Пример #1
def test_formulas(x):
    f = Formula(x)
    y = str(f)
    assert y == x
    print(f.count(), '{:latex}'.format(f))
    a, b = divmod(f, 'H2O')
    assert a * Formula('H2O') + b == f
    assert f != 117  # check that formula can be compared to non-formula object
Пример #2
def check(key_value_pairs):
    for key, value in key_value_pairs.items():
        if key == "external_tables":
            # Checks for external_tables are not
            # performed

        if not word.match(key) or key in reserved_keys:
            raise ValueError('Bad key: {}'.format(key))
            Formula(key, strict=True)
        except ValueError:
                'It is best not to use keys ({0}) that are also a '
                'chemical formula.  If you do a "db.select({0!r})",'
                'you will not find rows with your key.  Instead, you wil get '
                'rows containing the atoms in the formula!'.format(key))
        if not isinstance(value, (numbers.Real, str, np.bool_)):
            raise ValueError('Bad value for {!r}: {}'.format(key, value))
        if isinstance(value, str):
            for t in [int, float]:
                if str_represents(value, t):
                    raise ValueError('Value ' + value +
                                     ' is put in as string ' +
                                     'but can be interpreted as ' +
                                     '{}! Please convert '.format(t.__name__) +
                                     'to {} using '.format(t.__name__) +
                                     '{}(value) before '.format(t.__name__) +
                                     'writing to the database OR change ' +
                                     'to a different string.')
Пример #3
    def test_refilling(self):
        formula = Formula('H2O')
        env = MolecularEnvironment(

        action = self.action_space.from_atom(
            atom=Atom(symbol='H', position=(1.0, 0, 0)))
        obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action=action)
 def __add__(self, other) -> "MullikenContribution":
     l = "".join(set([self.l, other.l]))
     d = self.contribution + other.contribution
     s1 = string2symbols(self.symbol)
     s2 = string2symbols(other.symbol)
     s = Formula.from_list(s1 + s2).format("reduce")
     return MullikenContribution(s, d, l)
Пример #5
    def test_invalid_formula(self):
        formula = Formula('He2')

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Пример #6
    def test_formula(self):
        f = Formula('HCO')
        f2 = remove_from_formula(f, 'H')

        self.assertEqual(f2.count()['H'], 0)

        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
            remove_from_formula(f, 'He')
Пример #7
    def from_formula(self, formula: Formula) -> BagType:
        formula_dict = formula.count()

        bag = [0] * self.symbol_table.count()
        for symbol, value in formula_dict.items():
            bag[self.symbol_table.get_index(symbol)] = value

        return tuple(bag)
def plot_output(jobn, latoms, dpos_all, gamma, Asf, ibulk):
    from ase.formula import Formula
    njobs = len(jobn)
    print('njobs:', njobs)

    import matplotlib
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    fig_wh = [3.15, 3]
    fig_subp = [1, 1]

    xi = latoms[ibulk].positions[:, 2].copy()
    for i in np.arange(njobs):
        if np.linalg.norm( dpos_all[i, :] ) > 1e-10:
            fig1, ax1 = vf.my_plot(fig_wh, fig_subp)
            temp = np.hstack([ dpos_all[i, :], xi[:, np.newaxis] ])
            ind = np.argsort(temp[:, -1])
            temp = temp[ind, :]
            ax1.plot(temp[:, -1], temp[:, 0], '-s', label='$u_1$'  )
            ax1.plot(temp[:, -1], temp[:, 1], '-o', label='$u_2$'  )
            ax1.plot(temp[:, -1], temp[:, 2], '-^', label='$u_3$'  )

            ax1.legend(loc='lower center', ncol=3, framealpha=0.4)
            ax1.set_xlabel('Atom positions in $x_3$ ($\\mathrm{\\AA}$)')
            ax1.set_ylabel('Displacements $u_i$ ($\\mathrm{\\AA}$)')
            ax1.set_position([0.25, 0.16, 0.7, 0.76])

