Пример #1
    def evaluate(self, v):
        Evaluate coefficients in standard 2D coordinate basis from those in polar Fourier basis

        :param v: A coefficient vector (or an array of coefficient vectors)
            in polar Fourier basis to be evaluated. The first dimension must equal to
        :return x: The evaluation of the coefficient vector(s) `x` in standard 2D
            coordinate basis. This is an array whose first two dimensions equal `self.sz`
            and the remaining dimensions correspond to dimensions two and higher of `v`.
        v, sz_roll = unroll_dim(v, 2)
        nimgs = v.shape[1]

        half_size = self.nrad * self.ntheta // 2

        v = m_reshape(v, (self.nrad, self.ntheta, nimgs))

        v = (v[:, :self.ntheta // 2, :]
             + v[:, self.ntheta // 2:, :].conj())

        v = m_reshape(v, (half_size, nimgs))

        # finufftpy require it to be aligned in fortran order
        x = np.empty((self._sz_prod, nimgs), dtype='complex128', order='F')
        finufftpy.nufft2d1many(self.freqs[0, :half_size],
                               self.freqs[1, :half_size],
                               v, 1, 1e-15, self.sz[0], self.sz[1], x)
        x = m_reshape(x, (self.sz[0], self.sz[1], nimgs))
        x = x.real
        # return coefficients whose first two dimensions equal to self.sz
        x = roll_dim(x, sz_roll)

        return x
Пример #2
    def testPolarBasis2DAdjoint(self):
        # The evaluate function should be the adjoint operator of evaluate_t.
        # Namely, if A = evaluate, B = evaluate_t, and B=A^t, we will have
        # (y, A*x) = (A^t*y, x) = (B*y, x)
        x = randn(self.basis.count, seed=self.seed).astype(self.dtype)

        x = m_reshape(x, (self.basis.nrad, self.basis.ntheta))

        x = (1 / 2 * x[:, :self.basis.ntheta // 2] +
             1 / 2 * x[:, :self.basis.ntheta // 2].conj())

        x = np.concatenate((x, x.conj()), axis=1)

        x = m_reshape(x, (self.basis.nrad * self.basis.ntheta, ))

        x_t = self.basis.evaluate(x).asnumpy()
        y = randn(np.prod(self.basis.sz), seed=self.seed).astype(self.dtype)
        y_t = self.basis.evaluate_t(
            Image(m_reshape(y, self.basis.sz)[np.newaxis, :]))  # RCOPT

        lhs = np.dot(y, m_reshape(x_t, (np.prod(self.basis.sz), )))
        rhs = np.real(np.dot(y_t, x))
            f"lhs: {lhs} rhs: {rhs} absdiff: {np.abs(lhs-rhs)} atol: {utest_tolerance(self.dtype)}"

        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(lhs, rhs, atol=utest_tolerance(self.dtype)))
Пример #3
def eigs(A, k):
    Multidimensional partial eigendecomposition
    :param A: An array of size `sig_sz`-by-`sig_sz`, where `sig_sz` is a size containing d dimensions.
        The array represents a matrix with d indices for its rows and columns.
    :param k: The number of eigenvalues and eigenvectors to calculate (default 6).
    :return: A 2-tuple of values
        V: An array of eigenvectors of size `sig_sz`-by-k.
        D: A matrix of size k-by-k containing the corresponding eigenvalues in the diagonals.
    sig_sz = A.shape[:int(A.ndim / 2)]
    sig_len = np.prod(sig_sz)
    A = m_reshape(A, (sig_len, sig_len))

    dtype = A.dtype
    w, v = eigh(A.astype('float64'),
                eigvals=(sig_len - 1 - k + 1, sig_len - 1))

    # Arrange in descending order (flip column order in eigenvector matrix) and typecast to proper type
    w = w[::-1].astype(dtype)
    v = np.fliplr(v)

    v = m_reshape(v, sig_sz + (k, )).astype(dtype)

    return v, np.diag(w)
Пример #4
 def precond_fun(S, x):
     p = np.size(S, 0)
     ensure(np.size(x) == p*p, 'The sizes of S and x are not consistent.')
     x = m_reshape(x, (p, p))
     y = S @ x @ S
     y = m_reshape(y, (p**2,))
     return y
Пример #5
    def evaluate_t(self, x):
        Evaluate coefficient in polar Fourier grid from those in standard 2D coordinate basis

