def test_get_response_doesnt_reset_content_type_when_not_negotiating(mk):
    mk(("index.spt", NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE))
    request = StubRequest.from_fs("index.spt")
    response = Response()
    response.headers["Content-Type"] = "never/mind"
    actual = get_response(request, response).headers["Content-Type"]
    assert actual == "never/mind"
def test_get_response_doesnt_reset_content_type_when_not_negotiating(harness):'index.spt', NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE))
    request = harness.make_request(filepath='index.spt', contents=NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE)
    response = Response()
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'never/mind'
    actual = get_response(request, response).headers['Content-Type']
    assert actual == "never/mind"
Пример #3
def test_get_response_doesnt_reset_content_type_when_not_negotiating():
    mk(('index', NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE))
    request = StubRequest.from_fs('index')
    response = Response()
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'never/mind'
    actual = get_response(request, response).headers['Content-Type']
    assert actual == "never/mind", actual
Пример #4
def test_respond_doesnt_reset_content_type_when_not_negotiating(harness):'index.spt', SIMPLATE))
    state = _get_state(harness, filepath='index.spt', contents=SIMPLATE)
    response = Response()
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'never/mind'
    state['response'] = response
    actual = _respond(state).headers['Content-Type']
    assert actual == "never/mind"
def test_get_response_doesnt_reset_content_type_when_negotiating(harness):'index.spt', NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE))
    state = get_state(harness, filepath='index.spt', contents=NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE)
    state['request'].headers['Accept'] = 'text/html'
    response = Response()
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'never/mind'
    actual = get_response(state, response).headers['Content-Type']
    response = Response()
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'never/mind'
    actual = get_response(state, response).headers['Content-Type']
    assert actual == "never/mind"
Пример #6
def oauth_dance(website, qs):
    """Given a querystring, return a dict of user_info.

    The querystring should be the querystring that we get from GitHub when
    we send the user to the return value of oauth_url above.

    See also:


    log("Doing an OAuth dance with Github.")

    data = { 'code': qs['code'].encode('US-ASCII')
           , 'client_id': website.github_client_id
           , 'client_secret': website.github_client_secret
    r ="", data=data)
    assert r.status_code == 200, (r.status_code, r.text)

    back = dict([pair.split('=') for pair in r.text.split('&')]) # XXX
    if 'error' in back:
        raise Response(400, back['error'].encode('utf-8'))
    assert back.get('token_type', '') == 'bearer', back
    access_token = back['access_token']

    r = requests.get( ""
                    , headers={'Authorization': 'token %s' % access_token}
    assert r.status_code == 200, (r.status_code, r.text)
    user_info = json.loads(r.text)
    log("Done with OAuth dance with Github for %s (%s)."
        % (user_info['login'], user_info['id']))

    return user_info
Пример #7
def reject_forgeries(request, csrf_token):
    # Assume that anything not defined as 'safe' by RC2616 needs protection.
    if request.line.method not in ('GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE'):

        # except webhooks
        if request.line.uri.startswith('/callbacks/'):
        # and requests using HTTP auth
        if 'Authorization' in request.headers:

        # Check non-cookie token for match.
        second_token = ""
        if request.line.method == "POST":
            if isinstance(request.body, dict):
                second_token = request.body.get('csrf_token', '')

        if second_token == "":
            # Fall back to X-CSRF-TOKEN, to make things easier for AJAX,
            # and possible for PUT/DELETE.
            second_token = request.headers.get('X-CSRF-TOKEN', '')