            if jobn[i] == 'ssf':
                str1 = '$\\gamma_\\mathrm{ssf} =$ %.0f mJ/m$^2$'  %(gamma[i])
            elif jobn[i] == 'usf':
                str1 = '$\\gamma_\\mathrm{usf} =$ %.0f mJ/m$^2$' %(gamma[i])
            elif jobn[i] == 'surf':
                str1 = '$\\gamma_\\mathrm{surf} =$ %.0f mJ/m$^2$' %(gamma[i]/2)
                str1 = '$\\Delta E / A =$ %.0f mJ/m$^2$'          %(gamma[i])
            str2 = latoms[ibulk].get_chemical_formula()
            str2 = Formula(str2).format('latex')
            str_all = '%s\n$A =$%.4f $\\mathrm{\\AA}^2$\n%s' \
                %(str2, Asf, str1)  
            ax1.text( xi.max()*0.2, dpos_all[i, :].max()*0.6, str_all )

            filename = 'y_post_planar_relaxed.%s.pdf' %(jobn[i])

Пример #9
    def get_chemical_formula(
        mode: str = 'hill',
        empirical: bool = False,
    ) -> str:
        """Get chemical formula.

        See documentation of ase.atoms.Atoms.get_chemical_formula()."""
        # XXX Delegate the work to the Formula object!
        if mode in ('reduce', 'all') and empirical:
            warnings.warn("Empirical chemical formula not available "
                          "for mode '{}'".format(mode))

        if len(self) == 0:
            return ''

        numbers = self.numbers

        if mode == 'reduce':
            n = len(numbers)
            changes = np.concatenate(
                ([0], np.arange(1, n)[numbers[1:] != numbers[:-1]]))
            symbols = [chemical_symbols[e] for e in numbers[changes]]
            counts = np.append(changes[1:], n) - changes

            tokens = []
            for s, c in zip(symbols, counts):
                if c > 1:
            formula = ''.join(tokens)
        elif mode == 'all':
            formula = ''.join([chemical_symbols[n] for n in numbers])
            symbols = [chemical_symbols[Z] for Z in numbers]
            f = Formula('', _tree=[(symbols, 1)])
            if empirical:
                f, _ = f.reduce()
            if mode in {'hill', 'metal'}:
                formula = f.format(mode)
                raise ValueError(
                    "Use mode = 'all', 'reduce', 'hill' or 'metal'.")

        return formula
Пример #10
def parse_formula(formula):
    aq = formula.endswith('(aq)')
    if aq:
        formula = formula[:-4]
    charge = formula.count('+') - formula.count('-')
    if charge:
        formula = formula.rstrip('+-')
    count = Formula(formula).count()
    return count, charge, aq
Пример #11
    def to_formula(self, bag: 'BagType') -> Formula:
        if len(bag) != self.symbol_table.count():
            raise ValueError(f'Bag {bag} does not fit symbol table')

        d = {
            self.symbol_table.get_symbol(index): count
            for index, count in enumerate(bag)
        return Formula.from_dict(d)
Пример #12
def row2dct(
        key_descriptions: Dict[str, Tuple[str, str,
                                          str]] = {}) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Convert row to dict of things for printing or a web-page."""

    from ase.db.core import float_to_time_string, now

    dct = {}

    atoms = Atoms(cell=row.cell, pbc=row.pbc)
    dct['size'] = kptdensity2monkhorstpack(atoms, kptdensity=1.8, even=False)

    dct['cell'] = [['{:.3f}'.format(a) for a in axis] for axis in row.cell]
    par = ['{:.3f}'.format(x) for x in cell_to_cellpar(row.cell)]
    dct['lengths'] = par[:3]
    dct['angles'] = par[3:]

    stress = row.get('stress')
    if stress is not None:
        dct['stress'] = ', '.join('{0:.3f}'.format(s) for s in stress)

    dct['formula'] = Formula(row.formula).format('abc')

    dipole = row.get('dipole')
    if dipole is not None:
        dct['dipole'] = ', '.join('{0:.3f}'.format(d) for d in dipole)

    data = row.get('data')
    if data:
        dct['data'] = ', '.join(data.keys())

    constraints = row.get('constraints')
    if constraints:
        dct['constraints'] = ', '.join(c.__class__.__name__
                                       for c in constraints)

