Пример #1
def test_set_masks_from_region(at0, qm_calc, mm_calc):
    Test setting masks from region array

    qmmm = at0.calc
    region = qmmm.get_region_from_masks(at0)

    # initialise another qmmm with different masks
    r = at0.get_distances(0, np.arange(len(at0)), mic=True)
    R_QM = 1.0e-3
    qm_mask = r < R_QM

    test_qmmm = ForceQMMM(at0, qm_mask, qm_calc, mm_calc, buffer_width=3.61)

    # assert that number of qm atoms is different
    assert not (np.count_nonzero(qmmm.qm_selection_mask) == np.count_nonzero(


    assert all(test_qmmm.qm_selection_mask == qmmm.qm_selection_mask)
    assert all(test_qmmm.qm_buffer_mask == qmmm.qm_buffer_mask)

    test_region = test_qmmm.get_region_from_masks(at0)
    assert all(region == test_region)
Пример #2
def at0(qm_calc, mm_calc, bulk_at):
    alat = bulk_at.cell[0, 0]
    at0 = bulk_at * 5
    r = at0.get_distances(0, np.arange(len(at0)), mic=True)
    # should give 12 nearest neighbours + atom in the center
    R_QM = alat / np.sqrt(2.0) + 1.0e-3
    qm_mask = r < R_QM

    qmmm = ForceQMMM(at0, qm_mask, qm_calc, mm_calc, buffer_width=3.61)

    at0.calc = qmmm

    return at0
Пример #3
def compare_qm_cell_and_pbc(qm_calc,
                            expected_pbc=np.array([True, True, True]),
                            buffer_width=5 * 3.61):
    test qm cell shape and choice of pbc:
    make a non-periodic pdc in a direction
    if qm_radius + buffer is larger than the original cell
    keep the periodic cell otherwise i. e. if cell[i, i] > qm_radius + buffer
    the scenario is controlled by the test_size used to create at0
    as well as buffer_width.
    If the size of the at0 is larger than the r_qm + buffer + vacuum
    the cell stays periodic and the size is the same is original
    otherwise cell is non-periodic and size is different.

    alat = bulk_at.cell[0, 0]
    at0 = bulk_at * test_size
    r = at0.get_distances(0, np.arange(len(at0)), mic=True)
    # should give 12 nearest neighbours + atom in the center
    R_QM = alat / np.sqrt(2.0) + 1.0e-3
    qm_mask = r < R_QM

    qmmm = ForceQMMM(at0, qm_mask, qm_calc, mm_calc, buffer_width=buffer_width)
    # equal to 1 alat
    # build qm_buffer_mask to build the cell
    qm_cluster = qmmm.get_qm_cluster(at0)

    # test if qm pbc match expected in qmmm.get_cluster()
    assert all(qm_cluster.pbc == expected_pbc)

    # test the cell size for qmmm.get_qm_cluster()
    if not all(expected_pbc):  # at least one F. avoid comparing empty arrays
        assert not all(qm_cluster.cell.lengths()[~expected_pbc] ==
    if any(expected_pbc):  # at least one T. avoid comparing empty arrays
Пример #4
def test_import_xyz(at0, qm_calc, mm_calc, testdir):
    test the import_extxyz function and checks the mapping

    filename = "qmmm_export_test.xyz"

    qmmm = at0.calc
    qmmm.export_extxyz(filename=filename, atoms=at0)

    imported_qmmm = ForceQMMM.import_extxyz(filename, qm_calc, mm_calc)

    assert all(imported_qmmm.qm_selection_mask == qmmm.qm_selection_mask)
    assert all(imported_qmmm.qm_buffer_mask == qmmm.qm_buffer_mask)
Пример #5
def test_qm_buffer_mask(qm_calc, mm_calc, bulk_at):
    test number of atoms in qm_buffer_mask for
    spherical region in a fully periodic cell
    also tests that "region" array returns the same mapping