        if not constant_time_compare(second_token, csrf_token):
            raise Response(403, "Bad CSRF cookie")
Пример #8
 def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
     Response.__init__(self, 403, '', **kw)
Пример #9
 def __init__(self, code, lazy_body, **kw):
     Response.__init__(self, code, '', **kw)
     self.lazy_body = lazy_body
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, *args):
     Response.__init__(self, 400, self.msg.format(*args))
Пример #11
def hidden_files(request):
    """Protect hidden files.
    if '/.' in request.fs[len(request.root):]:
        raise Response(404)
Пример #12
def test_response_body_can_be_iterable():
    response = Response(body=["Greetings, ", "program!"])
    expected = ["Greetings, ", "program!"]
    actual = response.body
    assert actual == expected
Пример #13
 def __init__(self, ctype):
     Response.__init__(self, code=415, body="Unknown body Content-Type: %s" % ctype)
Пример #14
 def allow(self, *methods):
     """Given a list of methods, raise 405 if we don't meet the requirement.
     methods = [x.upper() for x in methods]
     if self.method not in methods:
         raise Response(405, headers={'Allow': ', '.join(methods)})
Пример #15
def canonicalize(path, base, canonical, given):
    if given != canonical:
        assert canonical.lower() == given.lower()  # sanity check
        remainder = path[len(base + given):]
        newpath = base + canonical + remainder
        raise Response(302, headers={"Location": newpath})
Пример #16
 def shake_hands(self):
     """Return a handshake response.
     handshake = ":".join(
         [self.sid, self.heartbeat, self.timeout, self.transports])
     return Response(200, handshake)
Пример #17
def hook(request):
    """A hook to return 200 to an 'OPTIONS *' request"""
    if request.line.method == "OPTIONS" and request.line.uri == "*":
        raise Response(200)
    return request
Пример #18
def get(request):
    """Takes a Request object and returns a Response or Transport object.

    When we get the request it has socket set to a string, the path part after
    *.sock, which is something like 1/websocket/43ef6fe7?foo=bar.

        1           protocol (we only support 1)
        websocket   transport
        43ef6fe7    socket id (sid)
        ?foo=bar    querystring

    The Socket.IO handshake is a GET request to 1/. We return Response for the
    handshake. After the handshake, subsequent messages are to the full URL as
    above. We return a Transported instance for actual messages.


    # Exit early.
    # ===========

    if request.socket is None:
        return None

    # Parse and validate the socket URL.
    # ==================================

    parts = request.socket.split('/')
    nparts = len(parts)
    if nparts not in (2, 3):
        msg = "Expected 2 or 3 path parts for Socket.IO socket, got %d."
        raise Response(400, msg % nparts)

    protocol = parts[0]
    if protocol != '1':
        msg = "Expected Socket.IO protocol version 1, got %s."
        raise Response(400, msg % protocol)

    # Handshake
    # =========

    if len(parts) == 2:
        path = request.line.uri.path.raw
        if path in __channels__:
            channel = __channels__[path]
            channel = Channel(path,
            __channels__[path] = channel

        socket = Socket(request, channel)
        assert socket.sid not in __sockets__  # sanity check
        __sockets__[socket.sid] = socket

        return socket.shake_hands()  # a Response

    # More than a handshake.
    # ======================

    transport = parts[1]
    sid = parts[2]

    if transport not in TRANSPORTS:
        msg = "Expected transport in {%s}, got %s."
        msg %= (",".join(TRANSPORTS), transport)
        raise Response(400, msg)

    if sid not in __sockets__:
        msg = "Expected %s in cache, didn't find it"
        raise Response(400, msg % sid)

    if type(__sockets__[sid]) is Socket:
        # This is the first request after a handshake. It's not until this
        # point that we know what transport the client wants to use.
        Transport = XHRPollingTransport  # XXX derp
        __sockets__[sid] = Transport(__sockets__[sid])

    transport = __sockets__[sid]
    return transport
Пример #19
 def error():
     if 'default' in kw:
         return kw['default']
     raise Response(400, "invalid base64 input")
Пример #20
 def __init__(self, code=400, lazy_body=None, **kw):
     Response.__init__(self, code, '', **kw)
     if lazy_body:
         self.lazy_body = lazy_body
Пример #21
def dispatch(request, pure_dispatch=False):
    """Concretize dispatch_abstract.

