Пример #1
	def get_charge_from_code(self,lookUpCode):
		"""A function to return the charge of a particle given its PDG code."""
		assert assertions.all_are_numbers([lookUpCode])
		assert self.has_key(abs(lookUpCode))
		if (lookUpCode > 0.0):
			return self.__pDEs[lookUpCode].get_charge()
		return (-1.0 * self.__pDEs[abs(lookUpCode)].get_charge())
Пример #2
def produce_new_vectors(v1, v3, PperpSquared, y):
    """A function to boost two vectors, perform the kinematics and return the tResults after boosting back."""
    ##Requires v3 to be the recoiling vector, consistent with all kinematics in this project.
    assert (fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(v1)
            and fourVectors.check_is_fourVector(v3))
    assert (v1.__nonzero__() and v3.__nonzero__())
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquared, y])
    __energyIn = v1[0] + v3[
        0]  ##This is in the 'lab frame' as these are never actually boosted in the code.
    __S123, __Pperp = Sijk([v1.copy(), v3.copy()]), math.sqrt(PperpSquared)
    __boostRotate = lorentz.boostAndRotate(
        v1.copy(), v3.copy(),
        1)  ##Given v3 as vector to recoil so need index 1 here.
    __nBRV1, __nBRV2, __nBRV3 = calculate_split_ps(__S123, __Pperp, y)
    assert precision.check_numbers_equal(0.0,
                                         __nBRV1[3] + __nBRV2[3] + __nBRV3[3])
    __nV1, __nV2, __nV3 = __boostRotate / __nBRV1, __boostRotate / __nBRV2, __boostRotate / __nBRV3
    ##Must also check energy out in the 'lab' frame too as not a Lorentz invariant quantity.
    __energyOut = __nV1[0] + __nV2[0] + __nV3[0]
    __energyDifference = __energyIn - __energyOut
    __nV2 = fix_energy_difference(__energyDifference, __nV2)
    ##Check conservation rules:
    assert precision.check_numbers_equal(__energyIn, __energyOut)
    assert precision.check_numbers_equal(
        __S123, Sijk([__nV1.copy(), __nV2.copy(),
    ##No check for any momentums here as no longer have to sum to zero in this frame.
    return __nV1, __nV2, __nV3
Пример #3
	def calculate(self,QSquared):
		"""A function for calculating the four-loop strong coupling constant at a given COM energy squared."""
		##Using approximate analytic solution.
		##Source: 'Quantum Chromodynamics', Dissertori Group, Lpthe Group, P Salam, p3, equation 9.5.
		assert assertions.all_are_numbers([QSquared])
		__QSquared = assertions.force_float_number(QSquared)
		__Nf, __pi = Nf(__QSquared), math.pi
		__beta0 = beta0(__Nf) / (4.0*__pi)
		__beta1 = beta1(__Nf) / ((4.0*__pi)*(4.0*__pi))
		__beta2 = beta2(__Nf) / ((4.0*__pi)*(4.0*__pi)*(4.0*__pi))
		__beta3 = beta3(__Nf) / ((4.0*__pi)*(4.0*__pi)*(4.0*__pi)*(4.0*__pi))
			__denominator6 = (self.__fourLoopLambda*self.__fourLoopLambda)
			assert assertions.safe_division(__denominator6)
			__ln = math.log(__QSquared/__denominator6)
			__denominator7 = __beta0*__beta0*__ln
			assert assertions.safe_division(__denominator7)
			__term1 = __beta1*math.log(__ln)/__denominator7
			__denominator8 = __beta0*__beta0*__beta0*__beta0*__ln*__ln
			assert assertions.safe_division(__denominator8)
			__term2 = ((__beta1*__beta1 * ((math.log(__ln)*math.log(__ln)) - math.log(__ln) - 1.0)) + __beta0*__beta2) / __denominator8
			__term3P1 = (math.log(__ln)*math.log(__ln)*math.log(__ln)) - (5.0/2.0)*math.log(__ln)*math.log(__ln) - 2.0*math.log(__ln) + 0.5
			__denominator9 = (__beta0*__beta0*__beta0*__beta0*__beta0*__beta0*__ln*__ln*__ln)
			assert assertions.safe_division(__denominator9)
			__term3 = (__beta1*__beta1*__beta1 * __term3P1) / __denominator9
			__term4 = ((3.0*__beta0*__beta1*__beta2*math.log(__ln)) - (0.5*__beta0*__beta0*__beta3)) / __denominator9
			__denominator10 = __beta0*__ln
			assert assertions.safe_division(__denominator10)
			__result = (1.0 - __term1 + __term2 - (__term3 + __term4)) / __denominator10
			return __result
			print "Error in four-loop at QSquared =", __QSquared
			return -1.0
Пример #4
def calc_inv_G(valueIn,S123):
	"""A function to calculate the inverse of G for for all processes."""
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([valueIn,S123])
	__alphaSMax = alphaS.get_shower_max()
	__term1 = ((-4.0)*math.pi*valueIn) / (3.0*__alphaSMax)
	__exp = math.exp(math.sqrt(__term1))
	return S123/__exp
Пример #5
	def __init__(self,orderedListOfParticles,isLoop = False,maxPperpSquaredFromSplit = None):
		"""A function to initialise a chain using the ordered list of particles given."""
		##Accepting an ordered list of particles allows the initialisation of a chain of any length at any stage.
		for particle in orderedListOfParticles:
			assert particles.check_is_particle(particle)
		assert (isLoop or not(isLoop))
		assert ((maxPperpSquaredFromSplit == None) or (assertions.all_are_numbers([maxPperpSquaredFromSplit])))
		self.__chainList = []
		for i in range(len(orderedListOfParticles) - 1): ##Iterate through all particle pairs.
		self.__isLoop = isLoop
		if (maxPperpSquaredFromSplit == None):
			if (len(self.__chainList) == 1):
				self.__maxPperpSquared = self.__chainList[0].get_mass_squared()
				print "\n! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !"
				print "Not sure what to do here yet!"
				#assert False
				self.__maxPperpSquared = self.__chainList[0].get_mass_squared()
				##Or do you find that of the entire chain. Or do you find that of each -> Need list?
			self.__maxPperpSquared = maxPperpSquaredFromSplit
		self.__cutOff = constants.cut_off_energy()*constants.cut_off_energy()
		self.__nextPperpSquared = None ##Initiation value.
		self.__showeringCompleted = False
Пример #6
	def calculate(self,Q):
		"""A function for calculating the two-loop strong coupling constant at a given COM energy squared."""
		##Source: Paper 'Measurements of the strong coupling constant and the QCD colour factors using four-jet..
		##..observables from hadronic Z decays', p4, equations 2-5.
