nu = 0.27  # Poison's modulus
    q = 100.0  # uniformly distributed load
    n = 51  # nodes in the first direction of computational domain
    m = 21  # nodes in the second direction of computational domain

    d = plane_strain_isotropic(e, nu)

    (nodes, elements) = rectangular_quads(x_count=n,
                                          height=2.0 * c)
    stiffness = assembly_quads_stress_strain(nodes=nodes,

    print("Evaluating force...")

    def force_func(node):
        if abs(node[0]) < 0.0000001:
            return array([0.0, -q / m])
            return array([0.0, 0.0])

    force = nodal_force(nodes=nodes, freedom=2, force_function=force_func)

    print("Evaluating boundary conditions...")
    for i in range(len(nodes)):
        if abs(l - nodes[i, 0]) < 0.0000001:
 from mesh2d import draw_vtk
 from assembly2d import assembly_quads_stress_strain
 from stress_strain_matrix import plane_strain_isotropic
 from numpy import zeros
 from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
 l = 10.0  # beam half-length
 c = 2.0  # beam half-height
 e = 203200.0  # Young's modulus
 nu = 0.27  # Poison's modulus
 q = 100.0  # uniformly distributed load
 n = 51  # nodes in the first direction of computational domain
 m = 21  # nodes in the second direction of computational domain
 d = plane_strain_isotropic(e, nu)
 (nodes, elements) = rectangular_quads(x_count=n, y_count=m, x_origin=0.0, y_origin=-c, width=l, height=2.0 * c)
 stiffness = assembly_quads_stress_strain(nodes, elements, d)
 dimension = stiffness.shape[0]
 force = zeros(dimension)
 for i in range(len(nodes)):
     if abs(nodes[i, 0]) < 0.0000001:
         force[2 * i + 1] = -q / m
 for i in range(len(nodes)):
     if abs(l - nodes[i, 0]) < 0.0000001:
         for j in range(dimension):
             if stiffness[2 * i, j] != 0.0:
                 stiffness[2 * i, j] = 0.0
             if stiffness[j, 2 * i] != 0.0:
                 stiffness[j, 2 * i] = 0.0
             if stiffness[2 * i + 1, j] != 0.0:
                 stiffness[2 * i + 1, j] = 0.0
             if stiffness[j, 2 * i + 1] != 0.0: