Пример #1
class UserSettings(odm.Model):  # User's default settings
    classification = odm.Classification(default=Classification.UNRESTRICTED
                                        )  # Default submission classification
    deep_scan = odm.Boolean(default=False)  # Should a deep scan be performed
    description = odm.Keyword(default="")  # Default description
    download_encoding = odm.Enum(
        default="cart")  # Default download encoding when downloading files
    expand_min_score = odm.Integer(
        default=500)  # Auto-expand section when score bigger then this
    ignore_cache = odm.Boolean(default=False)  # Ignore service caching
    ignore_dynamic_recursion_prevention = odm.Boolean(
        default=False)  # Ignore dynamic recursion prevention
    ignore_filtering = odm.Boolean(default=False)  # Ignore filtering services
    priority = odm.Integer(
        default=1000)  # Default priority for the submissions
    profile = odm.Boolean(
        default=False)  # Should the submission do extra profiling
    service_spec = odm.Mapping(odm.Keyword(),
                               default={})  # Default service specific settings
    services = odm.Compound(ServiceSelection,
                            default={})  # Default service selection
    submission_view = odm.Enum(
        default="report")  # Default view for completed submissions
    ttl = odm.Integer(default=0)  # Default submission Time to Live (days)
Пример #2
class SubmissionMessage(odm.Model):
    msg = odm.Compound(Submission)  # Body of the message
    msg_loader = odm.Enum(
        default=LOADER_CLASS)  # Class to use to load the message as an object
    msg_type = odm.Enum(values=MSG_TYPES)  # Type of message
    sender = odm.Keyword()  # Sender of the message
Пример #3
class Alert(odm.Model):
    alert_id = odm.Keyword(copyto="__text__")  # ID of the alert
    al = odm.Compound(ALResults)  # Assemblyline result block
    archive_ts = odm.Date(store=False)  # Archiving timestamp
    attack = odm.Compound(Attack)  # Attack result block
    classification = odm.Classification()  # Classification of the alert
    expiry_ts = odm.Optional(odm.Date(store=False))  # Expiry timestamp
    extended_scan = odm.Enum(values=EXTENDED_SCAN_VALUES,
                             store=False)  # Status of the extended scan
    file = odm.Compound(File)  # File block
    filtered = odm.Boolean(default=False)  # Are the alert result filtered
    heuristic = odm.Compound(Heuristic)  # Heuristic result block
    label = odm.List(odm.Keyword(), copyto="__text__",
                     default=[])  # List of labels applied to the alert
    metadata = odm.FlattenedObject(
        default={}, store=False)  # Metadata submitted with the file
    owner = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())  # Owner of the alert
    priority = odm.Optional(
        odm.Enum(values=PRIORITIES))  # Priority applied to the alert
    reporting_ts = odm.Date()  # Time at which the alert was created
    sid = odm.UUID(store=False)  # ID of the submission related to this alert
    status = odm.Optional(
        odm.Enum(values=STATUSES))  # Status applied to the alert
    ts = odm.Date()  # Timestamp at which the file was submitted
    type = odm.Keyword()  # Type of alert
    verdict = odm.Compound(Verdict, default={})  # Verdict timing
Пример #4
class SubmissionMessage(odm.Model):
    msg = odm.Compound(Submission, description="Body of the message")
    msg_loader = odm.Enum(
        description="Class to use to load the message as an object")  #
    msg_type = odm.Enum(values=MSG_TYPES, description="Type of message")
    sender = odm.Keyword(description="Sender of the message")
class ScalerMessage(odm.Model):
    msg = odm.Compound(Heartbeat, description="Heartbeat message")
    msg_loader = odm.Enum(values={LOADER_CLASS},
                          description="Loader class of message")
    msg_type = odm.Enum(values=MSG_TYPES,
                        description="Type of message")
    sender = odm.Keyword(description="Sender of message")
Пример #6
class ArchiveMessage(odm.Model):
    msg = odm.Compound(Heartbeat, description="Heartbeat message")
    msg_loader = odm.Enum(values={LOADER_CLASS},
                          description="Loader class for message")
    msg_type = odm.Enum(values=MSG_TYPES,
                        description="Message type")
    sender = odm.Keyword(description="Sender of message")
Пример #7