    alat = bulk_at.cell[0, 0]
    N_cell_geom = 10
    at0 = bulk_at * N_cell_geom
    r = at0.get_distances(0, np.arange(len(at0)), mic=True)
    print("N_cell", N_cell_geom, 'N_MM', len(at0), "Size", N_cell_geom * alat)
    qm_rc = 5.37  # cutoff for EMC()

    for R_QM in [
            1.0e-3,  # one atom in the center
            alat / np.sqrt(2.0) + 1.0e-3,  # should give 12 nearest
            # neighbours + central atom
            alat + 1.0e-3
    ]:  # should give 18 neighbours + central atom

        at = at0.copy()
        qm_mask = r < R_QM
        qm_buffer_mask_ref = r < 2 * qm_rc + R_QM
        # exclude atoms that are too far (in case of non spherical region)
        # this is the old way to do it
        _, r_qm_buffer = get_distances(at.positions[qm_buffer_mask_ref],
                                       at.positions[qm_mask], at.cell, at.pbc)
        updated_qm_buffer_mask = np.ones_like(at[qm_buffer_mask_ref])
        for i, r_qm in enumerate(r_qm_buffer):
            if r_qm.min() > 2 * qm_rc:
                updated_qm_buffer_mask[i] = False

        qm_buffer_mask_ref[qm_buffer_mask_ref] = updated_qm_buffer_mask
        print(f'R_QM             {R_QM}   N_QM        {qm_mask.sum()}')
        print(f'R_QM + buffer: {2 * qm_rc + R_QM:.2f}'
              f' N_QM_buffer {qm_buffer_mask_ref.sum()}')
        print(f'                     N_total:    {len(at)}')
        qmmm = ForceQMMM(at, qm_mask, qm_calc, mm_calc, buffer_width=2 * qm_rc)
        # build qm_buffer_mask and test it
        # print(f'      Calculator N_QM_buffer:'
        #       f'    {qmmm.qm_buffer_mask.sum().sum()}')
        assert qmmm.qm_buffer_mask.sum() == qm_buffer_mask_ref.sum()
        # same test for qmmm.get_cluster()
        qm_cluster = qmmm.get_qm_cluster(at)
        assert len(qm_cluster) == qm_buffer_mask_ref.sum()
        # test region mappings
        region = qmmm.get_region_from_masks(at)
        qm_mask_region = region == "QM"
        assert qm_mask_region.sum() == qm_mask.sum()
        buffer_mask_region = region == "buffer"
        assert qm_mask_region.sum() + \
               buffer_mask_region.sum() == qm_buffer_mask_ref.sum()
Пример #6
from ase import Atom, Atoms
from ase.build import bulk, fcc100, add_adsorbate, add_vacuum
from ase.calculators.vasp import Vasp
from ase.calculators.kim.kim import KIM
from ase.calculators.qmmm import ForceQMMM, RescaledCalculator
from ase.constraints import StrainFilter
from ase.optimize import LBFGS
from ase.visualize import view

atoms = bulk("Pd", "fcc", a=3.5, cubic=True)
atoms.calc = KIM("MEAM_LAMMPS_JeongParkDo_2018_PdMo__MO_356501945107_000")
opt = LBFGS(StrainFilter(atoms), logfile=None)
opt.run(0.03, steps=30)
length = atoms.cell.cellpar()[0]

atoms = fcc100("Pd", (2,2,5), a=length, vacuum=10, periodic=True)
add_adsorbate(atoms, Atoms([Atom("Mo")]), 1.2)

qm_mask = [len(atoms)-1, len(atoms)-2]
qm_calc = Vasp(directory="./qmmm")
mm_calc = KIM("MEAM_LAMMPS_JeongParkDo_2018_PdMo__MO_356501945107_000")
mm_calc = RescaledCalculator(mm_calc, 1, 1, 1, 1)
qmmm = ForceQMMM(atoms, qm_mask, qm_calc, mm_calc, buffer_width=3)
atoms.calc = qmmm