        :param x: The coefficient array in the standard 2D coordinate basis to be
            evaluated. The first two dimensions must equal `self.sz`.
        :return v: The evaluation of the coefficient array `v` in the polar Fourier grid.
            This is an array of vectors whose first dimension is `self.count` and
            whose remaining dimensions correspond to higher dimensions of `x`.
        # ensure the first two dimensions with size of self.sz
        x, sz_roll = unroll_dim(x, self.ndim + 1)
        nimgs = x.shape[2]

        # finufftpy require it to be aligned in fortran order
        half_size = self.nrad * self.ntheta // 2
        pf = np.empty((half_size, nimgs), dtype='complex128', order='F')
        finufftpy.nufft2d2many(self.freqs[0, :half_size], self.freqs[1, :half_size], pf, 1, 1e-15, x)
        pf = m_reshape(pf, (self.nrad, self.ntheta // 2, nimgs))
        v = np.concatenate((pf, pf.conj()), axis=1)

        # return v coefficients with the first dimension size of self.count
        v = m_reshape(v, (self.nrad * self.ntheta, nimgs))
        v = roll_dim(v, sz_roll)

        return v
Пример #6
    def _solve_covar(self, A_covar, b_covar, M, covar_est_opt):
        ctf_fb = self.ctf_fb

        def precond_fun(S, x):
            p = np.size(S, 0)
            ensure(np.size(x) == p*p, 'The sizes of S and x are not consistent.')
            x = m_reshape(x, (p, p))
            y = S @ x @ S
            y = m_reshape(y, (p**2,))
            return y

        def apply(A, x):
            p = np.size(A[0], 0)
            x = m_reshape(x, (p, p))
            y = np.zeros_like(x)
            for k in range(0, len(A)):
                    y = y + A[k] @ x @ A[k].T
            y = m_reshape(y, (p**2,))
            return y

        cg_opt = covar_est_opt
        covar_coeff = BlkDiagMatrix.zeros_like(ctf_fb[0])

        for ell in range(0, len(b_covar)):
            A_ell = []
            for k in range(0, len(A_covar)):
            p = np.size(A_ell[0], 0)
            b_ell = m_reshape(b_covar[ell], (p ** 2,))
            S = inv(M[ell])
            cg_opt['preconditioner'] = lambda x: precond_fun(S, x)
            covar_coeff_ell, _, _ = conj_grad(lambda x: apply(A_ell, x), b_ell, cg_opt)
            covar_coeff[ell] = m_reshape(covar_coeff_ell, (p, p))

        return covar_coeff
Пример #7
 def apply(A, x):
     p = np.size(A[0], 0)
     x = m_reshape(x, (p, p))
     y = np.zeros_like(x)
     for k in range(0, len(A)):
         y = y + A[k] @ x @ A[k].T
     y = m_reshape(y, (p**2, ))
     return y
Пример #8
    def compute_kernel(self):
        # TODO: Most of this stuff is duplicated in MeanEstimator - move up the hierarchy?
        n = self.n
        L = self.L
        _2L = 2 * self.L

        kernel = np.zeros((_2L, _2L, _2L, _2L, _2L, _2L), dtype=self.as_type)
        filters_f = self.src.filters.evaluate_grid(L)
        sq_filters_f = np.array(filters_f**2, dtype=self.as_type)

        for i in tqdm(range(0, n, self.batch_size)):
            pts_rot = rotated_grids(L, self.src.rots[:, :,
                                                     i:i + self.batch_size])
            weights = sq_filters_f[:, :,
                                   self.src.filters.indices[i:i +
            weights *= self.src.amplitudes[i:i + self.batch_size]**2

            if L % 2 == 0:
                weights[0, :, :] = 0
                weights[:, 0, :] = 0

