def replace_text(self, old_text, new_text, is_regular_expression=False, page_number=0): try: if self.file_name == '': raise Exception('filename not specified') if old_text == '': raise Exception('old text not specified') if new_text == '': raise Exception('new text not specified') post_hash = { "OldValue" : old_text, "NewValue" : new_text, "Regex": "false" } json_data = json.dumps(post_hash) if page_number > 0: str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/pdf/" + self.file_name + "/pages/" + str(page_number) + '/replaceText' else: str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/pdf/" + self.file_name + '/replaceText' signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "POST", "json", json_data) v_output = Utils.validate_output(Utils(), response_stream) if v_output == "": folder = Folder() output_stream = folder.get_file(self.file_name) output_path = AsposeApp.output_location + self.file_name Utils.save_file(Utils(), output_stream, output_path) return output_path else: return v_output except: raise
def replace_text(self, file_name, old_value, new_value, is_match_case, is_match_whole_word): try: if file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") field_arr = { "OldValue": old_value, "NewValue": new_value, "IsMatchCase": str(is_match_case), "IsMatchWholeWord": str(is_match_whole_word), } json_arr = json.dumps(field_arr) str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/words/" + file_name + "/replaceText" signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "POST", "json", json_arr) v_output = Utils.validate_output(Utils(), response_stream) if v_output == "": folder = Folder() output_stream = folder.get_file(file_name) output_path = AsposeApp.output_location + file_name Utils.save_file(Utils(), output_stream, output_path) return output_path else: return v_output except: raise
def get_shapes(self, slide_number,storage_type = None,storage_name =None,folder=None): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/slides/" + self.file_name + "/slides/" + str(slide_number) + "/shapes" if folder is not None: str_uri += "?folder=" + folder if storage_name is not None: str_uri += "&storage=" + storage_name signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) shapes = {} if json_data["Code"] == 200: shape = {} for json_data["ShapeList"]["Links"] in shape: signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), shape["Uri"]["Href"]) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") data = json.loads(response_stream) shapes = data return shapes else: return json_data except: raise
def insert_watermark_image(self, file_name, image_filename, rotation_angle): try: if file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") if image_filename == "": raise Exception("Please Specify Image File Name") str_uri = ( Product.base_product_uri + "/words/" + file_name + "/insertWatermarkImage?imageFile=" + image_filename + "&rotationAngle=" + str(rotation_angle) ) signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "POST", "json", "") v_output = Utils.validate_output(Utils(), response_stream) if v_output == "": folder = Folder() output_stream = folder.get_file(file_name) output_path = AsposeApp.output_location + file_name Utils.save_file(Utils(), output_stream, output_path) return output_path else: return v_output except: raise
def replace_text(self, *args): num_of_args = len(args) if num_of_args == 2: old_text = args[0] new_text = args[1] elif num_of_args == 3: worksheet_name = args[0] old_text = args[1] new_text = args[2] else: raise Exception("Wrong Numbers of Arguments") try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/cells/" + self.file_name if num_of_args == 3: str_uri += "/worksheet/" + worksheet_name str_uri += "/replaceText?oldValue=" + old_text + "&newValue=" + new_text signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "POST", "", "") v_output = Utils.validate_output(Utils(), response_stream) if v_output == "": folder = Folder() output_stream = folder.get_file(self.file_name) output_path = AsposeApp.output_location + self.file_name Utils.save_file(Utils(), output_stream, output_path) return output_path else: return v_output except: raise
def replace_text(self, *args): num_of_args = len(args) if(num_of_args == 2): old_text = args[0] new_text = args[1] elif(num_of_args == 3): old_text = args[0] new_text = args[1] slide_number = args[2] else: raise Exception("Invalid Numbers of Arguments") try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/slides/" + self.file_name if num_of_args == 3: str_uri += "/slides/" + str(slide_number) str_uri += "/replaceText?oldValue=" + old_text + "&newValue=" + new_text + "&ignoreCase=true" signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "POST", "JSON", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) if json_data["Code"] == 200: return str(json_data["Matches"]) + " Found And Replaced" else: return False except: raise
def save(self, codeText, symbology, imageFormat, xResolution, yResolution, xDimension, yDimension): strURI = Product.base_product_uri + "/barcode/generate?text=" + codeText + "&type=" + str(symbology) + "&format=" + imageFormat if xResolution <= 0: strURI += "" else: strURI += "&resolutionX=" + str(xResolution) if yResolution <= 0: strURI += "" else: strURI += "&resolutionY=" + str(yResolution) if xDimension <= 0: strURI += "" else: strURI += "&dimensionX=" + str(xDimension) if yDimension <= 0: strURI += "" else: strURI += "&dimensionY=" + str(yDimension) try: signedURI = Utils.sign(Utils(), strURI) response = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signedURI, "GET", "", "") v_output = Utils.validate_output(self, response) if(v_output == ""): output_path = AsposeApp.output_location + "barcode" + str(symbology) + "." + imageFormat Utils.save_file(self, response, output_path) return output_path except: raise
def get_image_count(self, page_number): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify Pdf File") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/pdf/" + self.file_name + "/pages/" + str(page_number) + "/images" signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) return len(json_data["Images"]["List"]) except: raise
def is_child_bookmark(self, bookmark_index): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/pdf/" + self.file_name + "/bookmarks/" + str(bookmark_index) signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) return json_data["Bookmark"] except: raise
def get_child_bookmark_count(self, parent_index): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/pdf/" + self.file_name + "/bookmarks/" + str(parent_index) + "/bookmarks" signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) return len(json_data["Bookmarks"]["List"]) except: raise
def get_annotation(self, page_number, annotation_index): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/pdf/" + self.file_name + "/pages/" + str(page_number) + "/annotations/" + str(annotation_index) signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) return json_data["Annotation"] except: raise
def get_attachment(self, attachment_index): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/pdf/" + self.file_name + "/attachments/" + str(attachment_index) signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) return json_data["Attachments"] except: raise