		##Unlike the others, these equations are given as a function of Q not Q^2 and so use Mz and alphaS(Mz).
		assert assertions.all_are_numbers([Q])
		__Q = assertions.force_float_number(Q)
		__Nf, __Cf, __twoLoopAlphaSOfMz = Nf(__Q*__Q), constants.Cf(), self.__twoLoopAlphaSOfMz
		__Mz = particleData.knownParticles.get_mass_from_code(particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name('Z-boson'))
		##Adjust betas to those of this paper:
		__beta0 = beta0(__Nf) / __Cf
		__beta1 = beta1(__Nf) / (2.0*__Cf*__Cf)
			assert assertions.safe_division(__Q)
			__ln1 = math.log(__Mz/__Q)
			__wOfQ = 1.0 - (__beta0*__twoLoopAlphaSOfMz*__Cf*__ln1 / (2.0* math.pi))
			__denominator4 = __beta0*2.0*math.pi*__wOfQ
			assert assertions.safe_division(__denominator4)
			__term1 = 1.0 - (__beta1*__twoLoopAlphaSOfMz*__Cf*math.log(__wOfQ)/__denominator4)
			__denominator5 = __wOfQ
			assert assertions.safe_division(__denominator5)
			__result = __twoLoopAlphaSOfMz*__term1 / __denominator5
			return __result
			##Breaks down below the cut-off energy as expected.
			print "Error in two-loop at Q =", __Q
			return -1.0
Пример #7
 def force_float_vector(self):
     """A function to convert all vector integers to floats but leave doubles."""
     for __i2 in range(4):
         assert assertions.all_are_numbers([__i2])
         if (not assertions.check_float(self.__vector[__i2])):
             self.__vector[__i2] = assertions.force_float_number(
Пример #8
def calc_G(PperpSquared, S123):
    """A function to calculate the overestimation function G, the primitive of g(PperpSquared) = g1(PperpSquared)*int{g2(y) dy}, for all processes."""
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquared, S123])
    __alphaSMax = alphaS.get_shower_max()
    __term1 = ((-3.0) * __alphaSMax) / (4.0 * math.pi)
    return __term1 * math.log(S123 / PperpSquared) * math.log(
        S123 / PperpSquared)
Пример #9
def calc_inv_G(valueIn, S123):
    """A function to calculate the inverse of G for for all processes."""
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([valueIn, S123])
    __alphaSMax = alphaS.get_shower_max()
    __term1 = ((-4.0) * math.pi * valueIn) / (3.0 * __alphaSMax)
    __exp = math.exp(math.sqrt(__term1))
    return S123 / __exp
Пример #10
def sum_cSs(difCrossSecIds, S123, PperpSquared, y, code1, code2):
    """A function to return the sum of each cross section from its process code in the list given."""
    assert (type(difCrossSecIds) == list)
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([S123, PperpSquared, y])
    __kQs = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
    __gC = particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name('gluon')
    __expectedCodes = __kQs + [-x for x in __kQs] + [__gC]
    assert ((code1 in __expectedCodes) and (code2 in __expectedCodes))
    __result = 0.0
    for __difCrossSecId in difCrossSecIds:
        assert ((0 <= __difCrossSecId) and (__difCrossSecId <= 6))
        if __difCrossSecId == 0:
            __result += qqBar_to_qgqBar_cS(S123, PperpSquared, y)
        elif __difCrossSecId == 1:
            __result += qg_to_qgg_cS(S123, PperpSquared, y)
        elif __difCrossSecId == 2:
            __result += gg_to_ggg_cS(S123, PperpSquared, y)
        elif __difCrossSecId == 3:
            __result += qg_to_qQQBar_cS(S123, PperpSquared, y)
        elif __difCrossSecId == 4:
            __result += gg_to_gQQBar_cS(S123, PperpSquared, y)
        elif __difCrossSecId == 5:
            __result += gg_to_gQQBar_cS(S123, PperpSquared, y)
        elif __difCrossSecId == 6:
            __result += qqBar_to_qpqBar_cS(S123, PperpSquared, y, code1, code2)
    return __result
Пример #11
def calc_g(
        PperpSquared, y
):  ##Calculate the function g(Pperpsquared,y) = g1(Pperpsquared)*g2(y).
    """A function to calculate the overestimation function g for all processes."""
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquared, y])
    __alphaSMax = alphaS.get_shower_max()
    return (3.0 * __alphaSMax) / (2.0 * math.pi * PperpSquared)
Пример #12
def solve(PperpSquaredMax,S123,code1,code2):
	"""A function to return the next Pperp^2, y and winning process for a given dipole."""
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquaredMax,S123])
	__kQs = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
	__gC = particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name('gluon')
	__expectedCodes = __kQs + [-x for x in __kQs] + [__gC]
	assert ((code1 in __expectedCodes) and (code2 in __expectedCodes))
	if ((code1 in __kQs) and ((-code2) in __kQs)): ##qqBar.
		__caseGroupId = 0
	elif (((-code1) in __kQs) and (code2 in __kQs)): ##qBarq.
		__caseGroupId = 0
	elif (((code1) in __kQs) and (code2 in __kQs)): ##qq.
		__caseGroupId = 0
	elif (((-code1) in __kQs) and (-code2 in __kQs)): ##qBarqBar.
		__caseGroupId = 0
	elif ((code1 in __kQs) and (code2 == __gC)): ##qg.
		__caseGroupId = 1
	elif (((-code1) in __kQs) and (code2 == __gC)): ##qBarg.
		__caseGroupId = 1
	elif ((code1 == __gC) and (code2 in __kQs)): ##gq.
		__caseGroupId = 1
	elif ((code1 == __gC) and ((-code2) in __kQs)): ##gqBar.
		__caseGroupId = 1
	elif ((code1 == __gC) and (code2 == __gC)): ##gg.
		__caseGroupId = 2
	if (__caseGroupId == 0):
		__newPperpSquared, __newY, __newProcessCode = solve_case_group_0(PperpSquaredMax,S123,code1,code2)
	elif (__caseGroupId == 1):
		__newPperpSquared, __newY, __newProcessCode = solve_case_group_1(PperpSquaredMax,S123,code1,code2)
	elif (__caseGroupId == 2):
		__newPperpSquared, __newY, __newProcessCode = solve_case_group_2(PperpSquaredMax,S123,code1,code2)
 	##Process codes: 0 = stop shower, 1 = gluon emission, 2 = gluon splitting, 3 = photon emission.