            # TODO: This is where this differs from MeanEstimator
            pts_rot = m_reshape(pts_rot, (3, L**2, -1))
            weights = m_reshape(weights, (L**2, -1))

            batch_n = weights.shape[-1]
            factors = np.zeros((_2L, _2L, _2L, batch_n), dtype=self.as_type)

            # TODO: Numpy has got to have a functional shortcut to avoid looping like this!
            for j in range(batch_n):
                factors[:, :, :, j] = anufft3(weights[:, j],
                                              pts_rot[:, :, j],
                                              (_2L, _2L, _2L),

            factors = vol_to_vec(factors)
            kernel += vecmat_to_volmat(factors @ factors.T) / (n * L**8)

        # Ensure symmetric kernel
        kernel[0, :, :, :, :, :] = 0
        kernel[:, 0, :, :, :, :] = 0
        kernel[:, :, 0, :, :, :] = 0
        kernel[:, :, :, 0, :, :] = 0
        kernel[:, :, :, :, 0, :] = 0
        kernel[:, :, :, :, :, 0] = 0

        logger.info('Computing non-centered Fourier Transform')
        kernel = mdim_ifftshift(kernel, range(0, 6))
        kernel_f = fftn(kernel)
        # Kernel is always symmetric in spatial domain and therefore real in Fourier
        kernel_f = np.real(kernel_f)

        return FourierKernel(kernel_f, centered=False)
Пример #9
def im_backproject(im, rot_matrices):
    Backproject images along rotation
    :param im: An L-by-L-by-n array of images to backproject.
    :param rot_matrices: An 3-by-3-by-n array of rotation matrices corresponding to viewing directions.
    :return: An L-by-L-by-L volumes corresponding to the sum of the backprojected images.
    L, _, n = im.shape
    ensure(L == im.shape[1], "im must be LxLxK")
    ensure(n == rot_matrices.shape[2],
           "No. of rotation matrices must match the number of images")

    pts_rot = rotated_grids(L, rot_matrices)
    pts_rot = m_reshape(pts_rot, (3, -1))

    im_f = centered_fft2(im) / (L**2)
    if L % 2 == 0:
        im_f[0, :, :] = 0
        im_f[:, 0, :] = 0
    im_f = m_flatten(im_f)

    plan = Plan(sz=(L, L, L), fourier_pts=pts_rot)
    vol = np.real(plan.adjoint(im_f)) / L

    return vol
Пример #10
    def _getfbzeros(self):
        Generate zeros of Bessel functions
        # get upper_bound of zeros of Bessel functions
        upper_bound = min(self.ell_max + 1, 2 * self.nres + 1)

        # List of number of zeros
        n = []
        # List of zero values (each entry is an ndarray; all of possibly different lengths)
        zeros = []

        # generate zeros of Bessel functions for each ell
        for ell in range(upper_bound):
            _n, _zeros = num_besselj_zeros(ell + (self.ndim - 2) / 2,
                                           self.nres * np.pi / 2)
            if _n == 0:

        #  get maximum number of ell
        self.ell_max = len(n) - 1

        #  set the maximum of k for each ell
        self.k_max = np.array(n, dtype=int)

        max_num_zeros = max(len(z) for z in zeros)
        for i, z in enumerate(zeros):
            zeros[i] = np.hstack((z, np.zeros(max_num_zeros - len(z))))

        self.r0 = m_reshape(np.hstack(zeros), (-1, self.ell_max + 1))
Пример #11
    def backproject(self, rot_matrices):
        Backproject images along rotation
        :param im: An Image (stack) to backproject.
        :param rot_matrices: An n-by-3-by-3 array of rotation matrices \
        corresponding to viewing directions.

        :return: Volume instance corresonding to the backprojected images.