    This is all side-effecty on the request object, setting, at the least,
    request.fs, and at worst other random contents including but not limited
    to: request.line.uri.path, request.headers, request.socket


    # Handle websockets.
    # ==================

    request.line.uri.path.decoded, request.socket = extract_socket_info(

    # Handle URI path parts
    pathparts =

    # Set up the real environment for the dispatcher.
    # ===============================================

    listnodes = os.listdir
    is_leaf = os.path.isfile
    traverse = os.path.join
    find_index = lambda x: match_index(, x)
    noext_matched = lambda x: update_neg_type(request, x)
    startdir =

    # Dispatch!
    # =========

    result = dispatch_abstract(listnodes, is_leaf, traverse, find_index,
                               noext_matched, startdir, pathparts)

    debug(lambda: "dispatch_abstract returned: " + repr(result))

    if result.match:
        matchbase, matchname = result.match.rsplit(os.path.sep, 1)
        if pathparts[-1] != '' and matchname in and \
                is_first_index(, matchbase, matchname):
            # asked for something that maps to a default index file; redirect to / per issue #175
            debug(lambda: "found default index '%s' maps into %r" %
            uri = request.line.uri
            location = uri.path.raw[:-len(pathparts[-1])]
            if uri.querystring.raw:
                location += '?' + uri.querystring.raw
            raise Response(302, headers={'Location': location})

    if not pure_dispatch:

        # favicon.ico
        # ===========
        # Serve Aspen's favicon if there's not one.

        if request.line.uri.path.raw == '/favicon.ico':
            if result.status != DispatchStatus.okay:
                path = request.line.uri.path.raw[1:]
                request.fs =

        # robots.txt
        # ==========
        # Don't let robots.txt be handled by anything other than an actual
        # robots.txt file

        if request.line.uri.path.raw == '/robots.txt':
            if result.status != DispatchStatus.missing:
                if not result.match.endswith('robots.txt'):
                    raise Response(404)

    # Handle returned states.
    # =======================

    if result.status == DispatchStatus.okay:
        if result.match.endswith('/'):  # autoindex
            if not
                raise Response(404)
            autoindex ='autoindex.html.spt')
            assert autoindex is not None  # sanity check
            request.headers['X-Aspen-AutoIndexDir'] = result.match
            request.fs = autoindex
            return  # return so we skip the no-escape check
        else:  # normal match
            request.fs = result.match
            for k, v in result.wildcards.iteritems():
                request.line.uri.path[k] = v

    elif result.status == DispatchStatus.non_leaf:  # trailing-slash redirect
        uri = request.line.uri
        location = uri.path.raw + '/'
        if uri.querystring.raw:
            location += '?' + uri.querystring.raw
        raise Response(302, headers={'Location': location})

    elif result.status == DispatchStatus.missing:  # 404
        raise Response(404)

        raise Response(500, "Unknown result status.")

    # Protect against escaping the www_root.
    # ======================================

    if not request.fs.startswith(startdir):
        raise Response(404)
Пример #22
 def __init__(self):
     Response.__init__(self, code=400, body="Possible CRLF Injection detected.")
Пример #23
 def __init__(self, header):
     Response.__init__(self, code=400, body="Malformed header: %s" % header)
Пример #24
 def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
     Response.__init__(self, 403, '', **kw)
Пример #25
def inbound(request):
    """Try to serve a 304 for resources under assets/.
    uri = request.line.uri

    if not uri.startswith('/assets/'):

        # Only apply to the assets/ directory.

        return request

    if version_is_dash(request):

        # Special-case a version of '-' to never 304/404 here.

        return request

    if not version_is_available(request):

        # Don't serve one version of a file as if it were another.

        raise Response(404)

    ims = request.headers.get('If-Modified-Since')
    if not ims:

        # This client doesn't care about when the file was modified.

        return request

    if request.fs.endswith('.spt'):

        # This is a requests for a dynamic resource. Perhaps in the future
        # we'll delegate to such resources to compute a sensible Last-Modified
        # or E-Tag, but for now we punt. This is okay, because we expect to
        # put our dynamic assets behind a CDN in production.

        return request

        ims = timegm(parsedate(ims))

        # Malformed If-Modified-Since header. Proceed with the request.

        return request

    last_modified = get_last_modified(request.fs)
    if ims < last_modified:

