Finetune with: ', args.pretrain, file=sys.stderr) model = parser_cls.load(model_path=args.pretrain, cuda=args.cuda) else: model = parser_cls(args, vocab, transition_system,src_vocab=vocab) model.train() evaluator = Registrable.by_name(args.evaluator)(transition_system, args=args) if args.cuda: model.cuda() optimizer_cls = eval('torch.optim.%s' % args.optimizer) optimizer = optimizer_cls(model.parameters(), # if args.mass_pretrain: # nn_utils.glorot_init(model.parameters()) # if not args.pretrain: # if args.uniform_init: # print('uniformly initialize parameters [-%f, +%f]' % (args.uniform_init, args.uniform_init), file=sys.stderr) # nn_utils.uniform_init(-args.uniform_init, args.uniform_init, model.parameters()) # elif args.glorot_init: # print('use glorot initialization', file=sys.stderr) # # nn_utils.glorot_init(model.parameters()) print('begin training, %d training examples, %d dev examples' % (len(train_set), len(dev_set)), file=sys.stderr) print('vocab: %s' % repr(vocab), file=sys.stderr) print('vocab: %s' % repr(vocab_src), file=sys.stderr) epoch = train_iter = 0 report_loss = report_examples = report_sup_att_loss = 0. history_dev_scores = [] num_trial = patience = 0 while True: epoch += 1 print ('lr for this epoch is ',optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'],' and the current epoch is ',epoch) epoch_begin = time.time() for batch_examples in train_set.batch_iter(batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True): batch_examples = [e for e in batch_examples if len(e.tgt_actions) <= args.decode_max_time_step] train_iter += 1 optimizer.zero_grad() # print ('it gets here') if args.mass_pretrain: # print ('mass pretrain is true') ret_val=model.score(batch_examples, pretrain=True) else: # print ('it gets here') ret_val = model.score(batch_examples,pretrain=False) loss = -ret_val[0] # print( loss_val = torch.sum(loss).data.item() report_loss += loss_val report_examples += len(batch_examples) loss = torch.mean(loss) loss.backward() # clip gradient if args.clip_grad > 0.: grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), args.clip_grad) optimizer.step() if train_iter % args.log_every == 0: log_str = '[Iter %d] encoder loss=%.5f' % (train_iter, report_loss / report_examples) if args.sup_attention: log_str += ' supervised attention loss=%.5f' % (report_sup_att_loss / report_examples) report_sup_att_loss = 0. print(log_str, file=sys.stderr) report_loss = report_examples = 0. if args.decay_lr_every_epoch and epoch >10: lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * 0.95 print('decay learning rate to %f' % lr, file=sys.stderr) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr print('[Epoch %d] epoch elapsed %ds' % (epoch, time.time() - epoch_begin), file=sys.stderr) # if args.save_all_models: # model_file = args.save_to + '.iter%d.bin' % train_iter # print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # # if epoch>5: if not args.mass_pretrain and epoch>32: is_better = False if args.dev_file: print ('dev file validation') print('[Epoch %d] begin validation' % epoch, file=sys.stderr) eval_start = time.time() eval_results = evaluation.evaluate(dev_set.examples, model, evaluator, args, verbose=False, eval_top_pred_only=args.eval_top_pred_only) # dev_score = eval_results[evaluator.default_metric] # dev_score=eval_results # for batch_examples in dev_set.batch_iter(batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True): # batch_examples = [e for e in batch_examples if len(e.tgt_actions) <= args.decode_max_time_step] # # train_iter += 1 # # optimizer.zero_grad() # model.eval() # ret_val = model.score(batch_examples) # loss = -ret_val[0] # print ('the valid loss is: ',loss.mean()) print ('samip dahal') # print('[Epoch %d] evaluate details: %s, dev %s: %.5f ' % ( # epoch, eval_results, # evaluator.default_metric, # dev_score)) # print("Evaluation ",epoch, eval_results,dev_score) dev_score = eval_results[evaluator.default_metric] print('[Epoch %d] evaluate details: %s, dev %s: %.5f (took %ds)' % ( epoch, eval_results, evaluator.default_metric, dev_score, time.time() - eval_start), file=sys.stderr) is_better = history_dev_scores == [] or dev_score > max(history_dev_scores) history_dev_scores.append(dev_score) model.train() else: is_better = True if is_better : print("the not mentioned tags are ",model.new_tags) patience = 0 model_file = f'saved_models/pre_small/{epoch}.bin' print (model_file) if history_dev_scores: s=history_dev_scores[-1] model_file = f'saved_models/pre_small/{epoch}${s}.bin' print('save the current model ..', file=sys.stderr) print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # also save the optimizers' state, model_file + '.optim.bin') else: print ('it is mass') if epoch%5==0 and args.mass_pretrain: model_file = f'saved_models/code_fine_4/{epoch}{loss}.bin' print('save the current model ..', file=sys.stderr) print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # also save the optimizers' state, f'saved_models/code_fine_4/{epoch}{loss}' + '.optim.bin') if epoch == args.max_epoch: print('reached max epoch, stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0)
def train(args): """Maximum Likelihood Estimation""" grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open(args.asdl_file).read()) transition_system = TransitionSystem.get_class_by_lang(args.lang)(grammar) train_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.train_file) if args.dev_file: dev_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.dev_file) else: dev_set = Dataset(examples=[]) vocab = pickle.load(open(args.vocab, 'rb')) if args.lang == 'wikisql': # import additional packages for wikisql dataset from model.wikisql.dataset import WikiSqlExample, WikiSqlTable, TableColumn parser_cls = get_parser_class(args.lang) model = parser_cls(args, vocab, transition_system) model.train() if args.cuda: model.cuda() optimizer_cls = eval('torch.optim.%s' % args.optimizer) # FIXME: this is evil! optimizer = optimizer_cls(model.parameters(), if args.uniform_init: print('uniformly initialize parameters [-%f, +%f]' % (args.uniform_init, args.uniform_init), file=sys.stderr) nn_utils.uniform_init(-args.uniform_init, args.uniform_init, model.parameters()) elif args.glorot_init: print('use glorot initialization', file=sys.stderr) nn_utils.glorot_init(model.parameters()) # load pre-trained word embedding (optional) if args.glove_embed_path: print('load glove embedding from: %s' % args.glove_embed_path, file=sys.stderr) glove_embedding = GloveHelper(args.glove_embed_path) glove_embedding.load_to(model.src_embed, vocab.source) print('begin training, %d training examples, %d dev examples' % (len(train_set), len(dev_set)), file=sys.stderr) print('vocab: %s' % repr(vocab), file=sys.stderr) epoch = train_iter = 0 report_loss = report_examples = report_sup_att_loss = 0. history_dev_scores = [] num_trial = patience = 0 while True: epoch += 1 epoch_begin = time.time() for batch_examples in train_set.batch_iter(batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True): batch_examples = [ e for e in batch_examples if len(e.tgt_actions) <= args.decode_max_time_step ] train_iter += 1 optimizer.zero_grad() ret_val = model.score(batch_examples) loss = -ret_val[0] # print( loss_val = torch.sum(loss).data[0] report_loss += loss_val report_examples += len(batch_examples) loss = torch.mean(loss) if args.sup_attention: att_probs = ret_val[1] if att_probs: sup_att_loss = -torch.log( sup_att_loss_val =[0] report_sup_att_loss += sup_att_loss_val loss += sup_att_loss loss.backward() # clip gradient if args.clip_grad > 0.: grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm( model.parameters(), args.clip_grad) optimizer.step() if train_iter % args.log_every == 0: log_str = '[Iter %d] encoder loss=%.5f' % ( train_iter, report_loss / report_examples) if args.sup_attention: log_str += ' supervised attention loss=%.5f' % ( report_sup_att_loss / report_examples) report_sup_att_loss = 0. print(log_str, file=sys.stderr) report_loss = report_examples = 0. print('[Epoch %d] epoch elapsed %ds' % (epoch, time.time() - epoch_begin), file=sys.stderr) if args.save_all_models: model_file = args.save_to + '.iter%d.bin' % train_iter print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # perform validation if args.dev_file: if epoch % args.valid_every_epoch == 0: print('[Epoch %d] begin validation' % epoch, file=sys.stderr) eval_start = time.time() eval_results = evaluation.evaluate( dev_set.examples, model, args, verbose=True, eval_top_pred_only=args.eval_top_pred_only) dev_acc = eval_results['accuracy'] print('[Epoch %d] code generation accuracy=%.5f took %ds' % (epoch, dev_acc, time.time() - eval_start), file=sys.stderr) is_better = history_dev_scores == [] or dev_acc > max( history_dev_scores) history_dev_scores.append(dev_acc) else: is_better = True if epoch > args.lr_decay_after_epoch: lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * args.lr_decay print('decay learning rate to %f' % lr, file=sys.stderr) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr if is_better: patience = 0 model_file = args.save_to + '.bin' print('save the current model ..', file=sys.stderr) print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # also save the optimizers' state, args.save_to + '.optim.bin') elif patience < args.patience and epoch >= args.lr_decay_after_epoch: patience += 1 print('hit patience %d' % patience, file=sys.stderr) if epoch == args.max_epoch: print('reached max epoch, stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0) if patience >= args.patience and epoch >= args.lr_decay_after_epoch: num_trial += 1 print('hit #%d trial' % num_trial, file=sys.stderr) if num_trial == args.max_num_trial: print('early stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0) # decay lr, and restore from previously best checkpoint lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * args.lr_decay print('load previously best model and decay learning rate to %f' % lr, file=sys.stderr) # load model params = torch.load(args.save_to + '.bin', map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.load_state_dict(params['state_dict']) if args.cuda: model = model.cuda() # load optimizers if args.reset_optimizer: print('reset optimizer', file=sys.stderr) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) else: print('restore parameters of the optimizers', file=sys.stderr) optimizer.load_state_dict( torch.load(args.save_to + '.optim.bin')) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr # reset patience patience = 0
def train(args): """Maximum Likelihood Estimation""" grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open(args.asdl_file).read()) transition_system = TransitionSystem.get_class_by_lang(args.lang)(grammar) train_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.train_file) if args.dev_file: dev_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.dev_file) else: dev_set = Dataset(examples=[]) vocab = pickle.load(open(args.vocab, 'rb')) if args.lang == 'wikisql': # import additional packages for wikisql dataset from model.wikisql.dataset import WikiSqlExample, WikiSqlTable, TableColumn parser_cls = get_parser_class(args.lang) model = parser_cls(args, vocab, transition_system) model.train() if args.cuda: model.cuda() optimizer_cls = eval('torch.optim.%s' % args.optimizer) # FIXME: this is evil! optimizer = optimizer_cls(model.parameters(), if args.uniform_init: print('uniformly initialize parameters [-%f, +%f]' % (args.uniform_init, args.uniform_init), file=sys.stderr) nn_utils.uniform_init(-args.uniform_init, args.uniform_init, model.parameters()) elif args.glorot_init: print('use glorot initialization', file=sys.stderr) nn_utils.glorot_init(model.parameters()) # load pre-trained word embedding (optional) if args.glove_embed_path: print('load glove embedding from: %s' % args.glove_embed_path, file=sys.stderr) glove_embedding = GloveHelper(args.glove_embed_path) glove_embedding.load_to(model.src_embed, vocab.source) print('begin training, %d training examples, %d dev examples' % (len(train_set), len(dev_set)), file=sys.stderr) print('vocab: %s' % repr(vocab), file=sys.stderr) epoch = train_iter = 0 report_loss = report_examples = report_sup_att_loss = 0. history_dev_scores = [] num_trial = patience = 0 while True: epoch += 1 epoch_begin = time.time() for batch_examples in train_set.batch_iter(batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True): batch_examples = [e for e in batch_examples if len(e.tgt_actions) <= args.decode_max_time_step] train_iter += 1 optimizer.zero_grad() ret_val = model.score(batch_examples) loss = -ret_val[0] # print( loss_val = torch.sum(loss).data[0] report_loss += loss_val report_examples += len(batch_examples) loss = torch.mean(loss) if args.sup_attention: att_probs = ret_val[1] if att_probs: sup_att_loss = -torch.log( sup_att_loss_val =[0] report_sup_att_loss += sup_att_loss_val loss += sup_att_loss loss.backward() # clip gradient if args.clip_grad > 0.: grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(model.parameters(), args.clip_grad) optimizer.step() if train_iter % args.log_every == 0: log_str = '[Iter %d] encoder loss=%.5f' % (train_iter, report_loss / report_examples) if args.sup_attention: log_str += ' supervised attention loss=%.5f' % (report_sup_att_loss / report_examples) report_sup_att_loss = 0. print(log_str, file=sys.stderr) report_loss = report_examples = 0. print('[Epoch %d] epoch elapsed %ds' % (epoch, time.time() - epoch_begin), file=sys.stderr) if args.save_all_models: model_file = args.save_to + '.iter%d.bin' % train_iter print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # perform validation if args.dev_file: if epoch % args.valid_every_epoch == 0: print('[Epoch %d] begin validation' % epoch, file=sys.stderr) eval_start = time.time() eval_results = evaluation.evaluate(dev_set.examples, model, args, verbose=True, eval_top_pred_only=args.eval_top_pred_only) dev_acc = eval_results['accuracy'] print('[Epoch %d] code generation accuracy=%.5f took %ds' % (epoch, dev_acc, time.time() - eval_start), file=sys.stderr) is_better = history_dev_scores == [] or dev_acc > max(history_dev_scores) history_dev_scores.append(dev_acc) else: is_better = True if epoch > args.lr_decay_after_epoch: lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * args.lr_decay print('decay learning rate to %f' % lr, file=sys.stderr) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr if is_better: patience = 0 model_file = args.save_to + '.bin' print('save the current model ..', file=sys.stderr) print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # also save the optimizers' state, args.save_to + '.optim.bin') elif patience < args.patience and epoch >= args.lr_decay_after_epoch: patience += 1 print('hit patience %d' % patience, file=sys.stderr) if epoch == args.max_epoch: print('reached max epoch, stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0) if patience >= args.patience and epoch >= args.lr_decay_after_epoch: num_trial += 1 print('hit #%d trial' % num_trial, file=sys.stderr) if num_trial == args.max_num_trial: print('early stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0) # decay lr, and restore from previously best checkpoint lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * args.lr_decay print('load previously best model and decay learning rate to %f' % lr, file=sys.stderr) # load model params = torch.load(args.save_to + '.bin', map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.load_state_dict(params['state_dict']) if args.cuda: model = model.cuda() # load optimizers if args.reset_optimizer: print('reset optimizer', file=sys.stderr) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) else: print('restore parameters of the optimizers', file=sys.stderr) optimizer.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.save_to + '.optim.bin')) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr # reset patience patience = 0
# torch.manual_seed(args.seed) # if args.cuda: # torch.cuda.manual_seed(args.seed) # np.random.seed(int(args.seed * 13 / 7)) # # return args #arg_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() #arg_parser.add_argument('-no_parent_production_embe',default=False, action='store_true', # help='Do not use embedding of parent ASDL production to update decoder LSTM state') #args = arg_parser.parse_args() ##args = init_config() ##args=init_config() #print(args.no_parent_production_embe) tmp=[] engine = DBEngine('./data_model/wikisql/data/train.db') grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open('./asdl/lang/sql/sql_asdl.txt').read()) transition_system = SqlTransitionSystem(grammar) if(True): from asdl.hypothesis import Hypothesis for ids,line in enumerate(open(data_file,encoding='utf-8')): example = json.loads(line) print(example['sql']) query = Query.from_dict(example['sql']).lower() print(query) asdl_ast = sql_query_to_asdl_ast(query, grammar) asdl_ast.sanity_check() print(asdl_ast.to_string()) # asdl_ast.sort_removedup_self() # print(asdl_ast.to_string()) # a=input('fff') actions = transition_system.get_actions(asdl_ast)
def train(args): """Maximum Likelihood Estimation""" tokenizer=BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('./pretrained_models/bert-base-uncased-vocab.txt') bertmodels=BertModel.from_pretrained('./pretrained_models/base-uncased/') print(len(tokenizer.vocab)) # load in train/dev set tmpvocab={'null':0} tmpvocab1={'null':0,'unk':1} tmpvocab2={'null':0,'unk':1} tmpvocab3={'null':0,'unk':1} train_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.train_file) from dependency import sentencetoadj,sentencetoextra_message valid=0 # for example in