 	##gg has two chances for a gluon to split but nothing specifies which is which so if occurs, randomly chosen later.
	return __newPperpSquared, __newY, __newProcessCode
Пример #13
def sum_cSs(difCrossSecIds,S123,PperpSquared,y,code1,code2):
	"""A function to return the sum of each cross section from its process code in the list given."""
	assert (type(difCrossSecIds) == list)
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([S123,PperpSquared,y])
	__kQs = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
	__gC = particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name('gluon')
	__expectedCodes = __kQs + [-x for x in __kQs] + [__gC]
	assert ((code1 in __expectedCodes) and (code2 in __expectedCodes))
	__result = 0.0
	for __difCrossSecId in difCrossSecIds:
		assert ((0 <= __difCrossSecId) and (__difCrossSecId <= 6))
		if __difCrossSecId == 0:
			__result += qqBar_to_qgqBar_cS(S123,PperpSquared,y)
		elif __difCrossSecId == 1:
			__result += qg_to_qgg_cS(S123,PperpSquared,y)
		elif __difCrossSecId == 2:
			__result += gg_to_ggg_cS(S123,PperpSquared,y)
		elif __difCrossSecId == 3:
			__result += qg_to_qQQBar_cS(S123,PperpSquared,y)
		elif __difCrossSecId == 4:
			__result += gg_to_gQQBar_cS(S123,PperpSquared,y)
		elif __difCrossSecId == 5:
			__result += gg_to_gQQBar_cS(S123,PperpSquared,y)
		elif __difCrossSecId == 6:
			__result += qqBar_to_qpqBar_cS(S123,PperpSquared,y,code1,code2)
	return __result
Пример #14
 def calculate(self, Q):
     """A function for calculating the two-loop strong coupling constant at a given COM energy squared."""
     ##Source: Paper 'Measurements of the strong coupling constant and the QCD colour factors using four-jet..
     ##..observables from hadronic Z decays', p4, equations 2-5.
     ##Unlike the others, these equations are given as a function of Q not Q^2 and so use Mz and alphaS(Mz).
     assert assertions.all_are_numbers([Q])
     __Q = assertions.force_float_number(Q)
     __Nf, __Cf, __twoLoopAlphaSOfMz = Nf(
         __Q * __Q), constants.Cf(), self.__twoLoopAlphaSOfMz
     __Mz = particleData.knownParticles.get_mass_from_code(
     ##Adjust betas to those of this paper:
     __beta0 = beta0(__Nf) / __Cf
     __beta1 = beta1(__Nf) / (2.0 * __Cf * __Cf)
         assert assertions.safe_division(__Q)
         __ln1 = math.log(__Mz / __Q)
         __wOfQ = 1.0 - (__beta0 * __twoLoopAlphaSOfMz * __Cf * __ln1 /
                         (2.0 * math.pi))
         __denominator4 = __beta0 * 2.0 * math.pi * __wOfQ
         assert assertions.safe_division(__denominator4)
         __term1 = 1.0 - (__beta1 * __twoLoopAlphaSOfMz * __Cf *
                          math.log(__wOfQ) / __denominator4)
         __denominator5 = __wOfQ
         assert assertions.safe_division(__denominator5)
         __result = __twoLoopAlphaSOfMz * __term1 / __denominator5
         return __result
         ##Breaks down below the cut-off energy as expected.
         print "Error in two-loop at Q =", __Q
         return -1.0
Пример #15
 def get_charge_from_code(self, lookUpCode):
     """A function to return the charge of a particle given its PDG code."""
     assert assertions.all_are_numbers([lookUpCode])
     assert self.has_key(abs(lookUpCode))
     if (lookUpCode > 0.0):
         return self.__pDEs[lookUpCode].get_charge()
     return (-1.0 * self.__pDEs[abs(lookUpCode)].get_charge())
Пример #16
 def __imul__(self, multiplier):  ##Used for *=
     """A function for multiplying a four-vector by a scalar."""
     assert assertions.all_are_numbers([multiplier])
     assert self.__nonzero__()
     __multiplier = assertions.force_float_number(multiplier)
     for __i7 in range(4):
         self[__i7] *= __multiplier
     return self
Пример #17
 def __setitem__(self, i6, newValue):
     """A function to assign an entry in a four-vector object."""
     assert assertions.valid_four_vector_index(i6)
     assert assertions.all_are_numbers([newValue])
     __newValue = assertions.force_float_number(newValue)
     self.__vector[i6] = __newValue
     self.__positionsEmpty[i6] = False
Пример #18
	def __setitem__(self, i6, newValue):
		"""A function to assign an entry in a four-vector object."""
		assert assertions.valid_four_vector_index(i6)
		assert assertions.all_are_numbers([newValue])
		__newValue = assertions.force_float_number(newValue)
		self.__vector[i6] = __newValue
		self.__positionsEmpty[i6] = False
Пример #19
	def __imul__(self,multiplier): ##Used for *=
		"""A function for multiplying a four-vector by a scalar."""
		assert assertions.all_are_numbers([multiplier])
		assert self.__nonzero__()
		__multiplier = assertions.force_float_number(multiplier)
		for __i7 in range(4):
			self[__i7] *= __multiplier
		return self
Пример #20
	def calculate(self,QSquared):
		"""A function for calculating the one-loop fine structure constant at a given COM energy squared."""
		##Source: "https://www.ippp.dur.ac.uk/~krauss/Lectures/QuarksLeptons/QCD/AsymptoticFreedom_1.html".
		assert assertions.all_are_numbers([QSquared])
		__QSquared = assertions.force_float_number(QSquared)
		__Mz = particleData.knownParticles.get_mass_from_code(particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name('Z-boson'))
		__ln = math.log(__QSquared/(__Mz*__Mz))
		__denominator = 1.0 - (self.__oneLoopAlphaEMOfMzSquared*__ln/(3.0*math.pi))
		return self.__oneLoopAlphaEMOfMzSquared / __denominator
Пример #21
	def __init__(self,nameToSet,massToSet = 0.0,widthToSet = 0.0,chargeToSet = 0.0,spinToSet = 0.0):
		"""A function to initiate a PDG entry. Only particles not anti-knownParticles."""
		assert (type(nameToSet) == str)
		assert assertions.all_are_numbers([massToSet,widthToSet,chargeToSet,spinToSet])
		self.__name  = nameToSet
		self.__mass  = assertions.force_float_number(massToSet)
		self.__width = assertions.force_float_number(widthToSet)
		self.__charge = assertions.force_float_number(chargeToSet)
		self.__spin = assertions.force_float_number(spinToSet)
Пример #22
 def __div__(self, denominator):  ##Used for fVA / denominator.
     """A function for dividing a four-vector by a scalar."""
     assert assertions.all_are_numbers([denominator])
     assert assertions.safe_division(denominator)
     assert self.__nonzero__()
     __denominator = assertions.force_float_number(denominator)
     __result3 = self.copy()
     __result3 /= __denominator
     return __result3
Пример #23
	def __idiv__(self,denominator): ##Used for /=
		"""A function for dividing a four-vector by a scalar."""
		assert assertions.all_are_numbers([denominator])
		assert assertions.safe_division(denominator)
		assert self.__nonzero__()
		__denominator = assertions.force_float_number(denominator)
		for __i8 in range(4):
			self[__i8] /= __denominator
		return self
Пример #24
 def __idiv__(self, denominator):  ##Used for /=
     """A function for dividing a four-vector by a scalar."""
     assert assertions.all_are_numbers([denominator])
     assert assertions.safe_division(denominator)
     assert self.__nonzero__()
     __denominator = assertions.force_float_number(denominator)
     for __i8 in range(4):
         self[__i8] /= __denominator
     return self
Пример #25
	def __div__(self,denominator): ##Used for fVA / denominator.
