Пример #1
def relax(input_atoms, ref_db):
    atoms_string = input_atoms.get_chemical_symbols()

    # Open connection to the database with reference data
    db = connect(ref_db)

    # Load our model structure which is just FCC
    atoms = FaceCenteredCubic('X', latticeconstant=1.)

    # Compute the average lattice constant of the metals in this individual
    # and the sum of energies of the constituent metals in the fcc lattice
    # we will need this for calculating the heat of formation
    a = 0
    ei = 0
    for m in set(atoms_string):
        dct = db.get(metal=m)
        count = atoms_string.count(m)
        a += count * dct.latticeconstant
        ei += count * dct.energy_per_atom
    a /= len(atoms_string)
    atoms.set_cell([a, a, a], scale_atoms=True)

    # Since calculations are extremely fast with EMT we can also do a volume
    # relaxation
    eps = 0.05
    volumes = (a * np.linspace(1 - eps, 1 + eps, 9))**3
    energies = []
    for v in volumes:
        atoms.set_cell([v**(1. / 3)] * 3, scale_atoms=True)

    eos = EquationOfState(volumes, energies)
    v1, ef, B = eos.fit()
    latticeconstant = v1**(1. / 3)

    # Calculate the heat of formation by subtracting ef with ei
    hof = (ef - ei) / len(atoms)

    # Place the calculated parameters in the info dictionary of the
    # input_atoms object
    input_atoms.info['key_value_pairs']['hof'] = hof

    # Raw score must always be set
    # Use one of the following two; they are equivalent
    input_atoms.info['key_value_pairs']['raw_score'] = -hof
    # set_raw_score(input_atoms, -hof)

    input_atoms.info['key_value_pairs']['latticeconstant'] = latticeconstant

    # Setting the atoms_string directly for easier analysis
    atoms_string = ''.join(input_atoms.get_chemical_symbols())
    input_atoms.info['key_value_pairs']['atoms_string'] = atoms_string
Пример #2
def relax(input_atoms, ref_db):
    atoms_string = input_atoms.get_chemical_symbols()

    # Open connection to the database with reference data
    db = connect(ref_db)

    # Load our model structure which is just FCC
    atoms = FaceCenteredCubic('X', latticeconstant=1.)

    # Compute the average lattice constant of the metals in this individual
    # and the sum of energies of the constituent metals in the fcc lattice
    # we will need this for calculating the heat of formation
    a = 0
    ei = 0
    for m in set(atoms_string):
        dct = db.get(metal=m)
        count = atoms_string.count(m)
        a += count * dct.latticeconstant
        ei += count * dct.energy_per_atom
    a /= len(atoms_string)
    atoms.set_cell([a, a, a], scale_atoms=True)

    # Since calculations are extremely fast with EMT we can also do a volume
    # relaxation
    eps = 0.05
    volumes = (a * np.linspace(1 - eps, 1 + eps, 9))**3
    energies = []
    for v in volumes:
        atoms.set_cell([v**(1. / 3)] * 3, scale_atoms=True)

    eos = EquationOfState(volumes, energies)
    v1, ef, B = eos.fit()
    latticeconstant = v1**(1. / 3)

    # Calculate the heat of formation by subtracting ef with ei
    hof = (ef - ei) / len(atoms)

    # Place the calculated parameters in the info dictionary of the
    # input_atoms object
    input_atoms.info['key_value_pairs']['hof'] = hof
    # Raw score must always be set
    # Use one of the following two; they are equivalent
    input_atoms.info['key_value_pairs']['raw_score'] = -hof
    # set_raw_score(input_atoms, -hof)
    input_atoms.info['key_value_pairs']['latticeconstant'] = latticeconstant

    # Setting the atoms_string directly for easier analysis
    atoms_string = ''.join(input_atoms.get_chemical_symbols())
    input_atoms.info['key_value_pairs']['atoms_string'] = atoms_string
Пример #3
def phonon_unfold():
    atoms = FaceCenteredCubic(size=(1, 1, 1), symbol="Cu", pbc=True)
    symbols = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
    #symbols[-1] = 'Ag'
    calc = EMT()
    phonon = calculate_phonon(atoms,
                              ndim=np.eye(3) * 2,
                              primitive_matrix=np.eye(3) / 1.0)

    kpts, x, X, names = kpath()
    kpts = [
            np.linalg.inv((np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]) / 2.0)))
        for k in kpts
    phonon.set_qpoints_phonon(kpts, is_eigenvectors=True)
    freqs, eigvecs = phonon.get_qpoints_phonon()

    sc = atoms
    sc_mat = np.linalg.inv((np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]) / 2.0))
    spos = sc.get_scaled_positions()

    uf = phonon_unfolder(atoms, sc_mat, eigvecs, kpts)
    weights = uf.get_weights()

    ax = None
    ax = plot_band_weight([list(x)] * freqs.shape[1],
                          freqs.T * 33.356,
                          weights[:, :].T * 0.98 + 0.01,
                          xticks=[names, X],

    # print freqs
    # for i in range(freqs.shape[1]):
    #    plt.plot(x, freqs[:, i], color='blue', alpha=0.2, linewidth=2.5)

    plt.xticks(X, names)
    plt.ylabel('Frequency (cm$^{-1}$)')
    plt.ylim([0, 350])
    plt.title('with defect (1/4) (method: reciprocal)')

