'title': 'water', 'task': 'geometry optimization', 'use redundant internals': True, 'basis set name': 'def2-SV(P)', 'total charge': 0, 'multiplicity': 1, 'use dft': True, 'density functional': 'b3-lyp', 'use resolution of identity': True, 'ri memory': 1000, 'force convergence': 0.001, 'geometry optimization iterations': 50, 'scf iterations': 100 } calc = Turbomole(**params) mol.set_calculator(calc) calc.calculate(mol) assert calc.converged # use the get_property() method print(calc.get_property('energy', mol, False)) print(calc.get_property('forces', mol, False)) print(calc.get_property('dipole', mol, False)) # use the get_results() method results = calc.get_results() print(results['molecular orbitals']) # use the __getitem__() method print(calc['results']['molecular orbitals'])