		"""A function for dividing a four-vector by a scalar."""
		assert assertions.all_are_numbers([denominator])
		assert assertions.safe_division(denominator)
		assert self.__nonzero__()
		__denominator = assertions.force_float_number(denominator)
		__result3 = self.copy()
		__result3 /= __denominator
		return __result3
Пример #26
def gg_to_ggg_cS(S123,PperpSquared,y): ##difCrossSecId = 2
	"""A function to calculate the differential cross section for gg -> ggg."""
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([S123,PperpSquared,y])
	__alphaSNow = alphaS.calculate(PperpSquared)
	__x1 = kinematics.calculate_x1(S123,math.sqrt(PperpSquared),y)
	__x3 = kinematics.calculate_x3(S123,math.sqrt(PperpSquared),y)
	__preFactor = (3.0*__alphaSNow)/(4.0*math.pi)
	__numerator = (__x1*__x1*__x1) + (__x3*__x3*__x3)
	__denominator = (1.0 - __x1)*(1.0 - __x3)
	return __preFactor*(__numerator/__denominator)
Пример #27
def Nf(QSquared):
	"""A function to return the number of quark flavours that can be produced given a centre of mass energy squared."""
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([QSquared])
	__QSquared = assertions.force_float_number(QSquared)
	__nf = 0
	for __quarkCode in particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks():
		__quarkMass = particleData.knownParticles.get_mass_from_code(__quarkCode)
		if (2.0*__quarkMass < math.sqrt(__QSquared)):
			__nf += 1
	return __nf
Пример #28
def gg_to_ggg_cS(S123, PperpSquared, y):  ##difCrossSecId = 2
    """A function to calculate the differential cross section for gg -> ggg."""
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([S123, PperpSquared, y])
    __alphaSNow = alphaS.calculate(PperpSquared)
    __x1 = kinematics.calculate_x1(S123, math.sqrt(PperpSquared), y)
    __x3 = kinematics.calculate_x3(S123, math.sqrt(PperpSquared), y)
    __preFactor = (3.0 * __alphaSNow) / (4.0 * math.pi)
    __numerator = (__x1 * __x1 * __x1) + (__x3 * __x3 * __x3)
    __denominator = (1.0 - __x1) * (1.0 - __x3)
    return __preFactor * (__numerator / __denominator)
Пример #29
def qg_to_qQQBar_cS(S123, PperpSquared, y):  ##difCrossSecId = 3
    """A function to calculate the differential cross section for qg -> qQQBar."""
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([S123, PperpSquared, y])
    __alphaSNow = alphaS.calculate(PperpSquared)
    __x1 = kinematics.calculate_x1(S123, math.sqrt(PperpSquared), y)
    __x2 = kinematics.calculate_x2(S123, math.sqrt(PperpSquared), y)
    __x3 = kinematics.calculate_x3(S123, math.sqrt(PperpSquared), y)
    __preFactor = (3.0 * __alphaSNow) / (8.0 * math.pi)
    __numerator = ((1.0 - __x1) * (1.0 - __x1)) + ((1.0 - __x2) * (1.0 - __x2))
    __denominator = (1.0 - __x3)
    return __preFactor * (__numerator / __denominator)
Пример #30
def qg_to_qQQBar_cS(S123,PperpSquared,y): ##difCrossSecId = 3
	"""A function to calculate the differential cross section for qg -> qQQBar."""
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([S123,PperpSquared,y])
	__alphaSNow = alphaS.calculate(PperpSquared)
	__x1 = kinematics.calculate_x1(S123,math.sqrt(PperpSquared),y)
	__x2 = kinematics.calculate_x2(S123,math.sqrt(PperpSquared),y)
	__x3 = kinematics.calculate_x3(S123,math.sqrt(PperpSquared),y)
	__preFactor = (3.0*__alphaSNow)/(8.0*math.pi)
	__numerator = ((1.0 - __x1)*(1.0 - __x1)) + ((1.0 - __x2)*(1.0 - __x2))
	__denominator = (1.0 - __x3)
	return __preFactor*(__numerator/__denominator)
Пример #31
 def calculate(self, QSquared):
     """A function for calculating the one-loop fine structure constant at a given COM energy squared."""
     ##Source: "https://www.ippp.dur.ac.uk/~krauss/Lectures/QuarksLeptons/QCD/AsymptoticFreedom_1.html".
     assert assertions.all_are_numbers([QSquared])
     __QSquared = assertions.force_float_number(QSquared)
     __Mz = particleData.knownParticles.get_mass_from_code(
     __ln = math.log(__QSquared / (__Mz * __Mz))
     __denominator = 1.0 - (self.__oneLoopAlphaEMOfMzSquared * __ln /
                            (3.0 * math.pi))
     return self.__oneLoopAlphaEMOfMzSquared / __denominator
Пример #32
	def __init__(self, tX0=None, tX1=None, tX2=None, tX3=None):
		"""A function to initiate a four-vector object."""
		for __anX in [tX0, tX1, tX2, tX3]:
			assert ((__anX == None) or assertions.all_are_numbers([__anX]))
		self.__positionsEmpty = [False,False,False,False]
		self.__initialX0 , self.__initialX1 , self.__initialX2, self.__initialX3 = tX0 , tX1 , tX2 , tX3
		##Track un-filled four-vectors (using self.__isEmpty = T/F) to prevent empty vector appearing as zero vector.
		assert ((self.__numberInitiallyEmpty == 0) or (self.__numberInitiallyEmpty == 4))
		if (self.__numberInitiallyEmpty == 0):
			self.__isEmpty = False
			self.__initialX0, self.__initialX1 = self.__initialX0 , self.__initialX1
			self.__initialX2, self.__initialX3 = self.__initialX2 , self.__initialX3
			vector = [self.__initialX0,self.__initialX1,self.__initialX2,self.__initialX3]
			assert assertions.all_are_numbers(vector)
			self.__vector = vector
		elif self.__numberInitiallyEmpty == 4:
			self.__isEmpty = True
			self.__vector = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Пример #33
def Nf(QSquared):
    """A function to return the number of quark flavours that can be produced given a centre of mass energy squared."""
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([QSquared])
    __QSquared = assertions.force_float_number(QSquared)
    __nf = 0
    for __quarkCode in particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks():
        __quarkMass = particleData.knownParticles.get_mass_from_code(
        if (2.0 * __quarkMass < math.sqrt(__QSquared)):
            __nf += 1
    return __nf
Пример #34
	def calculate(self,QSquared):
		"""A function for calculating the one-loop strong coupling constant at a given COM energy squared."""