def get_mailmerge_field_names(self, file_name): try: if file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/words/" + file_name + "/mailMergeFieldNames" signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET" , "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) return json_data["FieldNames"] except: raise
def create_empty_workbook(self): try: str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/cells/" + self.file_name signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "PUT", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) if json_data["Code"] == 200: return json_data else: return False except: raise
def convert(self): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/slides/" + self.file_name + "?format=" + self.save_format signed_uri = Utils.sign(self, str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") output_path = AsposeApp.output_location + Utils.get_filename(Utils(), self.file_name) + "." + self.save_format Utils.save_file(Utils(), response_stream, output_path); return output_path except: raise
def convert_to_image_by_size(self, slide_number, image_format, width, height): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/slides/" + self.file_name + "/slides/" + str(slide_number) + "?format=" + image_format + "&width=" + str(width) + "&height=" + str(height) signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") output_path = AsposeApp.output_location + Utils.get_filename(Utils(), self.file_name) + "_slide_" + str(slide_number) + "." + image_format Utils.save_file(Utils(), response_stream, output_path); return output_path except: raise
def get_cells_count(self, off_set, count): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") if self.worksheet_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify worksheet Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/cells/" + self.file_name + "/worksheets/" + self.worksheet_name + "/cells?offset=" + str(off_set) + "&count=" + str(count) signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) return json_data["Cells"]["CellCount"] except: raise
def get_autoshapes_count(self): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") if self.worksheet_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify worksheet Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/cells/" + self.file_name + "/worksheets/" + self.worksheet_name + "/autoshapes" signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) return len(json_data["AutoShapes"]["AutoShapeList"]) except: raise
def get_column(self, column_index): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") if self.worksheet_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify worksheet Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/cells/" + self.file_name + "/worksheets/" + self.worksheet_name + "/cells/columns/" + str(column_index) signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) return json_data["Column"] except: raise
def get_cell_style(self, cell_name): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") if self.worksheet_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify Worksheet Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/cells/" + self.file_name + "/worksheets/" + self.worksheet_name + "/cells/" + cell_name + "/style" signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) return json_data except: raise
def get_mergedcell_count(self): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") if self.worksheet_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify worksheet Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/cells/" + self.file_name + "/worksheets/" + self.worksheet_name + "/mergedCells" signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) return json_data["MergedCells"]["Count"] except: raise
def calculate_formula(self, formula): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") if self.worksheet_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify worksheet Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/cells/" + self.file_name + "/worksheets/" + self.worksheet_name + "/formulaResult?formula=" + formula signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) return json_data["Value"]["Value"] except: raise
def get_document_info(self): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/words/" + self.file_name signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) if json_data["Code"] == 200: return json_data["Document"] else: return False except: raise
def get_border(self, chart_index): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") if self.worksheet_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify Worksheet Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/cells/" + self.file_name + "/worksheets/" + self.worksheet_name + "/charts/" + str(chart_index) + "/chartArea/border" signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) return json_data["Line"] except: raise
def ReadR(self, remote_image_name, remote_folder_name, barcode_read_type): try: if self.filename == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") strURI = self.URIBuilder(remote_image_name, remote_folder_name, barcode_read_type) signedURI = Utils.sign(Utils(), strURI) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signedURI, "GET", "JSON", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) if json_data["Code"] == 200: return json_data["Barcodes"] else: return False except: raise
def create_workbook_from_template(self, template_filename): try: if template_filename == "": raise Exception("Please Specify Template File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/cells/" + self.file_name + "?templatefile=" + template_filename signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "PUT", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) if json_data["Code"] == 200: return json_data else: return False except: raise
def delete_document_property(self, property_name): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/slides/" + self.file_name + "/documentProperties/" + property_name signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "DELETE", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) if json_data["Code"] == 200: return True else: return False except: raise
def process_smartmarker(self, data_file): try: if data_file == "": raise Exception("Please Specify Template Data File") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/cells/" + self.file_name + "/smartmarker?xmlFile=" + data_file signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "POST", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) if json_data["Code"] == 200: return json_data else: return False except: raise
def get_names_count(self): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/cells/" + self.file_name + "/names" signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) if json_data["Code"] == 200: return len(json_data["Names"]) else: return False except: raise
def get_text_format(self, page_number, fragment_number, segment_number=None): try: if self.file_name == "": raise Exception("Please Specify Pdf File Name") str_uri = Product.base_product_uri + "/pdf/" + self.file_name + "/pages/" + str(page_number) + "/fragments/" + str(fragment_number) if segment_number is not None: str_uri += "/segments/" + str(segment_number) str_uri += "/textformat" signed_uri = Utils.sign(Utils(), str_uri) response_stream = Utils.process_command(Utils(), signed_uri, "GET", "", "") json_data = json.loads(response_stream) return json_data["TextFormat"] except: raise