class AlertMessage(odm.Model):
    msg = odm.Compound(Alert, description="Message of alert")
    msg_loader = odm.Enum(values={LOADER_CLASS},
                          description="Loader class for messages")
    msg_type = odm.Enum(values=MSG_TYPES,
                        description="Type of Message")
    sender = odm.Keyword(description="Sender of message")
class MetricsMessage(odm.Model):
    msg = odm.Compound(Metrics, description="Metrics message")
    msg_loader = odm.Enum(values={LOADER_CLASS},
                          description="Loader class for message")
    msg_type = odm.Enum(values=MSG_TYPES,
                        description="Type of message")
    sender = odm.Keyword(description="Sender of message")
Пример #9
class VM(odm.Model):
    enabled = odm.Boolean(default=True)
    name = odm.Keyword(copyto="__text__")
    num_workers = odm.Integer(default=1)
    os_type = odm.Enum(values=OS_TYPES)
    os_variant = odm.Enum(values=OS_VARIANTS)
    ram = odm.Integer(default=1024)
    revert_every = odm.Integer(default=600)
    vcpus = odm.Integer(default=1)
    virtual_disk_url = odm.Keyword()
Пример #10
class TCSignature(odm.Model):
    al_score = odm.Enum(values=SCORES, default="HIGH")
    al_status = odm.Enum(values=STATUSES, default="TESTING")
    callback = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())
    classification = odm.Classification(default=Classification.UNRESTRICTED)
    comment = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())
    implant_family = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())
    last_modified = odm.Date(default="NOW")
    name = odm.Keyword(copyto="__text__")
    threat_actor = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())
    values = odm.List(odm.Keyword())
Пример #11
class UI(odm.Model):
    # Allow user to tell in advance the system that a file is malicious
    allow_malicious_hinting: bool = odm.Boolean()
    # Allow to user to download raw files
    allow_raw_downloads: bool = odm.Boolean()
    # Allow file submissions via url
    allow_url_submissions: bool = odm.Boolean()
    # Should API calls be audited and saved to a separate log file?
    audit: bool = odm.Boolean()
    # Banner message display on the main page (format: {<language_code>: message})
    banner: Dict[str, str] = odm.Optional(odm.Mapping(odm.Keyword()))
    # Banner message display on the main page (format: {<language_code>: message})
    banner_level: str = odm.Enum(
        values=["info", "warning", "success", "error"])
    # Turn on debugging
    debug: bool = odm.Boolean()
    # Which encoding will be used
    download_encoding = odm.Enum(values=["raw", "cart"])
    # Assemblyline admins email address
    email: str = odm.Optional(odm.Email())
    # Enforce the user's quotas
    enforce_quota: bool = odm.Boolean()
    # Fully qualified domain name to use for the 2-factor authentication validation
    fqdn: str = odm.Text()
    # Maximum priority for ingest API
    ingest_max_priority: int = odm.Integer()
    # Turn on read only mode in the UI
    read_only: bool = odm.Boolean()
    # Offset of the read only mode for all paging and searches
    read_only_offset: str = odm.Keyword(default="")
    # Flask secret key to store cookies and stuff
    secret_key: str = odm.Keyword()
    # Duration of the user session before the user has to login again
    session_duration: int = odm.Integer()
    # Statistics configuration
    statistics: Statistics = odm.Compound(Statistics,
    # Terms of service
    tos: str = odm.Optional(odm.Text())
    # Lock out user after accepting the terms of service
    tos_lockout: bool = odm.Boolean()
    # List of admins to notify when a user gets locked out
    tos_lockout_notify: bool = odm.Optional(odm.List(odm.Keyword()))
    # Headers that will be used by the url_download method
    url_submission_headers: Dict[str, str] = odm.Optional(
    # Proxy that will be used by the url_download method
    url_submission_proxies: Dict[str, str] = odm.Optional(
    # Validate if the session ip matches the ip the session was created from
    validate_session_ip: bool = odm.Boolean()
    # Validate if the session useragent matches the useragent the session was created with
    validate_session_useragent: bool = odm.Boolean()
Пример #12
class Logging(odm.Model):
    # What level of logging should we have
    log_level: str = odm.Enum(
        values=["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL", "DISABLED"])