    keys = ({'id', 'energy', 'fmax', 'smax', 'mass', 'age'}
            | set(key_descriptions) | set(row.key_value_pairs))
    dct['table'] = []
    for key in keys:
        if key == 'age':
            age = float_to_time_string(now() - row.ctime, True)
            dct['table'].append(('ctime', 'Age', age))
        value = row.get(key)
        if value is not None:
            if isinstance(value, float):
                value = '{:.3f}'.format(value)
            elif not isinstance(value, str):
                value = str(value)
            desc, unit = key_descriptions.get(key, ['', '', ''])[1:]
            if unit:
                value += ' ' + unit
            dct['table'].append((key, desc, value))

    return dct
Пример #13
 def __add__(self, other) -> "DOSContribution":
     assert (self.values.shape == other.values.shape
             ), "DOS contributions shape does not match for addition."
     d = self.values + other.values
     l = "".join(set([self.l, other.l]))
     s1 = string2symbols(self.symbol)
     s2 = string2symbols(other.symbol)
     s = Formula.from_list(s1 + s2).format("reduce").format("metal")
     return DOSContribution(s, d, l)
Пример #14
def extract_descriptor(rows_input):
    global extra_adding
    # print('extract descriptor start')
    bocs, targets = [], []
    row_ids, syms = [], []
    id_sym_dict = {}
    for row in rows_input:
        #### check if molecular formula in ir.db is the same with qm9.db #####
        sym1 = 'C'
        sym2 = 'B'
        while (Formula(str(sym1)) != Formula(str(sym2))):
            if str(sym1) != 'C' and str(sym2) != 'B':
                # print(row.id, sym1, sym2, 'An mismatch occur, extra id:', extra_adding)
                extra_adding += 1
            sym1 = row.toatoms().symbols
            sym2 = rows_qm9[row.id - 1 + extra_adding].toatoms().symbols
        if (str(sym1) == 'CH4'):
            for i, j in zip(row.data.ir_spectrum[0], row.data.ir_spectrum[1]):
                if j > 0.001:
                    # print(i, j)

        #### read boc from pre_calculated boc.lst #########
        bocs.append(c[row.id - 1 + extra_adding][1])

        #### read ir targets from ir.db ##############
        s = np.array(row.data.ir_spectrum[1])
        targets.append(s / np.amax(s))

    #### pca ####
    global pca
    pca_targets = pca.fit_transform(targets)
    #### shuffle together ####
    shfl = list(zip(bocs, pca_targets, targets, row_ids, syms))
    bocs, pca_targets, targets, row_ids, syms = zip(*shfl)
    for i in range(len(row_ids)):
        id_sym_dict[row_ids[i]] = syms[i]

    np.save('data_id.npy', id_sym_dict)

    return bocs, pca_targets, targets
Пример #15
 def test_invalid_action(self):
     formula = Formula('H2CO')
     env = MolecularEnvironment(reward=self.reward,
     action = self.action_space.from_atom(
         Atom(symbol='He', position=(0, 1, 0)))
     with self.assertRaises(KeyError):
Пример #16
def test_h0c1():
    f = Formula.from_dict({'H': 0, 'C': 1})
    assert f.format('hill') == 'C'
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Formula.from_dict({'H': -1})
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Formula.from_dict({'H': 1.5})
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        Formula.from_dict({7: 1})
Пример #17
 def set_symbol(self, symbol):
     assert type(symbol) == str, "Symbol must be a string."
         s = string2symbols(symbol)
     except Exception as expt:
         raise Exception(
             "String could not be interpreted as atomic symbols.")
     assert all(k in chemical_symbols
                for k in s), "Symbol is not an element from the PSE."
     s = Formula.from_list(s).format("reduce").format("metal")
     self._symbol = s
Пример #18
    def substitute_atoms(self, atoms, new_symbols):
        """ Substitute new elements into atoms object"""

        formula = atoms.get_chemical_formula()
        rep = Formula(formula).reduce()[1]

        chemical_symbols = np.array(atoms.get_chemical_symbols(), dtype='U2')

        unique_old, counts_old = np.unique(chemical_symbols,
        counts_old = counts_old / rep

        idx = np.argsort(counts_old)
        counts_old = counts_old[idx]
        unique_old = unique_old[idx]
        unique_new, counts_new = np.unique(new_symbols, return_counts=True)

        idx = np.argsort(counts_new)
        counts_new = counts_new[idx]
        unique_new = unique_new[idx]