        # The file has been modified since. Serve the whole thing.

        return request

    # Huzzah!
    # =======
    # We can serve a 304! :D

    response = Response(304)
    response.headers['Last-Modified'] = format_date_time(last_modified)
    response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'
    raise response
Пример #26
def export_history(participant,
    db = participant.db
    params = dict(, year=year)
    out = {}
    if mode == 'aggregate':
        out['given'] = lambda: db.all("""
            SELECT tippee, sum(amount) AS amount
              FROM transfers
             WHERE tipper = %(id)s
               AND extract(year from timestamp) = %(year)s
               AND status = 'succeeded'
          GROUP BY tippee
        out['taken'] = lambda: db.all("""
            SELECT team, sum(amount) AS amount
              FROM transfers
             WHERE tippee = %(id)s
               AND context = 'take'
               AND extract(year from timestamp) = %(year)s
               AND status = 'succeeded'
          GROUP BY team
        out['exchanges'] = lambda: db.all("""
            SELECT timestamp, amount, fee, status, note
              FROM exchanges
             WHERE participant = %(id)s
               AND extract(year from timestamp) = %(year)s
          ORDER BY id ASC
        out['given'] = lambda: db.all("""
            SELECT timestamp, tippee, amount, context
              FROM transfers
             WHERE tipper = %(id)s
               AND extract(year from timestamp) = %(year)s
               AND status = 'succeeded'
          ORDER BY id ASC
        out['taken'] = lambda: db.all("""
            SELECT timestamp, team, amount
              FROM transfers
             WHERE tippee = %(id)s
               AND context = 'take'
               AND extract(year from timestamp) = %(year)s
               AND status = 'succeeded'
          ORDER BY id ASC
        out['received'] = lambda: db.all("""
            SELECT timestamp, amount, context
              FROM transfers
             WHERE tippee = %(id)s
               AND context <> 'take'
               AND extract(year from timestamp) = %(year)s
               AND status = 'succeeded'
          ORDER BY id ASC

    if key:
            return out[key]()
        except KeyError:
            raise Response(400, "bad key `%s`" % key)
    elif require_key:
        raise Response(400, "missing `key` parameter")
        return {k: v() for k, v in out.items()}
Пример #27
def test_response_body_can_be_bytestring():
    response = Response(body=b"Greetings, program!")
    expected = "Greetings, program!"
    actual = response.body
    assert actual == expected
Пример #28
 def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
     Response.__init__(self, 400, '', **kw)
     self.lazy_body = self.msg
     self.args = args
Пример #29
def test_response_body_can_be_unicode():
        Response(body=u'Greetings, program!')
        assert False, 'expecting no error'
Пример #30
 def __init__(self, *args):
     Response.__init__(self, 400, self.msg.format(*args))
Пример #31
 def __init__(self, extension):
     body = "Failure to typecast extension '{0}'".format(extension)
     Response.__init__(self, code=404, body=body)
Пример #32
 def __init__(self, code=400, lazy_body=None, **kw):
     Response.__init__(self, code, '', **kw)
     if lazy_body:
         self.lazy_body = lazy_body
Пример #33
def authenticate_user_if_possible(request, state, user, _):
    """This signs the user in.
    if request.line.uri.startswith('/assets/'):

    # HTTP auth
    if 'Authorization' in request.headers:
        header = request.headers['authorization']
        if not header.startswith('Basic '):
            raise Response(401, 'Unsupported authentication method')
            creds = binascii.a2b_base64(header[len('Basic '):]).split(':', 1)
        except binascii.Error:
            raise Response(400, 'Malformed "Authorization" header')
        participant = Participant.authenticate('id', 'password', *creds)
        if not participant:
            raise Response(401)
        return {'user': participant}