        L = self.res

            self.n_images == rot_matrices.shape[0],
            "Number of rotation matrices must match the number of images",

        # TODO: rotated_grids might as well give us correctly shaped array in the first place
        pts_rot = aspire.volume.rotated_grids(L, rot_matrices)
        pts_rot = np.moveaxis(pts_rot, 1, 2)
        pts_rot = m_reshape(pts_rot, (3, -1))

        im_f = xp.asnumpy(fft.centered_fft2(xp.asarray(self.data))) / (L**2)
        if L % 2 == 0:
            im_f[:, 0, :] = 0
            im_f[:, :, 0] = 0

        im_f = im_f.flatten()

        vol = anufft(im_f, pts_rot, (L, L, L), real=True) / L

        return aspire.volume.Volume(vol)
Пример #12
    def compute_kernel(self):
        _2L = 2 * self.L
        kernel = np.zeros((_2L, _2L, _2L), dtype=self.as_type)
        filters_f = self.src.filters.evaluate_grid(self.L)
        sq_filters_f = np.array(filters_f**2, dtype=self.as_type)

        for i in range(0, self.n, self.batch_size):
            pts_rot = rotated_grids(self.L,
                                    self.src.rots[:, :, i:i + self.batch_size])
            weights = sq_filters_f[:, :,
                                   self.src.filters.indices[i:i +
            weights *= self.src.amplitudes[i:i + self.batch_size]**2

            if self.L % 2 == 0:
                weights[0, :, :] = 0
                weights[:, 0, :] = 0

            pts_rot = m_reshape(pts_rot, (3, -1))
            weights = m_flatten(weights)

            kernel += 1 / (self.n * self.L**4) * anufft3(
                weights, pts_rot, (_2L, _2L, _2L), real=True)

        # Ensure symmetric kernel
        kernel[0, :, :] = 0
        kernel[:, 0, :] = 0
        kernel[:, :, 0] = 0

        logger.info('Computing non-centered Fourier Transform')
        kernel = mdim_ifftshift(kernel, range(0, 3))
        kernel_f = fft2(kernel, axes=(0, 1, 2))
        kernel_f = np.real(kernel_f)

        return FourierKernel(kernel_f, centered=False)
Пример #13
def vec_to_symmat(vec):
    Convert packed lower triangular vector to symmetric matrix
    :param vec: A vector of size N*(N+1)/2-by-... describing a symmetric (or Hermitian) matrix.
    :return: An array of size N-by-N-by-... which indexes symmetric/Hermitian matrices that occupy the first two
        dimensions. The lower triangular parts of these matrices consists of the corresponding vectors in vec.
    # TODO: Handle complex values in vec
    if np.iscomplex(vec).any():
        raise NotImplementedError("Coming soon")

    # M represents N(N+1)/2
    M = vec.shape[0]
    N = int(round(np.sqrt(2 * M + 0.25) - 0.5))
        (M == 0.5 * N * (N + 1)) and N != 0,
        "Vector must be of size N*(N+1)/2 for some N>0.",

    vec, sz_roll = unroll_dim(vec, 2)
    index_matrix = np.empty((N, N))
    i_upper = np.triu_indices_from(index_matrix)
    index_matrix[i_upper] = np.arange(
    )  # Incrementally populate upper triangle in row major order
    index_matrix.T[i_upper] = index_matrix[i_upper]  # Copy to lower triangle

    mat = vec[index_matrix.flatten("F").astype("int")]
    mat = m_reshape(mat, (N, N) + mat.shape[1:])
    mat = roll_dim(mat, sz_roll)

    return mat
Пример #14
    def compute_kernel(self):
        _2L = 2 * self.L
        kernel = np.zeros((_2L, _2L, _2L), dtype=self.dtype)
        sq_filters_f = self.src.eval_filter_grid(self.L, power=2)

        for i in range(0, self.n, self.batch_size):
            _range = np.arange(i, min(self.n, i + self.batch_size), dtype=int)
            pts_rot = rotated_grids(self.L, self.src.rots[_range, :, :])
            weights = sq_filters_f[:, :, _range]
            weights *= self.src.amplitudes[_range]**2

            if self.L % 2 == 0:
                weights[0, :, :] = 0
                weights[:, 0, :] = 0

            pts_rot = m_reshape(pts_rot, (3, -1))
            weights = m_flatten(weights)

            kernel += (1 / (self.n * self.L**4) *
                       anufft(weights, pts_rot, (_2L, _2L, _2L), real=True))

        # Ensure symmetric kernel
        kernel[0, :, :] = 0
        kernel[:, 0, :] = 0
        kernel[:, :, 0] = 0

        logger.info("Computing non-centered Fourier Transform")
        kernel = mdim_ifftshift(kernel, range(0, 3))
        kernel_f = fft2(kernel, axes=(0, 1, 2))
        kernel_f = np.real(kernel_f)

        return FourierKernel(kernel_f, centered=False)
Пример #15
def rand(size, seed=None):
    Note this is for MATLAB repro (see m_reshape).