Пример #7
del at0[0]  # introduce a vacancy
print("N_cell", N_cell, 'N_MM', len(at0))

ref_at = at0.copy()
opt = FIRE(ref_at)
u_ref = ref_at.positions - at0.positions

us = []
for R_QM in R_QMs:
    at = at0.copy()
    mask = r < R_QM
    print('R_QM', R_QM, 'N_QM', mask.sum(), 'N_total', len(at))
    qmmm = ForceQMMM(at, mask, qm, mm, buffer_width=2 * qm.rc)
    opt = FIRE(at)
    us.append(at.positions - at0.positions)

# compute error in energy norm |\nabla u - \nabla u_ref|
def strain_error(at0, u_ref, u, cutoff, mask):
    I, J = neighbor_list('ij', at0, cutoff)
    I, J = np.array([(i, j) for i, j in zip(I, J) if mask[i]]).T
    v = u_ref - u
    dv = np.linalg.norm(v[I, :] - v[J, :], axis=1)
    return np.linalg.norm(dv)

Пример #8
def test_forceqmmm():
    # parameters
    N_cell = 2
    R_QMs = np.array([3, 7])

    # setup bulk and MM region
    bulk_at = bulk("Cu", cubic=True)
    sigma = (bulk_at * 2).get_distance(0, 1) * (2.**(-1. / 6))
    mm = LennardJones(sigma=sigma, epsilon=0.05)
    qm = EMT()

    # compute MM and QM equations of state
    def strain(at, e, calc):
        at = at.copy()
        at.set_cell((1.0 + e) * at.cell, scale_atoms=True)
        at.calc = calc
        v = at.get_volume()
        e = at.get_potential_energy()
        return v, e

    eps = np.linspace(-0.01, 0.01, 13)
    v_qm, E_qm = zip(*[strain(bulk_at, e, qm) for e in eps])
    v_mm, E_mm = zip(*[strain(bulk_at, e, mm) for e in eps])

    eos_qm = EquationOfState(v_qm, E_qm)
    v0_qm, E0_qm, B_qm = eos_qm.fit()
    a0_qm = v0_qm**(1.0 / 3.0)

    eos_mm = EquationOfState(v_mm, E_mm)
    v0_mm, E0_mm, B_mm = eos_mm.fit()
    a0_mm = v0_mm**(1.0 / 3.0)

    mm_r = RescaledCalculator(mm, a0_qm, B_qm, a0_mm, B_mm)
    v_mm_r, E_mm_r = zip(*[strain(bulk_at, e, mm_r) for e in eps])

    eos_mm_r = EquationOfState(v_mm_r, E_mm_r)
    v0_mm_r, E0_mm_r, B_mm_r = eos_mm_r.fit()
    a0_mm_r = v0_mm_r**(1.0 / 3)

    # check match of a0 and B after rescaling is adequete
    assert abs(
        (a0_mm_r - a0_qm) / a0_qm) < 1e-3  # 0.1% error in lattice constant
    assert abs((B_mm_r - B_qm) / B_qm) < 0.05  # 5% error in bulk modulus

    # plt.plot(v_mm, E_mm - np.min(E_mm), 'o-', label='MM')
    # plt.plot(v_qm, E_qm - np.min(E_qm), 'o-', label='QM')
    # plt.plot(v_mm_r, E_mm_r - np.min(E_mm_r), 'o-', label='MM rescaled')
    # plt.legend()

    at0 = bulk_at * N_cell
    r = at0.get_distances(0, np.arange(1, len(at0)), mic=True)
    del at0[0]  # introduce a vacancy
    print("N_cell", N_cell, 'N_MM', len(at0))

    ref_at = at0.copy()
    ref_at.calc = qm
    opt = FIRE(ref_at)
    u_ref = ref_at.positions - at0.positions

    us = []
    for R_QM in R_QMs:
        at = at0.copy()
        mask = r < R_QM
        print('R_QM', R_QM, 'N_QM', mask.sum(), 'N_total', len(at))
        qmmm = ForceQMMM(at, mask, qm, mm, buffer_width=2 * qm.rc)
        at.calc = qmmm
        opt = FIRE(at)
        us.append(at.positions - at0.positions)