		##Source: 'Determination of the QCD coupling alphaS'.
		assert assertions.all_are_numbers([QSquared])
		__QSquared = assertions.force_float_number(QSquared)
		__Nf= Nf(__QSquared)
		__Mz = particleData.knownParticles.get_mass_from_code(particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name('Z-boson'))
		##Encorporate in factor of 1/4Pi to make the beta function match:
		__beta0 = beta0(__Nf) / (4.0*math.pi)
		__denominator1 = (__Mz*__Mz)
		__ln = math.log(__QSquared/__denominator1)
		__denominator2 = 1.0 + (self.__oneLoopAlphaSOfMzSquared * __beta0 * __ln)
		return self.__oneLoopAlphaSOfMzSquared / __denominator2
Пример #35
def solve_case_group_0(PperpSquaredMax,S123,code1,code2):
	"""A function to return the next Pperp^2, y and winning process for case group 0/A."""
	##qqBar, qBarq, qq or qBarqBar so gluon emission or photon emission.
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquaredMax,S123])
	__kQs = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
	__expectedCodes = __kQs + [-x for x in __kQs]
	assert ((code1 in __expectedCodes) and (code2 in __expectedCodes))
	__difCrossSecIds = [0] ##Gluon emission always possible.
	if assertions.EM_radiation_on():
		__difCrossSecIds.append(6) ##Photon emission possible.
	__PperpSquared, __y, __difCrossSecId = solve_sudakovs(PperpSquaredMax,S123,__difCrossSecIds,code1,code2)
	__convertIdToProcessCode = {None:0,0:1,1:1,2:1,6:3}
	return __PperpSquared, __y, __convertIdToProcessCode[__difCrossSecId]
Пример #36
def calculate_kPerp(S123, Pperp, y):
    """A function to calculate the actual transverse momentum following a dipole splitting."""
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([S123, Pperp, y])
    __E1, __E2, __E3 = calculate_E1(S123, Pperp, y), calculate_E2(
        S123, Pperp, y), calculate_E3(S123, Pperp, y)
    assert (__E2 < (__E1 + __E3))  ##+ve y -> E3>E1 but -ve y -> E1>E3.
    if ((__E2 > __E1) or
        (__E2 >
         __E3)):  ##Too many of these would be a problem so track occurance.
    __term2 = (((__E1 * __E1) - (__E2 * __E2) + (__E3 * __E3)) / (2.0 * __E3))
    kPerpSquared = (__E1 * __E1) - (__term2 * __term2)
    return math.sqrt(kPerpSquared)
Пример #37
def solve_case_group_0(PperpSquaredMax, S123, code1, code2):
    """A function to return the next Pperp^2, y and winning process for case group 0/A."""
    ##qqBar, qBarq, qq or qBarqBar so gluon emission or photon emission.
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquaredMax, S123])
    __kQs = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
    __expectedCodes = __kQs + [-x for x in __kQs]
    assert ((code1 in __expectedCodes) and (code2 in __expectedCodes))
    __difCrossSecIds = [0]  ##Gluon emission always possible.
    if assertions.EM_radiation_on():
        __difCrossSecIds.append(6)  ##Photon emission possible.
    __PperpSquared, __y, __difCrossSecId = solve_sudakovs(
        PperpSquaredMax, S123, __difCrossSecIds, code1, code2)
    __convertIdToProcessCode = {None: 0, 0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 6: 3}
    return __PperpSquared, __y, __convertIdToProcessCode[__difCrossSecId]
Пример #38
def calculate_split_ps(S123, Pperp, y):
    """A function to calculate the new p1,p2,p3 four-vectors following a dipole splitting."""
    ##Letting p2 take +Pperp and p1 take -Pperp by convention.
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([S123, Pperp, y])
    assert ((S123 > 0.0) and (Pperp > 0.0))
    __E1, __E2 = calculate_E1(S123, Pperp, y), calculate_E2(S123, Pperp, y)
    __E3, __kPerp = calculate_E3(S123, Pperp,
                                 y), calculate_kPerp(S123, Pperp, y)
    ##Store all energies produced for plotting graphs after showering:
    __randomPhi, __newP1 = get_random_phi(), fourVectors.fourVector(
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    __newP2, __newP3 = fourVectors.fourVector(0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
                                              0.0), fourVectors.fourVector(
                                                  0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
    assert (0.0 < __randomPhi and __randomPhi < 2.0 * math.pi)
    ##Populate the first vector:
    __newP1[0] = __E1
    __newP1[1] = (-1.0) * __kPerp * math.cos(__randomPhi)
    __newP1[2] = (-1.0) * __kPerp * math.sin(__randomPhi)
    __newP1[3] = math.sqrt((__E1 * __E1) - (__kPerp * __kPerp))
    assert ((__newP1[0] > 0.0) and (__newP1[3] > 0.0))
    ##Populate the second vector:
    __newP2[0] = __E2
    __newP2[1] = __kPerp * math.cos(__randomPhi)
    __newP2[2] = __kPerp * math.sin(__randomPhi)
    __newP2[3] = math.sqrt((__E2 * __E2) - (__kPerp * __kPerp))
    assert (__newP2[0] > 0.0)
    ##Populate the third vector. Entries 1 & 2 already 0 as required:
    __newP3[0] = __E3
    __newP3[3] = (-1.0) * __E3
    assert ((__newP3[0] > 0.0) and (__newP3[3] < 0.0))
    ##Log x's for a produced particle for plotting after showering:
    tX1s.store(calculate_x1(S123, Pperp, y))
    tX3s.store(calculate_x3(S123, Pperp, y))
    ##Check the direction of the produced particle is consistent with parallel momentum conservation.
    ##This allows for different recoil configurations.
    if precision.check_numbers_equal(0.0,
                                     __newP1[3] + __newP2[3] + __newP3[3]):
        return __newP1, __newP2, __newP3
    elif precision.check_numbers_equal(0.0,
                                       __newP1[3] - __newP2[3] + __newP3[3]):
        __newP2[3] = -__newP2[3]
        return __newP1, __newP2, __newP3
    elif precision.check_numbers_equal(0.0,
                                       -__newP1[3] + __newP2[3] + __newP3[3]):
        __newP1[3] = -__newP1[3]
        return __newP1, __newP2, __newP3
Пример #39
def solve_case_group_2(PperpSquaredMax,S123,code1,code2):
	"""A function to return the next Pperp^2, y and winning process for case group 2/C."""
	##qqBar or qBarq so gluon emission, gluon 1 splitting or gluon 2 splitting.
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquaredMax,S123])
	__gC = particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name('gluon')
	assert ((code1 == __gC) and (code2 == __gC))
	__difCrossSecIds = [2] ##Gluon emission always possible.
	if assertions.gluon_splitting_on():
		__difCrossSecIds.append(4) ##Gluon 1 splitting possible.
		__difCrossSecIds.append(5) ##Gluon 2 splitting possible.
		##Note that gluons 1,2 to not refer to a specific gluon in the dipole, only that there are two gluons.
	__PperpSquared, __y, __difCrossSecId = solve_sudakovs(PperpSquaredMax,S123,__difCrossSecIds,code1,code2)
	__convertIdToProcessCode = {None:0,0:1,1:1,2:1,3:2,4:2,5:2}
	return __PperpSquared, __y, __convertIdToProcessCode[__difCrossSecId]
Пример #40
def solve_case_group_2(PperpSquaredMax, S123, code1, code2):
    """A function to return the next Pperp^2, y and winning process for case group 2/C."""
    ##qqBar or qBarq so gluon emission, gluon 1 splitting or gluon 2 splitting.
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquaredMax, S123])
    __gC = particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name('gluon')
    assert ((code1 == __gC) and (code2 == __gC))
    __difCrossSecIds = [2]  ##Gluon emission always possible.
    if assertions.gluon_splitting_on():
        __difCrossSecIds.append(4)  ##Gluon 1 splitting possible.
        __difCrossSecIds.append(5)  ##Gluon 2 splitting possible.
        ##Note that gluons 1,2 to not refer to a specific gluon in the dipole, only that there are two gluons.
    __PperpSquared, __y, __difCrossSecId = solve_sudakovs(
        PperpSquaredMax, S123, __difCrossSecIds, code1, code2)
    __convertIdToProcessCode = {None: 0, 0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 2, 5: 2}
    return __PperpSquared, __y, __convertIdToProcessCode[__difCrossSecId]
Пример #41
 def __init__(self, tX0=None, tX1=None, tX2=None, tX3=None):
     """A function to initiate a four-vector object."""
     for __anX in [tX0, tX1, tX2, tX3]:
         assert ((__anX == None) or assertions.all_are_numbers([__anX]))
     self.__positionsEmpty = [False, False, False, False]
     self.__initialX0, self.__initialX1, self.__initialX2, self.__initialX3 = tX0, tX1, tX2, tX3
     ##Track un-filled four-vectors (using self.__isEmpty = T/F) to prevent empty vector appearing as zero vector.
     assert ((self.__numberInitiallyEmpty == 0)
             or (self.__numberInitiallyEmpty == 4))
     if (self.__numberInitiallyEmpty == 0):
         self.__isEmpty = False
         self.__initialX0, self.__initialX1 = self.__initialX0, self.__initialX1
         self.__initialX2, self.__initialX3 = self.__initialX2, self.__initialX3
         vector = [
             self.__initialX0, self.__initialX1, self.__initialX2,
         assert assertions.all_are_numbers(vector)
         self.__vector = vector
     elif self.__numberInitiallyEmpty == 4:
         self.__isEmpty = True
         self.__vector = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
Пример #42
 def calculate(self, QSquared):
     """A function for calculating the one-loop strong coupling constant at a given COM energy squared."""
     ##Source: 'Determination of the QCD coupling alphaS'.
     assert assertions.all_are_numbers([QSquared])
     __QSquared = assertions.force_float_number(QSquared)
     __Nf = Nf(__QSquared)
     __Mz = particleData.knownParticles.get_mass_from_code(
     ##Encorporate in factor of 1/4Pi to make the beta function match:
     __beta0 = beta0(__Nf) / (4.0 * math.pi)
     __denominator1 = (__Mz * __Mz)
     __ln = math.log(__QSquared / __denominator1)
     __denominator2 = 1.0 + (self.__oneLoopAlphaSOfMzSquared * __beta0 *
     return self.__oneLoopAlphaSOfMzSquared / __denominator2
Пример #43
 def __init__(self,
     """A function to initiate a PDG entry. Only particles not anti-knownParticles."""
     assert (type(nameToSet) == str)
     assert assertions.all_are_numbers(
         [massToSet, widthToSet, chargeToSet, spinToSet])
     self.__name = nameToSet
     self.__mass = assertions.force_float_number(massToSet)
     self.__width = assertions.force_float_number(widthToSet)
     self.__charge = assertions.force_float_number(chargeToSet)
     self.__spin = assertions.force_float_number(spinToSet)
Пример #44
def qqBar_to_qpqBar_cS(S123,PperpSquared,y,code1,code2): ##difCrossSecId = 6
	"""A function to calculate the differential cross section for qqBar -> qpqBar."""
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([S123,PperpSquared,y])
	__kQs = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
	__expectedCodes = __kQs + [-x for x in __kQs]
	assert ((code1 in __expectedCodes) and (code2 in __expectedCodes))
	__alphaEMNow = alphaEM.calculate(PperpSquared)
	__charge1 = particleData.knownParticles.get_charge_from_code(code1)
	__charge2 = particleData.knownParticles.get_charge_from_code(code2)
	__x1 = kinematics.calculate_x1(S123,math.sqrt(PperpSquared),y)
	__x3 = kinematics.calculate_x3(S123,math.sqrt(PperpSquared),y)
	__preFactor = (__alphaEMNow*abs(__charge1)*abs(__charge2))/(2.0*math.pi)
	__numerator = (__x1*__x1) + (__x3*__x3)
	__denominator = (1.0 - __x1)*(1.0 - __x3)
	return __preFactor*(__numerator/__denominator)
Пример #45
def solve_case_group_1(PperpSquaredMax,S123,code1,code2):
	"""A function to return the next Pperp^2, y and winning process for case group 1/B."""
	##qqBar or qBarq so gluon emission or gluon splitting.
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquaredMax,S123])
	__kQs = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
	__gC = particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name('gluon')
	__expectedCodes = __kQs + [-x for x in __kQs] + [__gC]
	assert ((code1 in __expectedCodes) and (code2 in __expectedCodes))
	assert ((code1 == __gC) or (code2 == __gC)) ##One must be a gluon.
	assert (not ((code1 == __gC) and (code2 == __gC))) ##One must be q/qBar.
	__difCrossSecIds = [1] ##Gluon emission always possible.
	if assertions.gluon_splitting_on():
		__difCrossSecIds.append(3) ##Gluon splitting possible.
	__PperpSquared, __y, __difCrossSecId = solve_sudakovs(PperpSquaredMax,S123,__difCrossSecIds,code1,code2,1)
	__convertIdToProcessCode = {None:0,0:1,1:1,2:1,3:2,4:2,5:2}
	return __PperpSquared, __y, __convertIdToProcessCode[__difCrossSecId]
Пример #46
def solve_case_group_1(PperpSquaredMax, S123, code1, code2):
    """A function to return the next Pperp^2, y and winning process for case group 1/B."""
    ##qqBar or qBarq so gluon emission or gluon splitting.