        new_perm_temp = [[]]

        for i, c in enumerate(counts_new):
            perm_temp = []
            same_count = np.where(counts_new == c)[0]

            new_perm = []
            for temp in new_perm_temp:
                for i2 in same_count:
                    sym = unique_new[i2]
                    if not sym in temp:
                        new_perm += [temp + [sym]]

            new_perm_temp = new_perm.copy()

        old_symbols = chemical_symbols.copy()

        atoms_list = []
        for unique_new in new_perm:
            atoms_temp = atoms.copy()

            for i, old_s in enumerate(unique_old):
                loc_symbols = [
                    i for i, s in enumerate(old_symbols) if s == old_s
                chemical_symbols[loc_symbols] = np.repeat([unique_new[i]],

            atoms_list += [atoms_temp.copy()]

        return atoms_list
def main():
    qe = vf.phy_const('qe')
    jobn, Etot, Eent, pres = vf.vasp_read_post_data()
    njobs = len(jobn)  # number of jobs

    if njobs < 1.5:
        sys.exit('==> ABORT! more structures needed. ')

    if jobn[0] != '0.00':
        sys.exit('==> ABORT! no reference state. ')
    latoms = vf.get_list_of_atoms()
    Asf = np.linalg.norm( \
        np.cross(latoms[0].cell[0, :], latoms[0].cell[1, :] ) )

    a11 = latoms[0].cell[0, 0]
    a22 = latoms[0].cell[1, 1]
    natoms = latoms[0].get_positions().shape[0]    
    E0bulk = Etot[0] / natoms

    dE, da33 = check_constraints(Etot, latoms)
    # check jobname
    k = np.array([])
    for i in np.arange(len(jobn)):
        k = np.append(k, float(jobn[i]) )
    if np.linalg.norm( k - da33 ) > 1e-10:
        sys.exit('==> ABORT. wrong jobname. ')

    gamma = dE/Asf *qe*1e23   #[mJ/m^2]
    from ase.formula import Formula
    str2 = latoms[0].get_chemical_formula()
    str2 = Formula(str2).format('latex')
    str_all = '%s\n$A =$%.4f $\\mathrm{\\AA}^2$' %(str2, Asf)

    write_output(Asf, a11, a22, E0bulk, jobn, dE, gamma, da33)
    plot_output(gamma, da33, str_all)
Пример #20
    def test_h_distance(self):
        formula = Formula('H2CO')
        env = MolecularEnvironment(

        # First H can be on its own
        action = self.action_space.from_atom(
            atom=Atom(symbol='H', position=(0, 0, 0)))
        obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action=action)

        # Second H cannot
        action = self.action_space.from_atom(
            atom=Atom(symbol='H', position=(0, 1.5, 0)))
        obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action=action)
Пример #21
def bondAnalysis(data, focusElement = "C", bondelems = ["C", "F", "H", "Si", "N"], verbose = False):
    `data` should be a pd Series consisting of (structure id: Atoms object) pairs 
    Length of returned values reflects only # of atoms of focusElement that have at least one bond to an 
    atom in bondelems. 
    analyses = {key:Analysis(value) for key, value in data.iteritems()}
    cbonds = {key: {
        i: a.get_bonds(focusElement, i)[0] for i in bondelems}
     for key, a in analyses.items()}
    cIdxs = {key: [atom.index for atom in value if atom.symbol == focusElement]
             for key, value in data.iteritems()}
    # construct cbonds 
    cbonds = {}
    for key, lst in cIdxs.items():
        _bonds = analyses[key].all_bonds[0]
        _struct = data[key]
        for idx in lst:
            mybonds = _bonds[idx]
            mybondDict = {}
            for bondelem in bondelems:
                mybondDict[bondelem] = sum(_struct[i].symbol == bondelem for i in mybonds)
            if np.sum(pd.Series(mybondDict)) == 0:
                if verbose:
                    print("no bonds between focusElement and bondelems detected")
                cbonds[(key, idx)] =  mybondDict
    cbonds = pd.DataFrame(cbonds).T
    # construct combos
    combos = {}
    combolists = {}
    for key, value in cbonds.iterrows():
        newkey = "".join([key*value for key,value in value.iteritems() if value > 0])
        newkey = Formula(newkey).format('hill')
        combos[newkey] = combos.get(newkey,0) + 1
        combolists[newkey] = combolists.get(newkey,[]) + [key]
    combos = pd.Series(combos)
    combolists = pd.Series(combolists)
    return cbonds, combos, combolists
Пример #22
def solvated(symbols):
    """Extract solvation energies from database.

    symbols: str
        Extract only those molecules that contain the chemical elements
        given by the symbols string (plus water and H+).