    # Cookie and form auth
    # We want to try cookie auth first, but we want form auth to supersede it
    p = None
    response = state.setdefault('response', Response())
    if SESSION in request.headers.cookie:
        creds = request.headers.cookie[SESSION].value.split(':', 1)
        p = Participant.authenticate('id', 'session', *creds)
        if p:
            state['user'] = p
    session_p, p = p, None
    session_suffix = ''
    redirect_url = request.line.uri
    if request.method == 'POST':
        body = _get_body(request)
        if body:
            p = sign_in_with_form_data(body, state)
            carry_on = body.pop('email-login.carry-on', None)
            if not p and carry_on:
                p_email = session_p and (
                                         or session_p.get_emails()[0].address)
                if p_email != carry_on:
                    state['email-login.carry-on'] = carry_on
                    raise AuthRequired
            redirect_url = body.get('sign-in.back-to') or redirect_url
    elif request.method == 'GET' and request.qs.get(''):
        id, token = request.qs.pop(''), request.qs.pop('log-in.token')
        p = Participant.authenticate('id', 'session', id, token)
        if not p and (not session_p or != id):
            raise Response(400, _("This login link is expired or invalid."))
            qs = '?' + urlencode(request.qs, doseq=True) if request.qs else ''
            redirect_url = request.path.raw + qs
            session_p = p
            session_suffix = '.em'
    if p:
        if session_p:
        p.sign_in(response.headers.cookie, session_suffix)
        state['user'] = p
        if request.body.pop('form.repost', None) != 'true':
Пример #34
def not_found(request, favicon):
    if not isfile(request.fs):
        if request.path.raw == '/favicon.ico': # special case
            request.fs = favicon
            raise Response(404)
def test_get_response_gets_response(mk):
    mk(('index.spt', NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE))
    response = Response()
    request = StubRequest.from_fs('index.spt')
    actual = get_response(request, response)
    assert actual is response
def test_get_response_is_happy_not_to_negotiate(mk):
    mk(('index.spt', NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE))
    request = StubRequest.from_fs('index.spt')
    actual = get_response(request, Response()).body
    assert actual == "Greetings, program!\n"
Пример #37
def reject_null_bytes_in_uri(environ):
    if '%00' in environ['PATH_INFO'] + environ.get('QUERY_STRING', ''):
        raise Response(400)
def test_get_response_negotiates(mk):
    mk(('index.spt', NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE))
    request = StubRequest.from_fs('index.spt')
    request.headers['Accept'] = 'text/html'
    actual = get_response(request, Response()).body
    assert actual == "<h1>Greetings, program!</h1>\n"
Пример #39
 def __init__(self, code, lazy_body, **kw):
     Response.__init__(self, code, '', **kw)
     self.lazy_body = lazy_body
def test_get_response_sets_content_type_when_it_negotiates(mk):
    mk(('index.spt', NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE))
    request = StubRequest.from_fs('index.spt')
    request.headers['Accept'] = 'text/html'
    actual = get_response(request, Response()).headers['Content-Type']
    assert actual == "text/html; charset=UTF-8"
Пример #41
 def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
     Response.__init__(self, self.code, '', **kw)
     self.lazy_body = self.msg
     self.args = args
def test_get_response_raises_406_if_need_be(mk):
    mk(('index.spt', NEGOTIATED_RESOURCE))
    request = StubRequest.from_fs('index.spt')
    request.headers['Accept'] = 'cheese/head'
    actual = raises(Response, get_response, request, Response()).value.code
    assert actual == 406
Пример #43
def inbound(request):
    """Try to serve a 304 for resources under assets/.
    uri = request.line.uri

    if not uri.startswith('/assets/'):

        # Only apply to the assets/ directory.

        return request

    if version_is_dash(request):

        # Special-case a version of '-' to never 304/404 here.

        return request

    if not version_is_available(request):

        # Don't serve one version of a file as if it were another.

        raise Response(404)

    ims = request.headers.get('If-Modified-Since')
    if not ims:

        # This client doesn't care about when the file was modified.

        return request

    if request.fs.endswith('.spt'):

        # This is a requests for a dynamic resource. Perhaps in the future
        # we'll delegate to such resources to compute a sensible Last-Modified
        # or E-Tag, but for now we punt. This is okay, because we expect to
        # put our dynamic assets behind a CDN in production.

        return request

        ims = timegm(parsedate(ims))

        # Malformed If-Modified-Since header. Proceed with the request.

        return request

    last_modified = get_last_modified(request.fs)
    if ims < last_modified:

        # The file has been modified since. Serve the whole thing.

        return request

    # Huzzah!
    # =======
    # We can serve a 304! :D

    response = Response(304)
    response.headers['Last-Modified'] = format_date_time(last_modified)
    response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache'
    raise response
Пример #44
def inbound(request):
    """Given a Request object, reject it if it's a forgery.