    Other uses prefer use of `random`.
    with Random(seed):
        return m_reshape(np.random.random(np.prod(size)), size)
Пример #16
    def evaluate_t(self, v):
        Evaluate coefficient in FB basis from those in standard 2D coordinate basis

        :param v: The coefficient array to be evaluated. The last dimensions
            must equal `self.sz`.
        :return: The evaluation of the coefficient array `v` in the dual basis
            of `basis`. This is an array of vectors whose last dimension equals
             `self.count` and whose first dimensions correspond to
             first dimensions of `v`.

        if v.dtype != self.dtype:
                f" Inconsistent dtypes v: {v.dtype} self: {self.dtype}"

        if isinstance(v, Image):
            v = v.asnumpy()

        v = v.T  # RCOPT

        x, sz_roll = unroll_dim(v, self.ndim + 1)
        x = m_reshape(
            x, new_shape=tuple([np.prod(self.sz)] + list(x.shape[self.ndim :]))

        r_idx = self.basis_coords["r_idx"]
        ang_idx = self.basis_coords["ang_idx"]
        mask = m_flatten(self.basis_coords["mask"])

        ind = 0
        ind_radial = 0
        ind_ang = 0

        v = np.zeros(shape=tuple([self.count] + list(x.shape[1:])), dtype=v.dtype)
        for ell in range(0, self.ell_max + 1):
            k_max = self.k_max[ell]
            idx_radial = ind_radial + np.arange(0, k_max)
            # include the normalization factor of angular part
            ang_nrms = self.angular_norms[idx_radial]
            radial = self._precomp["radial"][:, idx_radial]
            radial = radial / ang_nrms

            sgns = (1,) if ell == 0 else (1, -1)
            for _ in sgns:
                ang = self._precomp["ang"][:, ind_ang]
                ang_radial = np.expand_dims(ang[ang_idx], axis=1) * radial[r_idx]
                idx = ind + np.arange(0, k_max)
                v[idx] = ang_radial.T @ x[mask]
                ind += len(idx)
                ind_ang += 1

            ind_radial += len(idx_radial)

        v = roll_dim(v, sz_roll)
        return v.T  # RCOPT
Пример #17
    def _precomp(self):
        Precomute the basis functions on a polar Fourier grid

        Gaussian quadrature points and weights are also generated.
        The sampling criterion requires n_r=4*c*R and n_theta= 16*c*R.

        n_r = self.n_r
        n_theta = self.n_theta
        r, w = lgwt(n_r, 0.0, self.kcut, dtype=self.dtype)

        radial = np.zeros(shape=(np.sum(self.k_max), n_r), dtype=self.dtype)
        ind_radial = 0
        for ell in range(0, self.ell_max + 1):
            for k in range(1, self.k_max[ell] + 1):
                radial[ind_radial] = jv(ell,
                                        self.r0[k - 1, ell] * r / self.kcut)
                # NOTE: We need to remove the factor due to the discretization here
                # since it is already included in our quadrature weights
                # Only normalized by the radial part of basis function
                nrm = 1 / (np.sqrt(np.prod(
                    self.sz))) * self.radial_norms[ind_radial]
                radial[ind_radial] /= nrm
                ind_radial += 1