    # Should we log to console?
    log_to_console: bool = odm.Boolean()

    # Should we log to files on the server?
    log_to_file: bool = odm.Boolean()
    # if yes, what is the log directory
    log_directory: str = odm.Keyword()

    # Should logs be sent to a syslog server?
    log_to_syslog: bool = odm.Boolean()
    # if yes, what is the syslog server hostname/ip?
    syslog_host: str = odm.Keyword()
    syslog_port: int = odm.Integer()

    # How often should counters log their values (seconds)
    export_interval: int = odm.Integer()

    # Log in JSON format
    log_as_json: bool = odm.Boolean()

    # If set, core components will touch this path regularly to tell the container
    # environment it is healthy
    heartbeat_file: str = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())
Пример #13
class ESMetrics(odm.Model):
    hosts: str = odm.Optional(odm.List(odm.Keyword()))
    host_certificates: str = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())
    warm: int = odm.Integer()
    cold: int = odm.Integer()
    delete: int = odm.Integer()
    unit = odm.Enum(['d', 'h', 'm'])
Пример #14
class Apps(odm.Model):
    client_id = odm.Keyword(
        description="Username allowed to impersonate the current user")
    netloc = odm.Keyword(description="DNS hostname for the server")
    scope = odm.Enum(values=SCOPES,
                     description="Scope of access for the API key")
    server = odm.Keyword(description="Name of the server that has access")
Пример #15
class UpdateConfigDelta(odm.Model):
    generates_signatures = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - UpdateConfig](../service/#updateconfig)")
    sources = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - UpdateConfig](../service/#updateconfig)")
    update_interval_seconds = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - UpdateConfig](../service/#updateconfig)")
    wait_for_update = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - UpdateConfig](../service/#updateconfig)")
    signature_delimiter = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - UpdateConfig](../service/#updateconfig)")
    custom_delimiter = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - UpdateConfig](../service/#updateconfig)")
Пример #16
class Submission(odm.Model):
    archive_ts = odm.Date(store=False)  # Archiving timestamp
    classification = odm.Classification()  # Classification of the submission
    error_count = odm.Integer()  # Total number of errors in the submission
    errors = odm.List(odm.Keyword(), store=False)  # List of error keys
    expiry_ts = odm.Optional(odm.Date(store=False))  # Expiry timestamp
    file_count = odm.Integer()  # Total number of files in the submission
    files: List[File] = odm.List(
        odm.Compound(File))  # List of files that were originally submitted
    max_score = odm.Integer()  # Maximum score of all the files in the scan
    metadata = odm.FlattenedObject(
        store=False)  # Metadata associated to the submission
    params: SubmissionParams = odm.Compound(
        SubmissionParams)  # Submission detail blocs
    results: List[str] = odm.List(odm.Keyword(),
                                  store=False)  # List of result keys
    sid = odm.UUID(copyto="__text__")  # Submission ID
    state = odm.Enum(values=SUBMISSION_STATES)  # Status of the submission
    times = odm.Compound(Times, default={})  # Timing bloc
    verdict = odm.Compound(Verdict, default={})  # Verdict timing

    def is_submit(self):
        return self.state == 'submitted'

    def is_complete(self):
        return self.state == 'completed'

    def is_initial(self):
        return self.is_submit() and not self.params.psid
Пример #17
class Service(odm.Model):
    # Regexes applied to assemblyline style file type string
    accepts = odm.Keyword(store=True, default=DEFAULT_SERVICE_ACCEPTS)
    rejects = odm.Optional(
        odm.Keyword(store=True, default=DEFAULT_SERVICE_REJECTS))

    category = odm.Keyword(store=True,
                           default="Static Analysis",
    config = odm.Mapping(odm.Any(), default={}, index=False, store=False)
    description = odm.Text(store=True, default="NA", copyto="__text__")
    default_result_classification = odm.ClassificationString(
    enabled = odm.Boolean(store=True, default=False)
    is_external = odm.Boolean(default=False)
    licence_count = odm.Integer(default=0)

    name = odm.Keyword(store=True, copyto="__text__")
    version = odm.Keyword(store=True)