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquaredMax, S123])
    __kQs = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
    __gC = particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name('gluon')
    __expectedCodes = __kQs + [-x for x in __kQs] + [__gC]
    assert ((code1 in __expectedCodes) and (code2 in __expectedCodes))
    assert ((code1 == __gC) or (code2 == __gC))  ##One must be a gluon.
    assert (not ((code1 == __gC) and (code2 == __gC)))  ##One must be q/qBar.
    __difCrossSecIds = [1]  ##Gluon emission always possible.
    if assertions.gluon_splitting_on():
        __difCrossSecIds.append(3)  ##Gluon splitting possible.
    __PperpSquared, __y, __difCrossSecId = solve_sudakovs(
        PperpSquaredMax, S123, __difCrossSecIds, code1, code2, 1)
    __convertIdToProcessCode = {None: 0, 0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 2, 5: 2}
    return __PperpSquared, __y, __convertIdToProcessCode[__difCrossSecId]
Пример #47
def qqBar_to_qpqBar_cS(S123, PperpSquared, y, code1,
                       code2):  ##difCrossSecId = 6
    """A function to calculate the differential cross section for qqBar -> qpqBar."""
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([S123, PperpSquared, y])
    __kQs = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
    __expectedCodes = __kQs + [-x for x in __kQs]
    assert ((code1 in __expectedCodes) and (code2 in __expectedCodes))
    __alphaEMNow = alphaEM.calculate(PperpSquared)
    __charge1 = particleData.knownParticles.get_charge_from_code(code1)
    __charge2 = particleData.knownParticles.get_charge_from_code(code2)
    __x1 = kinematics.calculate_x1(S123, math.sqrt(PperpSquared), y)
    __x3 = kinematics.calculate_x3(S123, math.sqrt(PperpSquared), y)
    __preFactor = (__alphaEMNow * abs(__charge1) * abs(__charge2)) / (2.0 *
    __numerator = (__x1 * __x1) + (__x3 * __x3)
    __denominator = (1.0 - __x1) * (1.0 - __x3)
    return __preFactor * (__numerator / __denominator)
Пример #48
 def calculate(self, QSquared):
     """A function for calculating the four-loop strong coupling constant at a given COM energy squared."""
     ##Using approximate analytic solution.
     ##Source: 'Quantum Chromodynamics', Dissertori Group, Lpthe Group, P Salam, p3, equation 9.5.
     assert assertions.all_are_numbers([QSquared])
     __QSquared = assertions.force_float_number(QSquared)
     __Nf, __pi = Nf(__QSquared), math.pi
     __beta0 = beta0(__Nf) / (4.0 * __pi)
     __beta1 = beta1(__Nf) / ((4.0 * __pi) * (4.0 * __pi))
     __beta2 = beta2(__Nf) / ((4.0 * __pi) * (4.0 * __pi) * (4.0 * __pi))
     __beta3 = beta3(__Nf) / ((4.0 * __pi) * (4.0 * __pi) * (4.0 * __pi) *
                              (4.0 * __pi))
         __denominator6 = (self.__fourLoopLambda * self.__fourLoopLambda)
         assert assertions.safe_division(__denominator6)
         __ln = math.log(__QSquared / __denominator6)
         __denominator7 = __beta0 * __beta0 * __ln
         assert assertions.safe_division(__denominator7)
         __term1 = __beta1 * math.log(__ln) / __denominator7
         __denominator8 = __beta0 * __beta0 * __beta0 * __beta0 * __ln * __ln
         assert assertions.safe_division(__denominator8)
         __term2 = ((__beta1 * __beta1 * (
             (math.log(__ln) * math.log(__ln)) - math.log(__ln) - 1.0)) +
                    __beta0 * __beta2) / __denominator8
         __term3P1 = (math.log(__ln) * math.log(__ln) * math.log(__ln)
                      ) - (5.0 / 2.0) * math.log(__ln) * math.log(
                          __ln) - 2.0 * math.log(__ln) + 0.5
         __denominator9 = (__beta0 * __beta0 * __beta0 * __beta0 * __beta0 *
                           __beta0 * __ln * __ln * __ln)
         assert assertions.safe_division(__denominator9)
         __term3 = (__beta1 * __beta1 * __beta1 *
                    __term3P1) / __denominator9
         __term4 = ((3.0 * __beta0 * __beta1 * __beta2 * math.log(__ln)) -
                    (0.5 * __beta0 * __beta0 * __beta3)) / __denominator9
         __denominator10 = __beta0 * __ln
         assert assertions.safe_division(__denominator10)
         __result = (1.0 - __term1 + __term2 -
                     (__term3 + __term4)) / __denominator10
         return __result
         print "Error in four-loop at QSquared =", __QSquared
         return -1.0
Пример #49
def solve(PperpSquaredMax, S123, code1, code2):
    """A function to return the next Pperp^2, y and winning process for a given dipole."""
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquaredMax, S123])
    __kQs = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
    __gC = particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name('gluon')
    __expectedCodes = __kQs + [-x for x in __kQs] + [__gC]
    assert ((code1 in __expectedCodes) and (code2 in __expectedCodes))
    if ((code1 in __kQs) and ((-code2) in __kQs)):  ##qqBar.
        __caseGroupId = 0
    elif (((-code1) in __kQs) and (code2 in __kQs)):  ##qBarq.
        __caseGroupId = 0
    elif (((code1) in __kQs) and (code2 in __kQs)):  ##qq.
        __caseGroupId = 0
    elif (((-code1) in __kQs) and (-code2 in __kQs)):  ##qBarqBar.
        __caseGroupId = 0
    elif ((code1 in __kQs) and (code2 == __gC)):  ##qg.
        __caseGroupId = 1
    elif (((-code1) in __kQs) and (code2 == __gC)):  ##qBarg.
        __caseGroupId = 1
    elif ((code1 == __gC) and (code2 in __kQs)):  ##gq.
        __caseGroupId = 1
    elif ((code1 == __gC) and ((-code2) in __kQs)):  ##gqBar.
        __caseGroupId = 1
    elif ((code1 == __gC) and (code2 == __gC)):  ##gg.
        __caseGroupId = 2
    if (__caseGroupId == 0):
        __newPperpSquared, __newY, __newProcessCode = solve_case_group_0(
            PperpSquaredMax, S123, code1, code2)
    elif (__caseGroupId == 1):
        __newPperpSquared, __newY, __newProcessCode = solve_case_group_1(
            PperpSquaredMax, S123, code1, code2)
    elif (__caseGroupId == 2):
        __newPperpSquared, __newY, __newProcessCode = solve_case_group_2(
            PperpSquaredMax, S123, code1, code2)
##Process codes: 0 = stop shower, 1 = gluon emission, 2 = gluon splitting, 3 = photon emission.
##gg has two chances for a gluon to split but nothing specifies which is which so if occurs, randomly chosen later.
    return __newPperpSquared, __newY, __newProcessCode
Пример #50
	def force_float_vector(self):
		"""A function to convert all vector integers to floats but leave doubles."""
		for __i2 in range(4):
			assert assertions.all_are_numbers([__i2])
			if (not assertions.check_float(self.__vector[__i2])):
				self.__vector[__i2] = assertions.force_float_number(self.__vector[__i2])
Пример #51
def calc_G(PperpSquared,S123):
	"""A function to calculate the overestimation function G, the primitive of g(PperpSquared) = g1(PperpSquared)*int{g2(y) dy}, for all processes."""
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquared,S123])
	__alphaSMax = alphaS.get_shower_max()
	__term1 = ((-3.0)*__alphaSMax) / (4.0*math.pi)
	return __term1*math.log(S123/PperpSquared)*math.log(S123/PperpSquared)
Пример #52
def solve_sudakovs(PperpSquaredMax,S123,difCrossSecIds,code1,code2,logCrosSecs = None):
	"""A function to generate a PperpSquared and y for an emission or splitting, using the Sudakov form factor."""
	##Codes 1,2 still needed to get the charges for EM radiation.
	##Using veto algorithm in "PYTHIA 6.0 Physics and Manual".
	##And p198 of "Monte Carlo simulations of hard QCD radiation" for bivariant algorithm.
	##And p16 of "Initial-state showering based on colour dipoles connected to incoming parton lines" for real y limits.
	##And p5 of "Fooling around with the Sudakov veto algorithm" for multiple emission form.
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquaredMax,S123])
	assert (type(difCrossSecIds) == list)
	__kQs = particleData.knownParticles.get_known_quarks()
	__gC = particleData.knownParticles.get_code_from_name('gluon')
	__expectedCodes = __kQs + [-x for x in __kQs] + [__gC]
	assert ((code1 in __expectedCodes) and (code2 in __expectedCodes))
	__cutOff = constants.cut_off_energy()*constants.cut_off_energy()
	if (PperpSquaredMax < __cutOff):
		return None, None, None
	__notChosen1, __y, __PperpSquaredi = True, 0, assertions.force_float_number(PperpSquaredMax)
	__PperpSquarediMinus1 = __PperpSquaredi
	while __notChosen1: ##i += 1
		__notChosen2 = True
		while __notChosen2:
			__R1 = random.random()
			__PperpSquaredi = calc_inv_G((math.log(__R1) + calc_G(__PperpSquarediMinus1,S123)),S123)
			if (__PperpSquaredi > S123/4.0): ##The maximum physically possible!
				__notChosen2 = True
				__PperpSquarediMinus1 = __PperpSquaredi
				continue #Re-run the while loop
			if (__PperpSquaredi <= __PperpSquarediMinus1): ##Don't update __PperpSquaredi if fails as would start allowing higher values!
				__notChosen2 = False ##Move on
		if (__PperpSquaredi < __cutOff):
			return None, None, None
		__R2 = random.random()
		__ymin, __ymax = -0.5*math.log(S123/__PperpSquaredi), 0.5*math.log(S123/__PperpSquaredi)
		__yi = calc_inv_G2(__R2*(calc_G2(__ymax) - calc_G2(__ymin)) + calc_G2(__ymin))
		if not check_rapidity_allowed(S123,__PperpSquaredi,__yi): ##Veto incorrect y-range. On the boundary is allowed.
			__PperpSquarediMinus1 = __PperpSquaredi
			continue ##Don't accept, notChosen1 == True, while will run again.
		__R3 = random.random()
		__numberCSIds = len(difCrossSecIds)
		__ratio = sum_cSs(difCrossSecIds,S123,__PperpSquaredi,__yi,code1,code2) / __numberCSIds*calc_g(__PperpSquaredi,__yi)
		if (__ratio <= __R3):
			__PperpSquarediMinus1 = __PperpSquaredi
			continue ##Don't accept, notChosen1 == True, while will run again.
			__notChosen1 = False ##Accept.
	##Prepare weights for choosing Id of process occuring:
	__idWeights = {} ##Empty dictionary initiated.
	for __difCrossSecId in difCrossSecIds: ##Uses the Ids given so will weight for the chosen set.
		__idWeights[__difCrossSecId] = sum_cSs([__difCrossSecId],S123,__PperpSquaredi,__yi,code1,code2)
	__total = sum(__idWeights.itervalues())
	__idWeights.update((x, y/__total) for x, y in __idWeights.items()) ##Normalise them
	assert precision.check_numbers_equal(sum(__idWeights.itervalues()),1.0) ##i.e they should now be normalised to 1.
	##Choose which process:
	__R4 = random.random() ##Doesn't include 1 -> using < not <= for checks is fair.
	__sumSoFar = 0.0
	__chosenId = None
	__chosen = False
	if (logCrosSecs == 1):
	for __difCrossSecId in difCrossSecIds:
		if (not __chosen):
			__sumSoFar += __idWeights[__difCrossSecId]
			if (__R4 < __sumSoFar):
				__chosenId = __difCrossSecId
				__chosen = True
	assert (not (__chosenId == None)) ##Should have chosen by now!
	return __PperpSquaredi, __yi, __chosenId
Пример #53
def S123_to_E(S123):
    """A function to return E from S123."""
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([S123])
    return math.sqrt(S123) / 2.0
Пример #54
	def is_anti_particle(lookUpCode):
		"""A function to check if a particle is an anti-particle given its PDG code."""
		assert assertions.all_are_numbers([lookUpCode])
		return (lookUpCode < 0.0)
Пример #55
def calc_G2(y):
	"""A function to calculate the overestimation function G2, the primitive of g2, for all processes."""
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([y])
	return y
Пример #56
def calc_inv_G2(valueIn):
	"""A function to calculate the inverse of G2 for for all processes."""
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([valueIn])
	return valueIn
Пример #57
def calc_g(PperpSquared,y): ##Calculate the function g(Pperpsquared,y) = g1(Pperpsquared)*g2(y).
	"""A function to calculate the overestimation function g for all processes."""
	assert assertions.all_are_numbers([PperpSquared,y])
	__alphaSMax = alphaS.get_shower_max()
	return (3.0*__alphaSMax) / (2.0*math.pi*PperpSquared)
Пример #58
def calculate_E1(S123, Pperp, y):
    """A function to calculate a value of E1 following a dipole splitting."""
    assert assertions.all_are_numbers([S123, Pperp, y])
    __E1 = 0.5 * (math.sqrt(S123) - (Pperp * math.exp(y)))
    return __E1
Пример #59
	def is_boson(self,lookUpCode):
		"""A function to check if a particle is a boson given its PDG code."""
		assert assertions.all_are_numbers([lookUpCode])
		assert self.has_key(abs(lookUpCode))
		return (self.__bosons.count(abs(lookUpCode)) > 0.0)