        # Only calculate "positive" frequencies in one half-plane.
        freqs_x = m_reshape(r, (n_r, 1)) @ m_reshape(
                np.arange(n_theta, dtype=self.dtype) * 2 * pi / (2 * n_theta)),
            (1, n_theta),
        freqs_y = m_reshape(r, (n_r, 1)) @ m_reshape(
                np.arange(n_theta, dtype=self.dtype) * 2 * pi / (2 * n_theta)),
            (1, n_theta),
        freqs = np.vstack((freqs_y[np.newaxis, ...], freqs_x[np.newaxis, ...]))

        return {
            "gl_nodes": r,
            "gl_weights": w,
            "radial": radial,
            "freqs": freqs
Пример #18
def roll_dim(X, dim):
    # TODO: dim is still 1-indexed like in MATLAB to reduce headaches for now
    if len(dim) > 0:
        old_shape = X.shape
        new_shape = old_shape[:-1] + dim
        Y = m_reshape(X, new_shape)
        return Y
        return X
Пример #19
    def evaluate_grid(self, L, dtype=np.float32, *args, **kwargs):
        grid2d = grid_2d(L, dtype=dtype)
        omega = np.pi * np.vstack(
            (grid2d["x"].flatten("F"), grid2d["y"].flatten("F")))
        h = self.evaluate(omega, *args, **kwargs)

        h = m_reshape(h, grid2d["x"].shape)

        return h
Пример #20
def vol_project(vol, rot_matrices):
    L = vol.shape[0]
    n = rot_matrices.shape[-1]
    pts_rot = rotated_grids(L, rot_matrices)

    # TODO: rotated_grids might as well give us correctly shaped array in the first place
    pts_rot = m_reshape(pts_rot, (3, L**2 * n))

    im_f = 1. / L * Plan(vol.shape, pts_rot).transform(vol)
    im_f = m_reshape(im_f, (L, L, -1))

    if L % 2 == 0:
        im_f[0, :, :] = 0
        im_f[:, 0, :] = 0

    im = centered_ifft2(im_f)

    return np.real(im)
Пример #21
    def evaluate_grid(self, L, *args, **kwargs):
        grid2d = grid_2d(L)
        omega = np.pi * np.vstack(
            (grid2d['x'].flatten('F'), grid2d['y'].flatten('F')))
        h = self.evaluate(omega, *args, **kwargs)

        h = m_reshape(h, grid2d['x'].shape)

        return h
Пример #22
    def evaluate_grid(self, L, *args, **kwargs):
        # Todo: remove redundancy wrt a single Filter's evaluate_grid
        grid2d = grid_2d(L)
        omega = np.pi * np.vstack(
            (grid2d['x'].flatten('F'), grid2d['y'].flatten('F')))
        h = self.evaluate(omega, *args, **kwargs)

        h = m_reshape(h, grid2d['x'].shape + (len(self.filters), ))

        return h
Пример #23
    def circularize_1d(self, kernel, dim):
        ndim = kernel.ndim
        sz = kernel.shape
        N = int(sz[dim] / 2)

        top, bottom = np.split(kernel, 2, axis=dim)

        # Multiplier for weighted average
        mult_shape = [1] * ndim
        mult_shape[dim] = N
        mult_shape = tuple(mult_shape)

        mult = m_reshape((np.arange(N) / N), mult_shape)
        kernel_circ = mult * top

        mult = m_reshape((np.arange(N, 0, -1) / N), mult_shape)
        kernel_circ += mult * bottom

        return fftshift(kernel_circ, dim)
Пример #24
def vec_to_vol(X):
    Unroll vectors to volumes
    :param X: N^3-by-... array.
    :return: An N-by-N-by-N-by-... array.
    shape = X.shape
    N = round(shape[0] ** (1 / 3))
    ensure(N ** 3 == shape[0], "First dimension of X must be cubic")

    return m_reshape(X, (N, N, N) + (shape[1:]))
Пример #25
def vec_to_im(X):
    Unroll vectors to images
    :param X: N^2-by-... array.
    :return: An N-by-N-by-... array.
    shape = X.shape
    N = round(shape[0] ** (1 / 2))
    ensure(N ** 2 == shape[0], "First dimension of X must be square")