    # compute error in energy norm |\nabla u - \nabla u_ref|
    def strain_error(at0, u_ref, u, cutoff, mask):
        I, J = neighbor_list('ij', at0, cutoff)
        I, J = np.array([(i, j) for i, j in zip(I, J) if mask[i]]).T
        v = u_ref - u
        dv = np.linalg.norm(v[I, :] - v[J, :], axis=1)
        return np.linalg.norm(dv)

    du_global = [
        strain_error(at0, u_ref, u, 1.5 * sigma, np.ones(len(r))) for u in us
    du_local = [strain_error(at0, u_ref, u, 1.5 * sigma, r < 3.0) for u in us]

    print('du_local', du_local)
    print('du_global', du_global)

    # check local errors are monotonically decreasing
    assert np.all(np.diff(du_local) < 0)

    # check global errors are monotonically converging
    assert np.all(np.diff(du_global) < 0)

    # biggest QM/MM should match QM result
    assert du_local[-1] < 1e-10
    assert du_global[-1] < 1e-10
Пример #9
def test_forceqmmm(qm_calc, mm_calc, bulk_at):

    # parameters
    N_cell = 2
    R_QMs = np.array([3, 7])

    sigma = (bulk_at * 2).get_distance(0, 1) * (2.**(-1. / 6))

    at0 = bulk_at * N_cell
    r = at0.get_distances(0, np.arange(1, len(at0)), mic=True)
    del at0[0]  # introduce a vacancy
    print("N_cell", N_cell, 'N_MM', len(at0), "Size",
          N_cell * bulk_at.cell[0, 0])

    ref_at = at0.copy()
    ref_at.calc = qm_calc
    opt = FIRE(ref_at)
    u_ref = ref_at.positions - at0.positions

    us = []
    for R_QM in R_QMs:
        at = at0.copy()
        qm_mask = r < R_QM
        qm_buffer_mask_ref = r < 2 * qm_calc.rc + R_QM
        print(f'R_QM             {R_QM}   N_QM        {qm_mask.sum()}')
        print(f'R_QM + buffer: {2 * qm_calc.rc + R_QM:.2f}'
              f' N_QM_buffer {qm_buffer_mask_ref.sum()}')
        print(f'                     N_total:    {len(at)}')
        # Warning: Small size of the cell and large size of the buffer
        # lead to the qm calculation performed on the whole cell.
        qmmm = ForceQMMM(at,
                         buffer_width=2 * qm_calc.rc)
        at.calc = qmmm
        opt = FIRE(at)
        us.append(at.positions - at0.positions)

    # compute error in energy norm |\nabla u - \nabla u_ref|
    def strain_error(at0, u_ref, u, cutoff, mask):
        I, J = neighbor_list('ij', at0, cutoff)
        I, J = np.array([(i, j) for i, j in zip(I, J) if mask[i]]).T
        v = u_ref - u
        dv = np.linalg.norm(v[I, :] - v[J, :], axis=1)
        return np.linalg.norm(dv)

    du_global = [
        strain_error(at0, u_ref, u, 1.5 * sigma, np.ones(len(r))) for u in us
    du_local = [strain_error(at0, u_ref, u, 1.5 * sigma, r < 3.0) for u in us]

    print('du_local', du_local)
    print('du_global', du_global)

    # check local errors are monotonically decreasing
    assert np.all(np.diff(du_local) < 0)

    # check global errors are monotonically converging
    assert np.all(np.diff(du_global) < 0)

    # biggest QM/MM should match QM result
    assert du_local[-1] < 1e-10
    assert du_global[-1] < 1e-10