    Data from:

        Johnson JW, Oelkers EH, Helgeson HC (1992)
        Comput Geosci 18(7):899.


        Pourbaix M (1966)
        Atlas of electrochemical equilibria in aqueous solutions.
        No. v. 1 in Atlas of Electrochemical Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions.
        Pergamon Press, New York.

    Returns list of (name, energy) tuples.

    if isinstance(symbols, str):
        symbols = Formula(symbols).count().keys()
    if len(_solvated) == 0:
        for line in _aqueous.splitlines():
            energy, formula = line.split(',')
            name = formula + '(aq)'
            count, charge, aq = parse_formula(name)
            energy = float(energy) * 0.001 * units.kcal / units.mol
            _solvated.append((name, count, charge, aq, energy))
    references = []
    for name, count, charge, aq, energy in _solvated:
        for symbol in count:
            if symbol not in 'HO' and symbol not in symbols:
            references.append((name, energy))
    return references
Пример #23
    def test_addition(self):
        formula = Formula('H2CO')
        env = MolecularEnvironment(reward=self.reward,
        action = self.action_space.from_atom(
            Atom(symbol='H', position=(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)))
        obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action=action)

        atoms1, f1 = self.observation_space.parse(obs)

        self.assertEqual(atoms1[0].symbol, 'H')
        self.assertDictEqual(f1.count(), {
            'H': 1,
            'C': 1,
            'O': 1,
            'N': 0,
            'X': 0
        self.assertEqual(reward, 0.0)
Пример #24
    def get_struct_id(self, universal=False):
        Get the id for the structure. If a struct_id has already been stored, 
        this will be returned. Otherwise, a universal struct_id will be 
        constructed. If universal argument is True, then the current struct_id
        will be discarded and a universal struct_id will be constructed.

        if len(self.struct_id) > 0 and universal == False:
            return self.struct_id
            ## Get type
            name = ""
            if len(self.get_lattice_vectors_better()) > 0:
                name = "Structure"
                name = "Molecule"

            ## Get formula
            formula = Formula.from_list(self.geometry["element"])
            ## Reduce formula, which returns formula object
            formula = formula.format("hill")
            ## Then get string representation stored in formula._formula
            formula = str(formula)
            ## Add formula to name
            name += "_{}".format(formula)

            ## Add Date
            today = datetime.date.today()
            name += "_{}{}{}".format(today.year, today.month, today.year)

            ## Add random string
            name += "_{}".format(rand_str(10))

            self.struct_id = name
            return self.struct_id
Пример #25
def string2symbols(s):
    """Convert string to list of chemical symbols."""
    return list(Formula(s))
Пример #26
 def formula(self):
     """Formula object."""
     return Formula.from_list([chemical_symbols[Z] for Z in self.numbers])
Пример #27
def read_vasp(filename='CONTCAR'):
    """Import POSCAR/CONTCAR type file.

    Reads unitcell, atom positions and constraints from the POSCAR/CONTCAR
    file and tries to read atom types from POSCAR/CONTCAR header, if this fails
    the atom types are read from OUTCAR or POTCAR file.

    from ase.constraints import FixAtoms, FixScaled
    from ase.data import chemical_symbols

    fd = filename
    # The first line is in principle a comment line, however in VASP
    # 4.x a common convention is to have it contain the atom symbols,
    # eg. "Ag Ge" in the same order as later in the file (and POTCAR
    # for the full vasp run). In the VASP 5.x format this information
    # is found on the fifth line. Thus we save the first line and use
    # it in case we later detect that we're reading a VASP 4.x format
    # file.
    line1 = fd.readline()

    lattice_constant = float(fd.readline().split()[0])