tqdm.tqdm(train_set.examples): ## print(example.src_sent) ## example.mainnode,example.adj,example.edge,_,isv=sentencetoadj(example.src_sent,tmpvocab) # example.contains,example.pos,example.ner,example.types,example.tins,example.F1=sentencetoextra_message(example.src_sent,[item.tokens for item in example.table.header],[item.type for item in example.table.header],tmpvocab1,tmpvocab2,tmpvocab3,True) ## valid+=isv ## print(example.src_sent) ### print( example.contains,example.pos,example.ner,example.types) ## a=input('gh') # print('bukey',valid) if args.dev_file: dev_set = Dataset.from_bin_file(args.dev_file) else: dev_set = Dataset(examples=[]) # for example in tqdm.tqdm(dev_set.examples): ## print(example.src_sent) ## example.mainnode,example.adj,example.edge,_,_=sentencetoadj(example.src_sent,tmpvocab) # example.contains,example.pos,example.ner,example.types,example.tins,example.F1=sentencetoextra_message(example.src_sent,[item.tokens for item in example.table.header],[item.type for item in example.table.header],tmpvocab1,tmpvocab2,tmpvocab3,False) vocab = pickle.load(open(args.vocab, 'rb')) print(len(vocab.source)) vocab.source.copyandmerge(tokenizer) print(len(vocab.source)) # tokenizer.update(vocab.source.word2id) # print(len(tokenizer.vocab)) # print(tokenizer.vocab['metodiev']) # bertmodels.resize_token_embeddings(len(vocab.source)) grammar = ASDLGrammar.from_text(open(args.asdl_file).read()) transition_system = Registrable.by_name(args.transition_system)(grammar) parser_cls = Registrable.by_name(args.parser) # TODO: add arg model = parser_cls(args, vocab, transition_system,tmpvocab,tmpvocab1,tmpvocab2,tmpvocab3) model.train() model.tokenizer=tokenizer evaluator = Registrable.by_name(args.evaluator)(transition_system, args=args) if args.cuda: model.cuda() if args.uniform_init: print('uniformly initialize parameters [-%f, +%f]' % (args.uniform_init, args.uniform_init), file=sys.stderr) nn_utils.uniform_init(-args.uniform_init, args.uniform_init, model.parameters()) elif args.glorot_init: print('use glorot initialization', file=sys.stderr) nn_utils.glorot_init(model.parameters()) # load pre-trained word embedding (optional) if args.glove_embed_path: print('load glove embedding from: %s' % args.glove_embed_path, file=sys.stderr) glove_embedding = GloveHelper(args.glove_embed_path) glove_embedding.load_to(model.src_embed, vocab.source) print([name for name,_ in model.named_parameters()]) model.bert_model=bertmodels # print([name for name,_ in model.named_parameters()]) model.train() if args.cuda: model.cuda() # return 0 # a=input('haha') optimizer_cls = eval('torch.optim.%s' % args.optimizer) # FIXME: this is evil! # parameters=[p for name,p in model.named_parameters() if 'bert_model' not in name or 'embeddings' in name] parameters=[p for name,p in model.named_parameters() if 'bert_model' not in name] parameters1=[p for name,p in model.named_parameters() if 'bert_model' in name] optimizer = optimizer_cls(parameters, optimizer1 = optimizer_cls(parameters1, lr=0.00001) print('begin training, %d training examples, %d dev examples' % (len(train_set), len(dev_set)), file=sys.stderr) print('vocab: %s' % repr(vocab), file=sys.stderr) is_better = False epoch = train_iter = 0 report_loss = report_examples = report_sup_att_loss = 0. report_loss1=0 history_dev_scores = [] num_trial = patience = 0 while True: if epoch>40:break epoch += 1 epoch_begin = time.time() model.train() for batch_examples in tqdm.tqdm(train_set.batch_iter(batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True)): def process(header,src_sent,tokenizer): length1=len(header) flat_src=[] for item in src_sent: flat_src.extend(tokenizer._tokenize(item)) flat=[token for item in header for token in item.tokens] flat_head=[] for item in flat: flat_head.extend(tokenizer._tokenize(item)) # length2=len(flat)+length1+len(src_sent) length2=len(flat_head)+length1+len(flat_src) print(src_sent) print([item.tokens for item in header]) print(flat_src) print(flat) a=input('hahaha') return length2<130 batch_examples = [e for e in batch_examples if len(e.tgt_actions) <= args.decode_max_time_step and process(e.table.header,e.src_sent,tokenizer)] train_iter += 1 optimizer.zero_grad() optimizer1.zero_grad() # params1=model.named_parameters() # print([param for param,_ in params1]) # params=model.rnns.named_parameters() # print([param for param,_ in params]) # print([type(param.grad) for _,param in model.rnns.named_parameters()]) # a=input('ghh;') ret_val,_ = model.score(batch_examples) loss = -ret_val[0] loss1=ret_val[1] # print( loss_val = torch.sum(loss).data.item() report_loss += loss_val report_loss1 += 1.0*torch.sum(ret_val[2]) report_examples += len(batch_examples) loss = torch.mean(loss)+0*loss1+0*torch.mean(ret_val[2]) if args.sup_attention: att_probs = ret_val[1] if att_probs: sup_att_loss = -torch.log( sup_att_loss_val = report_sup_att_loss += sup_att_loss_val loss += sup_att_loss loss.backward() # print([type(param.grad) for _,param in model.rnns.named_parameters()]) # # print([type(param.grad) for param in model.parameters()]) # a=input('ghh;') # clip gradient if args.clip_grad > 0.: grad_norm = torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm(model.parameters(), args.clip_grad) optimizer.step() optimizer1.step() loss=None if train_iter % args.log_every == 0: log_str = '[Iter %d] encoder loss=%.5f,coverage loss=%.5f' % (train_iter, report_loss / report_examples,report_loss1 / report_examples) if args.sup_attention: log_str += ' supervised attention loss=%.5f' % (report_sup_att_loss / report_examples) report_sup_att_loss = 0. print(log_str, file=sys.stderr) report_loss = report_examples = 0. report_loss1=0 print('[Epoch %d] epoch elapsed %ds' % (epoch, time.time() - epoch_begin), file=sys.stderr) if args.save_all_models: model_file = args.save_to + '.iter%d.bin' % train_iter print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # perform validation if args.dev_file and epoch>=6: # a=input('gh') if epoch % args.valid_every_epoch == 0: print('[Epoch %d] begin validation' % epoch, file=sys.stderr) eval_start = time.time() eval_results = evaluation.evaluate(dev_set.examples, model, evaluator, args, verbose=True, eval_top_pred_only=args.eval_top_pred_only) dev_score = eval_results[evaluator.default_metric] print('[Epoch %d] evaluate details: %s, dev %s: %.5f (took %ds)' % ( epoch, eval_results, evaluator.default_metric, dev_score, time.time() - eval_start), file=sys.stderr) is_better = history_dev_scores == [] or dev_score > max(history_dev_scores) history_dev_scores.append(dev_score) print('[Epoch %d] begin validation2' % epoch, file=sys.stderr) # eval_start = time.time() # eval_results = evaluation.evaluate(dev_set.examples[:2000], model, evaluator, args, # verbose=True, eval_top_pred_only=args.eval_top_pred_only) # dev_score = eval_results[evaluator.default_metric] # # print('[Epoch %d] evaluate details: %s, dev %s: %.5f (took %ds)' % ( # epoch, eval_results, # evaluator.default_metric, # dev_score, # time.time() - eval_start), file=sys.stderr) # is_better = history_dev_scores == [] or dev_score > max(history_dev_scores) # history_dev_scores.append(dev_score) else: is_better = True if args.decay_lr_every_epoch and epoch > args.lr_decay_after_epoch: lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * args.lr_decay print('decay learning rate to %f' % lr, file=sys.stderr) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr if is_better: patience = 0 model_file = args.save_to + '.bin' print('save the current model ..', file=sys.stderr) print('save model to [%s]' % model_file, file=sys.stderr) # also save the optimizers' state, args.save_to + '.optim.bin') elif patience < args.patience and epoch >= args.lr_decay_after_epoch: patience += 1 print('hit patience %d' % patience, file=sys.stderr) if epoch == args.max_epoch: print('reached max epoch, stop!', file=sys.stderr) exit(0) if patience >= args.patience and epoch >= args.lr_decay_after_epoch: num_trial += 1 print('hit #%d trial' % num_trial, file=sys.stderr) if num_trial == args.max_num_trial: print('early stop!', file=sys.stderr) a=input('hj') exit(0) # decay lr, and restore from previously best checkpoint lr = optimizer.param_groups[0]['lr'] * args.lr_decay print('load previously best model and decay learning rate to %f' % lr, file=sys.stderr) # load model params = torch.load(args.save_to + '.bin', map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) model.load_state_dict(params['state_dict']) if args.cuda: model = model.cuda() # load optimizers if args.reset_optimizer: print('reset optimizer', file=sys.stderr) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr) else: print('restore parameters of the optimizers', file=sys.stderr) optimizer.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.save_to + '.optim.bin')) # set new lr for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: param_group['lr'] = lr # reset patience patience = 0