    # Should the result cache be disabled for this service
    disable_cache = odm.Boolean(default=False)

    stage = odm.Keyword(store=True, default="CORE", copyto="__text__")
    submission_params: SubmissionParams = odm.List(
        odm.Compound(SubmissionParams), index=False, default=[])
    timeout = odm.Integer(default=60)

    docker_config: DockerConfig = odm.Compound(DockerConfig)
    dependencies = odm.Mapping(odm.Compound(DependencyConfig), default={})

    update_channel: str = odm.Enum(values=["stable", "rc", "beta", "dev"],
    update_config: UpdateConfig = odm.Optional(odm.Compound(UpdateConfig))
Пример #18
class DockerConfig(odm.Model):
    allow_internet_access: bool = odm.Boolean(
        default=False, description="Does the container have internet-access?")
    command: Opt[list[str]] = odm.Optional(
        description="Command to run when container starts up.")
    cpu_cores: float = odm.Float(default=1.0, description="CPU allocation")
    environment: list[EnvironmentVariable] = odm.List(
        description="Additional environemnt variables for the container")
    image: str = odm.Keyword(
        "Complete name of the Docker image with tag, may include registry")
    registry_username: Opt[str] = odm.Optional(
        description="The username to use when pulling the image")
    registry_password: Opt[str] = odm.Optional(
        description="The password or token to use when pulling the image")
    registry_type: str = odm.Enum(values=["docker", "harbor"],
                                  description="The type of container registry")
    ports: list[str] = odm.List(
        description="What ports of container to expose?")
    ram_mb: int = odm.Integer(default=512, description="Container RAM limit")
    ram_mb_min: int = odm.Integer(default=128,
                                  description="Container RAM request")
Пример #19
class System(odm.Model):
    # Module path to the assemblyline constants
    constants: str = odm.Keyword()
    # Organisation acronym used for signatures
    organisation: str = odm.Text()
    # Type of system (production, staging, development)
    type: str = odm.Enum(values=['production', 'staging', 'development'])
Пример #20
class IngestTask(odm.Model):
    # Submission Parameters
    submission: Submission = odm.Compound(Submission)

    # Shortcut for properties of the submission
    def file_size(self) -> int:
        return sum(file.size for file in self.submission.files)

    def params(self) -> SubmissionParams:
        return self.submission.params

    def sha256(self) -> str:
        return self.submission.files[0].sha256

    # Information about the ingestion itself, parameters irrelevant
    scan_key = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())  # the filescore key
    retries = odm.Integer(default=0)

    # Fields added after a submission is complete for notification/bookkeeping processes
    failure = odm.Text(
        default='')  # If the ingestion has failed for some reason, what is it?
    score = odm.Optional(
        odm.Integer())  # Score from previous processing of this file
    extended_scan = odm.Enum(EXTENDED_SCAN_VALUES, default="skipped")
    ingest_id = odm.UUID()
    ingest_time = odm.Date(default="NOW")
class ServiceDelta(odm.Model):
    accepts = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword(), store=True)
    rejects = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword(), store=True)

    category = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword(), store=True, copyto="__text__")
    config = odm.Optional(odm.Mapping(odm.Any()), index=False)
    description = odm.Optional(odm.Text(), store=True, copyto="__text__")
    default_result_classification = odm.Optional(odm.ClassificationString())
    enabled = odm.Optional(odm.Boolean(), store=True)
    is_external = odm.Optional(odm.Boolean())
    licence_count = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())

    name = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword(), store=True, copyto="__text__")
    version = odm.Keyword(store=True)

    disable_cache = odm.Optional(odm.Boolean())

    stage = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword(), store=True, copyto="__text__")
    submission_params = odm.Optional(odm.List(
    timeout = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())

    docker_config: DockerConfigDelta = odm.Optional(
    dependencies: DependencyConfigDelta = odm.Mapping(
        odm.Compound(DependencyConfigDelta), default={})