    # Now the lattice vectors
    a = []
    for ii in range(3):
        s = fd.readline().split()
        floatvect = float(s[0]), float(s[1]), float(s[2])

    basis_vectors = np.array(a) * lattice_constant

    # Number of atoms. Again this must be in the same order as
    # in the first line
    # or in the POTCAR or OUTCAR file
    atom_symbols = []
    numofatoms = fd.readline().split()
    # Check whether we have a VASP 4.x or 5.x format file. If the
    # format is 5.x, use the fifth line to provide information about
    # the atomic symbols.
    vasp5 = False
    except ValueError:
        vasp5 = True
        atomtypes = numofatoms
        numofatoms = fd.readline().split()

    # check for comments in numofatoms line and get rid of them if necessary
    commentcheck = np.array(['!' in s for s in numofatoms])
    if commentcheck.any():
        # only keep the elements up to the first including a '!':
        numofatoms = numofatoms[:np.arange(len(numofatoms))[commentcheck][0]]

    if not vasp5:
        # Split the comment line (first in the file) into words and
        # try to compose a list of chemical symbols
        from ase.formula import Formula
        import re
        atomtypes = []
        for word in line1.split():
            word_without_delims = re.sub(r"-|_|,|\.|=|[0-9]|^", "", word)
            if len(word_without_delims) < 1:
            except ValueError:
                # print(atomtype, e, 'is comment')
        # Now the list of chemical symbols atomtypes must be formed.
        # For example: atomtypes = ['Pd', 'C', 'O']

        numsyms = len(numofatoms)
        if len(atomtypes) < numsyms:
            # First line in POSCAR/CONTCAR didn't contain enough symbols.

            # Sometimes the first line in POSCAR/CONTCAR is of the form
            # "CoP3_In-3.pos". Check for this case and extract atom types
            if len(atomtypes) == 1 and '_' in atomtypes[0]:
                atomtypes = get_atomtypes_from_formula(atomtypes[0])
                atomtypes = atomtypes_outpot(fd.name, numsyms)
                for atype in atomtypes[:numsyms]:
                    if atype not in chemical_symbols:
                        raise KeyError
            except KeyError:
                atomtypes = atomtypes_outpot(fd.name, numsyms)

    for i, num in enumerate(numofatoms):
        numofatoms[i] = int(num)
        [atom_symbols.append(atomtypes[i]) for na in range(numofatoms[i])]

    # Check if Selective dynamics is switched on
    sdyn = fd.readline()
    selective_dynamics = sdyn[0].lower() == 's'

    # Check if atom coordinates are cartesian or direct
    if selective_dynamics:
        ac_type = fd.readline()
        ac_type = sdyn
    cartesian = ac_type[0].lower() == 'c' or ac_type[0].lower() == 'k'
    tot_natoms = sum(numofatoms)
    atoms_pos = np.empty((tot_natoms, 3))
    if selective_dynamics:
        selective_flags = np.empty((tot_natoms, 3), dtype=bool)
    for atom in range(tot_natoms):
        ac = fd.readline().split()
        atoms_pos[atom] = (float(ac[0]), float(ac[1]), float(ac[2]))
        if selective_dynamics:
            curflag = []
            for flag in ac[3:6]:
                curflag.append(flag == 'F')
            selective_flags[atom] = curflag
    if cartesian:
        atoms_pos *= lattice_constant
    atoms = Atoms(symbols=atom_symbols, cell=basis_vectors, pbc=True)
    if cartesian:
    if selective_dynamics:
        constraints = []
        indices = []
        for ind, sflags in enumerate(selective_flags):
            if sflags.any() and not sflags.all():
                constraints.append(FixScaled(atoms.get_cell(), ind, sflags))
            elif sflags.all():
        if indices:
        if constraints:
    return atoms
Пример #28
 def formula(self):
     """Chemical formula string."""
     return Formula('', _tree=[(self.symbols, 1)]).format('metal')
 def get_latex_symbol(self):
     """Returns latex-formatted symbol string."""
     s = self.symbol
     s = Formula(s)
     return s.format("latex")
 def __sub__(self, other):
     l = "".join(set([self.l, other.l]))
     d = self.contribution - other.contribution
     s = Formula.from_list([self.symbol, other.symbol]).format("reduce")
     s = "$\Delta$" + s
     return MullikenContribution(s, d, l)