        csrf_token = request.headers.cookie.get('csrf_token')
        csrf_token = '' if csrf_token is None else csrf_token.value
        csrf_token = _sanitize_token(csrf_token)
        # Use same token next time
        request.context['csrf_token'] = csrf_token
    except KeyError:
        csrf_token = None
        # Generate token and store it in the request, so it's
        # available to the view.
        request.context['csrf_token'] = _get_new_csrf_key()

    # Assume that anything not defined as 'safe' by RC2616 needs protection
    if request.line.method not in ('GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE'):

        if _is_secure(request):
            # Suppose user visits
            # An active network attacker (man-in-the-middle, MITM) sends a
            # POST form that targets and
            # submits it via JavaScript.
            # The attacker will need to provide a CSRF cookie and token, but
            # that's no problem for a MITM and the session-independent
            # nonce we're using. So the MITM can circumvent the CSRF
            # protection. This is true for any HTTP connection, but anyone
            # using HTTPS expects better! For this reason, for
            # we need additional protection that treats
            # as completely untrusted. Under HTTPS,
            # Barth et al. found that the Referer header is missing for
            # same-domain requests in only about 0.2% of cases or less, so
            # we can use strict Referer checking.
            referer = request.headers.get('Referer')
            if referer is None:
                raise Response(403, REASON_NO_REFERER)

            # Note that get_host() includes the port.
            good_referer = 'https://%s/' % _get_host(request)
            if not same_origin(referer, good_referer):
                reason = REASON_BAD_REFERER % (referer, good_referer)
                raise Response(403, reason)

        if csrf_token is None:
            # No CSRF cookie. For POST requests, we insist on a CSRF cookie,
            # and in this way we can avoid all CSRF attacks, including login
            # CSRF.
            raise Response(403, REASON_NO_CSRF_COOKIE)

        # Check non-cookie token for match.
        request_csrf_token = ""
        if request.line.method == "POST":
            request_csrf_token = request.body.get('csrf_token', '')

        if request_csrf_token == "":
            # Fall back to X-CSRF-TOKEN, to make things easier for AJAX,
            # and possible for PUT/DELETE.
            request_csrf_token = request.headers.get('X-CSRF-TOKEN', '')

        if not constant_time_compare(request_csrf_token, csrf_token):
            raise Response(403, REASON_BAD_TOKEN)
Пример #45
def get_user_info(login):
    """Get the given user's information from the DB or failing that, github.

    :param login:
        A unicode string representing a username in github.

        A dictionary containing github specific information for the user.
    typecheck(login, (unicode, UnicodeWithParams))
    rec = "SELECT user_info FROM elsewhere "
                         "WHERE platform='github' "
                         "AND user_info->'login' = %s"
                       , (login,)

    if rec is not None:
        user_info = rec
        url = ""
        user_info = requests.get(url % login, params={
            'client_id': os.environ.get('GITHUB_CLIENT_ID'),
            'client_secret': os.environ.get('GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET')
        status = user_info.status_code
        content = user_info.text

        # Calculate how much of our ratelimit we have consumed
        remaining = int(user_info.headers['x-ratelimit-remaining'])
        limit = int(user_info.headers['x-ratelimit-limit'])
        # thanks to from __future__ import division this is a float
        percent_remaining = remaining/limit

        log_msg = ''
        log_lvl = None
        # We want anything 50% or over
        if 0.5 <= percent_remaining:
            log_msg = ("{0}% of GitHub's ratelimit has been consumed. {1}"
                       " requests remaining.").format(percent_remaining * 100,
        if 0.5 <= percent_remaining < 0.8:
            log_lvl = logging.WARNING
        elif 0.8 <= percent_remaining < 0.95:
            log_lvl = logging.ERROR
        elif 0.95 <= percent_remaining:
            log_lvl = logging.CRITICAL

        if log_msg and log_lvl:
            log(log_msg, log_lvl)

        if status == 200:
            user_info = json.loads(content)
        elif status == 404:
            raise Response(404,
                           "GitHub identity '{0}' not found.".format(login))
            log("Github api responded with {0}: {1}".format(status, content),
            raise Response(502, "GitHub lookup failed with %d." % status)

    return user_info
Пример #46
 def _response(self, *args):
     from aspen import Response
     r = Response(*args)
     r.request = self.request
     return r