    update_channel = odm.Optional(
        odm.Enum(values=["stable", "rc", "beta", "dev"]))
    update_config: UpdateConfigDelta = odm.Optional(
Пример #22
class System(odm.Model):
    constants: str = odm.Keyword(
        description="Module path to the assemblyline constants")
    organisation: str = odm.Text(
        description="Organisation acronym used for signatures")
    type: str = odm.Enum(values=['production', 'staging', 'development'],
                         description="Type of system")
class Current(odm.Model):
    """The current assignment for a service worker"""
    status: str = odm.Enum(values=STATUSES,
                           default='INITIALIZING')  # Status of the client
    task: Opt[Task] = odm.Optional(odm.Compound(Task))
    task_timeout: Opt[datetime] = odm.Optional(
        odm.Date())  # Time the task was assigned to the client
Пример #24
class Logging(odm.Model):
    log_level: str = odm.Enum(
        values=["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL", "DISABLED"],
        description="What level of logging should we have?")
    log_to_console: bool = odm.Boolean(description="Should we log to console?")
    log_to_file: bool = odm.Boolean(
        description="Should we log to files on the server?")
    log_directory: str = odm.Keyword(
        "If `log_to_file: true`, what is the directory to store logs?")
    log_to_syslog: bool = odm.Boolean(
        description="Should logs be sent to a syslog server?")
    syslog_host: str = odm.Keyword(
        "If `log_to_syslog: true`, provide hostname/IP of the syslog server?")
    syslog_port: int = odm.Integer(
        "If `log_to_syslog: true`, provide port of the syslog server?")
    export_interval: int = odm.Integer(
        description="How often, in seconds, should counters log their values?")
    log_as_json: bool = odm.Boolean(description="Log in JSON format?")
    heartbeat_file: str = odm.Optional(
        description="Add a health check to core components.<br>"
        "If `true`, core components will touch this path regularly to tell the container environment it is healthy"
Пример #25
class SubmissionParamsDelta(odm.Model):
    default = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - SubmissionParams](../service/#submissionparams)"
    name = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - SubmissionParams](../service/#submissionparams)"
    type = odm.Optional(
        odm.Enum(values=['str', 'int', 'list', 'bool']),
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - SubmissionParams](../service/#submissionparams)"
    value = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - SubmissionParams](../service/#submissionparams)"
    list = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - SubmissionParams](../service/#submissionparams)"
    hide = odm.Optional(
        "Refer to:<br>[Service - SubmissionParams](../service/#submissionparams)"
class UpdateConfigDelta(odm.Model):
    # build_options = odm.Optional(odm.Compound(DockerfileConfigDelta))
    generates_signatures = odm.Optional(odm.Boolean(), index=True)
    method = odm.Optional(odm.Enum(values=['run', 'build']))
    run_options = odm.Optional(odm.Compound(DockerConfigDelta))
    sources = odm.Optional(odm.List(odm.Compound(UpdateSourceDelta)))
    update_interval_seconds = odm.Optional(odm.Integer())
    wait_for_update = odm.Optional(odm.Boolean())
Пример #27
class Datastore(odm.Model):
    hosts: List[str] = odm.List(
        odm.Keyword(), description="List of hosts used for the datastore")
    ilm = odm.Compound(ILM,
                       description="Index Lifecycle Management Policy")
    type = odm.Enum({"elasticsearch"},
                    description="Type of application used for the datastore")
Пример #28
class OAuthAutoProperty(odm.Model):
    field: str = odm.Keyword(description="Field to apply `pattern` to")
    pattern: str = odm.Keyword(
        description="Regex pattern for auto-prop assignment")
    type: str = odm.Enum(
        description="Type of property assignment on pattern match")
    value: str = odm.Keyword(description="Assigned property value")
Пример #29
class Heuristic(odm.Model):
    heur_id = odm.Keyword(copyto="__text__")                                 # Triggered heuristic
    name = odm.Keyword(copyto="__text__")                                    # Name of the heuristics
    attack_id = odm.Optional(odm.Enum(values=PATTERNS, copyto="__text__"))   # Attack matrix ID
    attack_pattern = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword(copyto="__text__"))            # Attack matrix Pattern Name
    attack_categories = odm.Optional(odm.List(odm.Keyword()))                # Attack matrix Categories
    signature = odm.Optional(odm.Keyword())                                  # Signature that triggered the heuristic
    score = odm.Integer()                                                    # Heuristic's score
Пример #30
class Section(odm.Model):
    body = odm.Optional(odm.Text(copyto="__text__"))        # Text body of the result section
    classification = odm.Classification()                   # Classification of the section
    body_format = odm.Enum(values=BODY_FORMAT, index=False)  # Type of body in this section
    depth = odm.Integer(index=False)                        # Depth of the section
    heuristic = odm.Optional(odm.Compound(Heuristic))       # Heuristic used to score result section
    tags = odm.Compound(Tagging, default={})                # List of tags associated to this section
    title_text = odm.Text(copyto="__text__")                # Title of the section