    return m_reshape(X, (N, N) + (shape[1:]))
Пример #26
def im_to_vec(im):
    Roll up images into vectors
    :param im: An N-by-N-by-... array.
    :return: An N^2-by-... array.
    shape = im.shape
    ensure(im.ndim >= 2, "Array should have at least 2 dimensions")
    ensure(shape[0] == shape[1], "Array should have first 2 dimensions identical")

    return m_reshape(im, (shape[0] ** 2,) + (shape[2:]))
Пример #27
    def testPolarBasis2DAdjoint(self):
        # The evaluate function should be the adjoint operator of evaluate_t.
        # Namely, if A = evaluate, B = evaluate_t, and B=A^t, we will have
        # (y, A*x) = (A^t*y, x) = (B*y, x)
        x = np.random.randn(self.basis.count)

        x = m_reshape(x, (self.basis.nrad, self.basis.ntheta))

        x = (1 / 2 * x[:, :self.basis.ntheta // 2]
             + 1 / 2 * x[:, :self.basis.ntheta // 2].conj())

        x = np.concatenate((x, x.conj()), axis=1)

        x = m_reshape(x, (self.basis.nrad * self.basis.ntheta,))

        x_t = self.basis.evaluate(x)
        y = np.random.randn(np.prod(self.basis.sz))
        y_t = self.basis.evaluate_t(m_reshape(y, self.basis.sz))
        self.assertTrue(np.isclose(np.dot(y, m_reshape(x_t, (np.prod(self.basis.sz),))),
                                   np.dot(y_t, x)))
Пример #28
def vol_to_vec(X):
    Roll up volumes into vectors
    :param X: N-by-N-by-N-by-... array.
    :return: An N^3-by-... array.
    shape = X.shape
    ensure(X.ndim >= 3, "Array should have at least 3 dimensions")
    ensure(shape[0] == shape[1] == shape[2], "Array should have first 3 dimensions identical")

    return m_reshape(X, (shape[0]**3,) + (shape[3:]))
Пример #29
    def precomp(self):
        Precomute the basis functions on a polar Fourier grid.

        Gaussian quadrature points and weights are also generated.
        The sampling criterion requires n_r=4*c*R and n_theta= 16*c*R.
        n_r = int(np.ceil(4 * self.R * self.c))
        r, w = lgwt(n_r, 0.0, self.c)

        radial = np.zeros(shape=(n_r, np.sum(self.k_max)))
        ind_radial = 0
        for ell in range(0, self.ell_max + 1):
            for k in range(1, self.k_max[ell] + 1):
                radial[:, ind_radial] = jv(ell,
                                           self.r0[k - 1, ell] * r / self.c)
                # NOTE: We need to remove the factor due to the discretization here
                # since it is already included in our quadrature weights
                nrm = 1 / (np.sqrt(np.prod(self.sz))) * self.basis_norm_2d(
                    ell, k)
                radial[:, ind_radial] /= nrm
                ind_radial += 1

        n_theta = np.ceil(16 * self.c * self.R)
        n_theta = int((n_theta + np.mod(n_theta, 2)) / 2)

        # Only calculate "positive" frequencies in one half-plane.
        freqs_x = m_reshape(r, (n_r, 1)) @ m_reshape(
            np.cos(np.arange(n_theta) * 2 * pi / (2 * n_theta)), (1, n_theta))
        freqs_y = m_reshape(r, (n_r, 1)) @ m_reshape(
            np.sin(np.arange(n_theta) * 2 * pi / (2 * n_theta)), (1, n_theta))
        freqs = np.vstack((freqs_x[np.newaxis, ...], freqs_y[np.newaxis, ...]))

        return {
            'gl_nodes': r,
            'gl_weights': w,
            'radial': radial,
            'freqs': freqs
Пример #30
def unroll_dim(X, dim):
    # TODO: dim is still 1-indexed like in MATLAB to reduce headaches for now
    # TODO: unroll/roll are great candidates for a context manager since they're always used in conjunction.
    dim = dim - 1
    old_shape = X.shape
    new_shape = old_shape[:dim]

    new_shape += (-1,)

    Y = m_reshape(X, new_shape)

    removed_dims = old_shape[dim:]

    return Y, removed_dims